Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and Other Catholic Churches

Well, I don't know what actually happened, and neither does anyone else, that's one of the reasons why we are commenting.

Sure, but what you are doing is just being obtuse, even when people are trying to have a proper discussion.

And I just wanted to make a case for a particular theory - since it was the most obvious - was it an accident?

And you already did, so there's no point in insisting unless, like some of us have said, you have logical arguments.

I feel I've covered it pretty good and have nothing to add.

Good, except you couln't help yourself below.

Sorry if I offended, but if you look for answers, you might not like what you see, and it is explicit, and if it isn't actually the truth, it leaves nothing to the imagination, making a discussion uncomfortable. So, sorry if I came across wrong.

Other than the fact that how they come across can say a lot about some people, it's not a problem (unless you mind). It's that it just doesn't match FACTS. You sound quite pretentious and ignorant, but that's your choice. By "teaching us" that "you might not like what you see", you are missing the point: most of us would wish it had been an accident, and not a gratuitous malevolent act. At least it would just be sad and symbolic, instead of also being infuriating and shocking for being a psychopatic act (like many similar others). There is no investment in making it into a conspiracy just for fun, in case you haven't noticed.

Oh, one more thing... (sorry, I can't help it) ...


at least no one died or got hurt. And it was in such a state of decay that it was already in need of repair. And because of this, donations are plentyful. So it's not as bad as it seems. It needed work, and now there is more money to do the work. And the new roof won't be such a fire hazard with the repairs.

:jawdrop:It was going to ask you what country you are from, since you seem to be missing quite a bit, but now I feel like asking you which PLANET you are from! Your comment would be laughable for some people, and an insult to many others. The funds were sufficient before to do the works needed. Everybody knows that the money will not to in the right pockets, and that it won't cost millions for the repairs. AND, in the current climate, try saying what you wrote to a gilet jaune struggling to feed his children, asking for a bit of a tax reduction and not getting it, while the elites in power take so much and laugh to their faces. Finally, for the third or fourth time, the roof was never a fire hazard to begin with. Basic physics, Metrist.

It requires quite a bit of mental gymnastics to come up with the "positive twist" above. You could make the same type of arguments just about anything and not only be dead wrong, but also insensitive. "The US and its allies invaded, pillaged and destroyed countries in the Middle East. Oh, but many people survived, now they are rebuilding themselves some nice little houses, so there's money and humanitarian aid (how nice!). And they are still independent countries on paper, wonderful!":headbash:
They were worried their heads might fall off so they chopped them off? It looks like they've already caused a fair bit of damage!

With the technology and know-how we have in the year 2019 I think there should be no problem in taking down heavy objects. The tool used is called a crane.

However in the case of Notre Dame there were problems. There was some "concern" that the heads of the apostles might fall off and be damaged so the heads were taken off with a blowtorch !!!

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Bat *&^t Crazy :osama:

Has anyone on the French side of the lanuage barrior seen detailed measurements of Notre Dame ? Obviously I am interested in the roof area and the size of the wood. Thanks.

Here is the best I could find :rolleyes: :

The roof and the structure

In his will, Maurice de Sully left the sum of five thousand denarii for the roof of the cathedral, which was covered only with temporary materials until his death in 1196.
The roof is covered with 1326 5 mm thick lead tiles. Each one is ten feet long by three feet wide (1 foot of king = 32,484 cm and a height = 6 feet of king). The total weight is estimated at 210,000 kg, or 210 tonnes. Under the roof is the structure built entirely of oak wood and not chestnut as is often thought. The current structure dates from the time the cathedral was built at the beginning of the thirteenth century (generally accepted 1220), Notre-Dame having been fortunate not to have had a major fire since then. It is therefore nearly eight centuries old. It is commonly known as the "Forêt de Notre-Dame". Its dimensions are 120 metres long, 13 metres wide in the nave, 40 metres long in the transept and 10 metres high. In total, the wooden structure consisted of 1300 oaks, which represents more than 21 hectares of forest. With Gothic architecture, the construction of the warheads required steeply sloping roofs. Those of Notre-Dame de Paris are 55°. At the time of the construction of the structure, large trunks were scarce due to the clearing of the land at the time. Carpenters had to use wood with a smaller and therefore lighter section that allowed the frames to be raised and their slope to steepen. In the first choir built, there was an anterior structure with wood cut down around 1160-1170. This first structure has disappeared, but some of its beams have been reused in the second structure built in 1220. On this date, the drip wall was raised by 2.70 metres in the choir to bring it up to the same level as the nave. The high windows have also been enlarged.

