Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

Just throwing this out there as a counterweight to the "Crooks was not a professional sniper" line of thought:

If he was Greenbaumed, could it be possible that it wouldn't matter how good a shot he was, because the programming would make him a good shot?

In the literature, it talked about levels of programming. One level was sexual blackmail, one was assassin, and delta if I remember was psychic killer.

Could it not stand to reason that if they can program psychic killers and sex slaves that they could program someone to be a decent or even professional sniper? It was said a device that had visited Crooks home was geotagged to an office of the FBI, so there is a probability that a connection between the two is present.

Therefore, in this case, a second shooter isn't needed, Crooks made the shots, but either the Quorum or divine intervention played a hand in what occurred after.

However, I'm not sure what I believe just yet, this is just a thought I keep having while reading all the analysis.
The newer video seems to be the same context as the video posted by @iamthatis here. There I don't see anybody on the roof in the beginning, only after the cut. In the newer maybe I see someone on the roof at 0:32 in 2 frames I can reach with the time slider.

You have good eyes!

Here is a screenshot from iamthatis' video and yours. I've circled the two locations I can identify. The red circle is the second window (from the right). The yellow circle is your guy but he's not there in the the upper pic (the grey thing in the circle is a post cap). You can see the angle is quite different in the two pics. I don't think it's a guy standing on the roof. I think it's just an optical illusion of that part of the tree. There is also a (36 inch?) metal chimney vent coming out of the roof that creates the space between his legs. If this is just a combination of tree, vent, low rez video, it sure makes a brilliant guy!

Also, semi decent videos of the windows on this side and none of them are open. Of course they could have been closed before these videos were taken.

Guy on Roof or Tree?.jpg
Just a follow up, that final shot, someone located it and it makes sense based on what Bongino said and the audio. See the following video:

So this would appear to be in the 400 yard range Bongino talked about I believe it was supposed to be about 100 yards further from the audio versus the other side (the last shot according to the audio analysis). Tore mentioned she thought that last shot was them shooting the person close up, but does not match the audio, and I doubt there would be that much time between a close up shot at the president and return fire. More likely I guess it is the 4th shot of the 2nd group (shot at president) and then the 6th shot in that group (secret service shooting the close up shooter) as those two shots did nto match the 223 in the 1st 2nd 3rd nd 5th shot (which could be Crooks orofficiers shooting at crooks and missing sinec Bongino said there were some missed shots, althoguh I am not sure that fits the audio data - to me more likely Crooks).
Just throwing this out there as a counterweight to the "Crooks was not a professional sniper" line of thought:

If he was Greenbaumed, could it be possible that it wouldn't matter how good a shot he was, because the programming would make him a good shot?

In the literature, it talked about levels of programming. One level was sexual blackmail, one was assassin, and delta if I remember was psychic killer.

Could it not stand to reason that if they can program psychic killers and sex slaves that they could program someone to be a decent or even professional sniper? It was said a device that had visited Crooks home was geotagged to an office of the FBI, so there is a probability that a connection between the two is present.

Therefore, in this case, a second shooter isn't needed, Crooks made the shots, but either the Quorum or divine intervention played a hand in what occurred after.

However, I'm not sure what I believe just yet, this is just a thought I keep having while reading all the analysis.
Agree. You make excellent points except the geofencing was to Gallery Place in DC (not specifically an office of the FBI). The Oversight report that made the claim said there was an FBI office near there. I searched Gallery Place and found retail and residential neighborhood in China Town not too far from the White House. Just the fact that it (the device) is in DC regularly is important though. If it were a CIA handler or cutout, maybe they live in Gallery Place.
FWIW, another article on the failed assassination attempt on Trump.

Unless Crooks brought two rifles with him and managed to switch guns in those two seconds between shots three and four(HA!), new audio reveals that two people shot into the MAGA crowd on the evening of July 13.

It’s 98% definitive.

In my weekend post, I did nearly three hours of audio analysis using what was probably the microphone at the podium where President Trump stood. It still revealed three different firearms being shot that day (maybe four with the last shot heard ten seconds after all the rest), however, I wasn’t able to accurately attribute the correct rounds via audio signature to the different rifles.

New videos of SS and police on the roof, discussing things, including whether or not others individuals have been detained, and something about a guy on a bike. Not sure if that's a bicycle or a motorbike. There's another video of a girl talking about guy arriving on a harley davidson motorbike, not sure if that was posted here.

In the Carlson interview, some info from Ron Johnson investigation was shared, and it included a picture of bicycle with a rifle case on it, that Crookes apparently rode from his van parked a mile away. The van apparently loaded with explosives that we haven't yet seen.
So I think the bike tey're talking about appears to be Crookes bike.
More disturbing is the fact that Crooks' body is NOT where media said he took the shots, not anywhere close. According to the trajectory, he should have been on the very edge of the building to make the shot at Trump. But his body was found on the other half of the building and the eyewitness video showed up no where near that spot.
It is, indeed, noteworthy why the MSM places Crooks shooting position at the left edge (looking from the podium) when he's body was found almost on the opposite side. As the 'mathematician' guy in the video proposes, is this done to align with the angle of someone shooting from the window?
In the Carlson interview, some info from Ron Johnson investigation was shared, and it included a picture of bicycle with a rifle case on it, that Crookes apparently rode from his van parked a mile away. The van apparently loaded with explosives that we haven't yet seen.
So I think the bike tey're talking about appears to be Crookes bike.
So...Crooks had a bike, a rifle and rifle case, a van, a drone, a ladder, a backpack, some explosives, a range finder, at least fifty bullets, and a (locked!) cell phone. All on-site. I guess if you're not trained as a navy seal you gotta work with as many tools as you're allowed to use with, without intervention.

