Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Gimpy said:
It shows a clear disconnect between reality and the bloggers mind...and makes me wonder if both of them are mentally impaired.

Well I'm no expert, but I've had potted plants that showed greater sign of intelligence.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Compulsive lying is a pathological trait. Psychopaths that are caught and jailed have been observed by interviewers to lie in ways in which they must know that the interviewer knows the truth, but they still do so without an ounce of shame.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Gimpy said:
Guardian said:
jumpinjack2011 said:
And altering legal documents?

You'd think as many times as I've seen this, it wouldn't still surprise me, but I STILL find it amazing that they tell lie after lie, without regard to ANY of the evidence...an expect people not to notice.

To say that there "Was no Subpoena" after posting it on your own blog?? :jawdrop:

It shows a clear disconnect between reality and the bloggers mind...and makes me wonder if both of them are mentally impaired. The behavior is too stupid to explain otherwise. Its like the temper tantrums of two year olds.

It reminds me of the description in Psychopath Humanoids - Beyond Insanity:
[...] They make pronouncements without substantiation. To them, these pronouncements represent what reality is . . . pronouncement by pronouncement. The present pronouncement may contradict what they said a moment ago. This means nothing to them. They make no attempt to deal with the contradiction.

They demonstrate a total lack of understanding what we mean by a "fact." [...] Since these creatures have a human appearance, we assume they must think like us . . . be aware of what we are aware. We think they MUST know what facts are. When they don't address the facts, we say they are playing a game. We think they do know what the facts are, but don't want to admit it.

Not so! They DON'T know what a fact is. When we speak of facts and ask them to address the facts, they look at us with vacant eyes. They don't know what we're talking about.

[...] For them, whatever they "declare" is what's real. What WE call reality is not real to them. THEY "pronounce" what is to be considered real. They imagine what they choose, and tell us it is their "perception" . . . which, in their minds, ESTABLISHES reality. [...] That's why they whine and claim they are being attacked whenever substantiation is requested.

Humanoids claim their statements are valid simply because they make them!!! [...] Humans define integrity as uprightness of character; probity; honesty. We refer to sticking to the facts, sticking to the truth, not selling out. Humanoids use "integrity" to mean insisting what they imagine is what's real. [...] When the demand is made for their pronouncements to be evaluated, they claim the confronter is the one who has no integrity [...]
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

[...] For them, whatever they "declare" is what's real. What WE call reality is not real to them. THEY "pronounce" what is to be considered real. They imagine what they choose, and tell us it is their "perception" . . . which, in their minds, ESTABLISHES reality. [...]

This for me is reminiscent of what the C's have said in sessions about 4D existence, where you (roughly expressed) as STO create your surroundings and choose what you experience. I don't know if this relates in any true manner, but could psycopaths have some connection to 4D that governs their perception of reality?
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Hithere said:
[...] For them, whatever they "declare" is what's real. What WE call reality is not real to them. THEY "pronounce" what is to be considered real. They imagine what they choose, and tell us it is their "perception" . . . which, in their minds, ESTABLISHES reality. [...]

This for me is reminiscent of what the C's have said in sessions about 4D existence, where you (roughly expressed) as STO create your surroundings and choose what you experience. I don't know if this relates in any true manner, but could psycopaths have some connection to 4D that governs their perception of reality?

I think it is simply that they are at that extreme of STS - wishful thinking being one of its main features. It is the case for everyone that what we can perceive depends on our nature - that nature may allow us to get close to the truth, or in the case of some, cut it off completely. Which of course doesn't shield them from what happens outside their "bubble" when it has consequences for them.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

I can't think of any explanation why a psychopath should be wired towards 4D to a greater extent than other humans, so your view seems reasonable to me.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Hithere said:
I can't think of any explanation why a psychopath should be wired towards 4D to a greater extent than other humans, so your view seems reasonable to me.

I think self-observation and knowledge of self goes a long way towards 4D advancement. Isn't that what almost all of Gurdjieff's teachings are about? and for someone to be a 4D STS candidate, maybe all it takes is to be observing ones self and in control of ones impulses, as a psychopath, to be "successful" in 3D?
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

I just love how you guys analyze psychopaths and have book references for them an all that. I have a hard time getting past "These women are freak'in nuts"

My logical mind knows what they're doing, but my emotions just don't want to believe it. I had to read Mary Mcgrannahan's "There was no subpoena" post three times, then go look at my screenshots to be SURE I remembered what I remembered, before I could accept what she'd done.