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There is also some information about the structure on this page (starting at Figure 8 for Notre-Dame) :

Sorry, nothing more precise.
With the technology and know-how we have in the year 2019 I think there should be no problem in taking down heavy objects. The tool used is called a crane.

However in the case of Notre Dame there were problems. There was some "concern" that the heads of the apostles might fall off and be damaged so the heads were taken off with a blowtorch !!!

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Bat *&^t Crazy :osama:

Perhaps it's symbolic in a ''head will roll'' kind of way...
Talking of symbols. I don't think it has been mentionned, and maybe we can see some hope in this :

The rooster of the arrow of Notre-Dame de Paris found
9:53 p.m., April 16, 2019


The rooster of the arrow of Notre-Dame de Paris was found by a restaurateur on Tuesday.
The rooster of the arrow of Notre-Dame de Paris was found by a restaurateur on Tuesday. Screenshot Twitter/@chanutj
A restorer found in the rubble the relic of the spire of Notre-Dame de Paris, dented but probably restoreable.

The reliquary cock of the arrow of Notre-Dame de Paris, which was believed to have melted in Monday's fire, was found on Tuesday, told AFP a spokesman for the Ministry of Culture, confirming a tweet from the president of the French Federation of the Jacques Chanut Building. He confirmed the information of Jacques Chanut who announced in a tweet that a restorer "found in the rubble the rooster from the top of #NotreDame's arrow", with two photos of this man holding a green rooster in his hands.

Unbelievable! One of our members of @GMHistoriques found in the rubble the rooster from the top of #NotreDame's arrow. His intuition was the right one! Thank you to our builders who are passionate about heritage for their commitment: French know-how is there.
- Jacques CHANUT (@chanutj) April 16, 2019

"The clergy has recovered the rooster," added the ministry spokesman without further details. According to a source at the Ministry of Culture quoted in Le Parisien, "it is dented but probably restorable. As it is sunk in, we have not yet been able to check whether the relics are still there.
The rooster "fell on the right side"

The arrow "fell into the nave but, when it fell, the rooster detached and fell on the right side, on a side aisle, perhaps on the walkway, at least outside the focus of the fire", continued the manager. The twelve apostles and four monumental evangelists who adorned the roof of Notre-Dame barely escaped the disaster: hoisted last Thursday, they arrived last week near Périgueux to be restored. These green-grey statues were installed during the reconstruction of the cathedral spire, carried out in 1859-1860 by the architect Eugène Viollet-le-Duc. The original boom was built in 1250 and dismantled in 1786-1792.

But the rooster was considered melted after the fire. "Unfortunately the rooster has melted," said Patrick Palem, former CEO but still advising Socra, the company from Marsac-sur-l'Isle, Dordogne, responsible for restoring the 16 copper statues. This rooster, also made of repelled copper, shelters, according to the Church, relics of Saint Genevieve and Saint Denis, as well as a fragment of Christ's crown of thorns, supposed to protect Parisians.

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Another very good video. Once again, the "likes" don't show, even thought she's got a lot of good comments.

You can set the automatic subtitles for watching in English, they aren't so bad. But she basically asks Macron for answers, questions the official story (the burning of the oak, etc.), asks why it is that experts (architects, engineers, etc.) aren't being heard (she shows that they now need to submit their answers before being interviewed), she points out how it seems that the government doesn't care about anything "French", but is pushing for mutil-culturalism BS, etc.

And the comments keep showing that a lot of people don't buy the official narrative.
"By their fruits, ye shall know them."

With the technology and know-how we have in the year 2019 I think there should be no problem in taking down heavy objects. The tool used is called a crane.

However in the case of Notre Dame there were problems. There was some "concern" that the heads of the apostles might fall off and be damaged so the heads were taken off with a blowtorch !!!

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Bat *&^t Crazy :osama:

In other words, the symbolic statues of the apostles were beheaded! Can any rational person think that this was the only way to 'safely' relocate these statues?!! And when one now thinks of beheading, what association immediately comes to mind?!!

Beyond the fact that this supposedly 'accidental' fire was politically expedient, the fact that Macron was so quick not only to announce a contest to redesign the destroyed spire in a more modern appearance, but now is saying the rebuild should reflect France's current diversity by including a minaret, can anyone continue to believe that this was just an accidental occurence? Plus, can you imagine for one minute what the Muslim response would be should any government advocate adding a Christian cross to any mosque anywhere?!!