I dunno about you guys, but this whole op stunk to high heaven once I found out that there was actually a real BBC reporter present on the grounds before they "pulled" it off, yet there was no building 7. What a waste of talent. And apparently Crooks didn't even fall into his own footprint, as his body may have been moved after he got shot. I hope someone's at least testing for thermite.
One thing to consider is that if there are UFOs around, they can freeze time and move things and people. That could explain discrepancies.
Or some of the video was modified in real time. In the rumble link I posted above Tore claimed that all the live feeds were delayed 1-2 minutes and AI was used to edit them on the fly. She showed a series of clips showing a solder who was a decent way away from Trump's van that in the other clips looks literally right next to it. It is conceivable when I look at it, that it is just a matter of perspective...but the direction of the gun pointed appears to be slightly toward instead of slightly behind shown in the wider view and the guy should have appeared smaller in my estimate if those other clips was not edited because that building was further back. But really hard to say. But I would not put anything past the government.

To me the Keep It Simple Stupid explanation is there are discrepancies because (1) officials are lying and (2) we don't yet know the entire story where all the facts we have are accounted for. I even wonder if Secret Service might be feeding Bongino some deliberate misinformation or information they have internally been fed - like he said that local officers missed shots trying to take out Crooks; but I wonder about that if Crooks really took shots based on the audio we have - we appear to only have 4-5 separate shooters at most (1 3 shots from snipers, around 4 from crooks, final sniper shot that took out crooks, and then the 2 shots that I think are a shot close by at Trump and then SS taking that guy out; that does not leave a lot of shots for local cops unless cannot hear in the audio because they are small calibers further way from audio - but there are versions closer too and I don't here them)
I don't think it's a guy standing on the roof. I think it's just an optical illusion of that part of the tree.
Looking at it today, I think it's partly a telephone pole further behind, standing in the eastern parking area where the ramp goes up (you can see it in street view). It's spaced further right from the tree at first, but when the camera moves right, it merges with the tree.
And it's also to large for a person compared to the people on the roof seen later.
You've probably done a spectral analysis on those shots? I would be curious to see the differences, could you post some screenshots here?
I used graphic equalizer with that first video below. It was less of spectral analysis and more of separating and/or cutting and/or boosting different frequencies I played with in order to compare how they affect the two different bursts in relation to each other. I'm currently traveling and don't have access to my usual software, but you can test with e.g voxengo SPAN that is free spectral analyzer plugin or any graphic equalizer yourself.
Here's the video. Planning on making another one looking at just the audio in Audacity. I've got a Google Maps image showing where each video was taken.

Pay particular attention to shots 1, 3, and 4 in each video. In videos 2 and 3, the camera shifts, and shots 1 and 3 sound different from each other, even though they're from the same initial barrage of 3, but shots 3 and 4 sound similar, even though they're from different barrages. Maybe not quite as different as 1-3 and 4-8 in the first video, but different enough to make me question whether video 1 is the benchmark, especially since it also has the most drastic shift in camera angle - a full 180 degrees.
Well, just by listening with headphones especially the last three clips both bursts sound much more similar than the first one, so it does raise questions. Either there is, as you say, the camera angle (or also hand covering the mic) causing the difference in the first video, or that filming location itself is where there is frequency buildup/reflections from building walls are more audible, where as if the assumed first shooter is firing through a window, then perhaps the people filming closer to the line of fire aren't picking those differences? The three last clips are all closer where Trump was speaking, and the first two clips are closer to the shooter, I think. But this is just a guess, and it would help if more videos from that location would be released.

I also found it interesting that in this news clip they are partly censoring (apparently due to graphic language in background) the first three shots of the same first video, and only the later ones are clearly audible. That makes it difficult for viewer to notice these differences. I can check those clips later more in depth when I get back home.
As for displacing Crooks body on the roof after he was shot:

- I think there are a number of serious problems/difficulties with that idea, similar to the bullet casings issue. One problem is a lot of blood that can be seen flowing down on a WHITE looking roof that can be seen in the videos of people on the roof after the shooting. How would you displace the body and get rid of all the blood on a white roof so VERY quickly? Here again the much simpler solution that explains things seems to be that Crooks wasn’t moved after he was killed.
In terms of eyewitness accounts in events like this: There is always the possibility that some of them are deliberately false to confuse what happened, meaning, that supposed conspirators might decide to plant a number of witnesses on the scene whose job it is to give false testimonies. For example, that woman that apparently so clearly stated a gunman on the water tower, that was later shot, while she exclaimed to having been glad about it, could be such a plant.
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