Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

The videos of the water tower is not convincing, I don't see anything there that would resemble a person, and the resolution is so low you can see other parts of the water tower warping due to the pixelation. The audio analysis seems to be the best evidence so far of a second shooter.

I'm just wondering why they didn't use some other less obvious methods to kill Donald Trump? They could put him out to pasture without raising nearly as much "noticing" in the general public, installed their RNC / Deep State Shill Nikki Haley, and the Republicans can tell all the conservatives they beat Biden and are going to undo his damage (But not really, same as the old boss and all that).

1. 3D STS Just hate this guy that much - The media / deep staters (possible hybrids) use vitrioloic language, aggitated / aggresive body language - They just feel this rage and indignation towards Trump for trying to undo some of their plans, trying to take their power that they are so entitled to, away from them. "Yes we want to blow his brains out all over national television! That's what he gets!". They have gotten away with so much for so long, of course they'd rather have a gory public end to their #1 enemy, rather than letting him slip away after a stroke in a confy hospital bed, away from the public eye.

2. 4D STS - The ensuing chaos, with all the different out of control emotions that this assassination would've generated, would probably a nice feast for them I'm sure.

Yes, they really love chaos. Also, consider how they have used these "shocks" and the following emotional mayhem for their purposes in the past. When people are completely riled up and emotional, it's easy to use that as an "entry point".

For example, perhaps their plan was to a) execute Trump in this blatant way, filmed in 4K b) ludicrously blame Iran on orchestrating the thing c) since Iran is a blindspot of both Trump and JD Vance and other Trumpists, the RINOs/Neocons could have easily used all the outrage to take back the Republican party, and organise their beloved war/sanctions/etc. against Iran. From the neocon perspective, this would have been a perfect outcome: GOP back on track with the agenda, Neocon president, excuse for more wars and chaos...
In the futuristic novel 1984, there was a minute of hatred, a very important way for people not only to let off steam but also to fuel hatred. And this fuel is food for those who are manipulating. That's where we are now. It's totally decadent, and all the while people continue to die from Covid injections, and the genocide in Gaza continues as if nothing had happened. People who hate are blind, they do not see the reality, they are poisoned by hate. And hate, like fear, help to manipulate people. “They” need to feed the hatred, but not on the real culprits.

During the Covid, hatred was directed at those who were not vaccinated, because those who forced people to take the injection should not be hated. Because the only way to change the situation is to love your neighbour, you have to keep up the hatred at all costs, whether it's towards Trump or Biden or Iran or Putin, or those who think different about what you think, and so on. Never love. It's really pathetic and without love humanity will die, like an insect crushed by a mastodon foot.
Here's the video of Crooks on the roof at the time of the first shots. It's the only video of him while the shooting is ongoing that I can find. Mrtn posted a composite video with it earlier in the thread.

I realize that there's less than a second to work with on this but in that fraction of a second Crooks is in focus when the first gunshot can be heard and I'm not seeing any recoil of the gun, muzzle flash, smoke, or anything.

The muzzle flash and smoke could've been obscured by the angle of the roof as the end of the gun barrel cannot be seen. At the same time, his gun might be more square to his chest than in the pocket of his shoulder which would cut back on recoil. Also, I don't know what modifications were on the gun that might reduce recoil. The video also wasn't the best quality because it was a zoomed in phone.

In other words, I'm not convinced I can trust what I think I'm seeing.

However, I think it's still worth noting I don't see any movement at all from Crooks or his shoulder at the time of the first gunshot.

The CNN analysis about the first three shots being from a different gun does make the observation seem more valid.

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I’ve tried to calculate the approximate bullet speed from this photo, or rather, what I am trying to do is rule out a subsonic bullet.


There are a lot of premises that go into the calculation. I have taken the premises in such a way to try to kind of be able to take all the worst case scenarios to “slow the bullet down” (to see, if I can reach a subsonic speed).

The first premise is, that the photo is not fake. Not sure really if that is true, to me this shot is very, very unlikely to be made, even if you were in on the deal.

I have put two lines in the front and back of his head (red). Average distance from front of face to the back is 8 inches. Trump is a beefy guy and the back marker is not exactly at his back of the head, but in his hair, which means the distance is somewhat longer. But his head is slightly rotated, which foreshortens the distance a bit - all up I have come to use 10 inches between the red two markers, or 0.254 m. On my photo this measures 31mm.

The bullet path: Between the two green lines. Of course we don’t know whether the bullet path was fully captured, as it was passing behind Trump’s head. But taking it from the exit point from behind Trump is the worst case scenario for my question, anything longer would require a higher bullet speed (so if the bullet was truly subsonic, but I took a longer path than it really did, this would lead to an apparently faster bullet). Also the bullet path could be foreshortened, but again, taking the shot as exactly perpendicular (thus no foreshortening at all) is the worst-case scenario, as foreshortening increases bullet speed. The distance on my photo is 46mm.

