Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and Other Catholic Churches

Short of installing a sprinkler system which would probably ruin everything under it if it did go off I am not sure what they could have done better.



One thing that came to mind but I don't know if it would have made a difference, as far as water damage is concerned, but what about the foam stuff they use at airports to extinguish fires quickly? The foam application works within a relatively short time and leaves no hot spots? Last Summer, at a gas station near me, a fire started at one of the pumps. Within minutes, the fire company was there and used foam to extinguished the blaze. It took less then ten minutes to put out the flames. It has some type of fire retardant in it. Maybe, it can only be used in certain types of fires or the product is too expensive and only used in isolated incidences?
From the onstart, I have accepted the fire at Notre-Dame, and all that surrounds it (other churches, political use of the message sent by the media, use of the tragedy for political gains, etc) as in a MAJOR MARKER EVENT for what is yet to come.
Strongly I know that we ain't seen nothing yet!
ALSO, it tells me that with all the parallel church burnings and attacks against any form of religious symbolism, that we are at a very important crossroads. FABRICATED OUR OF THIN AIR: a reason for the start of conflicts right left and center, internally and externally for each and every country where religion still has hold. Which is every country!...
Now they say that "wild" electrical bell were installed in the arrow and so wires were running here. More, the framework of the arrow was made of pine.

_Notre-Dame : des cloches "sauvages" et électrifiées à l'origine de l'incendie ?

The survey revealed that debut six bells were installed (usually temporarily) in the spire of the cathedral. Electrified bells with cables running in the attic, which could generate a short circuit caused the fire.
" Yes, we were surprised to hear the bells ringing in the arrow! We did not expect that. After why these bells were there, and if they were regularly maintained and authorized, it is not my problem. "Julien Le Bras, owner of Le Bras and his brother subsidiary Scaffolding Europe, confirms Marianne one of the surprises of the judicial inquiry into the fire at Our Lady : Electric bells had indeed been installed above heart Cathedral, within the framework, as well as inside the boom of Viollet-le-Duc. Six bells electrified in total!
" Electrical son ran in the attic placed at the express request of the clergy , reveals the Chained Duck . At the risk of short circuit, and in violation of all safety regulations issued by the chief architects of historical monuments . " According to the CanardThree first bells of small size were installed in 2007 above the keystone of the transept. As for the arrow, which would have declared the fire of April 15 around 18:20, it housed three other bells, returned to service in 2012, when the renovation of large bells belfries. And those bells would have sounded at 6:04 p.m. that day April 15 ... Benjamin Mouton, chief architect of historical monuments, even confirmed to duck this facility was to be " temporary ". Is the interim that lasts the cause of the tragedy of Notre Dame?

If this is true I would think it will be embarrassing to the people responsible and be an item not covered by any insurance. Whether it would be enough to start the fire I don't know but just a safety violation like that will get a lot of attention. Could be used as a distraction too I think.
A friend whose wife is French is upset that Macron and his cronies want to rebuild the Notre Dame Cathedral into something more modern and diverse, with glass roof and a minaret tower. Both he and his wife suspect foul play with the fire and don't believe the electrical failure narrative.

Here's a link from the Voice of Europe that was sent to me by my friend: /
Please note I'm not familiar with Voice of Europe so I didn't post a hyperlink. Judging by some of the article titles, it may be a controlled opposition site to foment division. In any case, it did upset my friends who think the tragedy is a religious conspiracy.

If the endgame for the PTB is to start a religious war and use Muslims as scapegoats, the Notre Dame fire is an interesting ploy. They don't need any loose change or identity politics finger pointing. That's already going on as the public isn't buying the official story and looks to be latching on to rumored evidence that involve terrorists. The elite's have already used wars they started to push for immigrant refugees to flood Europe under the guise of being benevolent. The PTB use rising anti-Islam sentiment in European countries to further inflame Yellow Vest or anti-immigrant protestors. Police brutality can then be used as a legitimate response against Islamophobia.

