Events in Russia

It should also be noted that Putin quoted and explained in detail Ukraines laws and constitution in terms of the rights a president has and contrasted it with the unlawful step they are making now in canceling the elections. In other words, Putin might have layed out the legal framework that will make it a lawful act for Russia to not be bound by anything Zelensky says and/or represents in the future. In other words, the Kiev regime becomes even more and concretely illegitimate now, which might open more ways for Russia to handle the situation, while still abiding by commonly recognized laws/procedures at the same time.
- "I sincerely wish you success in this difficult work to ensure Russia's security, our national interests, strengthen the country's position in the world, promote integration processes and bilateral relations with our partners."
They predicted that it would be rejected and that is what has happened. Putin knew that, but he is following a process -as much for Russia and its allies as anyone else.

Two words that all of this brings to mind - Caesar and Clemency.
Indeed. The job here is, I think, to make Ukrainian bioweapon lab owner oligarchs in the West and EU to lift their hands from Ukraine and declare their Ukrainian and Georgian bioweapons labs business interests to be lost permanently, because of the world-wide push of the rising Multipolar International Community. That's the real job here.

Russia already began making multiple blips on Western secret service radars around the world with the Cuban visit, Venezuela support, Africa support. Recently:
Another Zircon-Onyx-Kalibr-Otvet carrier Marshal Shaposhnikov together with RKR Varyag (this one, unlike sunk Moskva, is fully upgraded and digitized) was visiting Egypt.
Listening to the Russian ship and submarine commanders in the Cuba videos, they clearly remark, how nervous US army and MSM is and what desperate actions the are trying with putting many orange floating microphones into the water to pathetically try to get the Russian submarine's - Kazan's visiting Cuba - acoustic signature. This to easily detect all Russian nuclear submarines of similar make secretly prowling the waters of US.

Russian commanders remark with what steps they are not allowing this US plan to be accomplished, by - as you can see in the videos the Russian sailors - simply fishing the floating US microphone units out of the water.

Placing many such CIA-exhausting radar blips onto the world map appears to be one method to lift Western attention away from Ukraine and EU/Kosovo and similarly ignitable / hystericizable areas. The other is the growing new Asian economical organizations and BRICS.

Countries all over the world need to realize they must take the reins and stop their own running horses - scared by CIA / Mossad - to prevent them dragged into the Abyss, where the West is falling.

Indeed. The job here is, I think, to make Ukrainian bioweapon lab owner oligarchs in the West and EU to lift their hands from Ukraine and declare their Ukrainian and Georgian bioweapons labs business interests to be lost permanently, because of the world-wide push of the rising Multipolar International Community. That's the real job here.

Russia already began making multiple blips on Western secret service radars around the world with the Cuban visit, Venezuela support, Africa support. Recently:

Listening to the Russian ship and submarine commanders in the Cuba videos, they clearly remark, how nervous US army and MSM is and what desperate actions the are trying with putting many orange floating microphones into the water to pathetically try to get the Russian submarine's - Kazan's visiting Cuba - acoustic signature. This to easily detect all Russian nuclear submarines of similar make secretly prowling the waters of US.

Russian commanders remark with what steps they are not allowing this US plan to be accomplished, by - as you can see in the videos the Russian sailors - simply fishing the floating US microphone units out of the water.

Placing many such CIA-exhausting radar blips onto the world map appears to be one method to lift Western attention away from Ukraine and EU/Kosovo and similarly ignitable / hystericizable areas. The other is the growing new Asian economical organizations and BRICS.

Countries all over the world need to realize they must take the reins and stop their own running horses - scared by CIA / Mossad - to prevent them dragged into the Abyss, where the West is falling.

Imagine this, CNN on board russian ultra modern ship in Cuba just a few years ago. Would be unbelievable. World is changing faster and faster.
Regardless of whether this is true or not, it is obvious that we should not relax in any case. Terrorist activity will definitely continue.
After the attack on Crocus City Hall, the militants were preparing another terrorist attack at the mall
Turkish intelligence helped prevent a terrorist attack in a Moscow shopping mall

After the attack on Crocus City Hall, the terrorists were preparing another terrorist attack in the Moscow shopping center, which was prevented thanks to the efforts of Turkish intelligence. This is reported by the Turkish newspaper Hürriyet. A militant group linked to the terrorist organization Vilayat Khorasan, banned in the Russian Federation, was planning a new attack.

According to information received by the Turkish special services from the militants themselves, the attack was supposed to take place after the attack on Crocus City Hall. The Turkish special services promptly contacted their Moscow colleagues and transmitted information about the impending terrorist attack, which prevented the tragedy.

