Fire and Ice: The Day After Tomorrow

The pilots that laid these two lines to fill in the last bit of blue that day appeared to be show boating.


This is an example of our everyday honest sky

I just like the way the contrail crosses the sun

I have found that you can't tell people aerosol spray planes are real. You can only plant the seed. I think it's because we've all seen them all our lives we didn't notice the slow change. But most of the people I've asked to hep me identify these seemingly excessive contrails, are not only convinced of an ongoing spray program. They want to know why. I have an idea but it's only based on my eight years of observation and the same research available to anyone with a computer and internet. I've been hoping someone here could help shine some light on this subject.
By the way has anyone noticed the full moon being unusually bright this last. I had two different people tell me they thought they would have to put on sunglasses to view it.:cool: I know I saw the article on global dimming today.
Here is an excerpt of an interview from a show called Horizon

"DR DAVID TRAVIS: As we began to look at the climate data and the evidence began to grow I got more and more excited. The actual results were much larger than I expected. So here we see for the 3 days preceding September 11th a slightly negative value of temperature range with lots of contrails as normal. Then we have this sudden spike right here of the 3 day period. This reflects lack of clouds, lack of contrails, warmer days cooler nights, exactly what we expected but even larger than what we expected. So what this indicates is that during this 3 day period we had a sudden drop in Global Dimming contributed from airplanes.
NARRATOR: During the grounding the temperature range jumped by over a degree Celsius. Travis had never seen anything like it before.
DR DAVID TRAVIS: This was the largest temperature swing of this magnitude in the last thirty years.
NARRATOR: If so much could happen in such a short time, removing just one form of pollution, then it suggests that the overall effect of Global Dimming on world temperatures could be huge.
DR DAVID TRAVIS: The nine eleven study showed that if you remove a contributor to Global Dimming, jet contrails, just for a three day period, we see an immediate response of the surface of temperature. Do the same thing globally we might see a large scale increase in global warming.
NARRATOR: This is the real sting in the tail. Solve the problem of Global Dimming and the world could get considerably hotter. And this is not just theory, it may already be happening. In Western Europe the steps we have taken to cut air pollution have started to bear fruit in a noticeable improvement in air quality and even a slight reduction in Global Dimming over the last few years. Yet at the same time, after decades in which they held steady, European temperatures have started rapidly to rise culminating in the savage summer of 2003."

From what I've heard over the years on radio programs, the planes that are suppose to be spraying chemtrails don't spray from the engines/wings. There is an observable nozzle that extends from the bottom of the plane. This is the spraying nozzle and it can be extended outside of the plane, or contracted back inside the plane.

The other thing I would like to mention is that somewhere here I can remember somebody talking about colored chemtrails/contrails. I had never seen one until a couple of months ago. There were several chemtrails/contrails being laid across the sky in a parallel. The last one, when the sun hit it just right, had the look of water mixed with oil. A sort of oily coloration. You know, a rainbowie look. I had heard about these, but this was the first on I had seen. But we have a lot of cloudy days here so I could have missed a few.

I have also started seeing within the last year, chemtrails/contrails that have one edge that has curly-cews the whole length of it.

Here in the northwest, you see these chemtrails/contrails all over. And some of them are not straight. They do a tight, and I mean tight, 90 degree turn. I've seen them do a tight zigzag pattern also, like if you wrote out a printed "Z" but with long top and bottom and a very short middle, if that makes any sense. To be honest, I don't know how a plane could make the maneuver to do these patterns, but then, I don't know very much about planes either.