Very frustrating to watch. I pray enough people wake up to see who the real enemy is. Divide and conquer. Sow suspicion. Rinse and repeat.
7/ The structure had been treated
How could we not remember the fire in Nantes Cathedral, which had caught fire so quickly, which involved treating the structure with a petroleum-based product.
This seems to be a very valuable reason why the fire spread so quickly.
Also, the yellow color of the smoke coming from the lead sheet makes sense, instead of thermite...
One thing that came to mind but I don't know if it would have made a difference, as far as water damage is concerned, but what about the foam stuff they use at airports to extinguish fires quickly? The foam application works within a relatively short time and leaves no hot spots?
You are asking the right questions angelburst29 and thinking outside the box to answer them !!!! :thup:

To kill a fire you must strangle it, starve it of Oxygen. That's what the foam does.

In the early stages I suspect that would have worked if there was a means to deliver it to the area on fire. One way would have been to have someone go in there or get close enough and spray it on the area. Another way to do this will mesh with what I was thinking a while back. How could you get the water in there as fast as possible ? I will explain below.

ND is in the hands of the State. To be nice I'll just say that if it was the Church it might not be any better. However in the case of a building like this, National Treasure, whoever is in charge of a structure like that must be conscious of the possibility of a fire breaking out. Hence they must have a Fire Plan that takes into consideration what can be brought into it to fight it.

It is my impression that if there was such as a Plan it wasn't complete. Why? Well, I have the impression that their Fire Plan was a bit simplistic. It lacked thinking outside the box. I am basing this purely on what I see in the pictures available. Again, I do not know what they discussed and had on paper as it is not available to the Public to read. Finally, I am not a Fire expert. ;-)

My impression is that for ND the height of the building was not a consideration in this Fire Plan. Whatever the thinking was about protecting ND against fire I think it was along the lines, "Do it like we always do it". I base this on what I see the firefighters are doing here with respect to delivering the water to the fire. The firefighters are doing their job as they are told to fight it. It is people in charge who make these decisions and it is they who make tools available to the firefighter to do the best job. So the final responsibility is at the very top of command.

and here
look at video

One of the basics of hydraulics is pressure drop in lines. The longer the lines the more pressure you lose which then reduces HOW FAR YOU CAN SEND THE WATER ONTO THE FIRE !!!!! For ND this is a key parameter due to its height !!!!
Physics involved are here - Hydraulics of water jets

One of the cheapest insurance policies for ND, a HIGH VALUE structure, in my opinion would have been to do the following.

1) Install something like this ,
in a tiny building next to ND or right at the source of unlimited water which is the river Seine. The building could be designed to blend into the surrounding so as to make tourists smile.
2) Bury high capacity piping from River Seine to strategic points around the building.
3) Make the following either permanently attached to the building or have these pipes in a quick attach form to be connected when the problem occurs. Alternatively, don't install a "Dry Rising Main"and just use regular hoses attached to points in 2)

Singapore Fire Dept.

I will complete my post later. Other responsibilities are calling :-)


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One thing that came to mind but I don't know if it would have made a difference, as far as water damage is concerned, but what about the foam stuff they use at airports to extinguish fires quickly? The foam application works within a relatively short time and leaves no hot spots? Last Summer, at a gas station near me, a fire started at one of the pumps. Within minutes, the fire company was there and used foam to extinguished the blaze. It took less then ten minutes to put out the flames. It has some type of fire retardant in it. Maybe, it can only be used in certain types of fires or the product is too expensive and only used in isolated incidences?
From what I read these foams are somewhat toxic. Since a gas station is not the cleanest place anyway and quick extinguishment is vital it might be an option there. Also cleaning up is easier on ground level. Maybe it's also be bad for some materials (like monumental stone structures), or the usage is restricted due to distance to waters and groundwater.