The local cell "Vilayat Khorasan" attracted the attention of Turkish security forces after the attack on St. Mary's Catholic Church in Istanbul in late January. After the attack on the Crocus, Turkish special services interrogated a number of suspects and established contact with the Russian side, providing critical information.

The Russian side has not yet officially commented on this information.
После атаки на «Крокус Сити Холл» боевики готовили еще один теракт в торговом центре

Вне зависимости от того правда это или нет, очевидно, что нам расслабляться ни в коем случае нельзя. Террористическая деятельность однозначно будет продолжена.
Are you all ready? Soon it looks like there will be a Russophobic explosion: the axis of evil is strengthening!
Portraits of Putin, flags of Russia and North Korea on the streets: Pyongyang is preparing for the visit of the President of the Russian Federation (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Today, Vladimir Putin will arrive in the capital of the DPRK on an official visit. On this occasion, the streets of Pyongyang and Sunan Airport are decorated with flags of Russia and North Korea, as well as portraits of the Russian leader.

He was last in this country in 2000. Then he met with the then acting head of state, Kim Jong Il.

The president will go straight from the DPRK on a state visit to another friendly Asian country, Vietnam (for the first time in seven years). Both visits are scheduled as two-day visits, the main part of each of them will take place on the second day.

The talks will take place at Kim Jong-un's residence in both narrow and expanded format. The most "important and sensitive" issues will be raised as part of a long informal conversation between the leaders of the countries, which will take place during a walk around the residence and during a tea party, as was the case with Chinese President Xi Jinping during the recent visit of the Russian president to China.

The Russian delegation to the DPRK will include Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, First Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov, Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak, Defense Minister Andrei Belousov and his Deputy for Armaments Alexei Krivoruchko, Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology Alexander Kozlov (he and Chairman of the intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Economic, scientific and technical cooperation), Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko, Minister of Transport Roman Starovoit, Head of Roscosmos Yuri Borisov, Head of Russian Railways Oleg Belozerov and Governor of Primorsky Krai Oleg Kozhemyako.

Все приготовились? Скоро похоже будет русофобский взрыв: ось зла усиливается!
Of course, this event in itself is not so important, but if you take all this together with Putin's recent visits to North Korea and Vietnam, then you can't even call it unimportant.
Russia and Cambodia have signed the first ever military agreement
The Russian ground Forces and the Royal Cambodian Army have signed a memorandum of understanding, the Cambodian Khmer Times portal reported.
"The commanders of the armed forces of Cambodia and Russia have signed a memorandum of understanding with the aim of strengthening and expanding ties to make them closer, long—lasting and trusting, based on equality and mutual benefit," the Cambodian army said in a statement.

According to the publication, this was the first ever military agreement between the two countries.
On the Cambodian side, the memorandum was signed by Mao Sofan, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Armed Forces and Commander of the Royal Cambodian Army. He visited Russia on a three-day official visit, during which he was received by the Commander-in-Chief of the army, General Oleg Salyukov.
"Both sides expressed pride in the friendly relations, trust and mutual respect inherited from the previous generation of leaders," the Cambodian army added.
Moscow and Phnom Penh highly appreciated military cooperation and pledged to strengthen cooperation between their armies.
As the Secretary General of the Royal Academy of Cambodia, Jan Peu, stressed, military relations between Cambodia and Russia will remain strong, despite the situation in Ukraine.
Россия и Камбоджа подписали первое в истории военное соглашение

Конечно само по себе это событие и не так важно, но если взять все это вместе с недавними визитами Путина В Северную Корею и Вьетнам, то и неважным это уже назвать язык не поворачивается.
I liked the last point the most. My "beloved" Estonians have already become household names.
Lavrov on the political realities and the future of Russia: key statements at the Primakov Readings

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov spoke about the political realities and the future of Russia.

Key statements of the Foreign Minister at the Primakov Readings.

► The Minister called Western claims that a return to the 1991 borders would end the conflict in Ukraine "ridiculous."

According to Lavrov, the desire of some countries for military and political dominance in the past has invariably ended badly for them.

The US elite, despite past failures, continues to believe in its exclusivity.

The Biden administration's desire to inflict a "strategic defeat" on Russia is obviously doomed to failure.

► Russia only strives to ensure that threats to its security do not come from the western direction.

Moscow plans to restore the Russia—India—China format.

► Lavrov noted the "Estonization" of the EU, pointing to the appointment of Russophobes as future leaders of the European Union.

