Fire and Ice: The Day After Tomorrow

Namaste said:
Climatologist Calls Global Warming Fears 'Greatest Deception in the History of Science'
By Canadian Free Press
I thought it sounded familiar. We ran the story on SOTT two days ago here:
Laura said:
Namaste said:
Climatologist Calls Global Warming Fears 'Greatest Deception in the History of Science'
By Canadian Free Press
I thought it sounded familiar. We ran the story on SOTT two days ago here:
Very interesting. I immediately began wondering, just who benefits from the current global warming theory? I began thinking about the international sales of "carbon emission rights". This is just speculation, mind you, but I thought it might suggest possible lines of research.

First, when an undeveloped country sells its "carbon rights" to a developed country, the effect on the undeveloped country is to keep it undeveloped. That is, it has sold its right to create a manufacturing infrastructure. So it must continue in its role as supplier of raw materials, and import the manufactured goods from those who bought the rights. Sounds like a cost-effective way of retaining a captive market.

Second, the effect on the developed country is of decreasing the need to invest capital in any real emission control equipment, even if such equipment would be advisable for other reasons like the health of the people living nearby. And if the rights are purchased by governments, the cost has been effectively displaced from industry to the tax base... the people at large.

Third, a new commodity market is created for the rights, which will attract investors and speculators who want to make casino-like profits. Those who operate that market make money off transaction commissions.

Note that all of these profit-increasing effects occur even if the emissions do not in fact cause global warming... ;)
Here are a few photos from the Air Force site of military planes spraying various poisons:

C-130 coming out of a dive testing a new kind of napalm, note the igniters:


C-130 Dropping napalm out the back compartment:


A-10 spraying phosphorus from compartments under the wings and fitted with silent engines


C-130 spraying fire repellant
Ark said:
Lynne wrote:

Here in the northwest, you see these chemtrails/contrails all over. And some of them are not straight. They do a tight, and I mean tight, 90 degree turn. I've seen them do a tight zigzag pattern also, like if you wrote out a printed "Z" but with long top and bottom and a very short middle, if that makes any sense. To be honest, I don't know how a plane could make the maneuver to do these patterns, but then, I don't know very much about planes either.

Just do not forget about winds. The shape of the contrails (and clouds too) depends on on the air currents. When there is no wind or uniform wind - contrails stay straight. But when there are conflicting wind currents, zigzags can form.
Thanks, Ark, for the heads up on that. I was periodically, twisting my brain into a pretzel trying to figure out how that could have happened. :P

And, whooboy, those cloud pictures are really weird. I have never seen anything like them before. And I do look at the sky a lot. That's why these whatevertrails have me going. But if like Laura says, they could just be to draw our attention away from the pathocracy, and what's really going on in the world, that makes a whole lot of sense. fwiw.
Also, for what it's worth, I too have seen the 'trails' stop - clean and sharp in mid-sky - to pick up again, clean and sharp a short distance farther on. Those are the most difficult to dismiss as atmospheric phenomenon (as opposed to obvious 'spraying'). With that said, of course, I do think that the change in atmosphere itself may have quite a bit to do with the increase in these trails - seems to be a situation composed of more than a few factors; most probably to confuse and obfuscate. Things have changed up there over the past twenty or so years, plain and simple - and pinpointing exactly how and why seems to be a complex task - probably on purpose, to point away from the cyclic environmental component.
mamadrama said:
Here are a few photos from the Air Force site of military planes spraying various poisons:
Great pictures! Now, if we could only find some "chem-trail" photos that show the same things!

Well, actually, I'm not going to spend any time on it because I am fairly certain that most of it is not "chem" trails, but that they certainly do spray chemicals now and again just to keep everyone with their "eye on the sky." I also have an idea that they may have even started some of this as a sort of "cover" for 4 D activity. In the same way that we think they mimic abductions so as to keep people from going crazy about people disappearing and cattle mutes, and stuff, so might their efforts be toward covering up something "not of this world." As the C's said about the chem-trail issue:

4 Dec 99

A: It is just as dangerous and just as useless to "see" conspiracy in everything s it is to "see" conspiracy in nothing. We tire of conspiracy "buffs." They are nutty, and serve as perfect false sponsors to those who really DO seek to conduct widespread mental/psychic manipulations and control.

Q: Okay, that leads into the next question about the excessive contrail activity.

(F) I read the articles about the contrails. There did not seem to be any way of verifying anything that was said. Essentially, you were left with the claims of this or that person, few of whom were trained observers, or who were taking all the factors into consideration.