I don't know what they are, but the ones I have seen are a little suspicious.
Lynne said:
Here in the northwest, you see these chemtrails/contrails all over. And some of them are not straight. They do a tight, and I mean tight, 90 degree turn. I've seen them do a tight zigzag pattern also, like if you wrote out a printed "Z" but with long top and bottom and a very short middle, if that makes any sense. To be honest, I don't know how a plane could make the maneuver to do these patterns, but then, I don't know very much about planes either.
Just do not forget about winds. The shape of the contrails (and clouds too) depends on on the air currents. When there is no wind or uniform wind - contrails stay straight. But when there are conflicting wind currents, zigzags can form.
sao said:
Also I just want to add that I have many many times seen a plane fly overhead with the trail behind it turning completely and instantly off and after a period of time suddenly turns back on again. And not just getting dimmer or brighter but literally just totally turns off, and then after a certain period of time turns on. Or vice versa, there is no trail at all and then suddenly it appears completely in the middle of the blue sky as if the pilot just flipped a switch.
Well, I would like to see that. It could possibly be that the differences are fluctuations in the atmosphere through which the plane is passing (another thing that is more threatening than "chemtrails") or that the jet engine is working at different levels.

sao said:
That seems weird to me - if this can be explained by the atomosphere, that means there are huge pockets of completely different atmosphere at the same altitude. And they would have to be completely separated from each other without mixing together at all, since the stream doesn't get gradually weaker or stronger, it just totally turns either on or off on the spot.
Based on some storm cloud formations I have seen in the past fifteen years, that is entirely possible. Some of them are so strange as to pass being called bizarre. And I began noticing these strange new types of clouds, unrelated to any planes, long before there was any talk about "chemtrails." Since I have been a sky-watcher and admirer of clouds since I was a child, when the sky began to change, I noticed it. It was actually back in the 80s and it creeped me out. I remember one day in particular, driving down the road toward home from shopping, and the sky was so weird the hair on the back of my neck actually stood up! I collect strange cloud photos, and found one that showed cloud formations very similar to what I saw that day and here it is:


Now, if a sky like that doesn't give you the willies, I don't know what will!

If you want to see a collection of the truly strange things going on in the atmosphere - a lot stranger than "chemtrails", go here: This guy has a fantastic collection.

sao said:
I don't know anything about airplane engines and what happens to planes during flight. However, I have played a flight simulator a few years ago, and although I do not remember any details, I remember there was something I could do that appeared to turn on those "lines" behind the plane (it could've been some sort of afterburner switch or something, I can't remember). That would suggest that this sudden turning on or off in the middle of the sky may indeed be someone flipping a switch, but it may be part of normal plane operation. So the question is, are there different "modes" of operation for a plane engine, where one mode would create those lines, and the other, would not?
I believe there are.

sao said:
Edit: Vinny, to me that pic looks more like the trail isn't being switched on, but that it simply doesn't last long and dissipates rather quickly, cuz I see it slowly fading out at the end. Do you have any where the trail starts without fading in slowly, like it was drawn with a pencil? I think this is a good example that I found on google, and although I dunno if it's authentic, I have seen exactly that many times.
Me too. And again, there can be explanations for breaks - varying currents in the atmosphere. And, like I said, what is going on in the atmosphere without even a plane in the sky, is scary enough. If I were the PTB, I would definitely want to distract people's attention away from that and I would probably even do some "real chemtrails" often enough to keep people distracted.
marty said:
This is an example of our everyday honest sky
I guess that depends on where you live. Also seems to depend on how old you are. Like I said, I've been a devoted sky watcher and cloud formation admirer since I was a child. I have been actively and consciously aware of what is in the sky since I was a teenager. That is to say, I've been keeping an eye on the sky for over 40 years. There is a BIG difference between what goes on up there now and what went on up there as recently as 15 to 20 years ago. What you are calling an "everyday, honest sky," I would call an aberration compared to what used to be an "everyday, honest sky." Those clouds are what used to be very upper level types at a much lower altitude. That ain't normal.
And just to make the subject a bit more interesting, go here to see photos and videos of jets creating condensation clouds: right before your eyes. This is, of course, a different phenomenon, but so interesting that I thought you might like it.

There is, however, a photo of the space shuttle landing producing "condensation" trails from the wing-tip vortices. I seriously doubt that the shuttle was "spraying" chemicals, and this shows that there are many things going on with atmospheric flight that are unknown to the layperson, and even poorly understood by the experts.

