Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

Way i see it , the problem with multiple shooters is , the increased points of failure , possibility , ie timing , one missed first shot , and any further shots will likely fail due to an alert target. This can be mitigated if dupe is placed on site just as a plant , and real sniper takes shots first.
Yes, and at least to my knowledge, we still can't be sure if Crooks shot any shots at all (e.g. no ballistic and 'residue thingy' evidence has been provided publicly). So, given that the 3 series and 5 series of shots sound similar in some of the videos, those both series could've all been shot by a pro. I think we also have to remember that in a 'proper' deep state plan for assassinations, they would also include a plan for planting misinformation and false leads after the event. For instance, there's talk about how Crooks was flying a drone before the incident, that he bought a ladder etc. – says who? What evidence do we have of this being true? And maybe the whole 'water tower shtick' was a planted red herring to play time and muddy the waters.

I hope more information will surface to bring clarity. The media appears to have moved on. It's not surprising but it is extraordinary how an assassination attempt like this is memory holed so quickly. No biggie, let's just forget it.
So, how about the following very crazy theory/idea:

- What happened WAS really a conspiracy, but they indeed just used Crooks this time because at some level in the hierarchy they (or someone there with lots to say) was VERY SURE that this will work as planned, because THEY KNEW that "Aliens" will help them. Whatever they thought the "Aliens" will "surely do" and what "the Aliens" and/or counter STO forces really did, is up for discussion.

When I read this, the beginning of Psalm 22 popped into my head, sort of like what they might be wailing afterwards.

My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring?

O my God, I cry in the day time, but thou hearest not; and in the night season, and am not silent.
Yes, and at least to my knowledge, we still can't be sure if Crooks shot any shots at all (e.g. no ballistic and 'residue thingy' evidence has been provided publicly). So, given that the 3 series and 5 series of shots sound similar in some of the videos, those both series could've all been shot by a pro. I think we also have to remember that in a 'proper' deep state plan for assassinations, they would also include a plan for planting misinformation and false leads after the event. For instance, there's talk about how Crooks was flying a drone before the incident, that he bought a ladder etc. – says who? What evidence do we have of this being true? And maybe the whole 'water tower shtick' was a planted red herring to play time and muddy the waters.

I hope more information will surface to bring clarity. The media appears to have moved on. It's not surprising but it is extraordinary how an assassination attempt like this is memory holed so quickly. No biggie, let's just forget it.
Also there's the alleged cell phone data linking devices at Crooks's home with Washington and the FBI... Will be interesting to see if there's anything more that comes out on that.
The newer video seems to be the same context as the video posted by @iamthatis here. There I don't see anybody on the roof in the beginning, only after the cut. In the newer maybe I see someone on the roof at 0:32 in 2 frames I can reach with the time slider.


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Yes, and at least to my knowledge, we still can't be sure if Crooks shot any shots at all (e.g. no ballistic and 'residue thingy' evidence has been provided publicly). So, given that the 3 series and 5 series of shots sound similar in some of the videos, those both series could've all been shot by a pro. I think we also have to remember that in a 'proper' deep state plan for assassinations, they would also include a plan for planting misinformation and false leads after the event. For instance, there's talk about how Crooks was flying a drone before the incident, that he bought a ladder etc. – says who? What evidence do we have of this being true? And maybe the whole 'water tower shtick' was a planted red herring to play time and muddy the waters.

I hope more information will surface to bring clarity. The media appears to have moved on. It's not surprising but it is extraordinary how an assassination attempt like this is memory holed so quickly. No biggie, let's just forget it.
Ha, FBI director Wray 'answered' my question about the ladder (see video below)! He said that the evidence of the 5 foot ladder belonging to Crooks, which he says they have in posession, is a bloodied receipt they found on his body (so, no credit card info? No passport? :-D). He adds that they're still not sure how Crooks got onto the roof, and they're 'dilling more into' the details on the ladders.

Interestingly, Massey then asks if Wray knows where the 5 foot ladder was found, was it near the roof or still in his vehicle, to which Wray answers (verbatim): "Neither...I don't have it in front of me but I know that it was not on scene, and I know that it was not in his vehicle, but we can circle back to you..." :huh:

So, just like the SS boss, Wray is obviously full of ***

Ha, FBI director Wray 'answered' my question about the ladder (see video below)! He said that the evidence of the 5 foot ladder belonging to Crooks, which he says they have in posession, is a bloodied receipt they found on his body (so, no credit card info? No passport? :-D). He adds that they're still not sure how Crooks got onto the roof, and they're 'dilling more into' the details on the ladders.

