Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and Other Catholic Churches

Have a look at this video starting around 5:49 min and forward. Observe the color of the smoke as it moves further away from ND. I am starting to think that the yellow color we observe is coming the light of the intense flames. Sort of like a bright orange light bulk illuminating white smoke. Plus the sun is setting.

Well yes, if everything is ready... all that is missing is the official presidential boost so that the project is no longer one and can really see the light of day.
They won't be long in giving it the needed boost and, it will be very convenient for them because, it will be unnoticed to many the other great matter of the yellow vests, the other churches burned, the political-religious complex problem, etc. They will invent something convincing from the investigation so, the people end up approving the project without doubts with the "help" of the entire mediatic apparatus ... And I can't help but think about what happened to the Tlatelolco massacre and the Olympic Games in Mexico in the year of 1968.
I just got a notice on Facebook that fact-checking info has been added to one of the videos I shared of a French guy trying to light an oak beam with a blowtorch. They link to this: Fumée jaune, vieux chêne : ces vidéos sur l’incendie de Notre-Dame qui ne démontrent rien

I can now feel rest assured that the almighty fact checkers are looking out for my best interests, protecting me from videos of Frenchman failing to light oak on fire.

I got the same notice too.
So, the summer Olympics are in Paris in 2024... well, this represents income for a lot of Parisians. So you can see how all the factions are fighting over the opportunities this offers. And if any faction doesn't get their share, will use the 5 year deadline to squeeze as much as they can from this event else it be ruined by incompletion.

And of course the press will have its hand in this making everything scandalous that isn't putting money on the pet projects of their cronies.

And of course the poor... they will be going 'What about us?' And then the politicians will be shamed into putting money in a project that the media set up as a charity.
I did not really understand how Chu did to copy-paste "easily" (maybe not that easily... or by Pro access?) the whole previous French Focus about the fire...

Unfortunately, I am far from being a techie! What I did was paste section by section on Deepl, then copy& paste the translation here. Then, I dragged the images from the article, or the links to tweets. It took a while. :rolleyes: So, I think you ended up doing pretty much the same or better.
So, in light of there being a boon in construction because of the 2024 Olympics, a lot of construction companies are in high gear, doing a lot of renovations, bids, ect. And so they may be busier than ever, getting as much work lined up to make Paris a nice city to host the Olympics.

So, you can see how in the hustle and bustle to meet a deadline - granted it is five years off - there is a lot of anticipation and preparations going on. And construction firms have a long roster of contracts that will keep them busy till 2024.

So, it's very busy for construction.

And as things are very busy, workers are overworked. And accidents happen.

Since Notre Dame is a big attraction, you can guess how much it is a consideration in the Paris 2024 Olympics. So, it's renovation must have been bolstered by the fact that the Olympics were coming. Maybe there were designs to change the cathedral to make it a Olympics friendly attraction.

Anyway, lots of work, it's a Monday, and it is the middle of the month, so it may have been a payday, and since Easter was a week away workers had to work around the church schedule. So, at the end of the day, they want to go cash their paycheck, have a beer, go to the cabaret, ect. A tired worker flicked their cigarette on the way out and the rest is history.
So, in light of there being a boon in construction because of the 2024 Olympics, a lot of construction companies are in high gear, doing a lot of renovations, bids, ect. And so they may be busier than ever, getting as much work lined up to make Paris a nice city to host the Olympics.

So, you can see how in the hustle and bustle to meet a deadline - granted it is five years off - there is a lot of anticipation and preparations going on. And construction firms have a long roster of contracts that will keep them busy till 2024.

So, it's very busy for construction.

And as things are very busy, workers are overworked. And accidents happen.

Since Notre Dame is a big attraction, you can guess how much it is a consideration in the Paris 2024 Olympics. So, it's renovation must have been bolstered by the fact that the Olympics were coming. Maybe there were designs to change the cathedral to make it a Olympics friendly attraction.

Anyway, lots of work, it's a Monday, and it is the middle of the month, so it may have been a payday, and since Easter was a week away workers had to work around the church schedule. So, at the end of the day, they want to go cash their paycheck, have a beer, go to the cabaret, ect. A tired worker flicked their cigarette on the way out and the rest is history.
The above sounds very much like what a writer for a MSM media would write. It is only excuses that ignores the big questions. And you finish it with the cigarette butt as being the reason for the fire, despite how everybody has pointed out how ludicrous that idea is.