Thus the ratio of the two distances in the photo is 31mm/ 46mm = 0.674.

If we posit that the approximate distance between the red markers is 0.254 m, then the distance between the two green markers would be 0.254 m/ 0.674 = 0.377 m (or more)

Allegedly the shutter speed was 1/8000th - which translates to a shutter opening time of 0.000125 seconds.

Velocity is Distance/ Time, so veolcity would be 0.377 m/0.000125 s = 3016 m/s. Now that’s way too fast even for a very fast (supersonic) bullet. The fastest bullets ever produced are just below 5000 fps (or roughly 1500 m/s). The speed of sound is around 343 m/s.

From all this follows, that if my premises are vaguely correct, it is very unlikely a subsonic bullet, or else the photo is a fake, or the alleged camera settings are misreported.

For all these reasons I think this photo is fake …
Here is the translation of an interview of the former bodyguard of former French president Nicolas Sarkozy about the Trump assassination attempt:

Jean-Pierre Diot interview.jpg

- I had the impression, above all, of a disorganized team,
of maybe amateur people, or maybe non-trained, or maybe beginners.

-He is Jean-Pierre Diot, specialist of the close-up guard.
He has notably protected Nicolas Sarkozy and Pope Jean Paul II.
He was shown the video of the assassination attempt of Donald Trump,
and here is his reaction:

- He's the one who gets down.
That is to say, he feels something in his ear.
He says, I'm going to get down, because there's something going on.
I don't know what it is.
But normally, that was the role of the evacuator.
To evacuate, to lay on the ground, to reassure him,
to say, now we're going to work, we're going to evacuate.

The guy hides, he have to changes his job, in my opinion.
He goes down, rather than going into contact, he runs away.

Guy hiding.jpg

It's the same, he lies down and he lifts him up with a view of his face,
but really flagrant in front of everyone.

In view of everyone.jpg

These officers are not carriers of the Kevlar suitcase.
It's a triptych, it's a suitcase that we unfold, but which is the proof of the bullets.
If there was a Kevlar or even umbrellas,
we put an umbrella, it hides everything, it makes a visual shelter,
and we don't see what's going on.

That is to say that if there was a shooter, he doesn't know where to hit,
possibly if there was a second one.
But here, it's very easy to hit him.
And here, I notice that there is no equipment.
If it is only to donate his body,
by surrounding the personality, both good and bad,
with little gabarits, with people who are agitated.
We have the impression that there is a ball of rugby in the middle,
it's a mess.
There are my hands that protect with his hand,
as if a hand could protect a 5.56.
It's long, it's long, it's long, before evacuating.

He lets him do his job,
but normally, in these cases, the personality does nothing, doesn't say anything.
He is no longer the boss.
It is those who evacuate and who want to save his life who are the bosses.
We don't let him shine like that, the point raised, etc.
No, no, we lay him down, we hide him, we evacuate him.

Once again, it's an amateur who did that, who shot.
If it had been a pro, it would have been a two,
the second one wouldn't have been in it.

The vehicle is far away, there is a kind of confusion, etc.
He shouldn't have come in through the right door,

but through the left door, hidden from where the aggression comes from.

There are a lot of little things that don't go,
which are, in my opinion, the object of a non-training
or a non-repetition of emergency evacuation, let's say.

We don't see any drones, we don't see any controls,
we don't see any external patrols, etc.


The person, the gunman, is 150 meters away with the scope,
he sees what's going on, if he has a carry, he sees it,
with the performance glasses they have.
So, at the same time, he immediately saw that he had a weapon.
There, he didn't need an order there.
- They can shoot without an order?
- There, completely.
But there, we see that, indeed, it would seem that it lets us see
that he was observing the shooter
and that he waited for him to shoot to be able to react.
It's just an impression. Now you have to be careful with pictures.

In their defence, you have to realise that meetings are both one of the most difficult missions
for a security officer, because, precisely, there can be fireworks,
there can be a kind of diversion,
having a few seconds of interrogation.
"What's going on? Are they fireworks?
Are they fireworks?"

What's surprising is that really no one saw this shooter
go up with his gun, settle down nicely,
like in a forest party.
And that, on the other hand, there is something really that escapes me.

Apparently, it was in a farm or rather isolated.
It was quite simple, at the base.
And with a building to watch over, he didn't.
That, I can't understand.

Frankly, it's something that I...
That's it.
I would have even put a sniper on the building
to make a counter-target, a counter-sniper.
You could see him from very far away.
You could really almost feel him.
And no one, well...
That, it will be explained after the investigation.
There will be something, in my opinion.
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