Explosion at fertilizer plant near Waco, Texas - Meteorite or comet fragment?

Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

Laura said:
Was it a weapon or a comet fragment. I didn't have much luck trying to find missile strikes for comparison but the intense white glow was very much like the Russian meteorite though in the fertilizer plant case, whatever it was, it came out of a cloudy sky so you didn't have that long view of its passage.

But if that is the case, as has already been said: "what a coincidence!"

But what if it wasn't a coincidence? What if it was known, in advance, that something was going to strike? And approximately where? And what if the Boston Bomb thing was a diversion from THAT? After all, the Boston affair is human caused high drama that can ultimately be controlled; people can be made "safe" again. But a meteorite/comet strike is cosmic and therefore uncontrollable.

Just speculating here, but when you remove all the impossible elements, what you are left with is the distinct possibility that it was an asteroid/comet strike and a diversion was created to distract attention away from it.

After watching all those videos, I have to agree, some kind of cosmic strike is a distinct possibility. It could have been military, but what would be the point of that? They haven't played up the explosion in the media, although they have allowed people back into their homes in the area but "with a curfew", but that could just be them reacting the only way they know how i.e. to control. I do think your hypothesis of the Boston bombings as a diversion from whatever happened in Waco is intriguing. I guess, if it was a cosmic strike, we'll be seeing folks down there getting sick soon. Something to keep an eye on at least. I hope ya'll in Texas are on the paleo diet!
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

Laura said:
A new angle on the fertilizer plant explosion:


BE PATIENT with this video analysis. It is WELL WORTH IT!

Very good job of that guy!

That whole thing strikes me as very interesting.
From the earlier post of Laura, it seems that there were drills held, by govermnent officials in the area, right before the event. Alla 911 and co.
When I read the discription of this drill I got shivers, because the rough outline of what the drill was about, was then a day later exactly what happened in reality there!

But coming back to the video Laura posted.
I think I'm now able to proof (thanks to that guy and the inspiration it sparked to further look into it) that that fiery thing we see, that triggers the big explosion, is in fact coming from outside of the plant....

I'll try to post my findings tomorrow (actually today, now ;)).
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

Pashalis said:
But coming back to the video Laura posted.
I think I'm now able to proof (thanks to that guy and the inspiration it sparked to further look into it) that that fiery thing we see, that triggers the big explosion, is in fact coming from outside of the plant....

I think that's already obvious, actually. My question is whether that means they started the plant fire with foreknowledge of exactly where the fragment/missile/? was going to hit (assuming it wasn't a tank explosion from the left of the plant and that is looking less likely) - and - if so - how did they have foreknowledge? I'd love to know...
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

There was also an explosion in Oklahoma same day right before 9:30 that stated a tank battery had exploded. A possible link to this event?
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

anart said:
Pashalis said:
But coming back to the video Laura posted.
I think I'm now able to proof (thanks to that guy and the inspiration it sparked to further look into it) that that fiery thing we see, that triggers the big explosion, is in fact coming from outside of the plant....

I think that's already obvious, actually. My question is whether that means they started the plant fire with foreknowledge of exactly where the fragment/missile/? was going to hit (assuming it wasn't a tank explosion from the left of the plant and that is looking less likely) - and - if so - how did they have foreknowledge? I'd love to know...

There are space-based IR sensors that can very quickly give a ballistic track to the burning object. But, at least from a conventional space tracking technology, there is no way to get that accurate with landfall without the ballistics track - too many variables. You could time a missile strike at it - but I don't see the point. The fire would have to have been started long before atmospheric entry - and that would be some impressive predictive power!
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

LQB said:
There are space-based IR sensors that can very quickly give a ballistic track to the burning object. But, at least from a conventional space tracking technology, there is no way to get that accurate with landfall without the ballistics track - too many variables. You could time a missile strike at it - but I don't see the point. The fire would have to have been started long before atmospheric entry - and that would be some impressive predictive power!

Yeah, to my thinking, that is the fly in the ointment. But we are still left with the bizarre coincidences and certain data points. Boston and Texas within a narrow time frame, what seems to be an obvious "strike" of some sort in Texas, the fact that there was an exploding comet/meteor over Spain on the same day, and now this mention of another "explosion" in Oklahoma. Boston gets all the attention and comes off as an obvious False Flag and tons of speculation about that; Texas gets shoved to the back pages.

