Explosion at fertilizer plant near Waco, Texas - Meteorite or comet fragment?

Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

If it was a meteorite impact wouldn't people living around there or people filming the factory notice
a meteorite approaching, or does it travel that fast?

To me it doesn't look like a missile, but who knows.
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

Interesting Tidbit:
As details emerge about the Texas fertilizer plant that was the site of Wednesday’s fatal explosion and fire, a few tidbits can be gleaned from a 2007 lawsuit that the plant’s owners filed against agribusiness giant Monsanto Co. MON +1.08%
The suit, filed as a potential class action in U.S. District Court for the western district of Texas, claimed that Monsanto had artificially inflated prices for its herbicide Roundup through anti-competitive actions. The suit did not relate to storing fertilizer, believed to be at the root of Wednesday’s blast
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

Anthony said:
If it was a meteorite impact wouldn't people living around there or people filming the factory notice a meteorite approaching, or does it travel that fast?

To me it doesn't look like a missile, but who knows.

Consider the time you might have to see a day-time, incoming meteorite with low cloud cover. From the videos of the explosion it looks like it was a cloudy day. At what height are clouds on a overcast day? 1km or 3,000ft? Travelling at 10,000kms per hour, there would be no widespread observation of such an object until it broke the cloud cover, and anyone in the area to observe it after it broke through the clouds would see it for about 1/3 of one second before it hit the ground.
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

There are reports that up to 270 tons of ammonium nitrate were stored in the building that was ground zero of the explosion at the fertilizer plant in West, Texas. Ammonium nitrate can explode if it's heated, as it would have been by a fire in or even in close proximity to the building. Anhydrous ammonia is also flammable, though not generally explosive, in concentrations with air of 16-25%.

The presence of that much ammonium nitrate so close to a large fire suggests that this was merely a tragic industrial accident, and no meteor or missile strike was required.
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

griffin said:
There are reports that up to 270 tons of ammonium nitrate were stored in the building that was ground zero of the explosion at the fertilizer plant in West, Texas. Ammonium nitrate can explode if it's heated, as it would have been by a fire in or even in close proximity to the building. Anhydrous ammonia is also flammable, though not generally explosive, in concentrations with air of 16-25%.

The presence of that much ammonium nitrate so close to a large fire suggests that this was merely a tragic industrial accident, and no meteor or missile strike was required.

Perhaps, but that doesn't explain what exactly the object that appears to be on fire coming from the left and striking the building just before the explosion was.
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

The C's remarks about gravity waves attracting comets also popped right up to my mind in regard to this strange fore-explosion on the side. There are certain probabilities for each suggested scenario,

BUT, what about some kind of side ignition of whatever gaseous inflammable substance leak?

It 'came' from direction opposite to the wind, so from an area that must've been getting heated intensely prior to explosion, and if there was a leak, it could have been 'touched' by the flame at that threshold point, thus igniting an explosion that immediately triggered another one at the source.

It's like having a lighter that has a pressed gas button but isn't lit, and is close to some other source of fire, then the flame seems to come out from that other source towards the lighter, with the final 'puff' at the leak-the valve of a lighter in this case. And as far as anyone played with lighters and fire and small-scale blowing up of things in general.. :evil: I would suggest that this whistling sound isn't exclusive to missiles at all..
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

A little added disinfo story: in that there had been heightened military presence in Waco, prior to the blast. Documented with 'time verified' video and photographs. If this was indeed a meteorite crash, it would be convenient to leak a story about military involvement.

Intellihub Reporter Matthew Short noticed an increased emergency military presence in Waco, Texas on April 16, thinking on his toes following a recent terror attack, he and a friend took time verified video and photographs of armored response vehicles.

Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

ametist said:
The C's remarks about gravity waves attracting comets also popped right up to my mind in regard to this strange fore-explosion on the side. There are certain probabilities for each suggested scenario,

BUT, what about some kind of side ignition of whatever gaseous inflammable substance leak?

It 'came' from direction opposite to the wind, so from an area that must've been getting heated intensely prior to explosion, and if there was a leak, it could have been 'touched' by the flame at that threshold point, thus igniting an explosion that immediately triggered another one at the source.

It's like having a lighter that has a pressed gas button but isn't lit, and is close to some other source of fire, then the flame seems to come out from that other source towards the lighter, with the final 'puff' at the leak-the valve of a lighter in this case. And as far as anyone played with lighters and fire and small-scale blowing up of things in general.. :evil: I would suggest that this whistling sound isn't exclusive to missiles at all..

