Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Here's another great example of what an absolute moron Mary McGrannahan is. She posted a rant about me on Usenet of all places, trying to look like Barbara by using the email address "disabledtwinmum@mail.com" ...but then she posted it from the same IP she spammed me from :lol2:

I don't know what's funnier, the fact that she actually thinks she's clever, or the fact that she doesn't realize what a compliment she pays me every time she posts something like this?

What's also very amusing is that she's actually telling the truth to a small degree....and I don't think she even realizes it?

Betsy Ashby is a personality disorder twit

Well "twit" is completely subjective, and I'm certainly not perfect plus the DSM is huge and convoluted, so I'm sure there's something in there that could be applied to me? I have a transgendered pygmy goat who likes to sneak up behind people and pull their pants down. Just getting a goat a sex change operation has to qualify me for something?

who has devoted her life to meddling and causing trouble for people she doesn't know.

Change "people" to "predators" and this would be completely accurate.

Her entire aim in life is stir up -shite-.

Yup, I'm gonna have to own this one too. I did not hop this meatsuit ride to be a sheeple. I arrived with spoon in hand, let the stirring commence.

She's a complete fraud.

Fraud at what? I don't claim to be anything but what she just described, a meddler who causes trouble for predators I don't know? When a 'path poops in the humanity pool, it just sits there at the bottom slowly contaminating the entire pool. Ya gotta stir it up to be able to filter it out....and it's right ugly while you're doing it.

Anyone who believes anything she says is a crazy as she is.

Considering what is viewed as "normal" in our society, I take "crazy" as a compliment. She is correct, it's "normal" to ignore pathological behavior, most people turn away from the victims and don't want to become involved. I am often viewed as "crazy" for openly confronting 'paths on behalf of victims I may never even meet.

It's her attempt to appear to be Barbara that has me cackling. Of course I have arranged to have all my email preserved by my provider, on their server, so there is no question of tampering if there is ever a need to have any of them certified for use in court.

What's HILARIOUS is that she's using a freaking proxy, all she had to do was log off and log back on. She's also using a service that has a tiny bank of servers, and they will fall all over themselves complying with a subpoena, so she's just proven how she tries to impersonate her victims ....again.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again "Idiot" :rotfl:


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Betsy Ashby is a personality disorder twit who has devoted her life to
meddling and causing trouble for people she doesn't know. Her entire
aim in life is stir up -shite-. She's a complete fraud. Anyone who
believes anything she says is a crazy as she is.


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Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2011 15:31:48 -0800 (PST)
From: Mary Mcgrannahan <arebelwithoutpaws@yahoo.com>
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Subject: uh Betsy
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Since you say i can't do anything to or about your fraud fuck buddy Sandra Brown, why are you carrying on so about it?
If i can't possibly do anything to or about the lying conniving psychotherapist impersonating money scamming Sandra Brown, then
why do you feel it necessary to try to get me to take down that blog and not pursue it by threatening people i barely know, and lying about me anywhere you can find a fucktard audience of one or two pagan nitwits?
doesn't make much sense, does it?..........
oh, and that pagan bullshit........that ain't going over well with Sandra's Christian FORMER clients.........


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Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2011 16:56:01 -0800 (PST)
From: Mary Mcgrannahan <arebelwithoutpaws@yahoo.com>
Reply-To: Mary Mcgrannahan <arebelwithoutpaws@yahoo.com>
Subject: Sandra Brown
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Sandra Brown is just an excuse for you to use to stalk people..........you don't give a -flick- about her.......
however, all your threats you've made against people after you and she both announced that you are her *snicker* 'legal advisor'
are not going to help her at all...not with the State of North Carolina, or with her clients and would be clients........
you're actually doing more to destroy her reputation than i am............
which i find highly amusing..............but i don't think Sandra will be as amused by it as i am........
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Maybe I'm getting punchy because I'm so sick of these 'paths, but I just can not stop chuckling over

"Betsy Ashby is a personality disorder twit"

The next thing you know, Barbara and Mary will have created a PDT Survivors forum, 'cause Barbara doesn't have those letters in her abuse/ailment portfolio yet....and she needs Mary to do the grunt work :lol:
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

@ Sandra Brown MA:

Your choice of how you use your education and qualifications is not hard to understand at all :)

What's hard to understand is what McGrannahan and Camwell Ness get out of their efforts, and that crazy "pathological persistence" . The only thing that makes sense to me is that their persistence is "evidence" of a deeper life and death type struggle, or a "hardware issue". Brain damaged individuals display severe perserveration, as do those with organic mental disease (schizophrenias). People who are "fighting for their life" at a psychodynamic level would perseverate like this, too.

Maybe at some level there is no difference between a "hardware issue" and a deep seated psychological issue; which came first, the chicken or the egg?