Мне больше всего понравился последний пункт. Мои "любимые" эстонцы уже стали нарицательными.
It should also be noted that Putin quoted and explained in detail Ukraines laws and constitution in terms of the rights a president has and contrasted it with the unlawful step they are making now in canceling the elections. In other words, Putin might have layed out the legal framework that will make it a lawful act for Russia to not be bound by anything Zelensky says and/or represents in the future. In other words, the Kiev regime becomes even more and concretely illegitimate now, which might open more ways for Russia to handle the situation, while still abiding by commonly recognized laws/procedures at the same time.

Dmitry Orlov wrote a bit about this in technical detail:
Those who stridently demand that Zelensky, or Biden, or whoever else negotiate with Putin over his terms are missing an important point: at present, there is really no one for Putin to negotiate with. Zelensky is, according to the Ukrainian constitution, no longer the president: his five-year term expired in May and to win a new term he has to win an election, which he had cancelled. With Zelensky out, in accordance with the Ukrainian constitution, power automatically vests in the speaker of the parliament, the Verkhovna Rada; except that the speaker, a former weight loss champion by the name of Ruslan Stefanchuk, has declined to take the reigns. And then, in absence of new elections, the term of the Verkhovna Rada itself expires on August 11, at which point power in the former Ukraine reverts to the regions, some of which would then be free to organize a public referendum and to vote to join Russia.

The theme of his piece is the punishment of the West. Once the war is over, he writes with some confidence that there will be new war crimes tribunals, although I don't see any of that happening in the near future - either the end of the war or war crimes tribunals. But it could be a case of small, incremental change, then everything all at once. I think it's more likely that war crimes tribunals will be cosmic, and happen via earth changes, before the end of the SMO. He also speculates about Russia using tactical nukes on the USA, which I don't think is on the table... not unless a certain Israeli spy agency is involved.

He's of the opinion that Putin's recent peace offer was more of an ultimatum, in the sense that if it is not accepted (which it obviously wasn't), then there will be subsequent offers - each one less and less favourable to the West. Full piece below, a sort of bird's-eye view of future possibilities:

"War and Punishment" is not just a great novel by a great Russian author Tolstoyevsky; it is also Russia's foreign policy. Suppose you ignite a war on Russia's border with the hopes of destroying Russia — and lose it. What do you suppose will happen to you next? Peace? No, you will be punished. Your punishment, for didactic purposes, could be separated into five categories: financial, economic, political, social and cultural:

• Financially — your banking institutions will be shunned and your currencies will be excluded from international circulation, depriving you of banking profits, the benefits of seignorage and the continued ability to run structural trade and fiscal deficits and to run up debts.

• Economically — you will pay double or quadruple for key resources without which your industry will be unable to function — resources such as natural gas, enriched uranium, titanium for aircraft manufacturing, rare earths and noble gases for semiconductor manufacturing and much else. This will cause your industry to shrivel up, in turn making it impossible to maintain your civilian and military infrastructure.

• Politically — your politicians will become so vastly unpopular that they will get voted out of office. The entire political elite will crumble and be replaced by random people off the street who will proceed to make things worse — much worse. With each next iteration, demagogues will be replaced by charlatans, charlatans by mafiosi and mafiosi by monsters.

• Socially — your societies will splinter into those who can't stop lying and those who can't stand listening to any more lies, resulting in social strife and conflict. A constant low-intensity civil war will periodically flare up to a conflagration, engulfing this or that once great city until only ruins and ashes will remain of it.

• Culturally — your culture will come to be regarded as based on lies and therefore degenerate and toxic and will be excluded by much of the rest of the world as a dangerous, contagious disease. Your cultural scene will come to be dominated by freaks, from morbidly obese beauty queens to "musicians" whose art consists of shouting out streams of obscenities. Your very language will become so vulgar that the rest of the world will bleep out your every attempt to communicate.

Shifting from the general to the specific, let us talk about the former Ukraine in light of Putin's recent speech before the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The full text of it is available here [Meeting with Foreign Ministry senior officials] and I very much recommend that you read it in its entirety. In this speech, Putin gave specific instructions to his colleagues at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, detailing what it is that they are authorized to communicate to their counterparts in other nations.

What these MFA officials have been tasked with is to break through a chorus of lies endlessly repeated by Western media and officials. The staggeringly huge lie at the center of it all is the assertion, endlessly repeated, that Russia's Special Military Operation (SMO) to demilitarize and denazify the former Ukraine is "an unprovoked act of aggression." As Putin explained, it is, in fact, a police action to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe.

In February of 2022, Ukrainian troops were massed on the border of Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, shelling civilian districts and getting ready to invade. Russia's timely response prevented a full-blown humanitarian disaster. Since Donetsk and Lugansk are inhabited by Russians who are scarcely different from those living across the border in Rostov, Belgorod and Voronezh regions, Russia was saving the lives of its own people.

