Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

Eric Prince says the sniper on the roof had the assassin in his scope and didn't do anything and claims he acted not according to training.The plot thickens - appears to be local law enforcement being the entry-point for the conspiracy.

MAYBE one or multiple of the Secret Service snipers too. Now, Eric Prince says the sniper on the roof had the assassin in his scope and didn't do anything and claims he acted not according to training. But this conflicts with other expert opinions who say he didn't have him in his sight and in fact acted according to protocol and even quite fast once he spots him. Hm.
100% security protocol requires order to take down the target. The actors on the ground are all connected in audio and there are recordings. So for the ptb what happened is not a mystery "from the second one." We the people can only gossip hypothesize, or catch an educational bullet in their place. People responsible are unequivocally the ones who did not put anyone on that rooftop (basics of the perimeter reconnaissance). Ihmo
I don’t think the footage we have so far necessarily makes the alleged account of the police officer fake news. I think the account of the police officer is consistent with the footage we have so far if he climbed up the ladder the assassin took, which is on a part/side of the building where we have not seen any footage.
Read the opening of that Post report again:

A local cop spotted attempted-assassin Thomas Crooks just moments before he tried to kill former president Donald Trump — but failed to stop the gunman despite the clear threat, according to a report.

After rallygoers spotted Crooks on the roof of a manufacturing plant just 130 yards from the stage where Trump was speaking just after 6 p.m. Tuesday, police were notified and one officer climbed a ladder to investigate, law enforcement officials told The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity.

The officer – whose department had been enlisted by the Secret Service to help with security — encountered Crooks, who pointed his AR-style rifle at them.

The officer then backed down the ladder, and Crooks immediately took aim and loosed about eight shots at the former president – grazing him in the ear, killing one bystander in the rally crowd, and gravely wounding two others, the source said.
I suppose this cop encounter could have taken place before the above footage begins, but in that case "just moments before" and "Crooks immediately took aim" are specifically false claims.
I don’t think the footage we have so far necessarily makes the alleged account of the police officer fake news. I think the account of the police officer is consistent with the footage we have so far if he climbed up the ladder the assassin took, which is on a part/side of the building where we have not seen any footage.

Here's what the article claims for reference:

A local cop spotted attempted-assassin Thomas Crooks just moments before he tried to kill former president Donald Trump — but failed to stop the gunman despite the clear threat, according to a report.

After rallygoers spotted Crooks on the roof of a manufacturing plant just 130 yards from the stage where Trump was speaking just after 6 p.m. Tuesday, police were notified and one officer climbed a ladder to investigate, law enforcement officials told The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity.

The officer – whose department had been enlisted by the Secret Service to help with security — encountered Crooks, who pointed his AR-style rifle at them.

The officer then backed down the ladder, and Crooks immediately took aim and loosed about eight shots at the former president – grazing him in the ear, killing one bystander in the rally crowd, and gravely wounding two others, the source said.

So according to this, the officer went on the roof right before the shots were fired, shooter pointed gun at him, he backed down, and then shooter immediately started shooting.

It may be true that we don't have footage from this precise moment (?), so technically it could have happened, but to be honest this sounds very unlikely and more like damage control on the part of local law enforcement who, after all, were responsible for securing the building in the first place.

Also, the shooter would have had to take aim extremely fast after crouching down, which is not how it goes (you need some time to take aim and get a good shot). And are we to believe that the officer in question just backed down the ladder without at least making a big stink about this? Or climbing back up and peeking to see what's going on?

Note also the article saying "law enforcement officials told AP on the condition of anonymity" - so it's not the actual officer who makes that claim (should he even exist), but unnamed officials. If they merely wanted to protect an officer who didn't do his job well, they could do so by not mentioning his name, but no need for those officials themselves to remain anonymous.

I'd say this story stinks.
Rather odd behaviour from a woman in the crowd behind Trump. Seen holding a Biden sign and doesn't react or flinch when the shots began and calmly brings out her phone to start filming. She even seems to start smirking at some point. Could be normalcy bias, could be something else?

(Edit) I see @SubnetUnMask just posted a link to the same video
I don’t think the footage we have so far necessarily makes the alleged account of the police officer fake news. I think the account of the police officer is consistent with the footage we have so far if he climbed up the ladder the assassin took, which is on a part/side of the building where we have not seen any footage.

Yeah, I think it's possible that after multiple people were pointing out the presence of the shooter who, we should note, was OUTSIDE the actual arena area, a local cop climbed the ladder saw the shooter and decided to back down and sound the alarm. It was too late by then however. It's reasonable to assume that a cop may not immediately react to people's claims of a "shooter on the roof" because they might assume that they were seeing a valid police or other law enforcement sniper and thinking it was a rogue shooter. It would have to be investigated.

As for the police snipers on the roof, I think it's possible that the footage of them shows that they were focused on further afield than that building. In the video, you can see the one nearest react to the first shot(s) from Crooks by angling down his rifle to take aim. It took him about 15 seconds after that align his gun and shoot.

The real question that remains unanswered is why the building Crooks was on, and the adjacent buildings, were not being constantly surveilled. It seems there were several different but associated security teams involved in security that day, from the SS to the local beat cops to local or state SWAT teams to police snipers. Were all of them in radio contact with each other? Probably not. And that's the real lapse in security that Crooks (and his likely handlers) exploited.
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100% security protocol requires order to take down the target.