I was briefly involved with Lisa E. Scott's "All About Him" support forum for relationship victims of NPD. I'd known Barbara Camwell Ness and Mary McGrannahan from the sturm and drang they foisted upon my "home" DV survivor community (now called Our Place). I watched in fascinated disgust for several months while Camwell Ness held court as the moderator on Vain Forum, and then Scott defrocking and banning her (and McGrannahan).

I saw Barbara make a BEELINE for you and your Institute, Ms Brown.

In the meantime, I contacted Scott privately to support her decision, and joined her forum (my IP was banned from even viewing it while Camwell Ness held court). Scott brought in a new moderator, who later invited me and four others to become co-moderators to prevent Barbara Despot Syndrome. We had a great thing going for about six months, until there was a nasty falling out between Scott and Jody, her replacement for Barbara Camwell Ness. Me and the other new mods were babies in the bathwater and got tossed along with. There is some instability going on with Scott herself, as well as Jody, but the Vain Forum goes on filling it's "niche" and I wish Scott's efforts well.

Anyway, I suspected that eventually you and your Institute would "run afoul" of Camwell Ness because that is her NATURE. I'd put the pathological twit on "ignore" for about a year, and recently checked back in and viola! you and your Institute had suffered a similar "goodbye" from Barbara Camwell Ness, including smear campaigns and legal hassles.

So . . . . who's next? She's got at least one forum up about Laura Knight-Jadczyk, populated by herself and one other moderator who post to each other and have no other members I could detect. I have my suspicions they are BOTH Camwell Ness, fwiw.

There's a saying in my DV survivor community that we borrowed from somewhere: "Give them enough rope, and they'll hang themselves."

A huge positive I see from your particular encounter with Barbara Camwell Ness is that she just messed with the WRONG woman. You and your Institute have wide recognition, and are well-networked. Camwell Ness' opportunities to "feed" off of other paragons of the greater community has been dealt a death blow. She has also been "networked", but in exactly the way that will (hopefully) shut her up for good.

I've been unable to find ACTIVE advertisement for her "mentoring services". I have seen very little, if any, of her personal rhetoric, just articles she's snagged and re-snagged for AbuseSanctuary and EOPC.

What thin gratification she gets from posting and re-posting other people's work won't be enough, so I have a set of "predictions" :D :halo:

1. Barbara Camwell Ness will check herself into Bellevue or some other private clinic. She will barely glance backward at her failed coup, survivor and opportunist that she is.

2. She will sink her claws into a practitioner there, who will be "wow'd" at Barbara's amazing re-integration. Barbara will do what always works with us 'nurturers' and 'wishers of healing' -- she will flatter and sing songs of gratitude, grasp the "concepts" with the ease of native brilliance and take the archetype of the Wounded Healer by the gonads and aim her array . . . . somewhere else. I'm predicting the mental health/psychiatric field.

3. Or, she'll amplify her "woundedness" itself, surround herself with a court of shrinks and therapists and healers, and meet her need for glorification and attention that way by being a professional patient. She tried this with Cigna Healthcare back in the late 90's, and was unable to convince them she suffered from "sick building syndrome". Maybe this time she'll bring the syndrome home?

As for poor Mary McGrannahan . . . per Guardian, she's off to plague and infiltrate the Los Angeles pet sitter community (am I getting this right?). I feel badly for her newest/future victims, and a little bit badly that it is THEM and not the DV survivor community she's onto. Sigh.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Briseis said:
So . . . . who's next?

Well, if we're taking bets, I'm gonna go with Anna Valerious, Claudia Moscovici, Donna Anderson, Sandra Phipps ...and every socio-psycho-narc group on Facebook. I don't think she's going to change her pattern at all, just target new victims. She'll concentrate more on getting "Donations" now too.

She's got at least one forum up about Laura Knight-Jadczyk, populated by herself and one other moderator who post to each other and have no other members I could detect. I have my suspicions they are BOTH Camwell Ness, fwiw.

Which forum is this? I'd like to make sure it's on my list?

As for poor Mary McGrannahan . . . per Guardian, she's off to plague and infiltrate the Los Angeles pet sitter community (am I getting this right?).

Not sure yet. All we know for certain is that Monika Magness' address (work and home) is being used as an address for Mary in several legal filings. Mcgrannahan says she's not in CA, but since she's a pathological liar, it's hard to say?
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths


This is where "Blacksmith" and "Whistleblower" (the latter of which I'm sure is Barb) talk to each other but have no members, or ones that I can detect.

When I first encountered McGrannahan on my blog, her IP resolved to Los Angeles. Is that the server you and I were talking about? I assumed she lived in LA but then found the public records et all in MO.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Briseis said:

This site is currently hosted by a lying scumbag named Chris Horlatcher, after being started by a French scumbag....LONG story. Barbara joined them a couple of months ago and they made her a Mod. Call me tomorrow if you want and I'll tell you all about it.