Please don't confuse SMO with the Washingtonians' favorite ploy which they call "responsibility to protect" or R2P, championed by the world-class hypocrite Samantha Power. This ploy generally involves using a fake humanitarian crisis to unleash unprovoked aggression such as against Serbia, Iraq, Libya and Syria. Also note that the Ukraine had lost its sovereignty in the violent government overthrow of 2014 and its military was operating under remote control from Washington, so that the over 6000 civilians murdered and the over 13500 civilians wounded in the Donbass by the Ukrainian military since 2014 are America's genocide.

The first task is for Russia to win on the battlefield — then will come the punishment. War crimes have no jurisdictional boundaries and no statutes of limitations. Each war crime has a name, a rank and a serial number. Each war crime is punishable by life in prison or (local legislation allowing) execution. There is at the moment a moratorium on capital punishment in Russia, but in the future, by popular demand, it may be lifted for war criminals.

Execution by firing squad is considered the honorable way to die. A simple pistol shot to the head (what the Russians call a "control shot") is relatively quick and painless. Public hanging was the fate of convicted war criminals after World War II. But what, pray tell, is to be done to the murderers of this young woman, Christina, who's been called the Madonna of Gorlovka, killed using artillery or mortar fire? Why not be just a bit more creative?

As always, there may exist extenuating circumstances. Suppose you were a poor semi-literate Ukrainian lad (Ukrainian primary and secondary education is rather dismal) who's been relentlessly brainwashed by American propaganda to irrationally hate the Russians to the point of insanity? Being assessed to be non compos mentis would make the poor lad a poor candidate to stand trial for war crimes.

Or how about a father of a family who had been gang-pressed into the Ukrainian military while his family was being held as hostages by the Kiev régime and would have been badly mistreated should he have refused to follow the régime's criminal orders? A prosecutor would argue that a war crime is still a war crime, whether committed under duress or not, and that following criminal orders is itself a crime, but a jury might vacillate on rendering a guilty verdict.

Well, then, how about the US officials who thought up the brilliant plan to turn the Ukraine into an anti-Russia and to use the poor unwitting Ukrainians as cannon fodder to throw at Russia in a failed attempt to fatally weaken or, ideally, to destroy it? For them, truly medieval methods of torture and humiliation unavoidably spring to some people's minds.

This may seem like a self-indulgent digression from the serious topic of Putin's speech before the MFA, but I believe it is important to understand the mindset of the average hard-working Putin supporters who made Russia great again. On Russian television, talk shows discussing the use of nuclear weapons to destroy America have become noticeably more popular of late. Destroying America, experts tell the viewers, is just not that hard.

All you have to do is take out four major seaports using relatively tiny tactical nukes.
.. and then just wait a month or two. Since the US no longer makes even half of what it needs to survive, including food, it wouldn't persist too long after that. That is, it will still exist, as many truly miserable countries do, but not as a country for Russia, or the rest of the world, to worry about, or so these experts assure the audience. But there is still some unease about the danger of starting a big bad nuclear war.

Other experts are happy to report that the US is on its last legs in any case and a combination of factors, some financial, some physical, will deal it a coup de grace soon enough without having to risk starting a big bad nuclear war. The terminal malaise of the US is about much more than the obvious incapacity to govern being demonstrated by the geriatrics that supposedly govern it, or the fact that each next generation of Americans is less capable than the previous one. Rather, it is about the numbers; specifically, about trillions of dollars. Interest on the federal debt now amounts to a trillion dollars a year. Federal budget deficit has reached two trillion a year. In order to maintain solvency, the US federal government has to borrow another trillion every three months.

Putin seems to be in agreement with the second camp; he delayed starting the SMO for as long as possible and is in no hurry to finish it, quite possibly to time that event to coincide with the US going down for the count after knocking itself out with a feather. A large majority of Russians trust his judgment and have sufficient patience to wait the US out.

I'm not sure if his majority support will last much longer if more US missile strikes go unanswered, tho. Or if there is a Russian response, if it isn't 'big' enough... I picture people just getting more and more angry. I think a population can only handle so many deaths of civilians at the hands of Nazis. And Western agents can agitate in this way, too - 'Putin is weak', etc.

Videos of Biden freezing up every time a punched card gets jammed in his punched card hopper or defecating into his diaper while standing next to the president of France at a solemn ceremony, or of his charming assistant Kamala spouting gibberish and cackling madly, all create the image of an enemy that can be kept off with a few judicious pokes and prods with the business end of a sharp stick rather than held at bay with nuclear weapons.

