Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

His association with Epstein is troubling for example.
If Trump was on the Epstein list or there was even a whiff of evidence of him engaging in sex acts with underage girls on that island or anywhere else, you can bet it would have been leaked to a dozen different media outlets and his candidacy would have been torpedoed. That this hasn't happened should tell you all you need to know about Trump's guilt or innocence in this regard.
After a search I couldn't see this posted yet, apologies in case I missed it. That is, Martenson's newest video update from yesterday, here:

I couldn't find this one yet on his Youtube channel, in the article linked above it's on Odysee, direct link here:

He doesn't present anything groundbreaking, but elaborates further on his previous analyses. However, one tidbit that I found interesting was the 'fact' that he presents towards the end, starting ca 55min into the video: apparently the burst of 5 shots is done at world record speed, and Martenson says that that would be an impossible speed for an amateur. He adds, that at that speed even the world's fastest shooter Jerry Miculek (I havent' checked if this is true) spreads the shots considerably at a distance of 5 yards (4,5meters).

I'm not sure if this information adds anything valuable. If it is true that a shooter who isn't 'best-of-the best' isn't capable of firing a series this fast, what does this mean? Was the second shooter also a professional that after seeing that the first 3 shots missed, got in a real hurry and fired a rapid series of 5 shots? This scenario would perhaps mean that Crooks didn't fire one single shot?
...which also conveys understanding that Abe was whacked by essentially the same entities that attempted to whack Trump.
For more context, here is an article from July 2022 detailing twitter chatter pointing to CCP in the assassination of Shinzo Abe.
For more context, here is an article from July 2022 detailing twitter chatter pointing to CCP in the assassination of Shinzo Abe.
Also, it appears the bodyguards didn't protect Abe.
For more context, here is an article from July 2022 detailing twitter chatter pointing to CCP in the assassination of Shinzo Abe.
For more context, here's what our sources said:

Q: (Josi) Why was Shinzo Abe assassinated?

A: Revenge and a message.

Q: (Niall) That question assumes it was one guy. Is there a conspiracy behind the assassination of Shinzo Abe?

A: Certainly connected to individuals involved with other conspiracies.

Q: (Joe) I think the question should be: Was the guy who shot him a patsy?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Was he a patsy for someone within the Japanese government?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So it was an internal thing.

Vox Populi, Vox Dei!
What do you think of this guy's method? A starting place?

Already outdated I'm afraid. Man in white shirt and white shorts with read hat, in the center of far bleacher, wasn't shot, he's just flinching/ducking.

Thus their idea that Crooks was shot after the first shot was fired is silly.

What we need is this kind of modelling for the two windows below Crooks' position. Model the first three shots to see if they have line of sight on Trump (and then on Dutch/Copenhaver/the hydraulic line/the railing, etc).
That's actually really helpful because you can hear very clearly the difference in the first 3 shots recorded from the phone at the side of the building and the subsequent 5 shots. The first three are somewhat "muffled" while the 5 are louder and have another element to them, like a 'canned' sound to them. I'm talking here about the 3 and then 5 shots that can be heard right from the start of your recording.

Also, the final shot has the supersonic "crack", which confirms it was coming in the direction of the camera, i.e. from the sniper on the roof.
If Trump was on the Epstein list or there was even a whiff of evidence of him engaging in sex acts with underage girls on that island or anywhere else, you can bet it would have been leaked to a dozen different media outlets and his candidacy would have been torpedoed. That this hasn't happened should tell you all you need to know about Trump's guilt or innocence in this regard.

Yes, we pretty much can bet on that. The only thing they could ever dig up on Trump was locker room talk, that, let’s face it, almost every men has engaged in at some point or another with other men. Which strongly suggests to me that Trump has pretty much zero serious dirt that they can use as blackmail or to oust him. Also, it should be quite obvious that people like Trump often have met people and are invited by people that are nefarious. That in itself shouldn’t be surprising and isn’t at all something that has to suggests that they are like that as well.
I'm not fussy about where the shots came from exactly, they could have been further back and to the right of Crooks, on the roof of the AGR building behind him.

Bottom line for me is that the audio pretty clearly points to two shooters in different locations. The first 3 shots at Trump from a professional shooter, the later 5 'wild' shots from Crooks.
"Crooked Joe"

I watched the rally, and it was only a few minutes into the speech, when Trump referred to Biden as "Crooked Joe". Turns out, that there are Crooked Joe t-shirts and Trump often refers to Biden as Crooked Joe.

So the would-be assassin's name is Crooks.

I'm sure he was teased for his last name to some degree. Could Trumps usage of that phrase trigger the sniper to shoot in haste? I mean, the idea of assassination is to take out a single target... So one shot is all it takes and is needed, but he shoots in quick succession - like he was too eager to kill him. It was personal. But this is the way all the radicals are behaving these days - way too personal. "Crooked?! CROOKED!!! I'll show you Crooked!"

So, not only by turning his head at the right time did Trump avert his death, maybe the immaturity of the shooter sent him into a emotional state and insecurity that made him have a hissy-fit while aiming his rifle.

I'm pretty sure the initial three shots, one of which nicked Trump's ear, came from the prof. shooter. Crooks fired the 5 'wild' shots afterwards.
I'm not fussy about where the shots came from exactly, they could have been further back and to the right of Crooks, on the roof of the AGR building behind him.

Bottom line for me is that the audio pretty clearly points to two shooters in different locations. The first 3 shots at Trump from a professional shooter, the later 5 'wild' shots from Crooks.
Another possibility: back-right of the farthest AGR building, which is also the tallest. Line-of-sight takes you right over Crooks' position, circled in red.

Another possibility: back-right of the farthest AGR building, which is also the tallest. Line-of-sight takes you right over Crooks' position, circled in red.

View attachment 98658

That's interesting The raised gable on the outer edge would obscure any view from the street behind, and adding another 40-50 yards to the distance could explain why the shooter missed, as it would be more difficult for a precise head shot. Does this higher vantage point line up with the bullet trajectory of the injured people, railing and hydraulic system?
I'm not fussy about where the shots came from exactly, they could have been further back and to the right of Crooks, on the roof of the AGR building behind him.

Bottom line for me is that the audio pretty clearly points to two shooters in different locations. The first 3 shots at Trump from a professional shooter, the later 5 'wild' shots from Crooks.

I agree. Imo we can only get as close as possible. To know about the exact position of the other shooter, we would need the forensic data, of the bullet entries and the final hit in the ground or objects. The height of the buildings/windows. There, every millimeter/degree of an angle of the bullet could lead to several meters upwards/downwards and sideways, considering that Trump was already over 130 m away from Crooks position only. Maybe that's a question for the C's, since they have more objective data :-). Nonetheless, interesting thought process.

My two bullets.
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