
I'm reminded of a childhood friend's mother, who would 'play games' with her children. If they didn't guess right or want to participate they were thoughtless idiots to be made fun of. And of course no one could win the game because the rules and answers of her game were completely subjective and nonsensical. It's these kinds of rules and games that thankfully aren't tolerated in this forum.

I've just been reviewing the thread on positive dissociation, and there was a theme on how art could be used to induce pathology. The pathological mask was used in art to cause dissociation and place the hooks so to speak. The next stages in a pathological relationship would be when the mask begins to come off and then attempts are made to create cognitive dissonance. We've seen the rant and here we have the attempt to confuse:

vivi said:
I'm really happyyyyyyyyy, hello Laura, how are u ? Ok now i'm happy for real, i'm completely absorbed by your book the secret history and i hope i will find some more material and continue to discover all the mechanism of the matrix :)

I love u :halo:

vivi, you really need to read Laura's Wave series. You have been shown a mirror and all you apparantly see is the "love of your life."

It's ok. There is a lot to learn. Please get up to speed. You will benefit enormously and as a result, your entire life may change for the better!

[quote author=http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/wave13h.htm]
According to Laura, "By having such a "pleasure system" in our bodies, we have a built in reward system by which we can be manipulated to pursue any number of activities that may or may not be good for us; mostly based on - you guessed it - early imprinting. And, we are generally unaware of it; we simply engage in certain behaviors because it "feels good" and we want to do them "again." We were rewarded for them as infants and small children, and we constantly seek that "programmed behavior" in order to receive the reward. Never mind that our early programming may have been for behaviors that completely block the true expression of our "essence," or that they are based on "fairy tales" or unrealistic perceptions of life."
Psychologist Barbara De Angelis writes about people pursuing "love" and gives examples of the decline of the initial attraction and infatuation that leaves one brought back down to earth with challenging realities. This tends to show that our beliefs can determine, not only what we see and don't see, but the actions we take in the pursuit of the emotions which stimulate us.[/quote]

Another way of saying it:

[quote author=_http://www.sufimessage.com/alchemy-of-happiness/The-Intoxication-of-Life1.html]
Understanding this mystery, the Sufis have rounded their culture upon the principle of intoxication. They call this intoxication Hal, and Hal means' literally condition or state. There is a saying of the Sufis, 'Man speaks and acts according to his condition.' One cannot speak or act differently from the wine one has drunk. With the one who has drunk the wine of anger, whatever he says or does is irritating; with the one who has drunk the wine of detachment, in his thought, speech and action you will find nothing but detachment; with the one who drinks the wine of attachment, you will find in his presence that all are drawn to him and that he is drawn to all. Everything a person does and says is according to the wine that he has taken.
it's really ok that all of you are smart people, i still respect that, but it seems that u forget that some theory learn to you that u have to look at life with children eye until the end, please use your perspicacity!

vivi said:
it's funnyyyyy hahaha

No it's not funny, but it has been enlightening for me and, I believe, others who have dealt with similar types. Good look in the future, but do not expect anything from this forum if you will only participate with crocodile tears. That is certainly an emotional manipulation that will not work on those who have been, to an extent, immunized by experience and knowledge.

vivi said:
it's really ok that all of you are smart people, i still respect that, but it seems that u forget that some theory learn to you that u have to look at life with children eye until the end, please use your perspicacity!

Speaking of 'Creative Acts', at least I got a new avatar out of all this. It was inspired by "looking for Hermes". The Roman equivalent 'Mercury' is the 'ruler' of my astrological sign "Gemini", anyway. :P
vivi said:
it's really ok that all of you are smart people, i still respect that, but it seems that u forget that some theory learn to you that u have to look at life with children eye until the end, please use your perspicacity!


Vivi, if your thought processes and behavior on this forum, to this point, are the result of 'looking at life with children eye' - then it is obvious that one needs much more than that.

Please understand that your posting privileges have been revoked for the time being. You will still be allowed to read the forum.
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