Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and Other Catholic Churches

About:Mystery Person & Flash Of Light

Not sure if the guy is above where the fire broke out, or behind, above the main roof. I think he's behind.
Also, if you check the site of the webcam, you can see that anyone passing by can produce this luminous effect.
For example :
Or the guy who made the arson sent a signal to M, so that he can be happy and tranquil about having a good excuse to annul the speech he ought to give to YVs two hours later 🤭
Well well welll, ND is starting to look rather interesting. After realizing that ND is the property of the State things have turn around for me as to the imponderable factors in this arson.

Fragments of arcades, chimeras, reliefs, gargoyles were always falling to the ground and kept in an improvised deposit in the back of the cathedral.

Only last year Notre-Dame got a check for 2 million euros to restore the spire – which burned to the ground yesterday.

To restore the whole cathedral would have cost 150 million euros, according to the top world expert on Notre-Dame, who happens to be an American, Andrew Tallon.

Recently, the custodians of the cathedral and the French state were actually at war.

The French state was making at least 4 million euros a year, charging tourists to enter the Twin (Bell) Towers but putting back only 2 million euros for the maintenance of Notre-Dame.

The rector of Notre-Dame refused to charge for a ticket to enter the cathedral – as it happens, for example, at the Duomo in Milan.

Notre-Dame basically survives on donations
– which pay the salaries of only 70 employees who need not only to supervise the masses of tourists but also to organize eight masses a day.

The French state’s proposal to minimize the ordeal; organize a beneficent lottery. That is; privatize what is a state commitment and obligation.

So yes: Sarkozy and Macron, their whole administrations, are directly and indirectly responsible for the fire.
I expect the billionaires WILL get a nice tax break to help out the State with the restoration. Hence, this money IS NOT going to the Church folks !!!!!!
Thank you for research, Thorbiorn.

It leaves me with the uneasy feeling that there is a lot of hate building up in European countries with large muslim communities (I'm restraining myself from using the word "colonies").

Apart from social and political reasons there seems to be a growing force of religion and intolerance and it was not prompted by Europeans trying to convert Muslims to Christianity.

Tolerating intolerance is the order of the day in post-modern Europe. :rolleyes:

BTW: Are you using the Icelandic version of Facebook? :-)
They have done at creating hate and intolerance in general...
People are more and more polarised no matter the topic...where I live there is a growing polarity of genders...
Where were de Sentinelles to protect the ND? Remember those guys that the government put on the streets after terrorists acts, and should have put in front of the ND specially in these days! Suddenly they were not there, specially when other church has been attacked? Here a picture of a sentinelle maybe last year.


  • sentinelles.jpg
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The phrases "quite peculiar" and "out the blue" are very symbolic, Pierre.

My guess and something I have suspected in the past - that the Chateau is in close proximity or is located on a sacred Ley-line?

If memory serves me, Notre Dame ("Our Lady") Cathedral is the site of a major vortex, that feeds into other sacred sites (ley-lines) - with St Sulpice Church, as the second largest one in Paris.

Notre Dame Cathedral was built by the masons of the Knights Templar to honor Mary Magdalene (Divine Feminine). In "The Source of Measures", p. 172, Skinner says "Nork relates that the temple of Notre Dame in Paris, was formerly a temple of the goddess Isis, or the sign Virgo. On the temple was sculptured the zodiac with it's signs; that of Virgo (Isis) was left out, because the whole temple was dedicated to her".
The phrases "quite peculiar" and "out the blue" are very symbolic, Pierre.

My guess and something I have suspected in the past - that the Chateau is in close proximity or is located on a sacred Ley-line?

If memory serves me, Notre Dame ("Our Lady") Cathedral is the site of a major vortex, that feeds into other sacred sites (ley-lines) - with St Sulpice Church, as the second largest one in Paris.

Notre Dame Cathedral was built by the masons of the Knights Templar to honor Mary Magdalene (Divine Feminine). Standing on the Ile de la Cité on a site that was sacred to the Celts and their Goddess Culture, and where the Romans worshipped Jupiter and Mars, the Cathedral is in the center of the land that eventually became the capital of France.

On the old Knights Templar pilgrimage route - Notre Dame was the Mars Oracle, associated with the color blue, the 5th Chakra (communication), and the Degree of the Pelican. In Grail symbolism - the Pelican is the bird that wounds its own breast to feed its young.

Notre Dame is one of the supreme alchemical temples in all of Europe. The color blue in the rose window, made by the Knights Templar and their masons, in a secret process, can not be duplicated today even by the most advanced scientific methods.