Maybe some buildings (like gas stations) are already built on retention structures that avoid leaking into sewerage.
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Now they say that "wild" electrical bell were installed in the arrow and so wires were running here. More, the framework of the arrow was made of pine.

_Notre-Dame : des cloches "sauvages" et électrifiées à l'origine de l'incendie ?
The above links to an article in Marianne, which is an establishment magazine. The article presents itself as looking at all different hypothesis of what could have happened and then, as they write by elimination of the not possible hypothesis arrive at this new thing with the clocks and the short circuits of these clocks, as the only hypothesis remaining to think about. They use as their source, Le Canard Enchaîné, which is beholden to the establishment but acts as a a controlled opposition paper. I have met a few French people, who don't read the mainstream papers, but who instead read the Canard Enchaîné believing every word of it as it likes to throw dirt on politicians. Mixing a few truths or half-truths with lies is a good way to harness a disenchanted population and making sure that they remain within the fold on the important subjects.

In other words, I think this is a ruse to now fix people's thoughts on this short-circuit business and away from the many real questions about the fire, like how aged oak timbers can catch fire in the first place and then burn so extremely fast.


One thing that came to mind but I don't know if it would have made a difference, as far as water damage is concerned, but what about the foam stuff they use at airports to extinguish fires quickly? The foam application works within a relatively short time and leaves no hot spots? Last Summer, at a gas station near me, a fire started at one of the pumps. Within minutes, the fire company was there and used foam to extinguished the blaze. It took less then ten minutes to put out the flames. It has some type of fire retardant in it. Maybe, it can only be used in certain types of fires or the product is too expensive and only used in isolated incidences?

Firefighting applications incorporating foam have a limited reach (though not a bad idea).
Foams incorporates a number of chemicals components, with the need of close proximity, being that they expand into a frothing mess, and can drift. Which may have caused damage to the Art works, and the such.
Not to mention different appliance's that may not been available to a city FD.

Class D - Fires Involving Metals Class D fires involve combustible metals or powdered metals such as magnesium, titanium, potassium and sodium. These metals burn at high temperatures and react violently with water, air and/or other chemicals. Fire extinguishers for use on Class D fires do not have a multi-purpose rating and must match the type of metal involved. Extinguishers rated for Class D fires have a label listing the metals that the extinguisher can be used on.
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The amount of wood that burned at ND was impressive especially given the short time. Below I will try to give some idea of what such an amount of wood looks like.

Il a fallu 1300 chênes pour construire la charpente de la cathédrale il y a huit siècles, ce qui équivaut à «au moins 3000 mètres cubes de bois», selon le groupe Charlois, premier producteur français de bois de chêne.

Translated inGoogleBing++
It will take 1,300 Oaks to build the framework of the cathedral which was eight centuries old, which is equivalent to "at least 3,000 cubic meters of wood", according to the Charlois group, the top French producer of oak wood.

In the process of cutting them up etc, some of this wood will go to waste, so assume (to be on the high side of waste) that 2/3 is waste and 1/3 remains. This is still 1000m3. For those who are used to firewood, then this amounts to about 1400 stères. (1 stere is 0.7m3 solid wood)
Here is a picture of 1 stère:

From speaking to colleagues who use wood (hardwood like oak, beech or hornbeam) to heat their houses, then the average person uses about 8-12m3 a year depending on the severity of the winter.

When walking in a forest, one often walks past a woodstack. 1400 steres amounts to a woodstack 2mtrs high, 1mtr wide and 700meters long. Below is a woodstack, (though it predominantly beech wood as far as I can see.)

How much energy in such a wood stack?
Another measure for firewood is a cord and a cord is 3,62 steres, which converts the ND imagined 'woodstack' to close to 400 cord.
The energy in one cord of oak is roughly 22,5 MBTU (million British Thermal Units), so the total energy would be 9000MBTU. That is the equivalent of 1600 barrels of oil!