What if the predictive power has advanced that much? What about the fact that the observations of atmospheric meteor/comet interactions was classified a few years ago?
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

Now there is this ridiculous story:

Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

I was looking for missile footage as well to compare this to but in the gentleman's frame-by-frame synopsis it almost appears that the object explodes to the left of the screen and bounces towards the fire. Is there a known military weapon known for doing this?

Or maybe multiple objects? Meteorite breaking up or multiple man-made missiles?

Talk about a smokescreen.....for the hypothetical coverup/planning crew, it's certainly very convenient that the smoke was blowing directly towards the object/initial explosion. There would likely be plenty of witnesses if it had been reversed.

Who exactly might be doing the cleanup? Wonder what the security is like.
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

Laura said:
Yeah, to my thinking, that is the fly in the ointment. But we are still left with the bizarre coincidences and certain data points. Boston and Texas within a narrow time frame, what seems to be an obvious "strike" of some sort in Texas, the fact that there was an exploding comet/meteor over Spain on the same day, and now this mention of another "explosion" in Oklahoma. Boston gets all the attention and comes off as an obvious False Flag and tons of speculation about that; Texas gets shoved to the back pages.

What if the predictive power has advanced that much? What about the fact that the observations of atmospheric meteor/comet interactions was classified a few years ago?

I agree, this can't just be a coincidence. Consider who exactly is doing the predicting? By that I mean, while the technology that we currently know about may not be adequate for such prediction, this cosmic destruction things is one of the BIG 'topic of topics' that our buddies in the consortium really don't want us to click on to, apparently. So while your average NASA/PTB dude may be ignorant of such things, maybe there is some group, at some level, that has a direct hand in covering up things like this. Thinking of the technology they must have available, and time loops etc, it's not outside the realms of possibility. Thinking of 4D influences, any reaction machine working at the plant could have started the fire.

But then if they were really so advanced and all knowing, they would have blasted the one over Russia before it had chance to set off any alarm bells, so there's obviously some handicaps due to immense wishful thinking.

All speculation I know, but the coincidences you described here are too close for accident IMO.
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

Pashalis said:
Laura said:
A new angle on the fertilizer plant explosion:


BE PATIENT with this video analysis. It is WELL WORTH IT!

Very good job of that guy!

That whole thing strikes me as very interesting.
From the earlier post of Laura, it seems that there were drills held, by govermnent officials in the area, right before the event. Alla 911 and co.
When I read the discription of this drill I got shivers, because the rough outline of what the drill was about, was then a day later exactly what happened in reality there!

But coming back to the video Laura posted.
I think I'm now able to proof (thanks to that guy and the inspiration it sparked to further look into it) that that fiery thing we see, that triggers the big explosion, is in fact coming from outside of the plant....

I'll try to post my findings tomorrow (actually today, now ;)).

Ok so now let's first look at the area via google maps.
Notice that the plant area is indicated with the letter "A" and there is a school called "West Intermidiate School".
We will see further on, that the video that was being shot and the others (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=4mpUJ5IIgIY) were shot from this schools parking lot.:


A clooser look:


On the basis of the video I posted above and wich the guy in Lauras post analysed further, we can now determine the following:
(I used google earth to get a better view of what we actually see on the video and the analysing of it)


The red dot on the bottom is the approx. standpoint of the camera man (indicated with the black number 3 and the gray/black arrow).
The yellow number 1 indicates the big tree wich can be seen in the video analysis at 02:11 and further on. We use the tree as reference point.
The black number 2 with the orange/yellow star below it, indicates the approx. place where the fire was burning before the explosion. We also use the fire as reference point.
It is kind of difficult to determine from where exactly the fire is coming from, in the above video, so I looked at another video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_ZKE6Yh33ww) in wich you can clearly see that it must be in that approx. area I idicated. Notice that the building in front of it doesn't seem to be on fire.
The big red arrow is the approx. direction in wich the fire bloom was blowing prior to the explosion.
The red line I created as a reference point. At 01:17 into the video analysis, you see the right hand corner of the concrete parking lot and a post right beside it on the grass. i used this two points (corner+pole) to create this red line. Notice the dictance from that read line to the fire.
The green line is another reference point wich I created through that corner of the blue metal box that is nearest to the camera man (02:11 into the video analysis). The blue box is standing before the camera man on the cocrete of the parking lot. The second point through wich I created this this green line, is the nearest corner of the top of the woody looking shed right before the fence on the grass.
Notice how that green line is touching the right side of the big tree and that the fire wich is a bit to the right of that green line.