In his speech, Putin spelled out certain terms for the cessation of armed conflict in the former Ukraine. Some people took these terms to be points for further discussion or negotiation; they are not. These terms are for acceptance — in which case there may be peace — or rejection — in which case military action will continue and huge numbers of Ukrainians will continue to die. And then will come the next set of terms, which will be worse than the current ones. Just today, speaking at a press conference in Vietnam, Putin gently reminded that the current terms won't be on offer for long and will change as the situation on the ground evolves.

Some people took Putin's conditions to be some sort of ultimatum. Clearly they would benefit from looking up a big vocabulary word like "ultimatum" in a dictionary. An ultimatum is "a final demand or statement of terms, the rejection of which will result in retaliation or a breakdown in relations." An ultimatum can't include words such as "should", as in "Ukraine should adopt a neutral, non-aligned status, be nuclear-free, and undergo demilitarization and denazification."

Nor can it include conditions or offers to negotiate based on such conditions, such as "...once Kiev agrees to the course of action proposed today, including the full withdrawal of its troops from the DPR, LPR, the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, and begins this process earnestly, we are prepared to commence negotiations promptly without delay." And then here's the ultimate "condition": "Naturally, this entails the removal of all Western sanctions against Russia as well."

Those who stridently demand that Zelensky, or Biden, or whoever else negotiate with Putin over his terms are missing an important point: at present, there is really no one for Putin to negotiate with. Zelensky is, according to the Ukrainian constitution, no longer the president: his five-year term expired in May and to win a new term he has to win an election, which he had cancelled. With Zelensky out, in accordance with the Ukrainian constitution, power automatically vests in the speaker of the parliament, the Verkhovna Rada; except that the speaker, a former weight loss champion by the name of Ruslan Stefanchuk, has declined to take the reigns. And then, in absence of new elections, the term of the Verkhovna Rada itself expires on August 11, at which point power in the former Ukraine reverts to the regions, some of which would then be free to organize a public referendum and to vote to join Russia.

Anyone who thinks that Putin's current, soon-to-expire terms are unacceptable shouldn't wait for the next round because the next set of terms will be unacceptable to the nth power. That is, each next set of conditions is guaranteed to be worse than the previous set, and it simply isn't known what, if anything, will remain of the former Ukraine if the SMO is allowed to run its course to the end. This prediction is an extrapolation based on an established pattern.

• Let's recall that at the beginning of the whole Ukraine/US mess Russia was happy to lease the Sevastopol military base from the Ukraine. But then the US and NATO made plans to throw out the Russian navy and to turn Sevastopol into a NATO naval base (and made no secret of the fact). It was hardly an accident that following the Kiev putsch of 2014 Crimea voted to become Russian.

• The people of Donetsk and Lugansk didn't like the new US-controlled Kiev régime and rebelled against it. In response, the Kiev régime started a nine-year campaign of terror against these two regions. Russia's response was to negotiate the Minsk agreements, which would grant these regions autonomy but keep them within the Ukraine.

• The Kiev régime (or, rather, the Americans who control it) had no intention of fulfilling the terms of the Minsk agreements and prepared to attack and destroy the two separatist enclaves of Donetsk and Lugansk. Russia thwarted their attack by recognizing the independence of these regions and responding to their request for help by launching the SMO. At the same time, Russia entered negotiations with Kiev that culminated with the İstanbul agreements that would keep Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk as part of Russia but would allow Kiev to control Zaporozhye and Kherson (controlled by Russian forces at the time) if Kiev were to grant Russia land access to Crimea. Kiev refused to accept this agreement.

• The conditions currently on offer stipulate Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhye and Kherson as sovereign Russian territory but allow Kiev to keep the rest provided it disarms and prosecutes its Nazi war criminals. Oh, and Russian has to become an official language again, taught at schools and universities. Oh, and the Ukraine has to maintain neutrality. Oh, and all the sanctions against Russia have to be dropped. But Kiev's American puppeteers are highly unlikely to accept this offer.

• And that would bring us to the next offer: Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Nikolaev and Odessa regions hold referenda and vote to join the Russian Federation. Hurrah! Still no takers?

• The next offer after that: Chernigov, Sumy, Poltava and Kirovograd regions revert to Russia. Still not sweet enough for the Americans?

• Well, OK then! How about Russia takes Cherkasy, Vinnitsa, Zhitomir and... Kiev regions? This would give Russia a nice, almost straight, highly defensible border. And then the former Ukraine (whatever it will then be called) can just keep the rest. Poland, Hungary and Romania will, no doubt, fight over various bits of it; let it be their problem for the next century or two. It will be a sort of gremlin preserve for old, worn out Ukrainian Nazi war criminals, like the Idlib province in northern Syria is now for old ISIS miscreants, now that their Pentagon/CIA masters have abandoned them.