At this point, especially in light of Obama's and Hillary's 'Easter worshippers' blunders, I really have to wonder if all these psychopathic leaders can even utter the word Christian without fear that their lips might start to burn!

Despite comments I've posted before in response to the horrific atrocities committed (and ongoing) by the Catholic clergy against innocent children, and that the parishioners should rightfully tear their churches down to the ground, I am nonetheless aggrieved to learn that so many Christian churches have been attacked and burned - and especially so Notre Dame. Despite the offenses of the evil infiltrators of the Christian faith masquerading as holy caretakers of same, those churches and cathedrals - even if built by those not wholly righteous - are representations of the divine truth of what Christianity stands for. That every means possible is being employed to totally destroy Christianity should not be in doubt whatsoever.

Whether one can or even should push back against this take-down is debatable. The Cs have already said we're witnessing the death throes of the old world and that corrective action will be undertaken by the Universe. So, again, sit back and watch the show is the order of the day until informed otherwise. Not to say that calling out the lies should not be undertaken. Don't believe that we shouldn't continue giving lies what they deserve - the TRUTH!
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In other words, the symbolic statues of the apostles were beheaded! Can any rational person think that this was the only way to 'safely' relocate these statues?!! And when one now thinks of beheading, what association immediately comes to mind?!!
Saudi Arabia, ISIS/IS, comes immediately and then a little later the French revolution with the Guillotines used during the Reign of Terror.
Reading all the names of the wealthy contributors for the rebuild, my husband pointed out an interesting post on face book today. Concerning the wealth of the Catholic Church. Vatican City 30 Billion Us dollars.
Australian Catholic 30 " " "
German Catholic 25 " " ",
I've not noticed any contributions from this organisation.
Paris' iconic landmark cathedral was gutted by a huge fire that burned for eight hours.

Published: April 17, 2019 - See the damage in this series of images, videos and graphics.

Interactive: How the Notre-Dame fire spread

April 27, 2019 - Clean your homes: Police warn Notre-Dame neighbours over lead risk
Clean your homes: Police warn Notre-Dame neighbours over lead risk
A crane lifts a panel as part of the construction work to secure Paris' Notre Dame Cathedral.

A crane lifts a panel as part of the construction work to secure Paris' Notre Dame Cathedral.PHOTO: AFP

Neighbours of the fire-stricken Notre-Dame Cathedral should use wet wipes to clean surfaces at home or the office where lead-laden dust from the blaze may have settled, Paris police advised Saturday (April 27).

Tests have shown that the devastating April 15 fire released particles of the toxic metal which had been present in the frame of the church and its now-levelled spire, it said in a statement.

Investigators found lead in areas near the church, "very localized", and "notably on premises that may have been standing open at the time of the fire, and where dust had settled."

The threat was limited, the police noted, as lead poisoning usually builds up over years of exposure.

There have been no reports of acute lead poisoning since the inferno that destroyed the roof of the 850-year-old landmark.

"With regard to homes or private premises, it is recommended that residents in the immediate vicinity of the Notre Dame proceed to clean their home or premises and their furniture and other items, using wet wipes to eliminate any dust," the statement said.

Public areas that may pose a lead exposure risk, such as the gardens around the cathedral, have been closed and will not be reopened until lead levels are back to normal, the police added.

Last week, French environmental campainers Robin des Bois said about 300 tonnes of lead from the cathedral's roof and steeple had melted in the blaze, which officials said had reached 800 deg C at its peak.

"The cathedral has been reduced to the state of toxic waste," the association said in a statement, urging authorities to detoxify the tonnes of rubble, ash and wastewater produced in the disaster.

Airparif, which monitors air quality in Paris, said pollution levels did not exceed normal levels the day after the fire.

Nearly two weeks later, a police cordon is still keeping members of the public well away from the site.

April 17, 2019 - Video Shows Damage Done to Notre Dame Cathedral by Fire
Video Shows Damage Done to Notre Dame Cathedral by Fire - World news - Tasnim News Agency
Video Shows Damage Done to Notre Dame Cathedral by Fire
Footage shows the visible damage done to the Notre Dame cathedral a day after it was engulfed in flames.

Reading all the names of the wealthy contributors for the rebuild, my husband pointed out an interesting post on face book today. Concerning the wealth of the Catholic Church. Vatican City 30 Billion Us dollars.
Australian Catholic 30 " " "
German Catholic 25 " " ",
I've not noticed any contributions from this organization.

