Fire and Ice: The Day After Tomorrow

tractmec said:
Could you post links to these pics Mamadrama? The first picture seems to be of a C130 Hercules undergoing something known as "JATO" or "jet assisted takeoff". The "igniters" pointed out would seem to be flames from the jet pack's thrusters.

The second picture looks like a C130 spreading fire retardant on a hot spot in forest fire.
Last night while my son was online doing homework, I asked him to find and send me some photos of US military planes spraying toxins like napalm, phosphorus, etc. from the Air Force site. I wanted to see clearly where some of the spraying apparatus on military planes is physically located. I believe the captions are my son's but I will verify links and captions when he comes home from school today :)
SAO said:
I think those are just "wake vortices" aka "wingtip vortices". Check it out here: … -DFRC.html

The lines coming from the wingtips of planes are a natural phenomenon. I am 99.9% sure that's what is in that picture. This is only another example of how easy it is to misunderstand certain phenomena in flight dynamics and assign it to foul play. And certainly, if the PTB want to spread around misconceptions and fuel the misunderstandings, they can intentionally mislabel perfectly natural phenomena and create websites to vector attention away from what really matters. Mamadrama, where did you get the captions for those pictures?
I believe you are correct, SAO the lines coming off the wingtips are wingtip vortices. It is my understanding though that the phosphorus is coming from underneath the wing. Do you see the more diffused white substance coming from underneath the wing? I believe that is the phosphorus.
SAO said:
I think we have to be much more careful and critical of this stuff, or it will be easy to distract and lead us astray with something that is a red herring, osit.
I agree we need to be careful and critical in our analysis. I do think it's worth keeping an eye on but yes, there are so many other important concerns to keep us busy, this may not be a priority.
mamadrama said:
I believe you are correct, SAO the lines coming off the wingtips are wingtip vortices. It is my understanding though that the phosphorus is coming from underneath the wing. Do you see the more diffused white substance coming from underneath the wing? I believe that is the phosphorus.
If you look at one of the pages of photos I posted, you will see that this nebulous "condensation" cloud forms around many aircraft under many types of circumstances.
Laura said:
If you look at one of the pages of photos I posted, you will see that this nebulous "condensation" cloud forms around many aircraft under many types of circumstances.
Yes, indeed. But if you notice, none of these photos show the those "condensation" cloud forms underneath the the wings alone as it appears in the A10 photo. In the photos you posted, the cloud forms are completely surrounding the plane or on top of the plane. I don't see any that are just underneath as in the A10 picture. But I will research further.
Laura said:
Carlos Castaneda wrote:
"There are two types of human beings capable of becoming seers. The first one is made up of those who are willing to exercise self-restraint and can channel their activities toward pragmatic goals, which would benefit other seers and man in general. The other category consists of those who don't care about self-restraint or about any pragmatic goals. It is the consensus among seers that the latter have failed to resolve the problem of self-importance." [...]

"Warriors take strategic inventories," he said. "They list everything they do. Then they decide which of those things can be changed in order to allow themselves a respite, in terms of expending their energy." Don Juan said then that in the strategic inventories of warriors, self-importance figures as the activity that consumes the greatest amount of energy, hence, their effort to eradicate it.

"One of the first concerns of warriors is to free that energy in order to face the unknown with it," don Juan went on. "The action of rechanneling that energy is impeccability."
Thank you for this awesome quote. Words to live by!
mamadrama said:
Yes, indeed. But if you notice, none of these photos show the those "condensation" cloud forms underneath the the wings alone as it appears in the A10 photo. In the photos you posted, the cloud forms are completely surrounding the plane or on top of the plane. I don't see any that are just underneath as in the A10 picture. But I will research further.
At this site if you scroll through the archive to the photo in question you will find this caption underneath

Air Force Week in Photos said:
ROYAL AIR FORCE MILDENHALL, England -- An A-10 Thunderbolt II rolls to mark a target with simulated M-156 white phosphorus rockets as part of an aerial demonstration held here. The demonstration was for visiting U.S. civic, business, and industry leaders on the 2003 Joint Civilian Orientation Course. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Michael D. Morford)
This air craft was participating in an airforce demonstration when this photo was taken and was about to fire a white phosphorous rocket as a target simulation marker for the demonstration.