Exactly my thoughts. The "object" that appears to be on fire before the big explosion happened doesn't even have to be a an object. In fact from those videos we can't even say that it was an object. The only thing we can say is that something that looks as though it is on fire appears to enter or trigger the second big explosion. From what I can see it is totally possible that it was another explosion or fire from something in the area of the plant that triggert the bigger one. The only thing that would seem to get further into the direction "that it was somekind of object" that triggert the big explosion, is the sound that was recorded before the big explosions wich resembles that of somekind of a drone or bomb.
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

griffin said:
There are reports that up to 270 tons of ammonium nitrate were stored in the building that was ground zero of the explosion at the fertilizer plant in West, Texas. Ammonium nitrate can explode if it's heated, as it would have been by a fire in or even in close proximity to the building. Anhydrous ammonia is also flammable, though not generally explosive, in concentrations with air of 16-25%.

The presence of that much ammonium nitrate so close to a large fire suggests that this was merely a tragic industrial accident, and no meteor or missile strike was required.

Last I read the ammonium nitrate may have been in the facility as of Dec. 2012.
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

Has anybody seen any photo's of what i heard described as being steel "Fused" railway tracks - i had a look but could not locate any. This got me thinking about metallurgy and the fusing of steel. Heat required to do this under forged welding would be 1600 degrees F and a flux effect/addition, if it was truly fused - Many electrical influences can do this also. From what i understand, to fuse steel, it must be liquid (2300 - to 2500 degrees F), heated to that temperature range and a flux added to dissolve any oxides.

I'll have a look around at this aspect for what exactly the tracks looked like for reference, and if correctly reported, what the heat wave in temperature and what could have been the flux influence (there are a number of possibilities for this).
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

Go to linked source to see the videos discussed below:

West Texas Explosion Might Have Been Triggered by Militarized Blast, Eyewitness Says ‘It Was a Plane’

Independent video of the tragic explosion that devastated the small town of West shows that the plant was likely detonated from an outside source, and/or a possible bomb or missile.

by Shepard Ambellas
April 20, 2013

WEST — A massive blast that measured 2.1 on the Richter scale hit the small Texas town on Wednesday leveling buildings and other structures, killing and injuring a number of civilians in what most local witnesses could only describe as a “bomb blast”. In fact, some witnesses have even stated on video when asked that, “It was a plane”.

Although it has been reported as a fertilizer plant fire explosion by the entire mainstream media and government sources, there could be more to the story as local reports suggest otherwise.

Good people in the area are questioning the events that took place on that grim day, and for good reason.

Intellihub.com reporter Matthew Short’s investigation concludes with video evidence that emergency response vehicles were in the area before the explosion at the fertilizer plant in West and drills were being ran as stated by the hospital’s CEO in an interview.

This is the same fingerprint we have seen during events such as the attacks on September 11, 2001, the London bombings in July of 2005, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, and even the Patriot’s Day bombing in Boston most recently.

These examples show the classic layout of an advanced governmental sponsored false flag event, which in turn is used to further subject the populace to surveillance and the removal of our god given rights and freedoms by a government which now seems to be overran by a tyrannical force.


Information also exists the suggest nuclear preparedness mass casualty drills were being ran in the area. According to the North Central Texas Trama Regional Advisory Council’s official website the regional full scale exercise took place on the dates of April 17th and 18th, 2013;

Regional Full Scale EMTF Exercise – Black Rain
Start Date/Time: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 9:00 AM
End Date/Time: Thursday, April 18, 2013 5:00 PM
Recurring Event: One time event
Importance: Normal Priority
Location: NCTTRAC Offices

Regional Full Scale EMTF Exercise – Black Rain

The North Central Texas region is impacted by a radiological catastrophe at Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant. The blast and residual fallout results in many injuries and fatalities within the immediate hazard area and the densely populated DFW Metroplex area is affected by blackouts and rolling brownouts due to loss of power generation. Blast and fallout damage results in a critical taxing of the medical community and generates a potential need for medical evacuation and vast number of worried well within the metropolitan population. Region 2 of the Texas Emergency Medical Task Force (EMTF) must activate and deploy its Ambulance, AMBUS and MMU Strike Teams to assist with the first response and contamination monitoring efforts of the medical community.
The NCTTRA also released this announcement after the explosion;

NCTTRAC Statement – West, TX

The North Central Texas Trauma Regional Advisory Council (NCTTRAC) wants to extend its heartfelt condolences and prayers to the victims and their families, the first responders, and the community of West, Texas for their unspeakable loss. West, Texas is a community familiar and dear to many of us in the emergency medical management and response community, and we’re only beginning this morning to assess the devastation of that community.