Pope shares sadness of French over Notre Dame, hopes for restoration (No stated cash donation but ...)
Pope Francis said on Tuesday that he shared the sadness of the French people mourning the devastation of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame and hoped it would be restored to remain a symbol of the faith of their forefathers.

Vatican willing to offer technical know-how to help restore Notre-Dame
The Vatican is willing to offer technical restoration know-how to help rebuild and restore the devastated cathedral of Notre-Dame, the Holy's See's culture minister said on Tuesday.

Queen Elizabeth says deeply saddened by Notre Dame blaze (No stated cash donation but ...)
Britain's Queen Elizabeth has sent a message to French President Emmanuel Macron to say she was deeply saddened by the fire which engulfed Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on Monday and that her prayers were with all of France, Buckingham Palace said.

Notre-Dame will reign magnificent again, say Windsor Castle restorers
Architects who restored Windsor Castle after a fire devastated the oldest inhabited castle in the world have a message for France: Notre-Dame Cathedral will reign magnificent again over Paris, possibly sooner than grieving Parisians expect.

April 20, 2019 - Russia ready to help France with Notre-Dame blaze investigation

Russia ready to help France with Notre-Dame blaze investigation
Cathedral's interior after fire

Cathedral's interior after fire © REUTERS/Philippe Wojazer/Pool

The Russian Emergencies Ministry is ready to help investigate the fire at the iconic Notre-Dame Catheral in Paris and determine how stable its basic structural elements are, Russian Emergencies Minister Yevgeny Zinichev told French Ambassador to Russia Sylvie-Agnes Bermann on Friday.

"If necessary, the Russian Emergencies Ministry is ready to send its experts and equipment to Paris in order to assist in establishing causes of the blaze and determining how stable the cathedral’s affected structural elements are," the minister said. "Notre-Dame is one of the greatest symbols of the global cultural and spiritual heritage."

A spokesperson for the Russian Emergencies Ministry said the sides also discussed main aspects of cooperation in disaster prevention and response. Zinichev invited Bermann and her colleagues to attend the Complex Security-2019 exhibition in Moscow on June 6-7.

The sides also signed an agreement on cooperation in disaster prevention and response, as well as this year’s work schedule.
Saudi Arabia, ISIS/IS, comes immediately and then a little later the French revolution with the Guillotines used during the Reign of Terror.

Just to add that according to English Wikipedia:

The Maiden (also known as the Scottish Maiden) is an early form of guillotine, or gibbet, that was used between the 16th and 18th centuries as a means of execution in Edinburgh, Scotland. The device was introduced in 1564 during the reign of Mary Queen of Scots, and was last used in 1716. It long predates the use of the guillotine during the French Revolution.
From 1564 to 1710 more than 150 people were executed on the Maiden, after which it was withdrawn from use. Notable victims included Archibald Campbell, 1st Marquess of Argyll, in 1661, executed following the Restoration of Charles II, and his son Archibald Campbell, 9th Earl of Argyll, in 1685, executed for intending to lead a rebellion against James VII. These executions took place at the Mercat Cross in Edinburgh. The last execution that was performed upon the Maiden was that of John Hamilton on 30 June 1716, for the murder of a publican during a brawl.

The Maiden was stored away, and when rediscovered was put on display at the Museum of Antiquities, now the National Museum of Scotland.

Macon leverages another card in the deck. The designs are looking more like appliances for manipulating the minds of the masses.

Translated from French by Microsoft
Reconstruction of Notre-Dame de Paris: the crazy projects of the architects [VIDEO] Reconstruction de Notre-Dame de Paris : les projets fous des architectes
3. Un spot de lumière pour remplacer la flèche
3. A spot of light to replace the arrow

Le projet d'Anthony Séjourné - Anthony Séjourné
Macon leverages another card in the deck. The designs are looking more like appliances for manipulating the minds of the masses.

I think you are right. It's a predatory mind that always thinks it's smarter and knows what others want/need. I think they would rather keep Notre Dame cathedral as a partial ruin and decorate it to suit their need to manipulate the meaning of the event.

It should be restored as close as possible to the original historical design (at least in appearance). That is if anyone is interested in preserving historical sites. It seems most would rather forget or re-write history these days...
Why they don't want to reconstruct ND as she was, respecting the constructors of the past that were more intelligent than us. You know why? becase they want a ND that will fit will the project La cité, modernism and Walt Disney inclus. They are a shame, and they insult the tradition. In a word: they are made of plastic, their brains also. :mad:
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