Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

So, given that we now have a pretty plausible idea of what happened on the scene it seems obvious that at least the 3D players wanted Trump dead. Given that and the fact that what happened increased Trumps popularity even more and making killing him in obvious ways much more difficult now while they are by all accounts ditching Biden at the same time, we probably have to conclude that 3D players are now at almost complete panic mode and as desperate as they can get. So what will they try to do until November?

Maybe nothing, then introduce a disease X, economic crash, along with some 'earth changes', to completely hobble his administration, making it one long crisis.
Don't know one way or the other. If they're limited in an operation like this to manipulating their own tools, maybe - if Trump is also free to move out of the way.

I would have thought that, with their long successful history in the domain, a SOP assassination would have been left to their 3D agents. Doesn't preclude them being there just to watch the show and maybe shape the aftermath in one way or another.
So the UFOs were the "divine intervention" to save Trump? Wonder who was flying them?
What do you mean who piloted/flew it? Well, someone under the "Ashtar Galactic Command".
Mister Ashtar slammed his fist on the table and said: "Enough, it can't go on like this! I am asking for an urgent meeting of the Quorum! As a commander in charge of supervision in this region, especially for supervision of quarantine on the ground (as you know, quarantine serves to separate diseases from the rest of the population). A special task is to prevent these patients from causing uncontrolled nuclear explosions.
If this senile old man remains a puppet of these in the shadows, nuclear conflict/war is inevitable

You eaters (STS) will destroy the garden along with the food, and you will disintegrate the soul that animates these bodies. If you hope that after such an experience/example, some other soul will just take over that role, you are badly mistaken.

And you benefactors (STO), finally dignify yourself and answer the calls and prayers of so many people who do not want a nuclear war. According to the law of the federation, every legally elected president/premier/king, even if he had the intelligence of Jar Jar Binks, or was influenced by STS, if he is against nuclear war, he is a representative of his entire people.

If massive uncontrolled nuclear explosions (war) occur, I do not guarantee that I will be able to perform my duty and prevent consequences for others; densities, dimensions, kingdoms ...
For all of the above, I am asking for permission to operate.
And everything else is history."

Maybe this happened;
Added to this, did 'they' (STO?) do something to catch Trump's attention and make him turn his head, or did STS begrudgingly ensure he did not die? Something made him look back toward the chart - at just the perfect moment.
and maybe they "annoyed" the shooter and he reacted inadequately... Who knows...?
Well... Iran is one of Trump's blind spots after all. But I'm not entirely convinced by this theory, and even if true, it seems like a very long shot that this should work out.
Or maybe China. Trump was obsessed with China during his presidency and while a war against Iran would involve NATO, ISIS and Israel, a war on China would involve the US military directly, at least on the surface. OSIT
I think it is likely that Trump wouldn’t want any war despite his hardball rhetoric against China and others. At least he has a good track record of not doing that even though he was extremely pressured into doing so in not just one country.
Left side of the building behind the one he was on. There's a small wall dividing the grass from the sidewalk of the building.
I saw that previously but though the sun would be further south (hand shadows) so it didn't make sense, but it does actually. (the google maps shadows are not correct obviously)
(street view)


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In the gamer world it might be called a 'spray 'n pray'. But it just occurred to me that, if it was Crooks who fired the latter salvo and was aiming at Trump, he didn't even hit the SS on top of him.
We'd need a 'playable' 3D model to check for sure, but from this video it looks like Trump and the SS would have been out of Crooks's field of vision, blocked by the flag border and people still standing up against the stands (like Comperatore, who's the guy to the right of the woman with the pink cap). The guy filming was standing right in front of the right side of the podium, and for at least the first shot was holding the camera above his head:
Screenshot 2024-07-21 at 2.24.38 PM.png
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I bet on Killary raising her evil head out of the swamp.

Or probably more likely, they pick a nobody who doesn’t stand much of a chance, and then something like Joe suggested:

Maybe nothing, then introduce a disease X, economic crash, along with some 'earth changes', to completely hobble his administration, making it one long crisis.

If so, they might now spring into over gear to sabotage Trumps administration before they start: leave them as much chaos as possible.
We'd need a 'playable' 3D model to check for sure, but from this video it looks like Trump and the SS would have been out of Crooks's field of vision, blocked by the flag border and people still standing up against the stands (like Comperatore, who's the guy to the right of the woman with the pink cap). The guy filming was standing right in front of the right side of the podium, and for at least the first shot was holding the camera above his head:
View attachment 98591
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View attachment 98592

And even though he was holding the camera over his head he likely was still somewhere between 1 and 2 meters below Trumps head level. On that head level the line of sight was probably quite good from several places inside the rooftop building and on top.
Don't see why not. A very slight upward angle over 150 yards would do it.
Might depend on which window, but yeah. Here's a still from a video taken by a guy in the crowd, just a couple rows down from Copenhaver:

Screenshot 2024-07-21 at 12.18.57 PM.png
If the guy was standing 6 feet to his left and up another foot, you'd probably be able to see one or two of the windows.

Different view from someone in the center stands:
Screenshot 2024-07-21 at 12.48.59 PM.png
You should check his speech last night in Michigan. In essence, he:

railed against the “radical Left Democrats”, accused his opponents of “rigging” the election and calling Mr Biden “crooked”.

goaded Nancy Pelosi over reports that she has advised Mr Biden to quit the election race, accusing her of turning on the president “like a dog”.

resumed his claims that South and Central American countries are sending their criminals to the US.

“They’re dumping their criminals in the United States, and we’re not gonna take it anymore,” Trump said, prompting a standing ovation from the crowd as he promised to deliver the “largest deportation operation” in history.

“When I return to the White House, we will stop the plunder, rape, slaughter and destruction of our American suburbs and cities.”

So not much change there, at least in his speech, which may not necessarily translate to action. We'll see.

Yeah, I watched most of the speech yesterday and thought Trump sounded a lot more like his old self.

Yet I understand where Trump is coming from as he speaks to his audience. Living in CA, I and many others have to deal with illegal immigrants (yes, I'm going to call them that!) who are getting free housing, health care and other taxpayer freebies. Drugs, homeless encampments and crime are at an all-time high. I've seen it firsthand and know people who have experienced being robbed and beaten in local store parking lots. Women are wise not to carry purses anymore. As for the cops and DAs, they let most of the criminals go if they are caught.

Californians who aren't living in a bubble are worried about the future and want out. I've seen way too many instances of baffling, rude and dangerous behaviors that one hardly ever heard of or experienced with people 10 - 20 years ago. I also know a few lefties who are turning towards Trump because of these issues. Do I think Trump will be able to do anything concrete if elected? Most likely not as he has very powerful forces in 3D and 4D who will be able to distract or thwart any positive attempts for change.
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