That is not true necessarily. According to the expert I cited above, sharp shooters usually have a general order that they can shoot directly if certain conditions are met (target identified, poses danger). I mean, what would be the point of snipers if this weren't so?

Agree that bottom line is: those who were responsible for not putting anyone on that rooftop (or otherwise securing it) are the main culprits here.
Some of the side-effects of Trump's assassination attempt and his reaction to almost being killed:

Full Text:

graduated in 2012 w a degree in Women's Studies

cried in 2016 when Trump got elected

lost touch w the dems somewhere around MeToo

discovered entrepreneurship

updated my voter registration in 2018 but didn't tell anyone

told myself i was a 'single-issue-voting Centrist'

the last 6-12 months i've believed i was going to abstain from voting in the upcoming election because the options are equally terrible

but watching Trump survive an assassination attempt and act like a total fucking savage just shifted me into some strange, patriotic gear that my fancy-feminism-white-men-bad infected brain never showed me

like, the dude took a bullet and stood up with blood dripping down his face, and rallied a fucking crowd while fist pumping, yelling "FIGHT!"

sorry, but i'm voting for that.

and saying it out loud feels so freeing

(2012 stepfanie would be so pissed but that's okay because 2012 stepfanie didn't know shit)
That is not true necessarily. According to the expert I cited above, sharp shooters usually have a general order that they can shoot directly if certain conditions are met (target identified, poses danger). I mean, what would be the point of snipers if this weren't so?

Agree that bottom line is: those who were responsible for not putting anyone on that rooftop (or otherwise securing it) are the main culprits here.
100% the sniper in this kind of situation needs the order to shoot down the target. The control room has in principle a global view, all the sniper positions, civilians in between, and is there for that. The chief is there for that. As said, everything is recorded in real time. So even if we don't know there is no doubt at all. And speculation is fascinating :-) . From the practical viewpoint, no one on THAT roof is deeply indicative ihmo.
Rather odd behaviour from a woman in the crowd behind Trump. Seen holding a Biden sign and doesn't react or flinch when the shots began and calmly brings out her phone to start filming. She even seems to start smirking at some point. Could be normalcy bias, could be something else?

(Edit) I see @SubnetUnMask just posted a link to the same video

I think that this could just be a person that reacted to all people suddenly going down by deciding “let’s film/capture what is happening“. But, having said that, there is another footage that I‘m more suspicious about which apparently shows a press/camera guy who took some of the iconic pictures of Trump filming himself doing just that and the whole assassination attempt!:

Could be that he is always doing that in important events though. But if not, the question is why he decided to film and shoot the way he did on this day?
Trump is all about good business and good deals. In his mind he was doing a great work in greasing the wheels of business to develop an important solution - an option on the table to be used to reopen the country faster and make some money.

It's worth noting that the forced jabs only started happening after the PTB installed the biden regime.

Beyond this, it may be called hopium but I'm sure you will agree that, having had 8 years to study living under both, living under Trump would at least be "less bad" in general.

Look at the Trump we see today. Stop looking for perfection and ask what actual effect does he have on people? Just by existing, he pushes libtards into a self-destructive rage, and he strengthens those who still believe in freedom to fight. He throws a spanner in the works of the PTB plans, at least in some areas. He does at least something to wake people up from the apathy and demoralisation.

Is that not exactly what we need, if people are ever gonna wake up?

We don't believe he's truly gonna succeed in a 3d sense, but at this time in history, in this situation, supporting Trump, and what he represents, is simply the righteous position.
Exactly - I wish we had a similar figure in Britain. I suppose Nigel Farage is a poor man's Trump, with a fraction of his magnetism and charisma.
There's always a "day after" plan behind presidential assassinations. So what was the plan here?

Obviously the idea was to kill Trump. So let's imagine that happened as they expected...

Trump is dead.

The RNC meets today with no nominee for POTUS. They have to come up with one.

Who gets the nomination?

Nikki Haley.

Can you imagine HER as the Rep. candidate? A vile neocon, Israel-first, deep stater?

Biden would be put to pasture and the entire "establishment" (CNN etc. included) are happy to tacitly support Haley, 'their' woman.

She would probably have been allowed to win in Nov, or she would have won legitimately (albeit with record low turn out in the election).

Now, consider that scenario in the context of the last 2 weeks, post debate, where the entire establishment rounded on Biden and presented him as a doddering old fool who had no chance of winning.

Why would they do that? Why would they publicly and almost unanimously trash their own candidate? Why would they shoot themselves in the foot that way and give massive support to Trump in the election?

It's not like Biden was any worse in the debate as he had been over the past two years, and yet none of them said a word about his 'frailty' during that time.

It was inexplicable.

Until two days ago
when Trump was meant to be taken out.

They trashed Biden to the world and made him basically unelectable in anticipation of Trump being dead, and Haley being ushered in to effectively replace Biden as "their" POTUS.

But Trump's alive, more popular than ever (thanks to them, TWICE), about to be nominated, and "they" have no electable candidate, and are completely screwed.
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