What you are seeing coming off of the wing's trailing edge is the same white cloud Laura was talking about a few posts back, just not as large.

Do not feel bad I did somthing simalar in the Rupublic Broacasting thread in the Genaral Discussion forum. I even had the webpage for the correct server loaded on another tab and the wrong one still flowed out my fingers and onto the forum.
mamadrama said:
I believe you are correct, SAO the lines coming off the wingtips are wingtip vortices. It is my understanding though that the phosphorus is coming from underneath the wing. Do you see the more diffused white substance coming from underneath the wing? I believe that is the phosphorus.
It would not be the phosphorus. Read up on the stuff. They don't spray it out of planes, they launch it in self-contained rockets and such. You do not EVER want to get the stuff on you or on anything you value, like your aircraft.
I have had some thoughts about chemtrails and such. First, most of the discussion about these things seems to be centered around the natural contrails (condensation) which is normal when you burn a hydrocarbon and produce water vapor as a byproduct in a cold dry atmosphere. Quite a few postings ago Laura pointed this simple fact out.

While the idea that there is this massive plan to spray chemicals on the populace frankly strikes me as simple conspiracy theory hysteria, I would like to pose another possible explanation. Yes, we are under assult by a massive chemical spray but not as a deliberate attempt to poison us all but instead as an "accidental" byproduct of another activity: the illegal disposal of toxic waste.

In the early '80s there were a number of stories in the Greater New York City metropolitan area about how organized crime was dumping toxic waste all over the place. They would contract to dispose of stuff, and just drive into the woods and dump it into the ground. [As time passed those very woods became the location of housing developments and people started to wonder how in the heck it could be that the ground water in the middle of the woods was polluted with dry cleaning fluid...]

One of the ways that the waste was disposed of was to mix it into heating oil. There would be a relatively low concentration of the waste and the normal actions of the oil burner would incinerate the waste, albeit in a very uncontrolled manner. The effect was to turn everybody's oil fired heating system into a toxic waste disposal mechanism, theoretically destroying the evidence of the crime.

Oil fired heaters are not popular any more, natural gas having largely replaced oil for new construction. They also are largely used only in the winter (except those also tied into hot water). This is inconvenient.

Suppose instead you could insert yourself into the jet fuel distribution process and insert the toxic waste into the jet fuel. There is so much jet fuel used, that it might very well absorb a considerable quantity of waste. Of course, the waste is incinerated, but again in an uncontrolled manner, so that the byproducts are very undesirable.

For this to occur on a massive scale, a lot of palms would need to be greased, but there is also a lot of money to be made in toxic waste disposal, particularly if you don't have to go through the pain and agony of actually disposing of it correctly.

My bet is that there really is something to this whole chemtrail thing, but it boils down to the following:

1) most reported activity is simply the normal result of fuel consumption
2) the act of burning all of this fuel at a high altitude has unknown and unintended consequences
3) illegal activity adds to the problem by taking advantage of the current fuel distribution network to eliminate poisons generated from other kinds of activities such as manufacturing or dry cleaners.