(L) Well, we noticed them a lot in the spring of 1998 when we had all the floods and fires later. They are THERE!

(F) Yes, but the claims are that contrails were appearing in clear skies, at which point the sky became overcast as a result of these contrails, when the two may not have been related at all. Then, people were noticing cob webs or "angel hair" type stuff falling on the ground.

(L) I agree that a lot of it is unverifiable and I haven't seen any hard proof myself, either; but they ARE there! LOTS of these jets flying about. An exceedingly LOT of flying! And, not only that, other things have been reported and photographed; strange streaks and lines in the sky, dark and light both - as though some sort of cosmic structure is bleeding through!

(F) Yes, but you have to wonder about these people. I mean, the stuff about the radar anomalies was clearly an example of ignorance of both radar and weather. Oh, yes, big spheres appear on the radar, but those have been appearing forever! They are nothing but cumulo-nimbus blow-ups - what is called a meso-cyclone, and is very common. The only reason they are getting excited about it is because there is all this communication, all these satellite and radar link-ups, and now the average person gets to see what weathermen have been seeing all along! More coverage and communication just makes it seem like it is something new. People need knowledge about this! Sure, there is stuff going on out there, but people seem to be seeing boogie men behind absolutely everything that happens! And this is because they have no knowledge about these things. Why are these people going off the deep end about these half-baked ideas without bothering to get expert opinions, or even a number of opinions? Why do they promulgate all this nonsense to everybody else as though THEY are experts, with nothing to balance the observations in the way of competent analysis? Meso-cyclones, eruptions of cumulo-nimbus super cells are, by their very nature, perfectly circular because of the cyclonic up-draft!

(L) But, the fact still remains, in my opinion, that there are a LOT, LOT, LOT of planes flying above us in the past few years! Whether they are dumping anything on our heads, or what, there are an extreme number of planes flying in these upper level criss-cross patterns. Now, whether they are just playing war-games, or they are spy planes, they are doing SOMETHING! What is the reason for all of this upper level flying that results in these criss-crossed contrails that everybody is seeing?

A: A lot of it is "training maneuver"oriented.

Q: Why are they training so many pilots? What are they preparing for?

A: Military budgets must be justified, you know. Review "Military-Industrial Complex 101."

Q: So, this is just training flight, justification of budget, and nothing more than that?

A: Well, we would not say "not anything more to it than that," but, when you say "M-IC," you have said a lot!

Q: Are you implying that there is a build-up of the Military-Industrial Complex for a reason?

A: To preserve status quo during "peacetime." This peace business is not very profitable, you know.

Q: Does that suggest that they are building up to set off a war so they can make more money?

A: Maybe if indeed, and if the populace can be hoodwinked. But, fortunately, the public is less hoodwinkable. Maybe the real enemy is "out there, " rather than "over there." Was it not always?

Q: Does any of this increased aircraft activity have anything to do with the increased awareness and activities of aliens in and around our planet?

A: As always. But, this awareness is factionalized and compartmentalized.
Notice the date of the above... and we had no idea that 9/11 was in the works - only 2 years away - and the war on Iraq, and so on. This was a truly amazing "prediction" even if it was not given in the form of a prediction.

Notice the remark about the "dark streaks" in the sky. This is a truly strange phenomenon and I have some photos of it that I'll try to find and post or maybe I can find some on the net. It's almost like you are seeing a rift in reality. Well, we came back to it briefly much later:

19 Dec 01

Q: (B) Did Danny actually see some sort of rip in the sky?

A: Lots of those lately, eh?

Q: (L) Is that what theyre doing all these chem trails for to put some kind of substance in the sky that has some kind of electro magnetic effect or something that holds the illusion in place?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Does it also have some kind of chemical affect on our brains or on our physiology?

A: Yes.
So, the bottom line is: yeah, something is going on, but we have to keep in mind that there is a HUGE increase in just normal air traffic, AND changes in the atmosphere that can explain much of what is being observed. And calling every vapor trail a "chem trail" only makes everyone look silly just like the abductees make the issue of UFOs and aliens silly.

As Jacques Vallee said, one of the most commonly used disinformation systems around is the old "speed up the train and run it off the track" routine. Look at David Icke, for example, and his "shape-shifting lizards" and his "baby-munching" Queen Mum. That is a prime example. That takes 4 D critters and reduces them to comic characteristics. Well, so does calling every batch of vapor trails that criss-cross "chemical spraying."