Interestingly, Massey then asks if Wray knows where the 5 foot ladder was found, was it near the roof or still in his vehicle, to which Wray answers (verbatim): "Neither...I don't have it in front of me but I know that it was not on scene, and I know that it was not in his vehicle, but we can circle back to you..." :huh:

So, just like the SS boss, Wray is obviously full of ***

Just looking at the overhead pictures of the area around Crooks rooftop, I think there is only one more or less plausible solution how he got up the roof: The long ladder between the buildings. It is by far the shortest distance to the spot where he apparently shot from, while being the safest to hide as well. Jumping or going out the window of the higher building on the left (as previously proposed here) doesn’t sound very plausible/safe to me because of the real risk of countersnipers seeing him upright on the roof at least for a couple of seconds. There are more problems I have with that idea. I also have a lot of problems with the small ladder claim because it is a lot farther away from where he shot and he also would have needed to climb it in the open right next to the frontdoor and parking lot where he can be seen by everyone.
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Interestingly, Massey then asks if Wray knows where the 5 foot ladder was found, was it near the roof or still in his vehicle, to which Wray answers (verbatim): "Neither...I don't have it in front of me but I know that it was not on scene, and I know that it was not in his vehicle, but we can circle back to you..." :huh:
He doesn't make sense indeed. I thought we had aerial view of that smaller ladder (on top of Saddam Hussein:lol:), and in newer video they climb up that ladder, and in the older one I linked above, one guy throws something over the fence at 1:02 that could be that telecopic ladder.
At this point, the last option still seems most likely to me. The best evidence against it is the audio from that one video, but I'm not yet convinced that one is an open and shut case.

One thing that may be worth considering: so far we don't have any witnesses from close to Crooks's location expressing any doubt that he fired all eight shots. Maybe we'll eventually get someone coming forward to say so, but so far no one has said something like, "some shots sounded like they came from inside the building," or from farther away, etc. If a second shooter were placed on the building behind him, maybe they wouldn't have been able to tell the difference in the heat of the moment, but on the videos you can hear that they're pretty sure about seeing him actually firing the rifle. And if someone were firing from within the building below him, those shots would definitely sound different compared to those fired from the roof.

If it comes out that there's any possibility that the shell casings were planted, my next guess would be that all 8 shots were fired by a different shooter and that Crooks didn't shoot any.

It could also be, since it was a life-threatening situation for the people there, that they mainly focused on what they saw first: Crooks on the roof. Maybe it was like the situation with the basketball team and the gorilla that moves through it, nobody else notices.

Again the technical difficulties are there: in which direction were the mics of the phones pointed at that moment?
I thought we had aerial view of that smaller ladder
We just have the picture that Elon Musk shared which shows a very blurry object which might be the 5ft ladder. But as Cosmos said, it's not a good spot to climb up a roof at all. I agree with him that the bigger ladder was probably what Crooks used (it's behind a big tree, good cover), but we don't have confirmation that it was there before the shooting. I cannot envision Crooks getting up to the roof without a ladder, climbing the air conditioning unit seems unlikely. It's on the side of the building that faced groups of people. So we need all the body cam footage so we can see exactly when the big ladder was placed there and if it was there before Crooks shot.

Here is the pic that Musk shared on Twitter
We just have the picture that Elon Musk shared which shows a very blurry object which might be the 5ft ladder. But as Cosmos said, it's not a good spot to climb up a roof at all. I agree with him that the bigger ladder was probably what Crooks used (it's behind a big tree, good cover), but we don't have confirmation that it was there before the shooting. I cannot envision Crooks getting up to the roof without a ladder, climbing the air conditioning unit seems unlikely. It's on the side of the building that faced groups of people. So we need all the body cam footage so we can see exactly when the big ladder was placed there and if it was there before Crooks shot.

Here is the pic that Musk shared on Twitter
View attachment 98767
Maybe the two local snipers were consciously lured out of their post. They were supposedly the only cops in the building. That would create a clear path for someone to let Crooks out onto the roof through that door/window.
Yes, and at least to my knowledge, we still can't be sure if Crooks shot any shots at all (e.g. no ballistic and 'residue thingy' evidence has been provided publicly). So, given that the 3 series and 5 series of shots sound similar in some of the videos, those both series could've all been shot by a pro. I think we also have to remember that in a 'proper' deep state plan for assassinations, they would also include a plan for planting misinformation and false leads after the event. For instance, there's talk about how Crooks was flying a drone before the incident, that he bought a ladder etc. – says who? What evidence do we have of this being true? And maybe the whole 'water tower shtick' was a planted red herring to play time and muddy the waters.

