Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

The post was suppressed. I'm trying to find the video elsewhere.

If you can find it, if possible, can you or someone else record it before it disappears again? Might not be a coincidence that it disappeared so fast from X. It would also be interesting to know when exactly it was that they counted. Did they touch the shells? I couldn’t find anything on X.
f you can find it, if possible, can you or someone else record it before it disappears again? Might not be a coincidence that it disappeared so fast from X. It would also be interesting to know when it exactly was that they counted. Did they touch the shells?
I don't think they touched the shells.
The video starts with one camouflaged sniper passing through the fence, then there is a cut and we see him going up a ladder to the roof, if my memory serve.
Did they touch the shells?
The guy counting said "at least eight.

I don't think we can put too much into how many casings they count. If it was an inside job, one would expect that they would have one of their men in the know up on the roof and possibly adding extra casings or do the counting to fit the story. That would be part of the job for the 'clean up the evidence' team to bring confusion, false leads and false 'evidence', I think. One could also call it the 'muddy the waters' team.
As far as I can see, we don't know the name of the individual yet who took the first (presumably deadly?) shot at Crooks? Here they don't say who it was, but they say:

Fox News learned from the source the kill shot was a single shot taken by a Secret Service counter sniper whose view was obscured.

As far as I know, we also don't know who exactly was the first person (and/or persons) on the roof directly after Crooks was shot? We have a photo of some guys around the dead body though. We don't know if those were the first persons up there? We also have a blurry photo farther back on this thread that presumably shows a guy taking crooks gun on the roof and laying (or throwing?) it away from Crooks? Do we know who that guy was? Why would he do that? Was he not certain that Crooks is still alive and wanted to make sure he can't shoot anymore? Or, did he do it for another reason? If so, what we see is probably called tempering with the crime scene.

Getting more information about all of those points above might be pretty important.
I don't think they touched the shells.
The video starts with one camouflaged sniper passing through the fence, then there is a cut and we see him going up a ladder to the roof, if my memory serve.

It is very unfortunate that the video disappeared. Did it look like that camouflaged sniper could have been the first person on the roof after Crooks was shot?
The only problem I have with the two windows below Crooks is that they appear to be rising shots. How could a rising shot hit the top of the rail behind Dutch? I thought it might be possible if the bullet hit the underside of the arm or something on the forklift holding the speaker array. Just curious if there's any audio of a hit from a redirect? I haven't heard anything myself even when I was listening for one.

Notice the person recording this video is to the right of the rail which means the spray is going out the back, not the side. The spray also looks a bit mushroomish. Easier to see what I mean in the video.

Here are a few frames from the lady's 3d animation in Approaching_Infinity's post with Crooks as the shooter. I know this is an approximation but it'll illustrate my thought.

Crooks' shots have a downward trajectory. But the two window's that are below Crooks' position (but not shown in the model) looks like a flat to slightly upward trajectory. The only place they could be redirected is from the forklift. But where could they hit to change the angle to ricochet the top of the rail?

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Now, I found this video from eleven months ago that looks specifically at the ballistics of ricochets. They use a .45 for the experiments but the info was still very interesting. The 15,000 fps slow motion was really neat to see what happens to the bullets when they hit and how they travel after. Watching what the pressure waves do to backgrounds is really cool. (14:47)

I think the angle of this bullet hitting the rail is so shallow it might be 20º or less. I don't think it ricocheted first which, I propose, it would have to if it was coming from one of the lower windows.

For 'fun', I found this video on snipers to be very informative. There's some garbage in there, but everything they talk about is what Crooks is not. (18:10)

I like the way they said that flat earthers don't make good snipers lol. They don't take the rotation and arc of the earth into account because they think it is flat! :-)

Would be nice to see the full video without any cuts. Will we ever see it, though? ABC has it, it seems. Tried to find anything suspicious in the above, but at the first glance, I couldn't find anything. Tried to count and locate the casings that were visible, and tried to see if they were not visible at another point in the video at the same spot. Couldn't find something suspicious there. But, if we would have the full uncut video, we might see if one or several of those guys spread the casings.
I like the way they said that flat earthers don't make good snipers lol. They don't take the rotation and arc of the earth into account because they think it is flat! :-)

Why did Cheatle keep that information from the congress Monday. Now that video appear out of nowhere, you hear exactly what they want the public to believe but it could well have been manipulated and voice added. I call it BULLSHIT.
But I was also able to see Russian media talking about the CNN report about "three different weapons" that was posted on the 15th of July, and was also mentioned several times on this thread.