When I first encountered McGrannahan on my blog, her IP resolved to Los Angeles. Is that the server you and I were talking about?

Yes....now she's using a really lame proxy service, "HideMyAss" and about a dozen other commercial proxy programs using a handful of servers.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Briseis said:
@ Sandra Brown MA:

Your choice of how you use your education and qualifications is not hard to understand at all :)

What's hard to understand is what McGrannahan and Camwell Ness get out of their efforts, and that crazy "pathological persistence" . The only thing that makes sense to me is that their persistence is "evidence" of a deeper life and death type struggle, or a "hardware issue". Brain damaged individuals display severe perserveration, as do those with organic mental disease (schizophrenias). People who are "fighting for their life" at a psychodynamic level would perseverate like this, too.

Maybe at some level there is no difference between a "hardware issue" and a deep seated psychological issue; which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Well, the psychopath's mindset is one of eternal warfare. Every interaction is a power game, and they can't stand losing. So yeah, they'll fight as if they're lives depend on it. I don't think it's a 'psychological issue', however, at least not the way 'normals' have psychological issues. George Simon's book "Character Disturbance" goes into this in detail and REALLY makes it make sense.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

The issue isn't 'why do they do that?' the behavior IS the manifestation of the pathology. It's just the movement and energy-action behind pathology. We don't say "Why does cancer destroy the body?' Because the destroying of the body IS cancer.

By definition, the behavior is a reflection of the mind/personality in pathology. Other than maybe kids who engage in this, is there really adult defamers who are NOT pathological? I mean, 'WHO does this?' Which leads to 'what kinds of disorders do this to one person after another person? Who lives their lives on the internet in a state of defamation mania to do these things?' Answering the question highlights the disorders.

The core self in cluster Bs is fragmented which is why you see the frantic behavior associated out side of themselves. While non-cluster B's find internal resources and a sense of self, cluster b's find that largely outside of themselves which is why they are frantic to have contact, even negative contact, with others. The nothing-ness of them is what they avoid being swallowed up by. Much like a 4 year old, everything is externalized and the interactions with others become not only a distraction from the vacuum like interior of themselves, but a screen on which they play out their own maladaptive emotions. Without other people, there is no screen and those feelings are left inside, simmering with no internal coping resources (emotional dysregulation). And shortly they blow up and do destructive things to others. Or that's when self harm occurs.

Her latest go round with my non-license is her way of having contact. She will have spent all day either posting places about this issue, sending emails (I got 5 yesterday), or spin her rolodex and pick another victim and work on her that day. There will never be a day that someone isn't targeted.

It might be an interesting training session to take her emails and show the Dialectical Behavioral Treatment (DBT) behavior associated with her letter. It's a great way of not getting lost in the tyranical ravings and break down the sentences so you apply them to both DBT and Eriksonian Developmental Theory. Fascinating stuff for any who really like to learn from these types of acting out, which are priceless.

To go back to what I was saying, 'Who Does That?' helps us focus on the disorder behind the maladaptive behavior and understand the behavior as signs of pathology. Below is an article I wrote on it.


Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Thank you very much for your eloquent article. It makes sense to me, the world is starting to make sense to me at last , and I think education on this all-important subject is also beginning to creep into the mainstream, thanks to your efforts and others'!
Although the big picture still isn't clear to most and people are still debating on which US president they should vote.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

sandrabrownma said:
The issue isn't 'why do they do that?' the behavior IS the manifestation of the pathology. It's just the movement and energy-action behind pathology. We don't say "Why does cancer destroy the body?' Because the destroying of the body IS cancer.

There ya go! I'd put this on a bumper sticker if I didn't think I'd get rear-ended by someone trying to read it. It took me decades to really understand this concept. I wish you and Laura had been writing books when I was young.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

cassandra said:
Although the big picture still isn't clear to most and people are still debating on which US president they should vote.

If I were to win the lottery tomorrow, I would start a nationwide movement to pass a law mandating that the choice "None Of The Above" be added to every ballot in every election in the United States.

Should "None of the Above" win, instant do-over with the candidates who lost to "None of the Above" forbidden to run again.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Guardian said:
cassandra said:
Although the big picture still isn't clear to most and people are still debating on which US president they should vote.

If I were to win the lottery tomorrow, I would start a nationwide movement to pass a law mandating that the choice "None Of The Above" be added to every ballot in every election in the United States.

Should "None of the Above" win, instant do-over with the candidates who lost to "None of the Above" forbidden to run again.

Guardian for president! :clap: :D
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Should "None of the Above" win, instant do-over with the candidates who lost to "None of the Above" forbidden to run again.

Guardian for president! :clap: :D

Yeah, I second that!

Mod's note: Edited to fix the quotation boxes
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

The garnishments should go after Mary's new 'acquired wealth' by her own admission that she sold her story to a 'real' film producer now and is 'living the good life' so maybe she can pay all those law suits.

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