But if the US is on its last legs in any case, why make it offers it clearly isn't ready to accept? Why not just ignore it for the duration? The answer has to do not with the US or the West but with the rest of the world, which now comprises a global majority, includes all the economically developing nations and has generally friendly or neutral relations with Russia. Before this vast audience, Russia strives to appear as a peaceful nation trying to end an armed conflict that was foisted on it by the hostile US seeking to inflict damage on it in order to rob it.

But Russia is not a victim; it rose to the challenge and is countering this threat, and by doing so it has become the champion of the Global South in its effort to put an end to the legacy of Western oppression. As the champion of the entire world minus the West, Russia must appear not selfish or grasping but highly moral. As a 75% Christian nation (and 25% Moslem) Russia has to do the Christian thing: offer sinners a path to confession, repentance and, eventually, atonement and salvation.

I just hope this isn't their undoing. I get why the pace is slow, methodical, etc. But that also gives NATO and the CIA/MI6/Mossad time to plan for whatever it is they plan for - maybe something a bit more drastic than usual, something along the lines of the 'program change' mentioned by the C's.

If the Americans who fomented the unholy Ukrainian mess fail to accept responsibility and atone for their crimes with contrition and humility, then they will surely go straight to Hell, but as long as any of them remain alive the path to salvation must be kept open for them. Putin, as an Orthodox Christian, must believe that "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom [he is] first" [1 Timothy 1:15] and refrain from judgment of others, instead offering them a chance for repentance and salvation.

While continued military action is, at this point, unavoidable, what Russia strives for is security, and not just for itself but for all of Eurasia. Putin expressed this in the plainest terms possible: "...the future security architecture should be open to all Eurasian countries that wish to participate in its creation... [including] European and NATO countries as well." Or it may not, their participation being entirely voluntary.

And what is the gravest threat to Europe's security? "The main threat to Europeans is their critical and increasing dependence on the United States in military, political, technological, ideological, and informational aspects." Russia wants to help Europe free itself from US occupation that is an 80-year holdover of World War II that should have ended 35 year ago with the end of the Cold War. What role does Putin see for the US moving forward? " is necessary, in the long term, to gradually phase out the military presence of external powers in the Eurasian region." This is probably the gentlest, most polite way to express "Yankee, go home!" that anyone could have formulated.
I have already apologized here before for publishing news about "independent" Georgia in a thread about Russia, which, in fact, "independent" Georgians may categorically dislike. However, the following news just shows the need for quotation marks to the word independence in relation to Georgia. How quickly the "democratic" fleur disappears and how quickly the leash with a strict collar is stretched. It was only in the USSR that it was possible to eat unearned food for decades and think of themselves as superhumans. Such tricks do not work with real bourgeois, they themselves like to eat unearned food.
The United States plans a change of power in Georgia following the results of the parliamentary elections
The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) reports on the determination of the United States to seek a change of power in Georgia following the parliamentary elections scheduled for October 26. According to the SVR, the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden has developed a large-scale information campaign aimed at discrediting the ruling Georgian Dream party.

The basis of the propaganda campaign, according to the SVR, will be accusations against Russia, which will be presented as the main culprit of all Georgia's troubles. SVR notes that Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili should play a key role in this regard. She is expected to give an interview to the American media, in which she will blame the government for the degradation of negotiations on Tbilisi's accession to the European Union and warn of the catastrophic consequences of rapprochement with Moscow.

The SVR also stressed that the American "curators" have already given the command to the opposition forces in Georgia to start planning protests in the country. These protests may be aimed at creating tension and destabilizing the situation, which will put additional pressure on the government and lead to a change of power.
США планируют смену власти в Грузии по итогам парламентских выборов

Georgia's accession to the EU has been suspended, funds have been frozen
The process of Georgia's accession to the European Union has been suspended due to current political events and the adoption of a number of laws that are of concern to European leaders. This was stated by the EU Ambassador to Georgia Pavel Gerchinsky at the last meeting of the European Council.

"Unfortunately, the process of Georgia's accession to the European Union is currently at an impasse — this decision was made by the EU leaders," Gerchinsky said.

He stressed that the adoption of the law on "foreign agents" by the Georgian authorities was a step back and significantly complicated the country's further progress towards EU membership.

The Ambassador also expressed concern about recent events in Georgia, including the intimidation of civil society and the spread of misinformation about the European Union and its values.