Also check his UFO page:

He has the news videos about the O'Hare UFO.
Laura said:
sao said:
Edit: Vinny, to me that pic looks more like the trail isn't being switched on, but that it simply doesn't last long and dissipates rather quickly, cuz I see it slowly fading out at the end. Do you have any where the trail starts without fading in slowly, like it was drawn with a pencil? I think this is a good example that I found on google, and although I dunno if it's authentic, I have seen exactly that many times.
Me too. And again, there can be explanations for breaks - varying currents in the atmosphere. And, like I said, what is going on in the atmosphere without even a plane in the sky, is scary enough. If I were the PTB, I would definitely want to distract people's attention away from that and I would probably even do some "real chemtrails" often enough to keep people distracted.
SAO, yeah, it fades out at one end, but there is an abrupt stop at the other end: there is no plane there. it's a zoom in on one of those little 'chunks' as per your pic.

Laura, thanks for all the extra info, I never really considered chemtrails in these terms before, ie: changes in cosmic weather, with some occasional extra artificial 'decoys' added to increase the confusion. There is definitely something dodgy going on, but I suppose we know that already!

It does seem that the sky is, as you say, the high altitude cloud patterns appearing at low altitude. I've also got quite a few sky pictures that aren't chemtrails but certainly show some weird stuff that didn't use to be around. One of these phenomena is the 'standing wave patterns' where a bit of cloud is shaped by harsh ripple patterns - sometimes they are really bizarre. I'll try to find an example later.

Maybe I am getting too distracted by it and it is not important, but I want to know *what is happening?!* ;)
sleepyvinny said:
Maybe I am getting too distracted by it and it is not important, but I want to know *what is happening?!
Well, we've tried to track the strange stuff and you can get a pretty good idea of how weird it is getting, atmospherically speaking, by flipping back through the pages of SOTT's "The Living Planet."

I'm still in the process of sorting the many articles into this category, but there is enough that you can get a feel for the fact that stuff is going on that the PTB certainly wish to hide for any number of reasons. And then, of course, the more people that are involved in chasing their tails about things that are red herrings, the less time they spend on things that matter.

I'll say it again: if the information about psychopathy was spread far and wide and normal people were made aware of the real problem, they would rise up en masse against psychopaths and other deviants and the majority of the world's problems would be solved.
Read this morning:

The Sun is Primary Cause of Climate Change
By Lawrence Solomon - National Post
Feb 5, 2007, 14:51

Man produces greenhouse gases and greenhouse gases cause global warming, most scientists agree, but how, exactly, do greenhouse gases cause global warming? While theories abound, as do elaborate computer models incorporating a multitude of gases and other climatic factors, none has been conclusive. And if greenhouse gases aren't responsible, what else could be? A clear, verifiable mechanism showing how a greenhouse gas or other physical entity can drive climate change has eluded science. Until now.

For more than a decade, Henrik Svensmark of the Danish National Space Center has been pursuing an explanation for why Earth cools and warms. His findings -- published in October in the Proceedings of the Royal Society -- the mathematical, physical sciences and engineering journal of the Royal Society of London -- are now in, and they don't point to us. The sun and the stars could explain most if not all of the warming this century, and he has laboratory results to demonstrate it. Dr. Svensmark's study had its origins in 1996, when he and a colleague presented findings at a scientific conference indicating that changes in the sun's magnetic field -- quite apart from greenhouse gases -- could be related to the recent rise in global temperatures. The chairman of the United Nations Intergovernmental panel on Climate Change, the chief agency investigating global warming, then castigated them in the press, saying, "I find the move from this pair scientifically extremely naive and irresponsible." Others accused them of denouncing the greenhouse theory, something they had not done.

Svensmark and his colleague had arrived at their theory after examining data that showed a surprisingly strong correlation between cosmic rays --highspeed atomic particles originating in exploded stars in the Milky Way -- and low-altitude clouds. Earth's cloud cover increased when the intensity of cosmic rays grew and decreased when the intensity declined.