I've seen psychopaths do this kind of thing dozens of times, but it NEVER gets any easier to wrap my mind around. It's like trying to learn to write Chinese (if you're not Chinese) ...you can learn the definitions of the symbols, but you can never really get an internal understanding of them like a born Chinese person can.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

[quote author=Guardian]I've seen psychopaths do this kind of thing dozens of times, but it NEVER gets any easier to wrap my mind around.[/quote]

That's because they're aliens. Not in the Icke or Streiber sense, but aliens nontheless. :shock:
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Jerry said:
[quote author=Guardian]I've seen psychopaths do this kind of thing dozens of times, but it NEVER gets any easier to wrap my mind around.

That's because they're aliens. Not in the Icke or Streiber sense, but aliens nontheless. :shock:

Yeah, but I KNOW what they are, I've been studying them for more than 30 years, yet my brain STILL resists accepting what my eyes see them do. You'd think I'd get used to them after the second or third DECADE of dealing with them?
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Jerry said:
[quote author=Guardian]I've seen psychopaths do this kind of thing dozens of times, but it NEVER gets any easier to wrap my mind around.

That's because they're aliens. Not in the Icke or Streiber sense, but aliens nontheless. :shock:

I've been tending to report this a lot, but I think this is another example of a situation where it may be useful to be careful what you 'let in' Guardian.

Q: (Burma Jones) What do they mean by “psychic hygiene”?

A: Being careful about what you allow into your ”field”.

Q: (L) In what sense?

A: All senses.

Q: (L) What do you mean “all senses”?

A: Seeing, hearing, speaking, and so on

Q: (Ark) So, uh, I will tell a story about this “using all your senses”. A few days ago, I went out and I almost had an accident. I was driving on the interior peripherique - on the lane that was closest to the middle. There are three lanes. There was a guy behind me who was very unhappy that I was driving only 90kmh. He was swaying from left to right, trying to get past me and I could see it in the rear-view mirror. I looked to the right and realized I cannot do anything, because there was a car. I could see it.

So, I stayed. After about two minutes, you know, the one behind me again starts to act impatient behind me. But then, I look in the mirror again and the car to the right is gone. So I figure he must have moved somewhere else. Then I started to do {Ark makes descriptive hand gestures showing his driving maneuver} – only the car was there exactly in the right angle [to be in the blind spot.] But, uh, he was a young guy and he was fast. He steps on the brakes – and nothing happened, you see? I usually do not do such things. I was thinking very fast and that he must be gone, but I was not 100% sure. So, I should have waited until I was 100% sure. So, of course nothing happened, he just got upset.

A: We have more in mind. Take care with interacting with negative energies.

Q: (L) Well that’s kinda like creating your own reality, isn’t it?

A: Not what we mean… Keep your guard up and do not allow negative energies to slip by… such as believing lies… listening to negative music while thinking it is positive…watching negative movies and thinking it is negligible. It is extremely important to not lie to the self. One can listen or watch many things as long as the truth of the orientation is known, acknowledged, and understood. Clear?

Q: (L) So, in other words: awareness. Calling a spade a spade and not allowing something negative to enter you and believing it is positive. You can see it, perceive it and acknowledge it but not allow it to influence you. Because obviously, you cannot shut off your perceptions of the world, but you can control how it affects you. So, don’t let it inside, thinking it’s something that it’s not.

(Belibaste) So, see it as it is. If it is negative, see it as negative.

(L) Yeah, and they’re saying to focus on truth in order for changes to manifest in you that are positive. That is, “positive” can mean acknowledging that something is negative because it is truth.

Q: (Galatea) Choose the seeds you wish to water.

(L) Is that basically what we’re talking about here?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) But I would say that everybody needs a panoramic retro-mirror.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) because that stuff sneaks up behind you and it gets in your blind spot.