My bet is that #3 is under appreciated.
tractmec said:
Do not feel bad I did somthing simalar
Yep, my information was wrong. My apologies to all.
Laura said:
It would not be the phosphorus. Read up on the stuff. They don't spray it out of planes, they launch it in self-contained rockets and such.
I read up on WP or white phoshorus and you are absolutely right. According to Wikipedia
White phosphorus is a common allotrope of the chemical element phosphorus which has found extensive military application as an incendiary agent,[1] smoke-screening agent, and as an antipersonnel flame compound capable of causing serious burns.[2] White Phosphorus (WP) bombs and shells are essentially incendiary devices, and can be used in an offensive anti-personnel role against enemy troop concentrations. It is used in bombs, artillery shells, and mortar shells which burst into burning flakes of phosphorus upon impact. White phosphorus has been described as a chemical weapon, but because it can be used as a multi-purpose device to mark targets, provide a smoke screen, or signal to friendly troops, it is not covered by UN protocols on incendiary weapons.
Sorry for the mistake! :)
Laura said:
Hopefully you and others will be able to dig for it and find it now that there is a bit of "inspiration," i.e. the idea has been bruited as a possibility. I can't do everything, ya know!
Laura, yes, you're right -- you can't do everything, especially since you already do enough as it is. So I will certainly be using this thread as inspiration, and will be doing my own research into changes in weather phenomena, and sharing any findings I encounter.
When I was in the military, during air displays, the aircraft that we flew got fitted with what they called smoke generators. The smoke generators were than hot wired with a switch in the cockpit, where upon a given signal or time, pilots could activate smoke. But as far as commercial, passenger carrying aircraft are concerned, I am not aware of such gadgets. That is not to say that the chemtrail generators are not fitted surreptitiously and automatically activated at a given time or altitude. I tend to conclude that most of it is more contrail then chemtrail. Which perhaps begs the question as to why are we then seeing more of it now versus say 10 to 15 years ago, for example.

As far as aircraft engines are concerned, I am not aware of "modes" of operations. Perhaps phase of flight would be more appropriate. If we take the example of a car, if you are driving on level road at constant speed, the accelerator stays at a fixed pedal position more or less. When you go up a hill, to maintain the same speed you would have to press more on the accelerator. When you go down a hill, you would have to ease off on the accelerator to maintain speed otherwise the car starts to speed up and you would have to apply brakes to slow down. It's very similar in an aircraft. In cruise with constant speed, the "accelerator" stays pretty constant. For take off, I have to press more on the "accelerator" and during descend I would have to ease off on the "pedals". An aircraft however to maintain speed during a descent, pitches up to keep constant speed with no pressure on the "accelerator".
vulcan59 said:
I tend to conclude that most of it is more contrail then chemtrail. Which perhaps begs the question as to why are we then seeing more of it now versus say 10 to 15 years ago, for example.
And that may be the very question that all the brouhaha about "chemtrails" is intended to deflect. Why, indeed, are we seeing a lot, LOT more of "normal condensation" than we saw 10 or 15 years ago? What is going on in the atmosphere that they don't want us to notice?

This discussion reminds me of a couple exchanges with C's, so pardon me if I include them here:

14 Dec 06

Q: (L) Along the lines of some of the things that I have been
working on recently, I'd like to ask if there's any more
information you can give to us about the hypnotic-opener-
strobe effect, and what it is preventing us from seeing. Is
this one of the things that keeps us from expanding into the
next density, in terms of awareness?

A: Not related to that. You see, the souls that are affected
by all these "cloaking" techniques are vibrating on a low
level anyway. The point is to block those who are blockable.

Q: (T) We're not blockable? (L) Is there anything we can do
to avoid this blocking? (T) We're not being blocked...

A: You are not blockable.

Q: (T) We are not being blocked. We're beyond the blocking.

A: If you were, would you be doing this?

Q: (T) That type of blocking technique doesn't work on us.
There may be other blocking techniques, but that particular
stuff doesn't work. We either see or don't see stuff,
because we are either meant or not meant to see it. We don't
see UFO's anymore, because we don't need to.

A: Not necessarily true.

Q: (L) OK, what is not necessarily true? Why don't we see
them any more?

A: Don't does not equal won't. If a Buick does not go by, you
don't see that, either! And if you are inside, doing the
laundry when Mr. Jones decides to take the old "Electra" for
a spin, you do not see him, or his precious car, do you?

Q: (L) I don't care, I've seen enough!

A: Oh, yes, you do care!!!

Q: (L) OK, yes, I care, but I've seen enough, I believe, I

A: It is not up to you whether you want to see them or not.
If they want you to see them, you will!

Q: (T) So, if they want us to see them, we'll see them! A:
Yes, and they will, and you will!

Q: (T) They will and we will... yes, but, there's a blocking
technique being used on people to lower the vibrational
frequency to prevent them from seeing them, right?

A: The blocking technique is for many things.

Q: (T) So that people do not understand what's going on
around them.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What else?

A: That is it, in a nutshell. See and know and think or...
See, know and think that which is desired.

