Facebook must die

Deedlet said:
Another thing that comes to mind is so what if FB has your info? I mean.. the PTB are a lot bigger than FB goes, and if they wanted your info they would get it one way or another- it is the big brother age after all.

As I understand it, it has more to do with priming people into accepting and willingly give their informations under the pretense of keeping in touch with friends, easy to use and so on. They can already collect a lot of things about us just with our consumer habits.

It's the same each time some new collecting info tools is created and pushed into the public (from health card to electronic metro cards...), it's made to "simplify" our lives.

It's more natural for younger people to share everything about their lives on FB or on any other social networks than my generation and the ones before, add that to the idea that to be under the eye of a camera and your life will change because you'll become a star you'll have a whole generation that will easily give their privacy away in exchange of fame and recognition osit.
Here is an article that might help about the concept of privacy regarding Facebook


I personally think theres more to Facebook than just the information gathering on people. Its more of a social experiment to see how easilly manipulated people are.
Its mind control and a way of conditioning people.
Ive seen it with my own eyes. I wont join Facebook because ive seen how important it is for other people that im on there " YOU HAVE TO JOIN FACEBOOK!" , " WHY ARENT YOU ON FACEBOOK?!" - Thats enough of a warning sign for me.

Its a conditioning tool for people to escape normal reality. Its also a tool to make people more narcasstic and superficial. Its friends collecting, and anyone that puts up any argument to say its any different are in denial.
Theres not 1 reason why people need to be on facebook. People can talk to long lost relatives etc etc on MSN.

I went on for about 3 weeks, and from day 1 i loathed the cliche jokes and the meaningless information about peoples lives. If a friend is a friend they will call me on the phone, simple as that!
melatonin said:
I personally think theres more to Facebook than just the information gathering on people. Its more of a social experiment to see how easilly manipulated people are.
Its mind control and a way of conditioning people.
Ive seen it with my own eyes. I wont join Facebook because ive seen how important it is for other people that im on there " YOU HAVE TO JOIN FACEBOOK!" , " WHY ARENT YOU ON FACEBOOK?!" - Thats enough of a warning sign for me.

Its a conditioning tool for people to escape normal reality. Its also a tool to make people more narcasstic and superficial. Its friends collecting, and anyone that puts up any argument to say its any different are in denial.
Theres not 1 reason why people need to be on facebook. People can talk to long lost relatives etc etc on MSN.

I went on for about 3 weeks, and from day 1 i loathed the cliche jokes and the meaningless information about peoples lives. If a friend is a friend they will call me on the phone, simple as that!

While a lot of what you say can be true for some people, what I've learned is that it doesn't have to be that way. I don't get (much) superficial activity on my page because I don't put up with it. I'll give people quite a few chances to say something meaningful and if they don't, I either hide them or unfriend them. If you friend people who have something relevant to say, that's what your page will end up looking like.

What I "like" best about it currently, is that I can contact people who may otherwise be difficult to find or get in touch with. I just think of it as an extension of networking and getting knowledge out to people of like (and sometimes not so like) minds. :)
Hi Melatonin,

I think it's fair to assume there's always something more than meets the eye with respect to just about everything. I believe you are right to see the signs of social manipulation/engineering and be wary.

I do wonder why you would think MSN (Microsoft's social network) is any safer though, especially since it owns shares in Facebook.

If it owns the network, it owns the data that passes through it. The fact that we are witnessing all sorts of agreements between major players in telecom, satellite and cable, all providers of Internet network access, all connections to the internet are being monitored.

Some of these providers are in excellent position to beam whatever they want into the households of their users - television through cable and satellite, mobile communications, etc.

When we pair monitoring with social manipulation and beaming, we get a pretty powerful mix. Since all of the providers are connected one way or another, so are their customers. It's pretty brilliant, really.

You are wise to be thinking along the lines of minimal connection and using whatever technology provides the least affect on you. I just don't know how easy it is to discern what method is safer anymore.