St Sulpice Church is the second largest one in Paris, after Notre-Dame. It's classic 18th century church sits on the site of the Rose Line, an alchemical pathway upon which other churches, temples and buildings that were used as the headquarters of secret societies were built. The church (itself) was purported to be the headquarters of several secret societies.
Sacred Sites Journeys - France - Sacred Sites of the Divine Feminine - April/May 2016

The constellation of Virgo and the pattern of Notre Dames in France.
Chartres Cathedral, geometric and harmonic analysis

From the ogive the "creators" of Gothic went on to derive much more by a process of ?crossing? it. They found the secret of the musical stone, the stone under tension, a secret lost when men lost the science of transporting the huge dolmen-tables.

The crossed ogive is built on the principle of the transformation of lateral into vertical thrust. It is a sum of forces in which the vault no longer weighs down but springs upward under the lateral counterthrust of buttresses. If it is to last, the Gothic monument requires perfect adjustment between weight and thrust; the weight that creates the thrust becomes itself its own negation. The activity in the stone is therefore in a state of constant tension which the art of the master builder can tune like a harp string. For a Gothic cathedral is not only a musical instrument by similitude.

The Gothic, built up on a dynamic of pressures, handles forces directed upwards. The Romanesque vault collapses, the Gothic leaps.
...One can easily see that this pile of stone so taut, according to Claudel, "that you could make it ring with a fingernail," is a replica of the dolmen and imitates its use of the telluric currents.

12/ 10 is the interval of a third in music; the interval between the major and minor scales.

In "The Source of Measures", p. 172, Skinner says "Nork relates that the temple of Notre Dame in Paris, was formerly a temple of the goddess Isis, or the sign Virgo. On the temple was sculptured the zodiac with it's signs; that of Virgo (Isis) was left out, because the whole temple was dedicated to her".

“...You, who are thirsty, come hither:
if, by chance, the fountain fails,
The Goddess has, by degrees,
prepared the everlasting waters...”

Translation by Fulcanelli of an inscription on Maitre Pierre, the grey stone of the Parvis-de-Notre-Dame, which stood in front of the cathedral until its removal in 1748.
Where were de Sentinelles to protect the ND? Remember those guys that the government put on the streets after terrorists acts, and should have put in front of the ND specially in these days! Suddenly they were not there, specially when other church has been attacked? Here a picture of a sentinelle maybe last year.
I had a conversation today with a friend about this fire and she mentioned the exact same thing. She told me that the last time (2 months ago) she was around ND undercover security and others could be spotted with no problem. It is their eyes that give them away. I experience this when visiting the area around the White House. In my case the only strange thing was my long hair. I suspect that was what set the "watchers" off to go into the "look him over" mode.
Same here. We were having dinner in the kitchen, then I suddenly felt very tired. I remember exclaiming "Oh my God", then someone asked "what?", but I didn't finish the sentence.

This "Oh my God" came from I don't know where and, although it usually introduces a full sentence, it didn't lead to anything. It was quite peculiar because it was the first time this kind of out the blue isolated interjection happened to me.

Yup. That was the day that first, all Google services died for us here. I couldn't find any info about a wider issue, and no one else around here reported a problem. It wasn't a modem, router, misconfiguration, etc. It was like Google went offline for us (that means Google search, Google Analytics, YouTube, Google DNS, Google's CDN for things like JS librairies, etc). It came back a few hours later.

The previous day, FB, Instagram, and some other big service had been down for the USA + parts of Europe, but everything was fine here.

Then, at about 5pm, one of our phone lines was magically disconnected (which means we lost an internet connection + Pilule Rouge phone line). That took 2 days to restore.

Anyway, before the fire, I said to somebody that the day had been very strange, and something was up.

Then we find out about the ND fire, and I remarked to Andromeda: "‌I'm tellin' ya, today is a WEIRD day... It's just 'off'."

I would define "weird" in this case as a heavy, oppressive, and discombobulated feeling.

Hello Laura.

These muslims reactions are striking (even if I'm not a Christian).

