I would be interested in where your moon was in your natal chart. As it's meant to represent the emotions. Which sign is it in? Also, how do your natal chart planets and placements interact with where the planets are now.
Good astrology does seem to be pretty complicated. And you would need to find a good astrologer who doesn't do all the 'love and light' 'new-agey' bru haha. For an accurate chart a person also needs to know what time they were born (as accurate as possible) and place of birth (this is for the rising sign and houses). If a person has moved a great distance and has lived there a long time, this will change the rising signs and houses. (Something that I found out recently).
Many people are going through really difficult times at the moment which unfortunately is probably reflected by the slower moving planets: Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune and Uranus. This means that everything takes so much longer to 'work through'. With Neptune in the mix too there's often quite a lot of lying and deception going on (from governments mostly).
This bloke (usually) does a weekly mundane astrology on current planetary aspects. His chart has been astrologically 'hammered' too, so he hasn't done it every week and often sounds quite 'over it'.... Never-the-less, I find what he says about planetary energy quite fascinating.
Recently I had my chart done (not by him), but when my chart was 'relocated' to where I live now, everything made so much more sense. The important factor seemed to be how much time a person has spent in their relocated place. The issues I was facing, and the manner in which I handled them, then became quite obvious. I found it really helpful.
Oh by the way, Cancerian Moons are meant to be quite sensitive.
If you want to dial up your own natal chart to see where everything is, it can be done here:
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I think creating an account is necessary.