Because of the sensitivity to the ongoing event, the response from many north central Texas assets including components of Emergency Medical Task Force (EMTF) -2 , and the potential for additional asset requests today, NCTTRAC is scaling back the remainder of the exercise we have in progress today to support activity onsite of the mobile medical units and the clinical teams in a more limited role. However, we will not have any of today’s planned EMS activities using the ambulance strike teams or the ambulance buses (AMBUSes).

The VIP tours scheduled this afternoon from noon until 3:00 pm will still take place as scheduled during this time for the mobile medical units; however we will not have any of the AMBUSes or ambulance strike teams available for touring.

NCTTRAC appreciates the support received in this event, which has provided an opportunity to highlight the excellent work accomplished in north central Texas in emergency medical planning and response. The tragedies this week are exactly why this community prepares, supports, and responds and will continue to do so.

And if that information is chilling to you, you might want to sit down to read the rest of this article.

Information has been brought to light that the explosion was triggered by another source rather from the fertilizer plant fire itself. The videos display the lack of chemical reaction, ignition from an internal point in the plant, but rather from an outside point, possibly from the sky.


At (06:49) into the next video an eyewitness states, “It was a plane”.


You can also see by the damage to the building in the video that it was a massive blast, reminiscent of some militarized technology.

According to Matthew Short, reporter for Intellihub.com (as stated during a radio interview) people in the area are now coming to him for answers, demonstrating the need for information as locals are not buying the official story either.





Note: the "it was a plane" comment was a speculation of the couple in the car filming. They were not sure what the fire was.
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

A new angle on the fertilizer plant explosion:


BE PATIENT with this video analysis. It is WELL WORTH IT!

A missile strike caught on camera:


This is a fake missile strike:

Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

Looking at it again and again from different perspectives, it does look as if there was some quite powerful weapon used rather than ignition from another source of flammables, it's indeed too huge..
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

ametist said:
Looking at it again and again from different perspectives, it does look as if there was some quite powerful weapon used rather than ignition from another source of flammables, it's indeed too huge..

Was it a weapon or a comet fragment. I didn't have much luck trying to find missile strikes for comparison but the intense white glow was very much like the Russian meteorite though in the fertilizer plant case, whatever it was, it came out of a cloudy sky so you didn't have that long view of its passage.

But if that is the case, as has already been said: "what a coincidence!"

But what if it wasn't a coincidence? What if it was known, in advance, that something was going to strike? And approximately where? And what if the Boston Bomb thing was a diversion from THAT? After all, the Boston affair is human caused high drama that can ultimately be controlled; people can be made "safe" again. But a meteorite/comet strike is cosmic and therefore uncontrollable.

Just speculating here, but when you remove all the impossible elements, what you are left with is the distinct possibility that it was an asteroid/comet strike and a diversion was created to distract attention away from it.
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

Laura said:
ametist said:
Looking at it again and again from different perspectives, it does look as if there was some quite powerful weapon used rather than ignition from another source of flammables, it's indeed too huge..

Was it a weapon or a comet fragment. I didn't have much luck trying to find missile strikes for comparison but the intense white glow was very much like the Russian meteorite though in the fertilizer plant case, whatever it was, it came out of a cloudy sky so you didn't have that long view of its passage.

But if that is the case, as has already been said: "what a coincidence!"

But what if it wasn't a coincidence? What if it was known, in advance, that something was going to strike? And approximately where? And what if the Boston Bomb thing was a diversion from THAT? After all, the Boston affair is human caused high drama that can ultimately be controlled; people can be made "safe" again. But a meteorite/comet strike is cosmic and therefore uncontrollable.

Just speculating here, but when you remove all the impossible elements, what you are left with is the distinct possibility that it was an asteroid/comet strike and a diversion was created to distract attention away from it.

That is a VERY intriguing line of thought. The stakes are rising very sharply. Especially recently. Why not try out some other secret technologies from their underground bases and what not?
I would say that there are three things of which the stakes would require involvement of the highest rank menaces: it would either be a war, a false et attack or.. obscuring the comets..
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