Something we need to consider when it comes to media reactions is that these no longer what used to be...and whilst some (of all) of those reactions could be real...there is an army growing exponentially in numbers and intelligence of bots that can be (and are) used to manipulate people’s emotions...
Take everything with a pinch of salt...and let’s not feed the troll....😘
Something we need to consider when it comes to media reactions is that these no longer what used to be...and whilst some (of all) of those reactions could be real...there is an army growing exponentially in numbers and intelligence of bots that can be (and are) used to manipulate people’s emotions...
Take everything with a pinch of salt...and let’s not feed the troll....😘

(Sorry I messed up the quote feature on previous post #newbie)

A very long message about esoteric things... not the news !
My guess and something I have suspected in the past - that the Chateau is in close proximity or is located on a sacred Ley-line?
Well, there are several sacred places around, including Moissac Abbey, Belleperche Abbey (maybe the closest), Montauban cathedral (which was rebuilt after religion wars), just to name the Christian sites, so it's quite possible.

If memory serves me, Notre Dame ("Our Lady") Cathedral is the site of a major vortex, that feeds into other sacred sites (ley-lines) - with St Sulpice Church, as the second largest one in Paris.
According to my former teacher of sacred "geobiology" (the esoteric knowledge, not the science with same name) - an old story for me :
- in Paris the two main vortices are (or were) on N-D cathedral and Sacré-Cœur Basilica (not St Sulpice) ;
- they are probably linked, because there are only twin vortices (with a link between them) ;
- these are level 3 vortices, with 12 turns (called "spires" in French, false-friend with the English spire that I've discovered on this thread) ;
- there are probably many smaller vortexes (level 1 with 3 turns, level 2 with 7 turns) on other places in Paris area ;
- vortexes are "attracted" on already very positive points, generally the nodes (crossing) of telluric networks ;
- any telluric network (like Hartmann's, Curry's, Palm's, etc.) is an alternation of "positive" and "negative" lines (positive/negative is relative to the species, cats and ants prefer "negatives" points for humans and dogs)
- all the Christians churches are located on nodes of the Peyré's network, because it stimulates the heart center (each network activates a different center/chakra) ;
- the main and secondary axis of the churches (including cathedrals) are on the Peyré's lines ;
- there are also also other North/South + West/East networks, and "diagonal" networks (Nort-West/South-East + South-West/North-East) ;
- in the case of N-D of Paris cathedral or Sacré-Cœur basilica, a level-3 vortex implies probably the node of level-5 (the highest) Peyré lines ;
- on Christian building, the network node/crossing and vortex are always on the main altar, which is itself at the center of the "cross" which is the general shape of the building seen from the sky ;
- so in the particular case of N-D, the vortex center (and column) was located precisely on the (destroyed) spire...
- in the case of N-D cathedrals (such as in Paris, Chartres, etc.), in addition to the big Peyré's lines and vortex, there is always a big telluric current (which are like "subtle rivers", snake-shape in the plains), the "feminine" energy ;
- ley-lines are (IIRC) artificial links between sacred places, distincts from telluric networks and currents, or even magic tubes ;
NB : depending on the teachers / authors, there exist a lot of confusion between networks, telluric currents and ley-lines ; so this is the version of one school only... it's not (yet) a true science !
- if the priest or (arch)bishop in the case of a cathedral succeeds in doing the mass ritual, the vortex (and maybe Peyré's network) is activated, which means an even higher energy level / heart center opening ; but if he fails, then... there often exists some "etheric button" that the priest can touch to activate it anyway ! ;-)
NB : all these infos are from my former teacher (who went "mad"), so they should be checked/taken with a grain of salt.

Here is an article (in French), if you want to learn more about these subjects (with this school approach).

Notre Dame Cathedral was built by the masons of the Knights Templar to honor Mary Magdalene (Divine Feminine). Standing on the Ile de la Cité on a site that was sacred to the Celts and their Goddess Culture, and where the Romans worshipped Jupiter and Mars, the Cathedral is in the center of the land that eventually became the capital of France.
Sacred places are first and foremost high-energy places, and became places for religious rituals, so "sacred". They existed naturally, even before the Celts, and were sometimes improved before them, for instance by putting a menhir (erected stone) on a vortex center. Then the Celts came and the druids used them. Then the Romans who built stone temples over. Then the Christians who built churches (including chapels, basilics and cathedrals)... and so on.
The roman and gothic churches/cathedrals are some kind of "esoteric technology" to use and improve these natural high-energy places...