19 July 97

Q: As you know, there is a flood in Poland, and Ark has to go
back, there is so much that must be done, but the
government offices may be closed, the court session may be
delayed indefinitely, God knows what is going to happen.
What is the source of this dreadful disaster in Poland?

A: Sopophoric screen alterations of the magnetic belt

Q: And what is causing these screen alterations of the
magnetic belt overlay?

A: Influences of Acquiim.

Q: What is Acquiim?

A: 4th density overseer.

Q: Does that mean sporofic screen alteration?

A: Soporific/phosphorous.

13 June 98

Q: Okay, one interesting thing that we just discovered was
that Hyakatuke and Hale Bopp both crossed the eye of
Medusa, the star Algol, on April 11th exactly one year
apart. What is the significance of this?

A: You must remember mosaic, matrix... When you are on the
verge of quantum changes or discovery, the realities begin
to reveal their perfectly squared nature to you.

Q: Is that the only thing you want to remark about the
crossing of the comets in front of the eye of Medusa?

A: Can you not picture all reality as a curving and bobbing
journey through a transparent, undulating matrix mosaic? [...]

Q: Yes, I remember. Okay, that takes care of several things.
You are talking about bloodlines becoming parasitically
infested and harassed at times of quantum leaps such as
now, when I was reading back over this, it seems that this
is a repeating cycle, this parasitic infestation; and then
reading the history of Gregory of Tours, and all of these
truly amazing things - lights in the sky, plagues,
repeated incidents of aerial phenomena... a 'light like a
serpent' in the sky... a bright light and 'snakes fell
from the clouds...' in 590, fiery globes traversed the
heavens and then an eclipse of the sun. These
astronomical phenomena were usually followed by inclement
weather which, in its turn, brought plague...
is this the
kind of parasitical infestation, harassment and so forth
that we are talking about here?

A: Maybe, look for more clues.

Q: Well, do you have a specific point that you would like to
toss on me here so that I have an idea of what I am
looking for?

A: Undulating matrix/mosaic.

8 April 2000

Q: This is a good one. Brad has written a couple of times. He was reading the Flight 19
session and he said: "This indicates to me that perception can manifest into a reality
given proper conditions." Is his assumption going in the right direction? Can perception
manifest into reality given the proper conditions?

A: Essentially, but it is more complex, as it involves manifestations from other realities,
where the conditions do not parallel yours.

Q: Now he says: "If true, then an individual could manifest their reality if enough energy
or focus or will could be focused to produce a result." You just said that it involves
energies from other realities than our own. But, he goes on to say: "What I think is
implied here is that the dominant belief will be the most often produced result. However,
if ten people believe they see a UFO, but three others don't believe they see a UFO, then
what is the result in this case? Do the three non-believers end up seeing UFOs because
their perception that UFO's do not exist is overridden by the ten people who DO

A: Trying to impose conditional conceptualizations re: 3rd density awareness.

Q: Well, the question still is, if ten people think they see a UFO, and three don't, DO the
three non-believers see a UFO?

A: Not valid due to rigidity of concept.

Q: Well, let me go on: "The prevailing or popular belief seems to override the less
popular belief if I read the text of your essay correctly. That would certainly explain why
disinformation and propaganda used by religious groups is so effective. I am not sure
about the proper way this works according to your essay. It seems to me that, in order for
an individual to buck the trend of a commonly held belief or thought, and for that person
to manifest their own reality, or produce a desired result, they would have to be very
strong willed, or have the ability to focus their will and intention so as to magnify its
power and produce a reality which differs from that which is the common perception.
It's all rather confusing. If ten people believe that Napoleon never died, but is still alive,
and two people believe he is dead, the dominant belief prevailing would have Napoleon
still alive. Perhaps you could go into some detail on this at a later time. If all is illusion,
as so many New Age teachings suggest, then there are no constraints as to what reality
can be."

A: No constraints? Then why the attempt to impose constraints?

Q: I think the one thing he missed in that session was the point that we were talking
specifically about the Flight 19 incident where you had already said that the EM field
generated by the aberrant activities of the Atlantean crystal, created an opening into what
you called the Thought Plane, and as long as it remained open, this condition prevailed.
But, under most circumstances, this is not the condition under which we live.