I hope more information will surface to bring clarity. The media appears to have moved on. It's not surprising but it is extraordinary how an assassination attempt like this is memory holed so quickly. No biggie, let's just forget it.
After debate debacle there is intense pressure on Biden to drop off. But after 4 or 5 days, things settled down and there is certain calmness in media pressure. Then within few days this assassination attempt. Probably this kill attempt is done on the behalf of Bidens presidential bid and done in a hurry.

If look at the amount of psychic energy involved with this event, particularly people seeing the unseen there may be some serious psychic blow back on Biden. Is it why Biden suddenly went down? Of course, Speculating.
We just have the picture that Elon Musk shared which shows a very blurry object which might be the 5ft ladder. But as Cosmos said, it's not a good spot to climb up a roof at all. I agree with him that the bigger ladder was probably what Crooks used (it's behind a big tree, good cover), but we don't have confirmation that it was there before the shooting. I cannot envision Crooks getting up to the roof without a ladder, climbing the air conditioning unit seems unlikely. It's on the side of the building that faced groups of people. So we need all the body cam footage so we can see exactly when the big ladder was placed there and if it was there before Crooks shot.

Here is the pic that Musk shared on Twitter
View attachment 98767
Dan Bongino, who has a lot of secret service sources since he used to work with said they believe he had hid the gun by the air conditioner on the building prior to the event, hid around the air conditioner where his gun was when the police were looking for him, and ultimately used the air conditioning unit to climb upon the roof. He said there was no 5 foot latter, and the ladder properly labeled as SWAT ladder above, was put up AFTER Crooks was already on the roof by police.

More disturbing is the fact that Crooks' body is NOT where media said he took the shots, not anywhere close. According to the trajectory, he should have been on the very edge of the building to make the shot at Trump. But his body was found on the other half of the building and the eyewitness video showed up no where near that spot. A mathematician triangulated the shot and the average of 5 different measurements put the shot coming from where media said he took the shot, on the edge of the building, where he was NOT during the shooting. However there was AN OPEN window right above that spot that DIRECTLY ALIGNS with the shot that hit trump, and if fired from inside that 2nd story window, it explains why there was no echo on the first three shots, including the first that hit Trump, and the later lower powered rounds in succession had an echo. See the video below that explains all this with the diagrams and pictures showing it (I don't think they should the video of him on the roof, but I assume everyone has seen that)

If you have seen the body cam video making the rounds the last day or so, they SHOW that open window in the background and specifically say there was a local sniper team there, and a member of that team Greg was the first guy to send around the picture of Crooks seen coming from the bicycle. If so, he literally was right in position to shoot Trump at the exact angle from that window, at least horizontally. Given some have asserted the first shot had to travel up to hit Trump (i.e. could not have been 15 feet to 10 feet and still hitting the guy higher in the back), It might be there is bottom window on the edge of that building if it exists. Otherwise that shooting team has to be suspect.

Moreover, if they were right there, they literally can poke their head out the window and get a really close shot and have eyes on the shooter. Hell it is a metal roof (someone walking on it presumably would make noise) and that window WAS open, they probably could have heard him and peaked their head out the door. Why did they even need to send somone up on a ladder, they literally could have spotted him from that window and made a easy layup shot to shoot him. Not the 400 yard shot through a 9 inch window in a tree shot that Dan Bongino said finally took him down (it was not the snipers anyone has seen in the video; I am still unclear what direction other than triangulating from that tree on the right of the building if that is the tree he was talking about).

Finally I heard Tore Maras broadcast from the other night and she has two eyewitnesses at the event who saw someone credentialled from the media go up with a small pistol (possibly 3d printed she said) and take at shot at Trump, presumably hitting his bullet proof vest. One of these people saw police shoot this guy (the final shot on the audio 16 seconds later?) and the other could not see, only that he disappeared and did not come back for his equipment. These two people both got visited by Feds threatening them not to talk, and those two people in the audience taking pictures on the cell phones (one everyone identified and the other hiding behind the man in the black shirt sticking her cell phone out) apparently were looking for people who had footage of the event so they could visit them later, and threaten as necessary. There also was a guy in the crowd who literally had one pair of sunglasses on, received a message on his cell phone and then SWITCHED OUT THE SUNGLASSES - one pair to another (a pair with camera?) just before the shot. HE HAD TO KNOW. Who just switches sunglasses like that? This is all in a long video below (including relevant clips from the Youtube video I put above) - skip to around 42 minutes to see the guy switch out his glasses and then later to around 2 hours 16 minutes when she talks about what her witnesses saw.

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