"Recently, we have been observing negative developments in Georgia. The EU leaders have clearly stated that if the Georgian government does not change its course, the country will not be able to move forward on the path to the European Union," he added.

In addition, the European Union has frozen 30 million euros allocated for the Georgian defense sector. Gerchinsky noted that in case of further deterioration of the situation, the EU will consider the possibility of introducing additional measures.
Вступление Грузии в ЕС приостановлено, средства заморожены

And if someone thinks that such processes can only concern obvious limitrophes, then this is not the case at all. Here is an example that shows that only specific tools are slightly different, and the policy is exactly the same.
China terminated the contract for the supply of equipment for Arctic LNG 2 a few days before delivery
China cancelled the delivery of liquefied natural gas (LNG) modules for the Arctic LNG-2 project just days before their arrival in the Murmansk Region. This is reported by gCaptain with reference to a source.

NOVATEK's Arctic LNG-1, Arctic LNG-2 and Murmansk LNG projects were severely damaged after the imposition of US sanctions against these projects and Chinese companies cooperating with Russia. As a result, the Chinese manufacturer of gas liquefaction plants, Wison New Energies, announced the termination of cooperation with Russia.

The vessel with the Wison equipment was already on its way, having traveled most of the route, including the South China Sea, the Indian Ocean and most of the Atlantic Ocean. During June, she cruised off the Faroe Islands before heading for Gibraltar. However, due to sanctions, the delivery was canceled and the ship was forced to return back.

These events threaten the implementation of the Arctic LNG-2 project, which has already faced serious difficulties due to sanctions. According to the Wall Street Journal, the project cannot start gas supplies and was forced to stop production. NOVATEK needs specialized vessels to transport gas, which are now impossible to buy or build due to sanctions restrictions.

The situation with China's refusal to supply equipment is a serious blow to Russian energy projects in the Arctic.
Китай разорвал контракт на поставку оборудования для «Арктик СПГ 2» за несколько дней до доставки

Я уже раньше здесь извинялся за то, что публикую новости о "независимой" Грузии в ветке о России, что, собственно, может категорически не понравится "независимым" грузинам. Однако следующие новости как раз и показывают необходимость кавычек к слову независимость по отношению к Грузии. Как же быстро улетучивается "демократический" флёр и как же быстро натягивается поводок со строгим ошейником. Это только в составе СССР можно было десятилетиями жрать незаработанное и мнить себя сверхчеловеками. С настоящими буржуями такие фокусы не проходят, они и сами любят жрать незаработанное.
А если кто то подумает, что такие процессы могут касаться только очевидных лимитрофов, то это совсем не так. Вот пример, который показывает, что только конкретные инструменты несколько другие, а политика точно такая же.
At the end of June, a new list of sanctioned and blocked pages in Russia emerged.

Russia announces ban on 81 E.U. media outlets, including Der Spiegel and Politico

4:55 pm, June 25, 2024
Source: Meduza

Russia’s Foreign Ministry has announced it will block domestic access to 81 E.U.-based media outlets in retaliation for a new E.U. ban on four Kremlin-backed outlets that went into effect on Tuesday.
The ministry claimed that the 81 outlets “systematically disseminate false information about the progress of the special military operation.” It said it will reconsider the ban if the E.U. lifts its ban on the Russian state news agency RIA Novosti and newspapers Izvestia and Rossiyskaya Gazeta.
The list of banned outlets includes news publications, TV channels, and radio stations from all but two E.U. countries — Luxembourg and Croatia. The list includes prominent outlets like Politico (both its European and American editions), Germany’s Der Spiegel, and France’s Le Monde, among others.