Low-altitude clouds are significant because they especially shield the Earth from the sun to keep us cool. Low cloud cover can vary by 2% in five years, affecting the Earth's surface by as much as 1.2 watts per square metre during that same period. "That figure can be compared with about 1.4 watts per square metre estimated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for the greenhouse effect of all the increase in carbon dioxide in the air since the Industrial Revolution," Dr. Svensmark explained.

The Danish scientists put together several well-established scientific phenomena to arrive at their novel 1996 theory. The sun's magnetic field deflects some of the cosmic rays that penetrate the Earth's atmosphere, and in so doing it also limits the immense amounts of ions and free electrons that the cosmic rays produce. But something had changed in the 20th century: The sun's magnetic field more than doubled in strength, deflecting an extraordinary number of rays. Could the diminution of cosmic rays this century have limited the formation of clouds, making the Earth warmer?

That was a plausible theory. But exactly how cosmic rays might create clouds was a mystery -- an unprovable theory, many said. Some even claimed that it was inconceivable for cosmic rays to influence cloud cover.

To discover a mechanism, a team at the Danish National Space Center assembled by Dr. Svensmark undertook an elaborate laboratory experiment in a reaction chamber the size of a small room. The team duplicated the chemistry of the lower atmosphere by injecting the gases found there in the same proportions, and adding ultraviolet rays to mimic the actions of the sun.

What they found left them agape: A vast number of floating microscopic droplets soon filled the reaction chamber. These were ultra-small clusters of sulphuric acid and water molecules -- the building blocks for cloud condensation nuclei-- that had been catalyzed by the electrons released by cosmic rays.

We were amazed by the speed and efficiency with which the electrons do their work," Dr. Svensmark remarked. For the first time ever, researchers had experimentally identified a causal mechanism by which cosmic rays can facilitate the production of clouds in Earth's atmosphere. "This is a completely new result within climate science."

Dr. Svensmark has never disputed the existence of greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect. To the contrary, he believes that an understanding of the sun's role is needed to learn the full story, and thus determine man's role. Not only does no climate model today consider the effect of cosmic particles, but even clouds are too poorly understood to be incorporated into any serious climate model.

Because of the work of Dr. Svensmark, other agencies are now building on the Danish findings. CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva, has just started a multi-phase project that begins with a rerun of the Danish experiment, only CERN will use an accelerator rather than relying on natural cosmic rays. This multinational project will provide scientists with a permanent facility for studying effects of cosmic rays and charged particles in the Earth's atmosphere.

Henrik Svensmark is director of the Centre for Sun-Climate Research at the Danish Space Research Institute (DSRI). Previously, Dr. Svensmark was head of the sunclimate group at DSRI. He has held post doctoral positions in physics at University California Berkeley, Nordic Institute of Theoretical Physics, and the Niels Bohr Institute. In 1997, Dr Svensmark received the Knud Hojgaard Anniversary Research Prize and in 2001 the Energy-E2 Research Prize.
Another article read this morning:

Climatologist Calls Global Warming Fears 'Greatest Deception in the History of Science'
By Canadian Free Press
Feb 5, 2007, 11:41

Global Warming, as we think we know it, doesn't exist. And I am not the only one trying to make people open up their eyes and see the truth. But few listen, despite the fact that I was the first Canadian Ph.D. in Climatology and I have an extensive background in climatology, especially the reconstruction of past climates and the impact of climate change on human history and the human condition.“Few listen, even though I have a Ph.D, (Doctor of Science) from the University of London, England and was a climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg.
From which Laura gave, this one is the most interesting,


I can easily imagine that five tone music from Close Encounters.
Can you provide a working link to that, Namaste? Thanks.
Here it is:

Here more:
"the engine problem on the homestead site"? What engine problem?
from the homestead site said:
The photographer also commented upon how quiet the aircraft were
Modern engines are considerably quieter than the older types. (More efficient too).
Keit said:
Here it is:

Here more:
Thank you Keit for the answer.

You can find the articles written by Lawrence Solomon on this website:

But, the one that i posted was taken on that website, where i am a member:
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