Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

This would be almost directly under Crooks' position. The first three shots were likely from this shooter. The first missed Trump, so did the other two. Any of these three could have hit Kopenhaver and Dutch in the bleacher. Two seconds later Crooks fired off 5 wild shots, one of them hitting Compatore as he reacted to the first three shots.

Redirections aside, was the shooter high enough to hit the top of the rail behind Dutch if the shot came from a window below Crooks?
some juice into already "Juicy" assassination attempt

A surprising twist this week, a photo of Fani Willis was found on the cell phone of the suspect who shot Donald Trump. Given that Fani and her now-removed prosecutor boyfriend were recent guests at the White House. Has the shooter Matt Crooks, ever enjoyed such White House hospitality? One has to wonder.

They chose to release it means, some distraction ( release and pump news in wrong direction) or vendetta or some thing on those lines?
Having listened to the the latest X posts, it does seem the first three shots are not only muffled, but they have acooler, "professional" sound about them. They are evenly spaced in time, as if by someone who shoots frequently in this style. The next burst sounds "panicked", such as one would expect from an inexperienced gun handler, even though Crooks has been placed as practising at a gun range previous to the rally. A closed, controlled environment would not prepare him for the pressures of an actual, outdoor shooting attempt.

In the gamer world it might be called a 'spray 'n pray'. But it just occurred to me that, if it was Crooks who fired the latter salvo and was aiming at Trump, he didn't even hit the SS on top of him.
I like Catherine Austin Fitts and almost always watch their (her and John Titus) Money and Markets report on her website that comes out almost every week on Thursday (recorded on Wed). You have to have a subscription to watch.

Well, in the report this week they say that this attempted assassination of Trump was 100% a staged event and theater and that Trump was in on it and just acting, as in being a very good showman. They think Trump is just part of the club and has been picked to win the election. I don’t agree with them.

I think both Fitts and Titus are sincere, but found their analysis very lacking with a full in-depth picture of things, both the attempt on Trump and Trump himself. Maybe this is a derivative of Trump Derangement Syndrome, but kind of in the opposite direction?

I understand always considering and questioning things, yet somehow, they have gone off the rails on this one, imo.

Now, I can see some of thought process that lead them to the conclusion and Fitts commented at the start that three things point to it being staged:
  • Total secret service incompetence at multiple points, to include allowing Trump to be exposed after they got him on his feet, which she said is inexplicable.
  • Total failure on the part assassin(s), which again is inexplicable.
  • There would have to have been divine intervention, if it was a real attempt.
I think these are good points to address and think about and consider, such as has been done in this thread…
My though as well. I sure like the idea that a divine intervention took place but 4th sts could have been behind it as well.

In this session from Cassiopaean Session Transcripts Search from 10 December 2022 we learned that there was a lot mistrust from the PTB regarding the 4th density sts. Also many time now the C’s told us of the desperation of the sts gang to take full control before the change take place. Did they (4th) lost all hope of their proxy, the ptb to achieve this control and is this attempt on Trump is life a change in plan from the fourth density STS.

Really the game being play is way above my head but the latest communication with the C’s about change in plan, Quorum meeting and change coming etc... make me think that whatever the ptb could contribute anymore may have reached it limit. More and more peoples are awakening and this attempt on Trump is life is sure to awaken a lot of individual. So was this a move by the quorum to as the C’S told us, to bring more balance at this time or just a message send by the 4th density sts to their proxies that they have reached their usefulness and can be easily discarded.

Whatever and whoever is behind this miracle looking event sure make the ride incredibly interesting.
About the awakening, yeah, a feedback loop.

And about the balance, yeah, perhaps the decision for an authorisation to make a "divine" intervention. So STS forces "do their job" of shooting Trump and STO intervene. The authorisation being allowed due to people prayers and awakening?

This lead to the question of who STS forces are made up on this one? 3D alone or 3D in cohort with 4D/5D?
I like Catherine Austin Fitts and almost always watch their (her and John Titus) Money and Markets report on her website that comes out almost every week on Thursday (recorded on Wed). You have to have a subscription to watch.

Well, in the report this week they say that this attempted assassination of Trump was 100% a staged event and theater and that Trump was in on it and just acting, as in being a very good showman. They think Trump is just part of the club and has been picked to win the election. I don’t agree with them.

I think both Fitts and Titus are sincere, but found their analysis very lacking with a full in-depth picture of things, both the attempt on Trump and Trump himself. Maybe this is a derivative of Trump Derangement Syndrome, but kind of in the opposite direction?

I understand always considering and questioning things, yet somehow, they have gone off the rails on this one, imo.

