Facebook Demands Identification

Laura said:
asino said:
Besides, my point isn't about numbers, it's about principles.

There is good and there is evil and there is the specific situation that determines which is which.

Have you ever read "In Search of the Miraculous"?

Yeah, that's pretty black and white/all or nothing thinking, asino.

I'm on FB. Why? So I can like articles that Laura and others share that shows what is really going on in the world. I, also, like and share articles from SOTT. It's a way for me to send a message to the Universe stating that I can see what is really going on in this world of lies and that I don't much like it.

It's not what FB is, but what one can do with it - until it's time to leave.
Laura said:
Yup. Looks like efforts had an effect. Yes, I sent an ID, but I do think that them getting lots of messages jacked up the restoration.

Interesting insight into what is going on here on the BBM.

I think this ultimately was the best solution. I mean with how pervasive the surveillance state is, it's pretty much a given whoever FB takes orders from already has all personal information anyway. It felt like an intimidation tactic. Another thing I wondered about too, is that maybe it's due to sharing too many sott links? Sometimes if a profile shares too many links from one website, it can be flagged for spamming or potentially being a bot... :huh:
whitecoast said:
I think this ultimately was the best solution. I mean with how pervasive the surveillance state is, it's pretty much a given whoever FB takes orders from already has all personal information anyway. It felt like an intimidation tactic. Another thing I wondered about too, is that maybe it's due to sharing too many sott links? Sometimes if a profile shares too many links from one website, it can be flagged for spamming or potentially being a bot... :huh:

Or maybe the quantity of friends! there are times where a person gets some high numbers of friends and comments that Facebook start to investigate him/her.
irjO said:
whitecoast said:
I think this ultimately was the best solution. I mean with how pervasive the surveillance state is, it's pretty much a given whoever FB takes orders from already has all personal information anyway. It felt like an intimidation tactic. Another thing I wondered about too, is that maybe it's due to sharing too many sott links? Sometimes if a profile shares too many links from one website, it can be flagged for spamming or potentially being a bot... :huh:

Or maybe the quantity of friends! there are times where a person gets some high numbers of friends and comments that Facebook start to investigate him/her.
A while back there was a tattooist that I knew who had moved from Edinburgh to New York and I tried to add her as a friend and I was denied by facebook because she has "too many friends" already. I wonder if that will end up being the case with Laura. Has this happened to anyone else? It was years ago so it may have changed.
lainey said:
irjO said:
whitecoast said:
I think this ultimately was the best solution. I mean with how pervasive the surveillance state is, it's pretty much a given whoever FB takes orders from already has all personal information anyway. It felt like an intimidation tactic. Another thing I wondered about too, is that maybe it's due to sharing too many sott links? Sometimes if a profile shares too many links from one website, it can be flagged for spamming or potentially being a bot... :huh:

Or maybe the quantity of friends! there are times where a person gets some high numbers of friends and comments that Facebook start to investigate him/her.
A while back there was a tattooist that I knew who had moved from Edinburgh to New York and I tried to add her as a friend and I was denied by facebook because she has "too many friends" already. I wonder if that will end up being the case with Laura. Has this happened to anyone else? It was years ago so it may have changed.

It definitely happens, i've followed a few people who've hit the thousand mark (think it was 5 could have been 2) and then had to do FB culls to allow for new addtitions or kept the profile for their personal and made a 'page' for the rest.

In this instance, in retrospect, due to the speed and lack of explanation, i'm leaning towards a few 'reports' about Laura's profile, and they've just gone straight to blocking the profile because they can, knowing it is the quickest way to get a response from the owner.

As for FB referring the largest proportion of the audience, i found this to be the case when reviewing the analytics for brands i worked on; for social networks let's say 80% came from FB, a few from twitter, and one or two from G+, and very rarely linked in. And for search engines 90% of the time was from Google. So the avenues of referral are quite limited, but as noted, is probably because people have created their networks their over the last 7+ years so are reluctant to move for many reasons, one being that it's actually working efficiently - in that what is being shared is being interacted with.
Laura said:
anka said:
Laura said:
Yup. Looks like efforts had an effect. Yes, I sent an ID, but I do think that them getting lots of messages jacked up the restoration.

Interesting insight into what is going on here on the BBM.


Though I thought we could make it happen without you sending your ID, simply because of people power, but at least you are back.

Well, they didn't get much in the way of ID since I blocked out most of it with paintshop.

Laura, it happen when more than one person has denounced your account as possibly fake, and send a document with photo like you did that's enough (although it's photoshopped to protect your personal info).

The good thing is that from now on, your account is "protected" and will not happen again, and it's also good because it's a guarantee that if someone pretend to supplant you, just with a simply denunce click from your account, or from some facebook friend, that this is written off immediately. Cheers.

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