St Sulpice Church is the second largest one in Paris, after Notre-Dame. It's classic 18th century church sits on the site of the Rose Line, an alchemical pathway upon which other churches, temples and buildings that were used as the headquarters of secret societies were built. The church (itself) was purported to be the headquarters of several secret societies.
That may be a myth (and Dan Brown's novel gave it a lot of publicity...), at least partially. ;-)

In "The Source of Measures", p. 172, Skinner says "Nork relates that the temple of Notre Dame in Paris, was formerly a temple of the goddess Isis, or the sign Virgo. On the temple was sculptured the zodiac with it's signs; that of Virgo (Isis) was left out, because the whole temple was dedicated to her".
Indeed, according to some authors, Roman soldiers brought back to Italy and Gaul the cult of Isis (the "mother of God") they discovered in Egypt (or around, like Levant).

The Christian theology is modeled over the old Egyptian myth :
- Osiris (murdered by his brother) is "the Lord" / Father, but no more here (so in the underground for the old Egyptians, or the heavens for the Christians)
- Isis is "the Virgin" (because she got impregnated by her dead brother/lover Osiris, using a magic trick), called also Meri (Mary) in Egyptian, mother of...
- Horus, his son, is the new Lord for this world, symbolized by the Sun, etc. So the Christ...
(and according to a dubious French author, Anton Parks, this Egyptian myth is in fact universal, similar story exists in other places like Sumer / Babylon... It's linked to Atlantis... and reptilians ! Probably a mix of disinfos and some truths.)

Indeed, did they want also to affect an energy point serving as a relay of higher energies?
I'm not sure how it can/had affect(ed) the subtle (etheric) energy structure of this place, but on the emotional/astral (human) plane, it was for sure an attack / an energy draining.

I wonder on several point about the fire (suggestions of Q to ask to the Cs) :
- does it have necessarily a physical/material cause ?
- can the Wave coming induces a kind of high energy peak (like voltage during a lightning) on such a place with a big vortex like N-D cathedral ?
- can it be a 4D-STS direct attack (maybe helped by the Wave) ?
- can it be a black magic attack ?
(I've heard a story from a French MD against vaccines, a fire appeared in the room of his daughter, in the house where there were no electricity ! He was under constant black magic attacks...)
- or maybe a combination of all of theses ?

I'm sure they intended to destroy the towers as well.
I'm not sure about that, because the highest energy center of the cathedral was the location of the main altar / (destroyed) spire. The spire was a sort of menhir, that means an antenna for positive subtle energy (cf. my explanation supra). And it was higher than the stone towers... so the spire was the main target (in my understanding).

Oh, BTW, I fear that they will reconstruct it in order to be an antenna for negative energy (if possible) ! (High-level black magic, covering the whole area.)

For instance, in Lyon, the two highest buildings are :
- Notre-Dame de Fourvière basilica (on the Fourvière hill), build on late XIXth century, with a positive energy... (despite the Church !)
- Tour Part-Dieu, former Credit Lyonnais' (a bank) tower, nicknamed "le crayon" (the pencil), a high modern tower, of cylindrical shape for the main body, but its top is not a cone, but a square pyramid (signature of the Free-Masons, probably).
And for my PoV (an idea/vision I had during an evening on Croix-Rousse hill), this tower is a kind of antenna, with a double fonction : to drain people's energy (even physically : as salary(wo)men "slaves", they transform their life into money, and this money goes to... this tower, that of the main bank of the city) and to "broadcast" some negative energy in order to control people minds...

In the case of Paris, there is a main energy axis, which is materialized by the straight axis :
- from the Grande Arche de la Défense (BTW, it's a physical 3-D model of a 4-D object, called an hypercube...), a monument ordered by former president Fr. Mitterrand (a Free-Mason of 33rd degree...)
- then the Arc de Triomphe on la Place de l'Étoile
and the Louvre palace, where the same president Fr. Mitterrand ordered to build the famous (and ugly) glass Pyramid (in front of which nowadays president E. Macron, very probably a Free-Mason too, made his first speech after the election...)
- in the same area, he order to build the Inverted Pyramid of glass, underground, on top of a (normal) small square pyramid.

According to my former teacher, the main energy current going through Paris on this major axis, which probably went through the Louvre Palace toward the East before, is (since the 1980's) completely drained in this precise place, the inverted pyramid, and is concentrated on this small square pyramid. To do what ? Only top-level Free-Masons could say... but "black magic" comes to mind !

About cathedrals, Stephane Cardinaux (Swiss architect) says:
My former teacher (a student of Cardinaux), disagreed with him on this point. Cardinaux discovered vortex of level 1 (3 turns) and 2 (7 turns), my teacher discovered (or pretended to) level 3 (12 turns).
Indeed, on the top of high moutains, there are almost always high-level vortex. For instance a level 3 (at least) on Mont Blanc.
But according to him, they can exist also in plains, for instance in Paris or Chartres (cathedrals), in combination with big telluric currents in both cases.