Now, I can see some of thought process that lead them to the conclusion and Fitts commented at the start that three things point to it being staged:
  • Total secret service incompetence at multiple points, to include allowing Trump to be exposed after they got him on his feet, which she said is inexplicable.
  • Total failure on the part assassin(s), which again is inexplicable.
  • There would have to have been divine intervention, if it was a real attempt.
I think these are good points to address and think about and consider, such as has been done in this thread…

While I think the "staged event" hypothesis is obvious nonsense, in this case these people are at least picking up on something real: namely that this whole thing is a wet dream come true for team Trump: the timing before the RNC, the iconic pictures, the almost godlike mandate from heaven status... and now even the mainstream begins changing their tune...

But as always, without the hyperdimensional perspective it doesn't make sense. If this was somehow staged, it wasn't done with actors or some grand Trump plan in cahoots with the deep state, but from a higher level. One theory I read somewhere is that Trump's role is supposed to be to rally American patriots to war, like with Iran. Cause Biden's trans army sure won't cut it. But the God Emperor calling? Well... Iran is one of Trump's blind spots after all. But I'm not entirely convinced by this theory, and even if true, it seems like a very long shot that this should work out.
What Trump has been doing for pretty much 8 years: He decided to directly turn his attention and focus on talking to the American people directly via his rallies face to face. It is also usually there were he goes more off script and somewhat lowers his teflon/naive public persona by speaking more frankly. That seems to be what most great leaders did in history including Caesar and Putin: Somewhat sidelining the mainstream machine and instead directly addressing and focusing on ordinary citizens face to face.

Thanks Joe. Here is the transcription:
The local officers went up to that roof
and started taking pictures of the dead body,
of the shooter's body.

So suddenly a guy in a gray suit walks up the ladder
and goes up to the roof.
And this guy in the gray suit,
who didn't appear to have credentials,
everybody assumed he was the Secret Service.

So he tells one of the local law enforcement,
send those pictures to this cell phone.
And he gives them a number to send.

And everybody assumed, oh, that must be Secret Service.
It turns out it wasn't Secret Service.
So we're gonna tell you exactly who that person was
and what agency the local enforcement sent the pictures to.
Ron Johnson has it all in his preliminary report
and it's pretty incredible.

So we're digging deep into this investigation
of that massive security failure that occurred
when a shooter was able to get seven shots out.
And of course, grazing President Trump's ear
and killing Corey Comperatore,
which we all pray for his family right now.
So we're talking about that.
What I was thinking these days, which is why I thought this thread was interesting, is that since the "dawn of time", whether empire or democracy, false flag and conspiracy has been the rule. With ordinary people speculating, tracing trajectories, speculating, gossiping, giving thumbs up or down without understanding a damn thing. The only aggravating factor in "recent times" is universal suffrage and direct representative mandate. EVERYTHING THEY DO is done in our name and on our behalf. And it is our karma.
On a personal note, two days ago, the song Morning Has Broken foggily emerged from my memory. It was so weird. I had not sung or heard that song in 30/35 years, maybe. I don't know if haarp was turned on, or what, but for me to remember it now (or any time!) is really out of place. Strange timing. (Fyi, I didn't know that the music is actually from a Scottish folk song called Bunessan from the Isle of Mull.)
Or HAARP was turned off for a bit maybe?

Thanks for reminding me about that song, it's such a beautiful piece of music! Such an iconic piano part.

If you haven't heard it for that long, you should do yourself the favor and listen to it.

Thank you for pointing me to the source of those lyrics. It's a great poem isn't it.

Morning has broken
Like the first morning,
Blackbird has spoken
Like the first bird.
Praise for the singing!
Praise for the morning!
Praise for them, springing
Fresh from the Word!

Sweet the rain's new fall
Sunlit from heaven,
Like the first dewfall
On the first grass.
Praise for the sweetness
Of the wet garden,
Sprung in completeness
Where his feet pass.

Mine is the sunlight!
Mine is the morning
Born of the one light
Eden saw play!
Praise with elation,
Praise every morning,
God's re-creation
Of the new day!
So, given that we now have a pretty plausible idea of what happened on the scene it seems obvious that at least the 3D players wanted Trump dead. Given that and the fact that what happened increased Trumps popularity even more and making killing him in obvious ways much more difficult now while they are by all accounts ditching Biden at the same time, we probably have to conclude that 3D players are now at almost complete panic mode and as desperate as they can get. So what will they try to do until November?
This guy as a theory for where the picture was taken:
Was that video and picture only about from where that picture might have been taken or also where Crooks was in that picture? Because I still can not see anything (and also previously never found anything) resembling that piece of concrete. Maybe I'm just not seeing it?:-[
Was that video and picture only about from where that picture might have been taken or also where Crooks was in that picture? Because I still can not see anything (and also previously never found anything) resembling that piece of concrete. Maybe I'm just not seeing it?:-[

Left side of the building behind the one he was on. There's a small wall dividing the grass from the sidewalk of the building.
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