I had the thought that, if audio layers can be inserted into any audio stream, including voice transmission (Skype would be a good candidate), how far off are we from having the same capability visually? We can already insert messages into images, but I don't think text can be contaminated yet without the addition of more text if the ASCII character sets are being used. But I don't know if anyone would really notice the addition of a few words here and there to create patterns only the subconscious could see unless they had the original transmission (e.g. email). I also don't know at which point such thinking crosses into paranoia.

I do know that if I thought of it, there's a good chance that a room full of people paid to dream up such stuff thought it before me.

Truth Seeker - Hi there. Its good that you make it work for you. :)
The whole idea that id think that anyone would want to know every little detail of my life (or me theres) makes me cring tbh.
When i was on Facebook i basically observed alot of people 'ego stroking' each other. I think it makes people look incredibly insecure.
It seemed to me like the online equivalent of wearing a big gold chain. ' my willy is bigger than yours' etc etc. (pardon my french).

As for Networking, ive found that alot of people play by different rules (using online persona's) so its not something i really want to invest much time in.
And ive found alot of truth seekers (sorry to use your name) are just as bad as anyone else - in that they arent intrested in open intresting discussions, but have just found other believes, and defend them aggressively.
" Chemtrails exist, and i dont want to talk about the matter" etc etc.

Basically my online experience has seen that most people (when in a position where they cant be tracked) will just try to bully and abuse others.
I prefer the 3D world because i communicate well, and people would think twice before trying to push me around.
Anyone can say anything online. Having the courage to say it in the real world is what counts. I dont like to confuse the two, hence why i wouldnt go on Facebook. (and for two million other reasons!).
Hi Gonzo, :)

Im pretty sure that Facebook isnt been used for gathering evidence on people. Unless the person is a particulary important person its unlikely that the very powerful people in charge of this world would be intrested.
More like Facebook is a tool of distraction.
The online world is a distraction.
If the internet was closed tommorow people would focus on the real world far more in my opinion, and what is happening.

Having such freedom of speech (like is granted on facebook) isnt the great thing everyone makes it out to be. The more these boundaries are stretched by us, the more the government can stretch them aswell. Its all very conveniant. We are doing the dirty work for them, yet we cant even see it.
Add in the law of attraction and this new age religion, and you have a massive group of people who think they can change whats happening in the world from sitting in front of their pc 'sharing information'.

I do think MSN is safer (if i had children they WOULDNT be on facebook, not a chance) - in that sense anyways.

Your right - if someone was of importance, theres probably satallite technology that can hear what anyone is saying in any location. (without the use of a phone).

This is another thing ive found - That we are being brainwashed to feel like we are important - when we arent. Its all very clever. No doubt these groups of people have spent ALOT of time analysing the human ego.
They feed our ego, stroke it - and make us feel like we are in control. When really we arent.
Give us an ipod, a mobile phone. Tell us how cool we are. Let us have a Facebook page, where we can act like some kind of grade B celebrity. (im not saying everyone is like that. Most ive seen are though).

Its all a distraction. It all blurs the boundaries between the internet and real world.

Sorry for rambling on. Melatonin.
melatonin said:
Truth Seeker - Hi there. Its good that you make it work for you. :)
The whole idea that id think that anyone would want to know every little detail of my life (or me theres) makes me cring tbh.
When i was on Facebook i basically observed alot of people 'ego stroking' each other. I think it makes people look incredibly insecure.
It seemed to me like the online equivalent of wearing a big gold chain. ' my willy is bigger than yours' etc etc. (pardon my french).

As for Networking, ive found that alot of people play by different rules (using online persona's) so its not something i really want to invest much time in.
And ive found alot of truth seekers (sorry to use your name) are just as bad as anyone else - in that they arent intrested in open intresting discussions, but have just found other believes, and defend them aggressively.
" Chemtrails exist, and i dont want to talk about the matter" etc etc.

