Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

This is as close as I could get in Google maps of the 'other side' of the field. Building 6 is the one Crooks was on and has the windows facing the stage. Using the window and a door as reference on the side facing us, I drew a line across the field which simulates the approximate height of the windows facing the field. The bleachers on which Dutch and Copenhaver were standing would be in front of the red building on the right. The bleachers on the sides do not rise very high and are shorter then the centre bleacher, but I think it might still be a rising shot from the window. A redirection downward, I think, would be needed for the bullet to hit the top of the rail behind Dutch. Crooks' angle, I think, could make the hit on the rail. These angles are so flat! I'm actually amazed more people weren't hit.

Building 6- Line Extention of Window Height.jpg

Not a great photo to show the heights of the bleachers in comparison to the buildings but I'm not sure if the outside bleachers even come up to half the big door height of the far building (which is taller then the others). There's also that forklift holding the speaker array right there.

Bleacher Height.jpg

Here is a Google maps shot from the parking lot and main door of Building 6 out to the stage field. The windows facing the field are going to be at the same height as these ones, though, if I remember correctly, I think one of them is a different size and orientation. Look at how flat that is.

Bulding 6- Parking Lot to Field.jpg

There are four windows on the parking lot side which look like this.

Window of Building 6.jpg

I can't find them like this anywhere else on the other buildings. And what I mean by that is that they have a security sensor strip on the window. If the glass is broken an alarm will is triggered. I don't know if the field facing windows have this feature but it would make sense that they do because of their easy access and that this part of the building is 'secluded'. I've also been staring at these and the other windows that I could see, and, while I can see that some of the windows on other parts of the buildings can open, I'm not sure if these can. These are definitely not 'sliders', like some of the others I saw, and I can't see a crank of any kind inside. A specific building like this might rely exclusively on it's air exchange system.
Very useful photo's. I'm still playing with heights, or calculating heights.
Something occurred to me with the footage/images we have so far - and I put together a quick test based on where the 2nd shot impacts the guy.
Its a very pixelated image (given the distance) but for a quick test it was worth it. I drew a line from Trumps head to the point of impact (on the long/wide shot - you will have to zoom in to see it).
Ok - it's not forensic accurate, but it does rise (by a few pixels).
If I'm lenient with the pixels and reverse calculate the angles it appears it could line up with a raised (about 185cm off the ground) sniper rifle in the building below Crooks. I didn't add in bullet drop off either - which may explain why the angle is so flat.
Not accurate, but I did want to see which way the line went. Eyeing it, it does also appear to clear the bleachers on the left easily too.
View attachment 98612

It is really going to be difficult to build a 3D model from all this, and will have to take into account topology among other things (as the ground between the buildings and the stage doesn't seem flat).
It may well be beyond my skill set and the tools I have available.
What do you think of this guy's method? A starting place?

Some confusion about "man in the grey suit". It looks most likely that it is a photoshop for the moment. Though Ron Johnson's interview is stirring the pot for sure, mostly in a good way. He brings up a lot of hinky facts
the link brings up this:

Hmm...this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else
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