A: And even the EM crystal itself is transitory; in the space/time continuum it is of the
"Philadelphia Experiment" mode.

Q: The example of the Flight 19 situation was a description of an aberrant situation, even
though these aberrations can and do occur naturally or artificially, sometimes planned
and sometimes random. Is that correct?

A: Sort of.

Q: But, in talking about our consensual reality. Are the conditions, say, for example, on
our planet, a result of the consensus reality?

A: Ditto last response.

Q: Okay. Sort of. You say that we have these programs, and that there is this
undulating matrix force field around the planet that holds these effects, and the programs
in place, so to speak, but that some people CAN get out of the control and see what is
real, but most people cannot.

A: Yes, or do not.

Q: So, if a critical mass of people began to SEE things, or to escape from the
programming, would that effect a change for others in terms of the way they experience
the reality, or would the reality that they had been choosing to experience...

A: Such a "critical mass" does not occur until the consensus "chooses."

Q: So, the reality under which we live is essentially, even if held in place by
manipulations from higher densities, and some sort of matrix control system, is

A: Close.

Q: To get back to this idea about changing the reality: can an individual or group of
individuals change their personal reality so that they no longer have to or are required to
participate in the consensus reality?

A: It is possible.

Q: Is it, as our correspondent has said, because such people are very strong willed, or
have the ability to focus their will and intentions so as to magnify the power of the will,
to change the reality...

A: Constraints constrain.

Q: Yes. The Matrix page on the website discusses this. So, it amounts to the fact that if
a person is in THIS reality, for some reason they have CHOSEN it until they learn how to
UN-choose it. (A) The question is: how often can people do it? Yes, it is possible, but
can we know more?

A: Some truly rare types possess this talent flukishly, as it does not represent normal 3rd
density domain.
TDR said:
As for atmospherics, while there may indeed be real changes going on, I would just like to see the hard data that has shown this -- after all, isn't that what this forum is about? I am also someone who has a great interest in weather phenomena etc., and therefore I am interested to see some data showing significant changes in upper air level parameters.
Found this info by doing a search for upper atmosphere changes.
Change Affecting Outermost Atmosphere Of Earth
by Staff Writers
Boulder CO (SPX) Dec 14, 2006

Carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil fuels will produce a 3 percent reduction in the density of Earth's outermost atmosphere by 2017, according to a team of scientists from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and The Pennsylvania State University (PSU). The research, which appears in the latest issue of Geophysical Research Letters, will be presented today at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union.

"We're seeing climate change manifest itself in the upper as well as lower atmosphere," says NCAR scientist Stan Solomon, a co-author of the study. "This shows the far-ranging impacts of greenhouse gas emissions."

The research team includes Solomon, Liying Qian, and Ray Roble of NCAR's High Altitude Observatory; and Tim Kane of PSU. The study was supported by NASA's Living With a Star program and by the National Science Foundation, NCAR's primary sponsor.
Lower density in the thermosphere, which is the highest layer of the atmosphere, reduces the drag on satellites in low Earth orbit, allowing them to stay airborne longer. Forecasts of upper-level air density could help NASA and other agencies plan the fuel needs and timing of satellite launches more precisely, potentially saving millions of dollars.

Confirming and extending a prediction

Recent observations by scientists tracking satellite orbits have shown that the thermosphere, which begins about 60 miles above Earth and extends up to 400 miles, is beginning to become less dense. This confirms a prediction made at NCAR in 1989 by Roble and Robert Dickinson (now at the Georgia Institute of Technology) that the thermosphere will cool and contract because of increasing carbon dioxide levels. The new study is the first to analyze whether the observed change will become more pronounced over the next decade.

Why the cooling is a sign of global warming

Carbon dioxide cools the thermosphere, even though it acts to warm the atmosphere near the Earth's surface (the troposphere). This paradox occurs because the atmosphere thins with height. Near the Earth's surface, carbon dioxide absorbs radiation escaping Earth, but before the gas molecules can radiate the energy to space, frequent collisions with other molecules in the dense lower atmosphere force the carbon dioxide to release energy as heat, thus warming the air. In the much thinner thermosphere, a carbon dioxide molecule absorbs energy when it collides with an oxygen molecule, but there is ample time for it to radiate energy to space before another collision occurs. The result is a cooling effect. As it cools, the thermosphere settles, so that the density at a given height is reduced.