FWIW, though I really like his show and he has a damn good record of what he said been confirmed later on, Bongino talked about it, including in his latest that I linked to last night. According to him, the first 3 shots were the assassin's, the next ones were fired by the sniper who took out the assassin (the farther roof), and the latest round came from a local team.

In the hearing today, posted elsewhere on this thread, the claim was made that the two officers who would have been doing overwatch from the windows were BOTH out looking for "Crooks"

Yeah, I think he said it, and it was another thing, out of many, that p*ssed him off.
Ok, so considering the above, and if I understand it correctly, the same noise would sound differently from a different location. Meaning, that it could be problematic to ascertain how many different weapons were fired if listening to different recordings, because the videos or recording were taken from different locations and distances to the shots fired, right? Unless similar pattern of acoustic differences could be heard in different videos?

I mean, if in one video you stand in location x and record the sound of different bullets firing, they would sound differently if you were standing in location y. But the difference in the pattern of how different they sound would be the same, no? And if it is so, it is even more interesting to know on what kind of videos and recording the forensic experts based their findings. But maybe I am missing something?

If they compared several recordings and were able to hear a similar pattern, then this looks like a pretty good evidence. Then it would probably be a matter of establishing an exact timeline (if it would ever be possible) and know exactly when the snipers fired. And any shots that weren't fired by the police or secret service would be suspect.

Again, apologies if all of this was already discussed. I am a tad late to the "event". :-)
Yes, there's differences with recordings due to location, movement/direction, microphone type etc which means they affect what is being picked from the original source.

But the important thing is that all these different recordings have all the shots fired captured in one single take, meaning that inside the single audio recording the shots can be compared to each other, which means they can be analyzed in the same context that the recording medium and location is colorizing (and then compared between different recordings to match similarities).

For example one of those recordings I looked with equalization showed clear distinction with the frequency profile of the first three shots compared to the second burst (that IMO can't be explained just with the camera microphone moving between the bursts etc).

There are clear differences with certain frequency areas, e.g boosting 400hz has totally different effect on second burst of shots. This is just another way of highlighting the sound differences that anyone can hear from the recording.

The most probable reason is that the location is not the same, and it's the 'room' profile (inside the building vs open roof) that explains the sound difference between the burst of shots.

Though if they can spin things like WTC7 collapsing due to office fire, I'm sure they can spin these differences that are clearly audible with e.g the camera microphone movement or some other secondary reason that could affect the sound.
Why did Cheatle keep that information from the congress Monday. Now that video appear out of nowhere, you hear exactly what they want the public to believe but it could well have been manipulated and voice added. I call it BULLSHIT.
The FBI and SS seem to tend to be contemptuous of the legislative branch, and the general public. Cheatle didn't answer ANY questions substantively. Typically the excuse the FBI uses, and presumably the SS here by extension, is that it is an "active investigation" and details are only doled out at their discretion.

Contrast Cheatle with PA State Police Commissioner Paris. In comparison he was very open. He answered practically all their answers, and when he couldn't answer a question it was mostly for two reasons: either the question was about local LE or the SS, about which he didn't have the info; or he claimed that they were details he simply didn't know yet. Overall he came across as forthcoming. (Incidentally, he too said that he "had been told" there were 8 shell casings found on the roof.) Paris also said a few times that there were things they might not be able to answer yet because it was on ongoing investigation and there are state laws about what can be shared during an investigation. In other words, it's not simply at their discretion. There are some things they can't legally share at an early stage of an investigation. (State police is responsible for investigating the 3 crowd members shot, and the officer-involved shooting of Crooks.)
Thinking about the bullet casing count on the roof:

- If there was a conspiracy as we suspect, namely, that a real sniper shot probably the first three bullets, and Crooks shot 5, or so, it would have probably been kinda risky for the conspirators to place additional (3?) shells on the roof AFTER Crooks was shot since there was the real risk that local police/people would get up the roof before the conspirator, who would need to place the additional shells on the crime scene BEFORE anyone else comes up. Therefore, I can think of two ways the conspirators could have managed that part of the cover-up: One; 3 shells were placed on the roof at the right spot before Crooks went up, and second; maybe Crooks was told to place three shells around him as soon as he found the spot where he was supposed to shoot BEFORE he starts to shoot himself. And then he shot, and the conspirators made sure that he has only 5 (or so) bullets in his gun AND he was told to shoot all bullets.

