Fire and Ice: The Day After Tomorrow

Azur said:
This might be relevant:

High levels of cloud cover blankets the Earth and reflects radiated heat from the Sun back out into space, causing the planet to cool.

Henrik Svensmark, a weather scientist at the Danish National Space Centre who led the team behind the research, believes that the planet is experiencing a natural period of low cloud cover due to fewer cosmic rays entering the atmosphere.

This, he says, is responsible for much of the global warming we are experiencing.
Original post for whole article here:

We have an acknowledgment that there is lower than normal low cloud cover, and he proposes a reason.
Read very carefully. He didn't say this at all. He said, "the planet is experiencing a natural period of low cloud cover due to fewer cosmic rays". He didn't say "lower than normal low cloud cover". There is a huge difference between these two statements. "Low cloud cover" means not much cloud covering the earth -- it has nothing to do with the altitude of the clouds; "lower than normal low cloud cover" means not many clouds at a low altitude. In any case, I don't quite follow how lower than normal low-altitude cloud cover could be causing an increase in contrails/chemtrails.
Third_Density_Resident said:
Azur said:
This might be relevant:

High levels of cloud cover blankets the Earth and reflects radiated heat from the Sun back out into space, causing the planet to cool.

Henrik Svensmark, a weather scientist at the Danish National Space Centre who led the team behind the research, believes that the planet is experiencing a natural period of low cloud cover due to fewer cosmic rays entering the atmosphere.

This, he says, is responsible for much of the global warming we are experiencing.
Original post for whole article here:

We have an acknowledgment that there is lower than normal low cloud cover, and he proposes a reason.
Read very carefully. He didn't say this at all. He said, "the planet is experiencing a natural period of low cloud cover due to fewer cosmic rays". He didn't say "lower than normal low cloud cover". There is a huge difference between these two statements. "Low cloud cover" means not much cloud covering the earth -- it has nothing to do with the altitude of the clouds; "lower than normal low cloud cover" means not many clouds at a low altitude. In any case, I don't quite follow how lower than normal low-altitude cloud cover could be causing an increase in contrails/chemtrails.
You're right. I did misinterpret that as cloud cover lower in altitude.

As for increase in contrail if the clouds are lower, it would be I'm surmising, because of the humidity conglomerating closer to where the air is denser (lower), and as planes fly through, a more marked effect can be seen. Of course, I'm just guessing here. Here's a paper on contrails:

Thanks for pointing that out.
For what its worth, I thought I'd try and add something to this. Having not read Fire and Ice until today, I also noticed an article linked on another website I read.
Temperature Monitors Report Widescale Global Cooling
I'm unfortunatly not well versed in the significance of global temperature changes on this scale (big/small?), so am not quite sure of the full effect if any....but it does seem to tie in well with what the C's where saying.
I find the graph interesting, especially the large spike in 1998....the downturn does atleast look significant.

Q: (L) Yes. I have noticed that particularly. (F) I have too. Not too long ago I noticed that the tides were so incredibly low for this time of year. (L)
And also the signs in people - these kids killing their parents, all these people going berserk - you know...

A: Spike.

Q: (L) What do you mean spike?

A: On a graph...

Q: (L) Just spikes, not the biggie...

A: Spikes are big.
What can I say, I like graphs! lol
More so finding patterns in things....

So what other graphs can be found? Searches on yearly tidal graphs didn't bring back what I hoped...but I did find something interesting (and slightly off topic)...linked to daily tidal variation, the earth's em field earthquake prediction here
I did find daily tidal graphs here mind but without it being strung together I'm not sure there's anything of use there.
Anyway, thats enough of a tangent....I do tend to go off on them....something to work on.
RedFox said:
Q: (L) Yes. I have noticed that particularly. (F) I have too. Not too long ago I noticed that the tides were so incredibly low for this time of year. (L)
And also the signs in people - these kids killing their parents, all these people going berserk - you know...

A: Spike.

Q: (L) What do you mean spike?

A: On a graph...

Q: (L) Just spikes, not the biggie...

A: Spikes are big.
What can I say, I like graphs! lol
More so finding patterns in things....

So what other graphs can be found?
Wheat prices from 2002 to present day

wheat prices in Paris around 1340-1360

both are approx 400% increases in same time period!
Interesting..I was about to ask what happened around 1350, but then I googled it...heh (apologise for the size...can you resize with BB code?)

Anyway, heres come obviouse(?) ones

Population growth (although....I'm a little sceptical of the data the further back it goes)

Carbon dioxide levels in ice cores

I like the link between the last two...but you can't read too much into

no obviouse link....hmm

Wonder if global atmospheric properties/gas levels have been recorded?? (methane,nitrogen etc)
Will look for those and perhaps sizemic data too tomorow (unless someone beats me too it)
RedFox said:
Interesting..I was about to ask what happened around 1350, but then I googled it...heh
If you'd like to get a more fact-based perspective on the 'Black Death' - read this series of articles...

...actually all of the articles under the 'comets and catastrophe' sidebar on the SoTT page. These events also match the spikes on your graphs - connect the dots, as they say, and see what you discover.
Thanks for the info anart, I had read a few of those already, but took the oportunity to go and read again...already knew about comets and such...but seems I missed a few points oddly.
Have read most of the articles under the 'comets' sidebar now...still a few more to go! (is it odd to enjoy reading about these things?!)

Also realised I'd made an assumption about the 'spread of bubonic plague' map....I had assumed it perhaps linked to impact times....can't say I have any data to show that it does or doesn't.
Lesson learnt (unless I forget and it comes round to bite me, assumptions need not apply.
Laura said:
Next item to consider: how likely is it, do you think, that anybody in their right mind would put something OTHER than air and jet fuel into the combustion chamber of a jet engine?

They already do. Jet fuel companies include additives with fuel.

[quote author=Laura]
Since the vapor is clearly coming out of the engines, as shown in the images above, in order for there to be some chemical being "sprayed," it would have to be coming through the engine and that's just not likely.

Why not? Look it up.

In addition to what is true there is also this possibility (with regard to fuel):
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Redfox said:
I like the link between the last two...but you can't read too much into

Yes, those two charts have a similar pattern, but are they really correlated?

Manmade CO2 is only a tiny fraction (from 2 to 7% depending on sources) of total CO2, so the sharp rise in (total) CO2 displayed on the chart can't be solely explained by a variation in the (relatively) tiny amount released by human activity.

One reason for this sharp increase in CO2 might be temperature increase, because oceans release more CO2 when temperatures rise.

This temperature increase might also explain partly the increase in human population.

The little ice age ended around the middle of the XIXth century leading to a temperature increase, which led both to a CO2 and a population increase.

Well, at least that's the way I understand it.
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