1. State television and radio company ORF (
2. Osterreich Media Holding (
3. Le Vif magazine (
4. Knack Magazine (
5. News information portal Mediapool (
6. Newspaper 24 Chasa (
7. Information internet-portal (
8. Der Spiegel magazine (
9. Newspaper Die Zeit (
10. Newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (
11. “Greek Radio and Television” ERT News (,
12. Skai Media Holding (
13. Mega TV channel (
14. Newspaper Proto Thema (
15. Daily newspaper Berlingske (
16. Information publication (
17. National broadcaster RTE (
18. The Irish Times newspaper (
19. The Irish Independent (
20. El Mundo newspaper (
21. El Pais newspaper (
22. EFE News Agency (
23. Spanish state television Televisión Española (
24. National broadcasting channel LA7 (
25. La Stampa newspaper (
26. La Repubblica newspaper (
27. TV company RAI (,
28. Politis newspaper (
29. Electronic information portal Cyprus Times (
30. Newspaper Cyprus Mail (
31. Latvian Television and Latvian Radio 4 (
32. Internet portal
33. Internet TV channel
34. Publication Diena (
35. LRT Internet portal (
36. Internet portal (
37. Internet portal (
38. Central state television channel Television Malta TVM (
39. Times of Malta (
40. The Malta Independent newspaper (
41. Newspaper Malta Today (
42. Broadcasting company NOS (
43. Newspaper Nrc (
44. Newspaper Algemeen Dagblad (
45. Belsat TV channel (,
46. Magazine “New Poland” (,
47. TV channel RTP Internacional (
48. Newspaper Publico (
49. Expresso newspaper (
50. Information and analytical project Observador (
51. TV channel Pro TV International (satellites “Eutelsat 16A -16 EST” and “Astra 5B - 31.5 EST” websites:,
52. Digi24 TV channel (satellite “Eutelsat 16A - 16EST” website
53. TV channel B1TV (satellite “Astra 5B - 31.5 EST” website
54. SME newspaper (
55. Internet publication Dennik N (
56. Online publication Nova24 (,
57. Internet publication Demokracija (,
58. Newspaper Ilta-Sanomat (
59. Newspaper Iltalehti (
60. Newspaper Helsingin Sanomat (
61. TV and radio company Yleisradio (
62. LCI TV channel (
63. Le Monde newspaper (
64. La Croix newspaper (
65. Liberation newspaper (
66. Lexpress magazine (
67. Radio France (
68. News agency Agence France-Presse (,
69. CNews TV channel (
70. TV company Arte (
71. TV channel Ceska Televize (
72. Internet portal Seznam Zpravy (
73. Broadcasting company SVT (
74. Radio company Sveriges Radio (
75. Information web portal
76. National Broadcasting Corporation ERR (
77. Delfi media resource (
Pan-European media
78. Agence Europe (
79. Politico (,
80. Svoboda Satellite Package
81. Online publication Euobserver (
I then tried to verify if the pages were inaccessible and found Russia Censorship Test which works this way:
The Russia Censorship Test checks whether your favorite websites are blocked in Russia. To use it, simply copy the URL of the page you want to test and paste it into the box above. We’ll then send the URL to servers in several locations throughout Russia. The servers will attempt to access the URL and report the results almost instantly, in real time.
Trying a number of the sites confirmed the block works. On the other hand, there are Russian sites blocked in the EU, but the blocking does not seem to be uniform, meaning that some countries are less lenient than others and some sites are more blocked than others.
Now, of course, everyone has paid attention to the assassination attempt on Trump, but we also have interest events.
Our "stealers" are also quite serious guys, no worse than the guys from Boeing, the guys from the Clintons and those who crushed Epstein.
Two witnesses die in one day, one of them in prison - this is a very significant action. Deputy Minister Ivanov and the company stole so much (according to some sources, $ 122 billion), which objectively allows them to achieve a lot of things.
Well, let's see if the state machine can defeat the corrupt octopus.
Two close associates of ex-Deputy Defense Minister Ivanov died on the same day

The publication notes that 52-year-old businessman Igor Kotelnikov and 61-year-old head of the State Expertise Department of the Ministry of Defense, Colonel-General Magomed Khandaev, passed away on the same day, July 8.

During the investigation of Ivanov's case, investigators questioned Khandaev, who was directly subordinate to the deputy minister, but was not arrested and was not placed in a pre-trial detention center. The cause of his death is not called, the funeral was held in his native village in Dagestan in the presence of relatives and colleagues.

In contrast, businessman Igor Kotelnikov died in the capital's pre-trial detention center-4 "Bear". He was accused of paying bribes to senior officials of the Ministry of Defense. The cause of death was named as heart problems. According to a member of the Human Rights Council (HRC) Eva Merkacheva, Kotelnikov's death is connected with the conditions of detention in a punishment cell in the heat.
Ðвое пÑиближеннÑÑ ÑкÑ-замминиÑÑÑа обоÑÐ¾Ð½Ñ Ðванова ÑконÑалиÑÑ Ð² один Ð´ÐµÐ½Ñ - ÐазеÑа.Ru | ÐовоÑÑи

Сейчас все, конечно, обратили внимание на покушение на Трампа, но у нас тоже интересно.
Наши "крадуны" тоже вполне себе серьезные ребята, ничем не хуже ребят из Боинга, ребят от Клинтонов и тех, кто задавил Эпштейна.
Два свидетеля умирают в один день, один из них в тюрьме- это весьма показательная акция. Заместитель министра Иванов и компания украли столько (по некоторым данным $122 млрд.), что объективно позволяет им добиться много чего.
Ну что же, посмотрим удастся ли государственной машине победить коррупционного спрута.
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