The black line I created through the point of the camera man and the third whitish line on top of the woddy looking shed. Take a look at 02:11 into the video analysis. You can see that the first frame in wich we can see that fiery "object" coming in, is pretty much at the area I indicated with the yellow rectangle following to the right of the black line. Notice that the explosion has not happened yet.
The white line indicates the approx viewpoint wich we can see at 08:28. Listen and watch what the guy in the video analysis is noticing at that point. We can see something that looks like a glow or bright dust after the "object" has impacted the plant. I indicated that approx. area of the glow/dust with the black rectangle. The big white arrow indicates the approx. direction of wich that "object was coming from.
At 09:25 you can see shortly one frame in wich you can see, that right after or during the explosion, the are I indecated with the green rectange is on fire or exploding.

So from the above we can see clearly now, that that fiery object was coming from outside of the plant. And the glow or dust was even further away. So it appears that that object was already on fire outside of the plant before it hit and exploded. What kind of missle is doing that? If it was a missle maybe it exploded in the air before it hit the ground because A: it was disigned that way. Or B: It was ignited by the heat in wich it was flying into, the fire that was blowing into that direction (intensified through the speed of the object itself, wich heated it even more).Or C: It hit a building or something else before it entered the plant (A picture of how the area to the right of the plant looks now, would help to determine that!).

Also interesting is the photo we see here, after the incident:


It seems to be consistent with the analysis above. Also notice that the railroad tracks to the left are not there anymore. Reminds me of the report we heard earlier about the molten tracks...

We have several other vidoes from slightly different perspectives, but they all seem to have been recorded from that same parking lot of that school. We could further analyse those other videos to further solidify what I analysed above. But I think it doesn't even need that, because the above proofs that whatever that object was, was coming from well outside of the plant and it seemed to be already on fire before it hit the ground. Further we could calculate from the above the approx direction from wich this object was coming from. You can see on the top left corner of the picture of google earth where North is. One of the other things that would be needed is to calculate the horizontal and vertical angle from this object on the basis of that video and the others.
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

Carlise said:
All speculation I know, but the coincidences you described here are too close for accident IMO.

If it was meteorite impact that was known to happen in advance, I don't think they could have known by human means only. Perhaps time-travelling 4D STS counterparts tipped the government, but that too I find too much of a stretch. Because I don't think 4D STS would care at all if humans or their governments freak about fireballs. Plus, even for them, predicting the exact time and location of an impact sounds a bit too much, since the future is open, there are multiple branching universes and targets of impacts are ultimately directed from the field of information, according to the Cs. So I don't think it was a meteorite, as it would make it a very bizarre coincidence.

I have doubts about it being a missile too because I don't think you would see it all lit up as it approaches, before impact. You would probably see a trail of smoke, but no big light as in the video.

An alternative is that it was one of those secret technology energy-based weapons. Perhaps the part of the secret government which has access to those toys saw an opportunity to blow up the place which was already on fire (or was sabotaged to have a fire) to stimulate even further the climate of paranoia and stress on the population. I don't think they needed to build a terrorist narrative around this one; the timing would freak out people anyway. According to the Cs, the Twin Towers collapsed because they were hit by satellite based weapons, and the purpose was precisely to make the event even more traumatic. They also said that the space shuttle that crashed a few years back received a 'direct hit', and that time the purpose was to send a message to the Bush White House to move on with the imperial agenda in the Middle East. So perhaps this was a little bit of both and Obama is being pressured to move forward on Iran or Syria, and/or with the police state USA.

Finally, I suppose that the most mundane explanation is that there was some huge container to the left of the fire that caught a spark or ignited due to the heat, and that exploded and flashed back to the main fire. Or somehow, the main fire was leaking volatile gas into the air, carried towards the left with the wind, and that gas outside caught fire for some reason and trailed back to the main containers which exploded. But I don't even know if this is possible or likely; still feels like a stretch.

This would make a good question for the Cs! ;)
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

Carlise said:
All speculation I know, but the coincidences you described here are too close for accident IMO.

I agree. On the other hand, is it possible that the fire at the plant was a fly in the ointment for the meteorite cover-up plan? By 'coincidence' the plant caught on fire, curious people were drawn to the scene with cameras, and the meteorite exploded with much more awareness and attention than the authorities could have imagined? I mean, without a preexisting fire and spectators, it would have been easier to dismiss as a phantom boom.