The first option sounds like the least risky one, and maybe the possible one. But both options sound risky, and especially the second one, because you rely on the patsy to do as he was told several times and on chance (that someone wouldn't shoot him dead before the five shots were fired for example, or how much Crooks will be able to shoot). And both options also have the problem that one needs to assume that it was decided beforehand that the real sniper shoots EXACTLY 3 bullets!

- Given the above, that Crooks was the only shooter enters the picture again, as a possibility. LOL!
Yes, there's differences with recordings due to location, movement/direction, microphone type etc which means they affect what is being picked from the original source.

But the important thing is that all these different recordings have all the shots fired captured in one single take, meaning that inside the single audio recording the shots can be compared to each other, which means they can be analyzed in the same context that the recording medium and location is colorizing (and then compared between different recordings to match similarities).

For example one of those recordings I looked with equalization showed clear distinction with the frequency profile of the first three shots compared to the second burst (that IMO can't be explained just with the camera microphone moving between the bursts etc).

There are clear differences with certain frequency areas, e.g boosting 400hz has totally different effect on second burst of shots. This is just another way of highlighting the sound differences that anyone can hear from the recording.

The most probable reason is that the location is not the same, and it's the 'room' profile (inside the building vs open roof) that explains the sound difference between the burst of shots.

Though if they can spin things like WTC7 collapsing due to office fire, I'm sure they can spin these differences that are clearly audible with e.g the camera microphone movement or some other secondary reason that could affect the sound.
I've been working on another short video looking at this and 5 of the other recordings. When it's done, there's a few shots from other recordings where your analysis might help rule out some possibilities.
Thinking about the bullet casing count on the roof:

- If there was a conspiracy as we suspect, namely, that a real sniper shot probably the first three bullets, and Crooks shot 5, or so, it would have probably been kinda risky for the conspirators to place additional (3?) shells on the roof AFTER Crooks was shot since there was the real risk that local police/people would get up the roof before the conspirator, who would need to place the additional shells on the crime scene BEFORE anyone else comes up. Therefore, I can think of two ways the conspirators could have managed that part of the cover-up: One; 3 shells were placed on the roof at the right spot before Crooks went up, and second; maybe Crooks was told to place three shells around him as soon as he found the spot where he was supposed to shoot BEFORE he starts to shoot himself. And then he shot, and the conspirators made sure that he has only 5 (or so) bullets in his gun AND he was told to shoot all bullets.

The first option sounds like the least risky one, and maybe the possible one. But both options sound risky, and especially the second one, because you rely on the patsy to do as he was told several times and on chance (that someone wouldn't shoot him dead before the five shots were fired for example, or how much Crooks will be able to shoot). And both options also have the problem that one needs to assume that it was decided beforehand that the real sniper shoots EXACTLY 3 bullets!

- Given the above, that Crooks was the only shooter enters the picture again, as a possibility. LOL!
At this point, the last option still seems most likely to me. The best evidence against it is the audio from that one video, but I'm not yet convinced that one is an open and shut case.

One thing that may be worth considering: so far we don't have any witnesses from close to Crooks's location expressing any doubt that he fired all eight shots. Maybe we'll eventually get someone coming forward to say so, but so far no one has said something like, "some shots sounded like they came from inside the building," or from farther away, etc. If a second shooter were placed on the building behind him, maybe they wouldn't have been able to tell the difference in the heat of the moment, but on the videos you can hear that they're pretty sure about seeing him actually firing the rifle. And if someone were firing from within the building below him, those shots would definitely sound different compared to those fired from the roof.

If it comes out that there's any possibility that the shell casings were planted, my next guess would be that all 8 shots were fired by a different shooter and that Crooks didn't shoot any.
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