Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and Other Catholic Churches

Well, as ridiculous at it is to even bring it up as a possibility, as far as I can tell they are not going as far as to say that it was caused by cigarettes. For now!
For now. But maybe they will try. this news is in many places. Evidently is completely ridiculous and they try to distract the mass, also the message of workers smoking gives the image of irresponsible workers, when I am sure the people who worked at ND were very professional. Not anybody, I am also sure, was hired to work on the reconstruction of the cathedral, but workers with experience. Oh well, we will see.
Once again, it is the weekly magazine Canard enchaîné which comes up with the story about the cigarette butts. Canard is French for duck, and the expression "un canard" means in common language "a hoax".

noun, plural ca·nards [kuh-nahrdz; French ka-nar] /kəˈnɑrdz; French kaˈnar/.
1. a false or baseless, usually derogatory story, report, or rumor.
2. Cookery . a duck intended or used for food.
3. Aeronautics [...]
Even if it is outright rejected by the company, then the effect is that many will think that it is a natural cause, like cigarette butts or faulty wiring. And the result of enough baseless stories is that it will send people on a wild goose chase (just to stay in the waterfowl family of Anatidae) and thus they wil take the eyes of the ball (the essential problems and questions with the official narrative).
The above links to an article in Marianne, which is an establishment magazine. The article presents itself as looking at all different hypothesis of what could have happened and then, as they write by elimination of the not possible hypothesis arrive at this new thing with the clocks and the short circuits of these clocks, as the only hypothesis remaining to think about. They use as their source, Le Canard Enchaîné, which is beholden to the establishment but acts as a a controlled opposition paper. I have met a few French people, who don't read the mainstream papers, but who instead read the Canard Enchaîné believing every word of it as it likes to throw dirt on politicians. Mixing a few truths or half-truths with lies is a good way to harness a disenchanted population and making sure that they remain within the fold on the important subjects.

In other words, I think this is a ruse to now fix people's thoughts on this short-circuit business and away from the many real questions about the fire, like how aged oak timbers can catch fire in the first place and then burn so extremely fast.

Le Point - discarded cigarette's, or electrical meme's, and or, a lack of security. Follow the Duck?

"A week after the tragedy, "The Duck chained" reveals several violations of the basic rules of caution on the building site"
Publié le 24/04/2019 à 11:30 | Le Snip: 4-6 minute read
If the revelations of the Canard chained are accurate, they show how much the security of Notre-Dame de Paris included some incredible loopholes. The newspaper, which had access, it seems, to several elements of the investigation, points to major problems, starting with the habit of some workers on the site who sometimes grilled a cigarette on the scaffolding , bypassing the instructions. "In the hearing, some workers admitted that they were coming - despite the strict prohibition - to smoke on the scaffolding," reports Le Canard, adding that the police have already found seven butts on the scene. We think we dream.:rolleyes:

Second intriguing information:
the famous arrow, at the base of which would have started the fire, included bells, long out of order, but which had been electrified during the renovation of the grand chime of the towers of the cathedral in 2012. Electrification was provisional, according to Le Canard, who quotes the chief architect of the historic Monuments Benjamin Mouton, but the provisional lasted ... This chime of the arrow rang the same day of the drama, at 18 h 4, a few minutes before the first fire alarm. "There is no reason to say that the power supply of these chimes has been short-lived at 6:04 pm, but this assumption is taken seriously by cathedral experts. "

We learn that there were also three small bells above the keystone of the transept, which sometimes rang during mass. "In 2007, they were electrified without anyone knowing who could authorize such imprudence, says the newspaper. A video of 2015 shows this chime connected to cables enthroned in the middle of the dust and beams. "
About this project for a global re-building of the Ile de la Cité, hereafter a short 3D video named "Mission Île de la Cité, the heart of heart" showing what it could/will be to walk on the South Promenade, and from the architect's Youtube account Dominique Perrault (the very same from a previous comment on the thread), the architect and urban planner who designed "The Great Library François Mitterrand":

The Ile de la Cité is classified as a UNESCO World Heritage.