The role of the solar cycle

Also affecting the thermosphere is the 11-year cycle of solar activity. During the active phase of the cycle, ultraviolet light and energetic particles from the Sun increase, producing a warming and expansion of the upper atmosphere. When solar activity wanes, the thermosphere settles and cools.

In order to analyze recent solar cycles and peer into the future, the NCAR-PSU team used a computer model of the upper atmosphere that incorporates the solar cycle as well as the gradual increase of carbon dioxide due to human activities. The team also used a prediction for the next solar cycle, issued by NCAR scientist Mausumi Dikpati and colleagues, that calls for a stronger-than-usual solar cycle over the next decade. The model showed a decrease in thermospheric density from 1970 to 2000 of 1.7 percent per decade, or about 5 percent overall, which agrees with observations. The team found that the decrease was about three to four times more rapid during solar minimum than solar maximum.

Impacts on satellites

Many satellites, including the International Space Station and the Hubble Space Telescope, follow a low Earth orbit at altitudes close to 300 miles. Over time, the upper atmosphere drags the satellites closer to Earth. The amount of drag depends on the density of the thermosphere, which is why satellite planners need better predictions of how the thermosphere changes.

"Satellite operators noticed the solar cycle changes in density at the very beginning of the space age," says Solomon. "We are now able to reproduce the changes using the NCAR models and extend them into the next solar cycle."
Sky falling and fast, warn scientists - Pollution warms surface of Earth, but cools and shrinks upper atmosphere New Delhi, Nov. 24:
Forget the fable of Chicken Little — the sky is indeed falling. The upper zone of Earth’s atmosphere is cooling and shrinking, an international team of scientists said today.

The researchers, including an atmospheric physicist from India, said that while carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are warming the surface of Earth, they are simultaneously cooling its upper atmosphere.

“The evidence is very clear. It’s based on direct observations of temperatures in the atmosphere,� said Gufran Beig, a team member and deputy director at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) in Pune. “The upper atmosphere is cooling fast, much faster than the surface of the Earth is warming,� he said.

In a report in the US journal Science today, Beig and his colleagues said temperatures have dropped by 2 to 3 degrees Celsius per decade in the region of the atmosphere 50 km to 100 km above Earth’s surface.

The cooling of the upper atmosphere may change the life spans of satellites with orbits within 500 km and even disrupt long distance short wave radio communication, Beig said.

Geostationary satellites, which are used in communication and relaying television signals and parked much higher — about 36,000 km — will remain unaffected.

“When you cool something, it shrinks. The upper region of the atmosphere is contracting. The upper level of the atmosphere has fallen by 8 to 10 kilometres over the past three decades,� Beig said.

Earlier studies have shown that temperatures in the upper atmosphere over India have dropped by about 10 degrees over the past 30 years.

The temperatures in the region higher than 100 km are falling even faster.

Carbon dioxide and other so-called greenhouse gases such as methane and an oxide of nitrogen are responsible for global warming. These gases are released during the burning of fossil fuels and other human activity.

While carbon dioxide near Earth’s surface absorbs solar radiation and traps heat from the sun, higher up it behaves differently. It interacts with solar radiation and emits heat, leading to cooling.

“Our findings show human activities on Earth’s surface can have significant changes on even the uppermost regions of the atmosphere,� Jan Lastovicka, a scientist at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics in Prague, Czech Republic, told The Telegraph.

Over the past three decades, the temperature on Earth’s surface has increased by about 0.2 to 0.4 degrees Celsius, but the decrease in the upper atmosphere has ranged from 5 to 10 degrees Celsius, the scientists said.

The cooling region of the atmosphere is called the ionosphere and is used in long-distance radio communication.

“The changes we’re seeing might lead to deterioration of short wave radio reception,� Beig said.