To end this already long message, a "funny" story which demonstrates that "the world is small".
This (real) story took place a couple of years before I discovered the Quantum Future website, and Laura's work.

My former teacher used to live in a small village of the Eastern Pyrenees, on the slopes of the most-Eastern high mountain (with a level-3 vortex on top, BTW).
Once, he told me about an American guy, "a physicist who knows a lot on many esoteric subjects", who became his neighbour (their houses were in the same street IIRC). So we went there, talked a bit with this American guy (who wasn't a real physics expert - I studied physics enough to tell it) and in the end he gave me a book he wrote and also a DVD of his teachings.
This book was full of braind-dead ideas on interesting subjects, so I never watched the DVD and wasn't willing to meet him again. I met him only once.
Some months or a year later, my former teacher became "mad" (according to my standards), due to his quest for knowledge/power and his likely interception by some dark entities (disguised in light clothes), so I completely stopped studying with and helping him. I spent maybe 2 or 3 years in link with him, around 12 years ago.

And guess who was this American neighbour ?
Hint : Laura knows him well...
Hint : his book is titled Implosion.
Yes, he's Dan Winter (in)famous on this forum !

The first time I read what Laura wrote on him, I thought : what a strange "coincidence" !
The world is definitively small... it's a bit scary !
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Did Minister Castaner say the following in this interview ? I believe it is this one.

Pour Christophe Castaner, « Notre-Dame n’est pas une cathédrale » ? Ça y ressemble pourtant vachement…

I wonder what the Minister would have said if it was a mosque, synagogue or a Buddhist temple. Would those buildings be redefined accordingly by him if there was a tragedy. I beg to argue, "No deal buster !!!"

"The mosque in Christchurch is not a mosque. It is a place to unite and gather. It is a our strength. It is our history. ...."
Bravo Minister
What I find very strange is the absence of 'wax' and 'candles' in everything I read and saw so far. A small deposit of candles, even just 1 candle, makes for a COMPLETELY different ballgame when it comes to ignite wood. This was one of the first things that came to my mind and I expected to hear quickly statements like 'no wax or candles have been stored in the building'. Has anybody heard something like that, maybe in the french material?
I must admit that from a technical point of view I find this fire fascinating as enough clues (comments about smoke and video of the initial smoke) are available to explore some possibilities.

From a 1994 ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms ) report. link
Steven W. Carman
Special Agent
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
May 1994

- One earmark of HTA fires is the appearance of intense white or nearly white flames often restricted to a relatively small area. These flames have been described as similar to an energized welding rod or a carbon arc light. While in some instances, these bright flames were noted at the beginning of a fire, flare ups have also been seen after a fire was well involved.

- Often accompanying the white flames are displays of white-hot pyrotechnic like sparks emitted from the fire. Videotaped footage of at least one fire has captured this phenomenon as it occurred.

- Several of the suspected HTA fires in large, almost vacant buildings (with only structural fire loads) reached flashover in "unusually rapid" times. [While flashover can not be precisely defined, it is generally considered the point in a fire at which gaseous temperatures in a compartment reach between 500oC and 600oC (932o to 1,112oF). In this range, all of the available combustible materials in a room typically ignite, given sufficient oxygen.]

- Another frequently reported occurrence in HTA fires is abnormally quick structural collapse. Estimates of the early roof and wall failures have been between 10 and 40 minutes. [As with defining "rapid flashover", classification of early structural collapse is obviously contingent on precise knowledge of when a fire started.]

Then some conclusions from tests done using thermite material,

This test and these measurements clearly demonstrated the destructive potential of combustible metal fuels when used as accelerants (3,4,5). In a very short time, a relatively small amount of fuel had driven the temperatures of the combustible materials in the structure to well beyond their ignition points. The fire in the near empty building reached flashover in about two-and-one-half minutes. Typically, if ordinary fuels were used flashover would have taken about 30 minutes for a similarly sized building. For a typical residential room, reaching flashover would take about 5 minutes.

As the former Notre Dame architect Benjamin Mouton said, this fire is unusually fast.
Yes I know, the wood is not 800 yrs. old. But have look how things go. Had he not poured in that combustible mixture throwing in the boards would have put the fire out.

Here we have a fireplace ( I believe he has oak wood)

Sparks, short circuit, overheated electric cord will start that huge NT fire ?
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