Well some great information there MK Scarlett. So good that it has blown the sails out my brainstorming effort to figure out how to better protect Notre Dame. These "business deals" surrounding the Ile de la Cité and the trends seen on the map give me strong vibes that Notre Dame is not much of a concern for the State. These types of structures are out of fashion for those running the State. NWO has come and we must march forward and forget the Past.

For years warnings were being raised that it needed urgent repairs and years went by without much being done. How fortunate the State was to wait and wait. All that waiting finally brought out of nowhere the Fairy Godmother in the form of ordinary People and a few super rich. Sephora will surely have a store on the Isle. Interesting situation.
Le Point - discarded cigarette's, or electrical meme's, and or, a lack of security. Follow the Duck?
Yes, use of memes is very popular over the last 10-15 years. Recent favorite was,

Obama: "The attacks on tourists and Easter worshippers in Sri Lanka are an attack on humanity. On a day devoted to love, redemption, and renewal, we pray for the victims and stand with the people of Sri Lanka."

Three hours later, Clinton tweeted: "On this holy weekend for many faiths, we must stand united against hatred and violence. I'm praying for everyone affected by today's horrific attacks on Easter worshippers and travelers in Sri Lanka."

As they both spelled "worshipers" the same idiosyncratic way and used the term "Easter worshippers," it is likely they either had the same writers or Clinton copied Obama.
That last sentence does suggest coordination.
Even if it is outright rejected by the company, then the effect is that many will think that it is a natural cause, like cigarette butts or faulty wiring. And the result of enough baseless stories is that it will send people on a wild goose chase (just to stay in the waterfowl family of Anatidae) and thus they wil take the eyes of the ball (the essential problems and questions with the official narrative).

Not that much if you read comments of people. For example, I read some remarks like "next time I will ignite my wood fire with a cigarette if it's so easy, why do I bother","How those butts could have survived to such a fire, and then the water", "A cathedral is not a barn full of hay". In short, it's "they really take us for dummies".
ALSO, it tells me that with all the parallel church burnings and attacks against any form of religious symbolism, that we are at a very important crossroads. FABRICATED OUT OF THIN AIR: a reason for the start of conflicts right left and center, internally and externally for each and every country where religion still has hold. Which is every country!...

I think this is a very good observation. Perhaps the 'crossroad' you speak of is the 'realm border crossing' the C's have told us of. Religion is the way in which man is able to implicitly grasp the absolute or 'God' through metaphorical symbology in the act of worship. Therefore an attack on religion is a symbolic attack on 'God,' or truth, or the ultimate reality.

Interesting times.
Not that much if you read comments of people. For example, I read some remarks like "next time I will ignite my wood fire with a cigarette if it's so easy, why do I bother","How those butts could have survived to such a fire, and then the water", "A cathedral is not a barn full of hay". In short, it's "they really take us for dummies".
Yes and no. It is a little like newspapers, where a lot of people wil answer no if asked directly if it is all true what it says in the papers. Even if they know at some level that it is not necessarily the truth, they don't know which part is true and which part is not true. Neither would they know how much is actually true or false. They might think 20% is lies and yet it could be 80-90%. Even if it is only 10% lies, those lies can steer the truth in the completely wrong direction to massage people's opinions where the newspaper would like.

On top of it, information is filtered according to biases such as religious biases or anti-smoking bias or biases due to ignorance, like how oak just doesn't burn like matches. So, it is filtered and then there is the fact that a big proportion of people are authoritarian followers, even if they might put on a yellow jacket on Saturdays. So when the authorities or experts (not the government as they know they are not liked) in a few months will announce that it was accidental due to lapses in security around the renovation site and safety regulations that were not up to standard, then most people will accept it as probably true. Yet the canard (BS) bits about cigarette butts and the bits about faulty wiring will play a part in the unconscious agreement with the 'experts'. It is the way advertising works. Macron was sold to the French that way and now everybody suffers from macronitis.
Once again, it is the weekly magazine Canard enchaîné which comes up with the story about the cigarette butts. Canard is French for duck, and the expression "un canard" means in common language "a hoax".