“This is also causing concern because civilisation today is increasingly dependent on space-based technologies,� Lastovicka said.

He said the exact impact on satellites is unclear, but there are concerns that a lower density of the ionosphere will lead to an increase in the penetration of high energy particles from space which could lead to degradation of solar panels which power onboard systems.
Other links:
Increasing greenhouse gases lead to dramatic thinning of the upper atmosphere
Orbital tracking reveals thinning upper atmosphere

Also found this one. They are mapping and modeling the Ionosphere and could be HAARP related.
[Global Assimilation Of Ionospheric Measurements Model Goes Operational
by Staff Writers
Washington, DC (SPX) Jan 30, 2007
The Global Assimilation of Ionospheric Measurements (GAIM) model went operational at the Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA), located at Offutt Air Force Base, on 20 December, 2006. GAIM has been under development since 1999 under the Multidisciplinary University Research Initiatives (MURI) program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and was managed by the Naval Research Laboratory's (NRL) Space Science Division.

GAIM uses a physics-based model as the basis for assimilating a diverse set of near real-time measurements. It assimilates slant total electron content (TEC) observations from up to 400 Global Positioning System (GPS) ground receiver sites, in-situ electron density observations from Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) satellites, and bottomside electron density profiles from ionosondes.

The model provides specifications and forecasts on a spatial grid that can be global, regional, or local. The specifications/forecasts are in the form of three-dimensional electron density distributions from 90 km to geosynchronous altitudes (35,000 km).

NRL scientists have begun evaluating the use of new ultraviolet (UV) space sensor data with GAIM. The sources of UV data include a suite of operational UV sensors, the Special Sensor Ultraviolet Limb Imager (SSULI), which were developed by NRL's Space Science Division.

NRL scientists expect to generate exciting science from investigating the addition of UV data sets with the GAIM model. The UV-capable version of GAIM is scheduled to go operational at AFWA in December 2007.
Curious the C's reference to Mr. Jones and Elektra, are they pointing to this one perhaps?


and then to


Generations of wartime photographers and international correspondents have benefited from the artistic and technical foundations laid by Mydans. The artist was honored in 1991 as the Guest of Honor at the prestigious Visa Pour L'Image event in Perpignan, France, a week long exhibition/conference for top photojournalists and picture agencies worldwide.
Sorry, this is maybe off topic, maybe not.

Q: To get back to this idea about changing the reality: can an individual or group of
individuals change their personal reality so that they no longer have to or are required to
participate in the consensus reality?

A: It is possible.
So, if someone who lives in this reality, changes his life, his thinking, feeling and reacting, before all. And that change makes him able to see and feel world totally different, and that change goes on people around him like chain reaction, so some of them live and feel like they never dreamed they would, and they are wondering how easy that change come, and how life could be happy and interesting.
Isn’t it in some small way different reality?
Thankyou Mike for that very interesting information. I've not yet had the time to do my own research, alas, but I'll get to it soon enough. But what you've uncovered does raise some questions.

As per usual, all the articles point the finger at humans, because the observations have only covered 30 years at most (during a time when human polluting has been very high), and they don't have access to data that extends back very far, thus it is falsely concluded that humans are the sole cause of the carbon increase.

As you highlighted in the Indian Telegraph article, it states:

In a report in the US journal Science today, Beig and his colleagues said temperatures have dropped by 2 to 3 degrees Celsius per decade in the region of the atmosphere 50 km to 100 km above Earth’s surface.
This prompted me to think of cloud formations and how high the highest clouds are. I came upon a BBC News article about "noctilucent clouds", which happen to form above 50 km in altitude, and hence would be subject to all the cooling effects mentioned in the Indian article. It turns out I was right, but something else was uncovered.

Mission to target highest clouds
By Jonathan Amos
BBC News science reporter, in Baltimore

A Nasa satellite mission will be launched this year to study the highest and most mysterious clouds on Earth.

Noctilucent, or "night-shining", clouds appear as thin bands in twilight skies, some 80km (50miles) above the surface.

Recent records suggest they have become brighter, more frequent and are being seen at lower latitudes than usual.