In short, if what they are writing is messing with your head/heart/causing your to doubt yourself, you've given them too much rope to tug at.
After a few examples of them doing this, your 'defences' should be on high alert, and nothing they say should be 'allowed in'.
It might be worth pondering that for a moment (that your letting in their crud), rather than sticking with trying to wrap your mind around them (have your mind moulded by them): [quote author=Guardian]I've seen psychopaths do this kind of thing dozens of times, but it NEVER gets any easier to wrap my mind around.[/quote]
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

RedFox said:
In short, if what they are writing is messing with your head/heart/causing your to doubt yourself, you've given them too much rope to tug at.

You're probably right...but I do learn after the first few times or so, I just have a hard time getting past that initial disbelief :-[

A good example is Mary Mcgrannahan's most recent blog post where she accuses me of "hacking" SHE posted the log-in and password for the "Keep and Share" account where SHE posted the Subpoena to Sandra, and then SHE invited everyone to go look at it, so I did, and made of SCREENSHOT of what I saw ....and she calls that "Hacking" I've already posted a screenshot of the blog page where she posted the login and password

...so I won't let myself get distracted by Mcgrannahan's latest lie...I'll keep working on Camwell's new expo-site.

I think a big part of the disbelief is that I get tons of "My ex {spouse, boss, partner, etc} is a psychopath" type requests for help each year, and in the vast majority of cases, the ex whatever isn't a "psychopath" at all, they're just an ordinary person who's angry, got a bruised ego, etc.

Once I start digging I can see where each party to the dispute has misunderstood or twisted something, or expected something they didn't get...stuff like that. No psychos, just stupid people tricks 101. Usually I mine all the data and give the FACTS to these people, and they're like "Ohhhh, well I thought" yadada yadada Then I toss them to a GOOD quality professional mediator to settle whatever's left of their dispute (usually property rights, occasionally child custody) and while both parties might still be a bit snarky, for the most part, they get it settled and over it.

REAL psychos like Barbara Camwell and Mary Mcgranahan are a LOT more rare than you'd think looking at the shape of our world.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

I think self-observation and knowledge of self goes a long way towards 4D advancement. Isn't that what almost all of Gurdjieff's teachings are about? and for someone to be a 4D STS candidate, maybe all it takes is to be observing ones self and in control of ones impulses, as a psychopath, to be "successful" in 3D?

Hadn't thought of it like that, but that too seems reasonable! :)
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

RedFox said:
In short, if what they are writing is messing with your head/heart/causing your to doubt yourself, you've given them too much rope to tug at.
After a few examples of them doing this, your 'defences' should be on high alert, and nothing they say should be 'allowed in'.
It might be worth pondering that for a moment (that your letting in their crud), rather than sticking with trying to wrap your mind around them (have your mind moulded by them): [quote author=Guardian]I've seen psychopaths do this kind of thing dozens of times, but it NEVER gets any easier to wrap my mind around.

I kinda feel like I'm in between a rock and a hard place on this one. I HAVE to give them the benefit of the doubt.. at least at first, and keep rechecking my data, because I do make mistakes occasionally. I try REALLY hard not to, but I still do...I can mix up names, or dates in my head, so I HAVE to go to my notes, screenshots, etc..

When someone claims I've got a fact wrong, I've GOT to recheck it, just to satisfy their claim in my own mind... 'cause I know I can be wrong. Just 'cause I think I know something, it doesn't mean I do. So yeah, they get to run me around in circles for awhile, but I'd rather chase my tail than falsely accuse someone.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Love what Ark said about the panoramic retro mirror! Ain't it the truth! I hear ya Guardian--as many times as people are exposed to it, I don't think normally wired people ever get 'use' to the exposure. I mean our brains SHOULD have a reaction to an abnormal life form like that. I don't think we should ever get beyond being side swiped because if we do, we've lost our own humanity in the process. Some of them we pick up on radar on the approach, others in mid stream, still others, much later. Look how long Barbara was on here before detection. I don't think we should beat ourselves up when we go back into the vortex and wonder 'how' a brain like that functions. It's an anomaly. And every once in a while we still have to stand back and marvel at it's horrendousness and wonder what the Divine was thinking when this thing came into being. It's what the non-psychopathic brain does when it gets too close to the spark of evil brain!
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