No, no, no. Not in this context.

"Un canard" (a duck) is the slang word for "newspaper" in French. I think that their name, "The tied duck", is to implies that they cannot talk about all they would like to talk. This newspaper is known to be close to secret services and police. So informations it deliver is interesting but need to be taken with a grain of salt.
3) Make the following either permanently attached to the building or have these pipes in a quick attach form to be connected when the problem occurs. Alternatively, don't install a "Dry Rising Main"and just use regular hoses attached to points in 2)


"The tied duck" say there was such pipes but that the diameter was insufficient to deliver enough water for a big fire. It only suitable for 200 to 500 l/mn which is for the start of a fire.

The idea of pumps ready get water from the Seine look like just an evidence know you said it.
I was looking at more articles about the renovation, and one was about the statues located at the base of the spire, and they were removing them to clean and make way for repairs on the spire itself.

And in one picture was a head of one of the statues along with other ornamental objects - packed in bubble wrap. As well, the crates they were being packed in were probably made onsite to put the ornaments in and shipped away.

So, there was plenty combustibles in the form of packing materials. I only saw bubble wrap in the picture, but I'm going to assume there was styrofoam material, and plastic as well since a lot of the objects are heavy.

And this is the area where the fire started. So, bubble wrap, plastics, wood crating were in the area of the spire. And of course the workers had their lunch refuse that had plastic bottles, fast food paper, ect.

So, it could very well be a case of construction related fire.
Continued from previous post.

And so you are removing statues and other ornaments - being very meticulous - and so this last days. So, where do you store the material during the off-hours? Do you leave it on the scaffolding? Or store it inside where it won't get rained on or blown away by the wind. And so maybe it was in the attic.
View of the canopy dome (intact), digitized in HD.
Charpente de Notre-Dame - Graphic Art & Heritage - Travel in the cloud of points
(2019-France 3 Paris Ile-de-France) :huh:
The company is located in Aubervilliers in Seine-Saint-Denis. For 25 years, this Ile-de-France company has digitized all our heritage masterpieces. And thanks to a happy coincidence, she had digitized the frame of Notre-Dame. Today, after the fire, these images will be precious in the reconstruction and in the state of the Cathedral.
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Quote from the source from the Art Graphique & Patrimoine ! My bad-:(
Traveling in the cloud of points of the "forest" of Notre-Dame, result of a millimetric precision digitization campaign: for all the oak frame 150 scans with millimetric precision for a total of 3 to 5 billion points about 1 to 2 points per mm². In 25 years of activity
Art Graphic & Heritage has intervened several times to perform 3D lasergrammetric and photogrammetric surveys in the Notre-Dame cathedral: the database from all scans should contain 30 to 50 billion points.
I was looking at more articles about the renovation, and one was about the statues located at the base of the spire, and they were removing them to clean and make way for repairs on the spire itself.

And in one picture was a head of one of the statues along with other ornamental objects - packed in bubble wrap. As well, the crates they were being packed in were probably made onsite to put the ornaments in and shipped away.

So, there was plenty combustibles in the form of packing materials. I only saw bubble wrap in the picture, but I'm going to assume there was styrofoam material, and plastic as well since a lot of the objects are heavy.

And this is the area where the fire started. So, bubble wrap, plastics, wood crating were in the area of the spire. And of course the workers had their lunch refuse that had plastic bottles, fast food paper, ect.

So, it could very well be a case of construction related fire.

The statues were long removed before the fire.

4 days before Notre-Dame Cathedral caught on fire, 16 statues were removed from the top

I think speculation over litter being the cause is similar to the cigarette butt theory. That is just my take on it. With all the other information it seems that it seems to be a very suspicious fire that requires more than the "accidental" story they are giving us.

And of course the workers had their lunch refuse that had plastic bottles, fast food paper, ect.

I can not believe they would be hired at such a cost and be that careless but who knows?

If it is a construction related fire there has to be more than a litter problem I think. If they were so lax and stupid to leave combustible material in the attic and it does get revealed then the question still has to be asked "How did it get ignited?".
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