Scientists cannot say for sure but they suspect human activity may be altering the conditions in the mesosphere that drive the clouds' formation. [Once again, the finger is pointed at humans, even though scientists "can't say for sure".]

"Noctilucent clouds were first seen in 1885 by a British amateur astronomer, Robert Leslie," explains James Russell from Hampton University, Virginia, US.

"They're very beautiful. They have distinctive features - bands, and ripples we call billows - and form right on the edge of space."

Russell is the principal investigator on the AIM (Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere) spacecraft, which will be lofted to 600km (370 miles) to make a detailed study of the clouds.

The 195kg (430lb) satellite will be put in space by a Pegasus rocket launched from beneath the wing of an aircraft.

AIM's three instruments will investigate the recipe needed to make the clouds -- cold temperatures, the presence of water vapour, and small dust particles around which the water can condense and freeze out to create ice crystals. [So this does seem to fit in with the carbon cooling effect.]

Scientists think most of the dust comes not from below but from above - from space. It is extremely hard for dust in the lower atmosphere to be pulled so high, while meteoritic dust is known to be settling onto the planet all the time as rocky space debris falls to Earth.
So it would seem that for these clouds to increase in frequency, two factors are necessary -- a lowering of temperature in the thermosphere, as well as more particles coming from outer space in the form of space debris. Which raises the question: Why the increase in space debris?

If this has stayed reasonably stable over time, then the explanation for the observed changes in the occurrence and properties of the clouds will have to be sought in the satellite's temperature and water/ice data.

The mesosphere is already very cold, down to about -125C and more, but researchers say it is getting even colder.

Although the extra carbon dioxide (CO2) put into the atmosphere by human activities has warmed the air near the Earth's surface, it is thought to have had the opposite effect in the middle and upper atmosphere by radiating heat more efficiently into space.

"In addition to CO2, methane has been increasing in the atmosphere," added Dr Russell. "Once methane makes it into the high atmosphere, the sun breaks down the molecule and forms water - so, that's another source for water vapour in addition to the water vapour coming from below.

"These are all likely causes for the changes we are seeing. Our mission will collect the data that can be put into the models to help us get to sound conclusions about what is really going on."

AIM is a US space agency Small Explorer mission. It has a number of partner organisations, including the British Antarctic Survey.

James Russell gave details of the mission here at the American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly.
So, apart from being indicative of a lowering in temperature and hence density of the thermosphere, these extremely high noctilucent clouds are indicative of an increase in space debris. I wonder also if this ties in with a final comment in the Indian Telegraph article that

there are concerns that a lower density of the ionosphere will lead to an increase in the penetration of high energy particles from space...
TDR said:
BBC said:
Recent records suggest they have become brighter, more frequent and are being seen at lower latitudes than usual. [...] AIM's three instruments will investigate the recipe needed to make the clouds -- cold temperatures, the presence of water vapour, and small dust particles around which the water can condense and freeze out to create ice crystals.

Scientists think most of the dust comes not from below but from above - from space. It is extremely hard for dust in the lower atmosphere to be pulled so high, while meteoritic dust is known to be settling onto the planet all the time as rocky space debris falls to Earth.
Good find. It's a clue that may be going in the right direction. And this is what I have been noticing. It's not that all kinds of clouds do not and have not existed for a long time, it is that the patterns of manifestation are very, very different for ALL types of clouds over the past 10 or 15 years and why would this not have some effect on so-called condensation trails?

A very important book that analyzes a lot of ancient stuff in ice cores, sea-bed cores, archaeological digs, etc (using all kinds of techno tests) is "The Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes" by Richard Firestone (a physicist) and a couple other guys. They talk about how when the Earth's magnetic field gets weak (which we have heard is the the case at present) that a lot of space dust overloads the atmosphere. But that is just one of the clues given in this book.

Also, did anyone notice the article on SOTT yesterday about the people being possibly killed by a falling or exploding meteorite? Again, it is important to read Firestone's book to understand the nature of these critters, what kinds they are, what they do, and so on. A couple of years ago, we were hearing about fireballs about once a month. Then it became once a week or so. Now, it is ALMOST EVERY DAY.

So, what's up with THAT?
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