And finally, it is probably not the aerosol spraying that was referred to in the initial article that began this discussion. I believe they were talking about aerosol propellants that are in the millions and millions of cans of all kinds of spray products.
Laura, that cloud photo you posted a few pages back really is interesting and I have seen such a phenomenon myself. It certainly does make your hair stand up on end just by the sheer "weirdness factor"; however as far as I know, such cloud formations have been around for a VERY long time. After all, their correct name is "mammatus" and have been documented in meteorology books for decades. They are normally associated with particularly severe thunderstorms, and are caused by updrafts.

From Wikipedia:

Mammatus (also known as mamma or mammatocumulus, meaning "breast-cloud") is a meteorological term applied to a cellular pattern of pouches hanging underneath the base of a cloud, often a cumulus or cumulonimbus. Their color is normally a bluish gray, the same as that of the host cloud, but direct illumination from the setting sun and other clouds may cause a gold or reddish cast. Mammatus can persist anywhere from minutes to hours, diffusing and disappearing over time.

Mammatus only occur where cumulonimbus are present; however, they can drift up to 25 miles away from a thunderstorm. The atmosphere must also meet certain conditions, which include a moist and unstable middle to upper atmosphere over a very dry, lower layer of the atmosphere. An updraft then must occur, which shapes the mammatus into the pouch-like shape.

Mammatus clouds tend to form more often during warm months. In the United States, they tend to occur more often over the midwest and eastern portions of the country, though they can and do occur more infrequently over the west and southwest.

Mammatus has often been linked with the occurrence of tornadoes, particularly during the 1950s and 1960s. Though tornadic storms often produce mammatus under their downwind anvil, many weak storms and even stratiform clouds also produce mammatus. Contrary to common misconceptions, mammatus are not precursors to tornadoes, but are a possible byproduct.

It is very common for storms producing mammatus clouds also to produce wind shear, and possibly—though less likely—ball lightning; therefore, aviators are strongly cautioned to avoid cumulonimbus with mammatus.
(The topic of Ball Lightning is an interesting one which I'll reserve for another discussion; it almost seems to be "paranormal" in its behaviour and is similar in behaviour to the balls of light often witnessed near and around crop circles.)

Here is a very freaky photo of mammatus:
TDR said:
Laura, that cloud photo you posted a few pages back really is interesting and I have seen such a phenomenon myself. It certainly does make your hair stand up on end just by the sheer "weirdness factor"; however as far as I know, such cloud formations have been around for a VERY long time. After all, their correct name is "mammatus" and have been documented in meteorology books for decades. They are normally associated with particularly severe thunderstorms, and are caused by updrafts.
Yes, I know. The issue is the frequency and location of occurrence. After 40 years of observing the sky in Florida, that was the first time I had ever seen such a sky THERE.

I am also trying to point out that the same kinds of updrafts and downdrafts seem to be occurring under very different conditions nowadays than they used to, and not necessarily accompanying storms, nor at the previous altitudes.
Laura said:
I am also trying to point out that the same kinds of updrafts and downdrafts seem to be occurring under very different conditions nowadays than they used to, and not necessarily accompanying storms, nor at the previous altitudes.
I find this idea interesting. I wonder if you could point me to any scientific documentation that has shown this? While personal observations have their place and can be valuable, they are not necessarily scientific.
Third_Density_Resident said:
While personal observations have their place and can be valuable, they are not necessarily scientific.
And, as you can read in this thread on Pasteur etc.:

"scientific" observation do not always carry the truth. This was tthe case in the past and it is even more the case today. If you have doubts on this subject - ask, and I can provide the data, but you certainly know it, especially in our highly ponerized society.
mamadrama said:
Here are a few photos from the Air Force site of military planes spraying various poisons:
Could you post links to these pics Mamadrama? The first picture seems to be of a C130 Hercules undergoing something known as "JATO" or "jet assisted takeoff". The "igniters" pointed out would seem to be flames from the jet pack's thrusters.

The second picture looks like a C130 spreading fire retardant on a hot spot in forest fire.
Ark, yes I certainly know that many "scientific" observations do not carry the truth in this ponerized society of ours. After all, we are told that such poisons as fluoride have been "proven scientifically" to be sound, and yet when one does the real research, one can see all the manipulation, lies, and deceit going on on many different levels by many different entities.

As for atmospherics, while there may indeed be real changes going on, I would just like to see the hard data that has shown this -- after all, isn't that what this forum is about? I am also someone who has a great interest in weather phenomena etc., and therefore I am interested to see some data showing significant changes in upper air level parameters.