Basically my online experience has seen that most people (when in a position where they cant be tracked) will just try to bully and abuse others.
I prefer the 3D world because i communicate well, and people would think twice before trying to push me around.
Anyone can say anything online. Having the courage to say it in the real world is what counts. I dont like to confuse the two, hence why i wouldnt go on Facebook. (and for two million other reasons!).
Yep, I agree! Much of fb is about people wearing masks. The trick, I think, is to only accept people into your circle of "friends" whom you can have real conversations with (as much as you can on that medium) and share relevant info with. That's my only interest there. :)
truth seeker said:
Yep, I agree! Much of fb is about people wearing masks. The trick, I think, is to only accept people into your circle of "friends" whom you can have real conversations with (as much as you can on that medium) and share relevant info with. That's my only interest there. :)

For me it's all about "Ya got good links?" No good articles, no "friend" status. My roommate, who's also a VERY dear, long term,personal friend, isn't "friended" on my Facebook page because she plays those games, whereas there are quite a few people I have no personal relationship with at all, 'but they give great link ;D
melatonin said:
Hi Gonzo, :)

Im pretty sure that Facebook isnt been used for gathering evidence on people. Unless the person is a particulary important person its unlikely that the very powerful people in charge of this world would be intrested.

Still isn't a reason to not be careful. :)

melatonin said:
More like Facebook is a tool of distraction.
The online world is a distraction.

Well... I think everything can be a ''distraction''.

melatonin said:
If the internet was closed tommorow people would focus on the real world far more in my opinion, and what is happening.

Why do you think that?

melatonin said:
I do think MSN is safer (if i had children they WOULDNT be on facebook, not a chance) - in that sense anyways.

MSN can be quite dangerous too.
The most important thing is to educate your children about the danger that is out there in the world, and also on the internet.
Hi Oxajil,

Im trying to quote so its easier to respond, but it isnt working.

Hi Gonzo,

Im pretty sure that Facebook isnt been used for gathering evidence on people. Unless the person is a particulary important person its unlikely that the very powerful people in charge of this world would be intrested.

Oxajil said:
Still isn't a reason to not be careful.

Yeah it isnt. But what is there that anyone would be intrested in that you could share? Not you personally, but the average person?
This is where ive always had a problem. Alot of people will say that the 'powers at be' have incredible technology (which they do have). So why would they be intrested in checking out Joe Bloggs webpage to see how much dope he smoked last night? Theres a contradiction there.

melatonin said:
More like Facebook is a tool of distraction.
The online world is a distraction.

oxajil said:
Well... I think everything can be a ''distraction''.

I believe its a distraction. We have illegal wars being played out, and all people give a toss about is updating their facebook page and having the latest ipod.
Even people in my 3D life who i thought were open minded and aware are basically just selfish people who want their slice of the cake. The cake being a nice car, a new house - at any cost, even at the cost of peoples lives abroad. People are becoming more and more selfish/narcasstic. I see it with my own eyes. Alot of truth seekers are no different. And i believe this obssesion with celebritys lifestyles is making people more and more greedy. I think Facebook plays a part in all this. Just my opinion obviously/

melatonin said:
Yeah it isnt. But what is there that anyone would be intrested in that you could share? Not you personally, but the average person?
This is where ive always had a problem. Alot of people will say that the 'powers at be' have incredible technology (which they do have). So why would they be intrested in checking out Joe Bloggs webpage to see how much dope he smoked last night? Theres a contradiction there.

It seems to me that data mining from a marketing perspective is very important. So anyone sharing personal information, as trivial as they seem, is a potential target because if they know your habits, what you like, dislike and so on it will be easier for them to find the product that you "absolutely need".

I think it's also important for the PTB to know the trends in people's life so as to know very fast what to vector and how.
Also I guess they can gauge if their propaganda techniques are working just by sifting through their datas osit.

[quote author=melatonin]And i believe this obssesion with celebritys lifestyles is making people more and more greedy. I think Facebook plays a part in all this. Just my opinion obviously[/quote]

Facebook seems to amplify narcissistic attitudes but only because it is already there in the first place.
But again it depends why and how you use this tool.
I think that most the member of the forum want to keep in touch, form a closer bond and share valuable information and not only to have many friends they don't even know :)

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