Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

jumpinjack2011 said:
Is it even statistically possible for Barbara Camwell and Mary McGrannahan to be a victim of THAT many people?

Well I suppose if you define your victimizer as anyone who tells you "No" :rolleyes:
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

jumpinjack2011 said:
...they never answer the questions about their own behavior. I guess part of the disorder is not being able to tell that you just advertised your disorder to the world through deflecting and blaming others. Yep, but they wouldn't get it.

I've seen that tendency too. In fact, I don't see any reason why they would even want to 'get it'. This disorder obviously involves a disconnect from reality. It stands to reason then that a fantasy has to be promoted as a substitute to understanding reality, and this being the case, it must always be held superior and any utterances that conflict with the fantasy must be responded to with lies and contempt and/or threat displays.

IOW, there seems to be an obsession with claiming that things are what they should be in terms of the person's fantasies, and never mind the facts. Once the facts come to light, nobody's fooled but them and, oddly enough, that seems to be the point. The ridiculous consequences of their denials are even denied by the 'disordered', but even these denials apparently are not primarily intended to fool the people being addressed so much as to reinforce the fantasy of the speaker.

That's the really sad part, OSIT.

In systems terms, this is a repeating pattern that can be seen in many people who behave this way. Since they are "stuck" in "events", they neither see nor care about the wider pattern, let alone the overall structure of their own lives, OSIT.

I think I'll tag it the "Tunnel Vision Tornado Tina" syndrome...unless someone comes up with a topper using "B's"). :)
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Bud said:
In systems terms, this is a repeating pattern that can be seen in many people who behave this way. Since they are "stuck" in "events", they neither see nor care about the wider pattern, let alone the overall structure of their own lives, OSIT.

Yup, Mary Mcgrannahan is an EXCELLENT example of this principle in action, she has nothing, she is nothing, she's wasted her entire life, and she can't see that she's done it all to herself. All she can do is sit there, blame the world for her woes, scream in a 28 pt font, post comments to her own inane ramblings, and pretend someone's actually listening.

What's really interesting is watching Barbara Camwell use Mary to try an distract people from what she's doing. There's a lot to be learned by watching one psycho manipulate a less intelligent psycho. Of course this tactic only works on people who haven't seen it before. Barbara Camwell will be exposed as exactly what she is, both to SSI and the general public, regardless of her meatpuppet's blather. Still it's very informative to watch how Barbara gets Mary to dance to her tune.

Edited to add:
Case in point for living in fantasy land, Mcgrannahan actually thinks my page change notice bot is me :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

jumpinjack2011 said:
Guardian, you have a future in stand up comedy as well! :lol:

I Have to poke fun at all this, or I'd go crazy.

I'm still digging, but it looks like Barbara Camwell aka Barbara Ness may have been lying about being a "Victim" of Andrew Ness (her husband) since day one. Of course public records can be wrong, but it sure looks like she's still married to, and living with Andrew Ness .... which is hysterically funny after you read all her posts to Lisa Scott's board about leaving your abuser. I wonder if Andrew Ness even knows all the horrible claims Barbara has made on the net her terribly abusive husband? If not, I expect he'll hear about them soon. :shock:

At this point I have SERIOUS doubts that Barbara Camwell Ness was abused by Andrew Ness...or anyone else. Her whole "Helping victims abuse 'cause I've been there" looks like just another scam.

I'm still in the middle of the deep dig (going through state, county, etc. .pdf or image records that don't show up in a normal google search) but so far I see no evidence of divorce, or police complaints she's filled against this man she's been referring to as her "abuser" for YEARS... nothing. According to property tax filings, it looks like they're still living with each other? What happened to Barbara's "Get out Girl" advice? Either it doesn't apply to her for some reason, or she's been lying about her "abusive husband" Andrew Ness since the gitgo? We shall see.

I had a very interesting conversation with a para-legal who works for NY State yesterday, and while he emphatically stated that he "Could not advise me" regarding the personal defamation, he did suggest I contact a private NY attorney since NY has a very strong "False Light" Statue ...which is evidently quite different from "Defamation?"

So, do we have any New York members who can recommend a GOOD civil attorney? I hate to just pick one off the net, you never know what you're getting. I've found that hiring an lawyer is a lot like buying a used car. I want one that got some mileage on him/her, been around the block a few times, but still running good with no major accidents. Doesn't have to be a fancy, "luxury" model, but needs to have a powerful engine under the hood that's stroking on all cylinders.

As big as this forum is, somebody's gotta know where I can buy a good, used lawyer? ;D
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

OMG Mary Mcgrannahan is actually ragging on me because she thinks it's taking me too long to put up Barbara Camwell Ness's expo-blog

:rotfl: :lol2: :lol2: :rotfl:

THAT IS HILARIOUS! I feel like I'm watching a live action version of Pinky and the Brain.

Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Looking around on other sites that seems to be the premise is that she still lives with him and she uses the storyline as an in on women's forums. Of course she is a victim of EVERYTHING which allows her entrance into a multitude of forums...victim of DV (NOT), victim of cyber stalking (NOT), victim of every-kind-of-medical-problem-just-pick-one (Does NOT appear so as she spends over 40 hours a week online). She is a karmic magnet for victimization.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

To answer Pinky's question, this is what I was waiting for, it's called "indexing" and both Pinky and the Brain are about to be schooled in the art of SEO :evil:

Google search
Barbara Camwell Ness (no quotes)

About 1,760 results (0.20 seconds)

Search Results

Barbara Camwell Ness aka EOPC

Barbara Camwell Ness aka EOPC. Wednesday, May 25, 2011. Barbara's use of the royal "we" · http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=8379.30 ...
barbaracamwell-eopc.blogspot.com/ - Cached

Barbara Camwell-Internet Harasser

Jan 4, 2011 ... Barbara Camwell Ness in NYC.(Stop Harassing me Barbara!) Can anyone suggest anything that will help to increase concentration and remove the ...
barbaracamwell.blogspot.com/ - Cached
Barbara Camwell-Internet Harasser: Has Barbara Camwell, Internet ...