That said, I believe that personal observations definitely have their place (as I said in my earlier post), but such observations are not necessarily scientific (meaning that they still could be). If, for instance, you take a set of observations from a group of separate, independent but reliable people, then the scientific value of those observations increases significantly. (And here, the key word really is "reliable" -- which ought to incorporate the criteria of "non-psychopathic" and "non-ponerized".)
mamadrama said:
A-10 spraying phosphorus from compartments under the wings and fitted with silent engines
I think those are just "wake vortices" aka "wingtip vortices". Check it out here:

The lines coming from the wingtips of planes are a natural phenomenon. I am 99.9% sure that's what is in that picture. This is only another example of how easy it is to misunderstand certain phenomena in flight dynamics and assign it to foul play. And certainly, if the PTB want to spread around misconceptions and fuel the misunderstandings, they can intentionally mislabel perfectly natural phenomena and create websites to vector attention away from what really matters. Mamadrama, where did you get the captions for those pictures?

Although I have seen "trails" suddenly stop and start up, I think there are far easier and more effective things the PTB can do for "mind control" or "chemical experiments" etc. They already have the educational system, the mass media, the food and water supply, and all the drugs we're fed. Do they really need something so risky and difficult to get away with as spraying as putting big chemtrail chambers onto civilian and military planes, and spraying everyone from them? And just how effective/efficient/useful would such a process be in comparison to far more efficient apparatuses put in place like the media etc? And an even more ridicuolus theory is that they are doing it to combat global warming. What on earth for? Because they care about us? That is a standard pathological tactic of "yeah I know it looks bad and we do it in secret because you won't understand or agree with it if we told you, but in the end we only do it because we love you and you benefit in the end!". It's like the theory that we invaded Iraq because of oil, due to the "peak oil" thing. "Yes we know we're killing people over it right now, but in the end we only do it because we care and it's for the good of you, our beloved citizens!". Both theories are ridiculously silly in light of the fact that we're dealing with psychopaths.

And frankly, the part where they turn those trails engines on and off - what if it IS part of normal plane operation, and they turn it on and off even more now and do it intentionally just to give conspiracy theorists something to scream about? If there is one thing we know, it's that PTB will do anything to distract and derail focus from real important issues, so that nothing important and useful is ever accomplished. If they see that a lot of people are suspicious of chemtrails and make all those websites about it, isn't that the perfect motivation to ask a few military pilots to turn them on and off a little more often? This could be disguised as part of new official in-flight operation that is in reality useless but disguised as necessary. Or they could literally just tell pilots to turn it off and on over crowded areas and say "Give those conspiracists something to talk about!".

But if someone looks at the above picture and just from that picture concludes that there are chemicals being sprayed from the wingtips, it is clearly an assumption, and I think we have to be much more careful and critical of this stuff, or it will be easy to distract and lead us astray with something that is a red herring, osit.
Third_Density_Resident said:
but such observations are not necessarily scientific
I think that phenomena like fish and frogs falling from the sky are well documented, though not "scientifically" documented. Weather scientists
have enough data. The point is that they do not know what to do with these data. After all weather is terribly affected by industrial and military
pollutions. But the governments suppress this kind of research conclusions because it goes against their politics and against "economy". Probably you know it all. Lot of this information you can find on internet - if you are really devoted to finding it. Of course on internet (as well as in the "scientific" publications) you will also find a lot of crap. To sort through this information/disinformation is quite a work. Yet the overall picture is crystal clear. Sooner or later we are going to destroy our planet.
TDR said:
As for atmospherics, while there may indeed be real changes going on, I would just like to see the hard data that has shown this -- after all, isn't that what this forum is about? I am also someone who has a great interest in weather phenomena etc., and therefore I am interested to see some data showing significant changes in upper air level parameters.
Hopefully you and others will be able to dig for it and find it now that there is a bit of "inspiration," i.e. the idea has been bruited as a possibility. I can't do everything, ya know!

Carlos Castaneda said:
"There are two types of human beings capable of becoming seers. The first one is made up of those who are willing to exercise self-restraint and can channel their activities toward pragmatic goals, which would benefit other seers and man in general. The other category consists of those who don't care about self-restraint or about any pragmatic goals. It is the consensus among seers that the latter have failed to resolve the problem of self-importance." [...]

"Warriors take strategic inventories," he said. "They list everything they do. Then they decide which of those things can be changed in order to allow themselves a respite, in terms of expending their energy." Don Juan said then that in the strategic inventories of warriors, self-importance figures as the activity that consumes the greatest amount of energy, hence, their effort to eradicate it.

"One of the first concerns of warriors is to free that energy in order to face the unknown with it," don Juan went on. "The action of rechanneling that energy is impeccability."
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