I spoke today with a couple of Parisiens on my way to Paris and they had both heard about the cigarette butts. One of them thought it to be a likely cause and when I pointed out how oak doesn't just burn like matches, she asked "But then what caused it?" It showed to me that some people prefer to have a quick easy answer rather than rest with the uncomfortable feeling that the authorities might be having a hand in it or at least are not telling the truth. Just like the situation with 9\11
If you are talking about the timbers, of course they won't instantly be consumed in fire. But there are the roofing planks - the wood that is attached to the timbers. That would be the starting point. And the planks are at an angle so that fire to them spreads fast. And as the roof is clad in lead, the roof (attic space) is like a oven intensifying the heat... and the heated lead - I theorise - acts like a catalytic converter once the planks reach a level of burning... remember the pictures of the steeple when it was ablaze? The parts that weren't burned through were aglow. The heated metal assisted in the infernos intensity.

And the walkway in the attic is a good starting point too. And the ceiling - which is cement - continually heats the roof, keeping the wood in the attic always very dry.

So, some material starts to burn, catches the planks on fire, it heats up really fast, the lead assists in the heating by baking, and then the timbers are hot enough to burn.

And they didn't completely burn, because there were pictures of broken timbers all over the ceiling.
I was going to respond to the points you raised, but then I scrolled down to your 2024 Olympics waffle and realized you're a troll.

Stop wasting everyones time, this Forum is clearly not for you.
I was going to respond to the points you raised, but then I scrolled down to your 2024 Olympics waffle and realized you're a troll.
If you have a worthwhile point to share, don't withhold it on the count of me. Others I'm sure would be interested.

And I don't see how making a 2024 Olympics tie-in makes me a troll, when I just wanted to bolster my accident theory.
A last minute information (April 25, 2019) informs us that Emmanuel Macron wishes to "use the ordinances to rebuild Notre-Dame in 5 years" :

I'm curious about something ... this photo still haunts me? When this photo was taken on the Cathedral grounds, the firemen were still in the process of getting the fire under control. Yet, Macron stands there "perfectly calm and reserved" no signs of distress, which can be observed on the faces of those in attendance? In a perfectly orchestrated delivery, he announces, "We'll rebuild Notre Dame together." Very scripted.

French President Macron: 'We'll rebuild Notre-Dame together' April 16, 2019
French President Emmanuel Macron speaks as Prime Minister Edouard Philippe and Archbishop of Paris, Michel Aupetit, stand near the Notre Dame Cathedral where a fire burns in Paris, France, April 15, 2019.   REUTERS/Philippe Wojazer/Pool
French President Emmanuel Macron pledged to rebuild Notre-Dame cathedral on Monday after a blaze devastated large parts of the gothic gem on Monday.

Day after the fire, Macron announces "he will rebuild Notre Dame in 5 years"? No one in the media or the press has questioned - how he arrived at that figure, although people question how that will be accomplished in such a short time? Even before a full investigation was under way, arson had already been ruled out - it had to be an accident or electrical or something else? The timeline Macron has given brings us to the year 2024, which also happens to be the year of the Paris Olympics. So, that could be a good reason for a 5 year estimate?

Macron vows to rebuild Notre Dame Cathedral in five years ... April 17, 2019
Emanuel Macron has set an ambitious timeline for rebuilding Notre Dame, vowing to complete the work within five years. Benefactors have already pledged hundreds of millions of euros to help with the rebuild. "We will rebuild…and make it even better than before"

Another spin on numbers ... Macron has been in Office for two years and is up for re-election in 2022, after a 5 year term. He's allowed to run for a second - 5 year term. How does the 2024 restoration of the Notre Dame Cathedral and the Paris Olympics fit in? Is Macron of the mind-set, he already has the election "in the bag" or did it take "an accidental fire" to cement it?
If you have a worthwhile point to share, don't withhold it on the count of me. Others I'm sure would be interested.

And I don't see how making a 2024 Olympics tie-in makes me a troll, when I just wanted to bolster my accident theory.
My "2024 Olympics" reference was just my way of giving a reference-pointer to the post in question. Whether or not the 2024 Olympics has anything to do with any politics surrounding the Notre Dame fire is not in question. In fact, I think there is probably something to it. And, you bringing it to the fore testifies more so you are a troll because it is indeed likely a valid point - a valid point in which you use to continually bolster your BS accident theory.
Others here have repeatedly dissected for you that something such as a flicked cigarette to ignite timber - irrespective of a plank's thickness or dryness - is utter nonsense! - yet you continue to promote the BS anyway. You are either:

a) thick, or
b) not thick and therefor a troll.

It is plain to me you are not thick because you demonstrate the able to think independently bringing together relevant information to construct the foundations for 'theories' with articulation - only to then use it to postulate pure BS, repeatedly. Doing so shows you have contempt for the Forum and its members whether you are consciously aware of it or not. This is why you are a troll, whether consciously or not.
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