The universe speaks.
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

There isn't very much information about the Oklahoma explosion right now. It happened around 9:30 pm, the explosion in West about 8:00pm.

Crews on the Scene of an Explosion in NE OKC
OKLAHOMA CITY -- Firefighters and emergency personnel are investigating after an explosion in NW Oklahoma City.

The explosion occurred just before 9:30 Wednesday night at 812 N. Bryant.

Officials tell us it was a tank battery that exploded. The cause is unknown at this time. The area surrounding the tank battery is being evacuated.

Police, EMSA, and the Oklahoma City Fire Department are all on scene. There are several propane tanks in the area that are threatened by the flames.

and from _http://www.news9.com/story/22019403/residents-near-tank-battery-explosion-talk-about-evacuation

OKLAHOMA CITY - Parts of Oklahoma are still cleaning up after Wednesday's storm wreaked major damage. In Northeast Oklahoma City, a tank battery burst into flames after lightning hit it, forcing nearby residents to evacuate.
Scorpio Davis says he felt his house shake Wednesday night after lightning struck a fuel tank battery near NE 4th St. and Bryant Ave. and set it on fire.

"As soon as the lightning struck, it looked like it caught the trees back over here and it just looked like a big bon fire like," says Davis, who is from Denver and has only lived in his home on N. Bryant Ave. for six months.

"It was going for about five or ten minutes before the cops came out and shut down the whole block and evacuated all the residents."

Firefighters went door-to-door evacuating residents to a nearby park. Homes were evacuated from NE 4th St. to 10th as well as near Sunnylane Rd.

"You know, it's not a deeply dense residential area, but with the chemicals, it was a scare," Davis said. "It was hard on us because some of [the residents] didn't have a car, and we all were evacuated all the way down to the park, and we stood down there for about two or three hours, and it was pretty cold."

About 23 residents were evacuated from homes within one mile of the fuel tank battery site. Residents say they could feel the tanks exploding back to back before 9:30 p.m. Wednesday.

Huge flames and smoke could be seen off I-35. More than 35 firefighters were able to get a handle on the fire in less than an hour by using foam.

It's a tank farm. We have several tanks involved. They have 24 tanks total in here," says Oklahoma City Fire Deputy Chief Marc Woodard. "At first we had a one mile perimeter established until we seen exactly what we had, and we take precautions on any type of HazMat incident."

Five hazardous chemicals were burned, including methanol and xylene. Davis says the fire shook him up, but he was relieved no one was hurt.

"When it struck, there was a couple explosions. After that it actually struck you know, that we felt in the ground," Davis says. "So it was pretty scary up there man, had me up there praying."

Oklahoma City Fire says a HazMat crew stayed on site until 2 a.m. on Thursday to make sure no one could be harmed by the chemicals burned in the tank fire.

Staying with the hypothesis that a meteorite was predicted, with a precise calculation of longitude, a 'ballpark' latitude, and time being open to variations, the emergency personnel training/drilling exercise in Fort Worth would be a handy way to have some first responders in the area.
Re: Explosion hits fertilizer plant north of Waco, Texas

anart said:
Pashalis said:
But coming back to the video Laura posted.
I think I'm now able to proof (thanks to that guy and the inspiration it sparked to further look into it) that that fiery thing we see, that triggers the big explosion, is in fact coming from outside of the plant....

I think that's already obvious, actually. My question is whether that means they started the plant fire with foreknowledge of exactly where the fragment/missile/? was going to hit (assuming it wasn't a tank explosion from the left of the plant and that is looking less likely) - and - if so - how did they have foreknowledge? I'd love to know...

Yeah, it was pretty obvious to me from the outset that it was not a fertilizer explosion. I tend to think it is unlikely that they could have known, a days or weeks in advance, where a meteorite would hit, or that it would even hit. Based on the comment in the last session that "information" is key in the realm from which these fireballs emanate, and there being the idea of "attractors", I'm thinking that there is some kind of intelligence behind where these things hit combined with an "attractor" effect in terms of the either the natural forces within the earth at the area hit, and/or a "frequency" of negativity.

It's almost as if the meteorite impact at that area (WACO and on the anniversary of Oklahoma) was a direct response from the "universe" to the dirty deeds of the PTB in attacking the Boston Marathon and trying to terrorise the American people into blind belief in authority.
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