Jan 4, 2011 ... Barbara Camwell Ness in NYC.(Stop Harassing me Barbara!) Can anyone suggest anything that will help to increase concentration and remove the ...
barbaracamwell.blogspot.com/.../has-barbara-camwell-of-east-elmhurst.html - Cached

Barbara Camwell-Internet Harasser: Barbara Camwell ---INTERNET ...

Jan 1, 2011 ... Please, Barbara Camwell Ness, stop your childish crap. Leave me alone. Stop posting pictures of other women from 'WomanSavers.com' also. ...
barbaracamwell.blogspot.com/2011/01/barbara-camwell.html - Cached

Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

May 20, 2011 ... I've decided to post a very limited amount of what I believe to be proof that Barbara Camwell Ness is Purplehaze aka EOPC (Exposing On-line ...
cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=8379.40;wap2 - Cached

Barbra Ness - Announcing The Toylanders

May 20, 2011 ... Barbra Camwell Ness as Counselor? The Cyberpath Blog Fighter, Queens County ... Barbra Camwell Ness has practiced Counseling, and collected ...
thetoylanders.blogspot.com/2011/05/barbra-ness-as-counselor.html - Cached

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next

Google search
Barbara Camwell (no quotes)

About 8,200 results (0.10 seconds)

Search Results

Barbara Camwell-Internet Harasser

Jan 4, 2011 ... Barbara Camwell Ness in NYC.(Stop Harassing me Barbara!) Can anyone suggest anything that will help to increase concentration and remove the ...
barbaracamwell.blogspot.com/ - Cached

Barbara Camwell-Internet Harasser: Has Barbara Camwell, Internet ...

Jan 4, 2011 ... Barbara Camwell Ness in NYC.(Stop Harassing me Barbara!) Can anyone suggest anything that will help to increase concentration and remove the ...
barbaracamwell.blogspot.com/.../has-barbara-camwell-of-east-elmhurst.html - Cached

Barbara Camwell-Internet Harasser: Barbara Camwell ---INTERNET ...

Jan 1, 2011 ... Poor Barbara Camwell. Always playing the victim, aren't you. You say your disabled. Thats wrong, your braindead. ...
barbaracamwell.blogspot.com/2011/01/barbara-camwell.html - Cached

Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

15 posts - 8 authors - Last post: 5 days ago
Guardian, how many hours a day does the 'disabled' Barbara Camwell spend on her many online projects? Surely it is equal to a
full time job ...
cassiopaea.org › ... › Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths - Cached
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

jumpinjack2011 said:
Hum....maybe McGrannahan want's Barbara Camwell exposed too?

Oh of course she does, she's a drama queen with the IQ of a snail darter ...it's fun for her.

Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

As I've often said about Vincent Bridges, Jay Weidner, Andrew Rowland, and the rest of that gang, the only way a person can devote this much time to just pure out & out nastiness is if they are getting paid for it, or they are barking mad (which, in this context, includes being a psychopath).

Hmmm... now that I wrote that, it does make me wonder if this Barbara Camwell Ness may not be a paid agent whose job it is to destroy groups pursuing knowledge of, and exposure of, pathological types?
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Laura said:
Hmmm... now that I wrote that, it does make me wonder if this Barbara Camwell Ness may not be a paid agent whose job it is to destroy groups pursuing knowledge of, and exposure of, pathological types?

I was wondering the same thing myself...I have yet to find a large forum of that nature that she hasn't hit. She appears to live in a townhouse in Queens, which ain't cheap.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Guardian said:
Laura said:
Hmmm... now that I wrote that, it does make me wonder if this Barbara Camwell Ness may not be a paid agent whose job it is to destroy groups pursuing knowledge of, and exposure of, pathological types?

I was wondering the same thing myself...I have yet to find a large forum of that nature that she hasn't hit. She appears to live in a townhouse in Queens, which ain't cheap.

You might want to look up "Hasbara" on the forum here. It's about a particular program, but it can be worked in a lot of ways and this one sure fits the profile.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Guardian said:
Yeah, but I KNOW what they are, I've been studying them for more than 30 years, yet my brain STILL resists accepting what my eyes see them do. You'd think I'd get used to them after the second or third DECADE of dealing with them?

Well, I don't think it's ever possible for a normal person to get used to the way a psychopath can mix blatant lies with charm and apparently normal human emotions. To be able to get used to that kind of deception and recognise it straight away would require you to suspect everyone that you interacted with of doing so, and no one can live like that. The problem is that 90-some% of the time we interact with normal people and our natural expectation that they are being honest is fulfilled. Then along comes a psycho looking and acting for all the world like a normal person, but underneath they are just one big walking lie.

Even Robert Hare, who studied them for 30 years and wrote books about psychopathy was still regularly caught out by them throughout his career. His office staff had a fairly reliable way to tell which of his patients (or the inmates he was interviewing) was a psychopath - they were the ones that were able to get Hare to 'loan' them some money.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

His office staff had a fairly reliable way to tell which of his patients (or the inmates he was interviewing) was a psychopath - they were the ones that were able to get Hare to 'loan' them some money.

The same story is found in Cleckley's Mask of Sanity.
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