The important difference is of course that we are not talking about oil, but an enormous amount of aged oak that within a few hours totally burned up. Oak that under normal circumstances needs a lot of time to get going into a raging fire. The thought that has been proposed of the timber haven been treated with thermite or something highly flammable sounds plausible.
About this project for a global re-building of the Ile de la Cité, hereafter a short 3D video named "Mission Île de la Cité, the heart of heart" showing what it could/will be to walk on the South Promenade, and from the architect's Youtube account Dominique Perrault (the very same from a previous comment on the thread), the architect and urban planner who designed "The Great Library François Mitterrand":

The Ile de la Cité is classified as a UNESCO World Heritage.

Fire ravages Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, a UNESCO World Heritage Site
Tuesday, 16 April 2019

“Notre Dame represents an architectural, cultural and religious heritage, a unique literary heritage that speaks to the whole world,” said Ms. Azoulay. The cathedral is widely regarded as the most beautiful example of French Gothic architecture, which includes innovative use of the rib vault and buttresses, colored stained glass rosettes and sculptural decorations. Construction of the church began in 1160 and continued for a century.
The Director-General also announced that a rapid assessment of the damage would take place as soon as possible. “We are already in contact with experts to assess damage, preserve what can be preserved and consider measures in the short and medium term,” she said.
The assessment would be undertaken with the authorities concerned, including national, local, site management and Church authorities to develop an appropriate plan in order to avoid further damaging the site and to recover as much as possible of the original elements. Subsequently UNESCO would accompany and support the authorities in the recovery, rehabilitation and rebuilding of the damaged heritage site based on accurate documentation based on archival material, photos, films, historic documentation, plans and drawings.

Well, Unesco and Church authorities might be involved in this secret/not secret anymore project as a whole benefice for everyone involved, including all the societies whom have so generously made donations, societies that angelburst29 listed here.

I cannot believe that Church authorities were not aware of this and the fire of Notre-Dame could have been occured without at least some of them knowing the real intention?

The Rector of Notre-Dame de Paris, Bishop Patrick Chauvet, announced that he would "file a complaint" for "invasive destruction".

... "the cathedral belongs to the state. Inside the furniture, we have chairs, sound system, projectors... It belongs to us and it no longer works. I will have to file a complaint with the State so that the insurance can work and at the same time so that I know exactly what happened.

The Rector assures that the complaint will be filed for "unintentional destruction because I don't think there is anyone who wanted to set the fire". According to him, it's "either recklessness or a short circuit."

Really? Carelessness, or short circuit???
The Church is now filled with the same Mammon worshippers, it seems to me.

The list of donations for the re-built of Our Lady is still ongoing:

The Serbian government has decided to make a donation of one million euros

one million euros to help rebuild Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral, a decision that "confirms the century-old friendship with the French people".

Belgrade "expresses the wish that this symbol of French civilization and the world be rebuilt as soon as possible and that this temple of culture be reopened to its future admirers," says a government statement.

The works of arts and relics saved from the fire at Notre-Dame were first transferred to the Paris City Hall and then to the Louvre Museum.

The Louvre Museum where stands the pyramid with its 666 facets where Macron delivered his inaugural speech in May 2017. I am not sure that all these works of arts and relics will return to Notre-Dame...


In 2018, it "seems" that Parisians asked themselves "what could become" the Ile de la Cité (Really?):

- Private real estate transactions?
- Large commercial locations?
- New luxury district in Paris?
- Re-allocation of offices to new services?

Maybe all of it!!

At the time of this article (2018), here is what was known:

The known calendar of movements currently posits that:
- the Judicial Police will abandon the famous 36 quai des Orfèvres in 2017;
- the Court House will be emptied of its activities, with the exception of the Courts of Appeal and Cassation, in 2018, which will soon be housed in the upper tower of the Batignolles;
- and that the Hôtel-Dieu Hospital is currently undergoing restructuring.

For the first point, it was done on September 2017:
Paris: the judicial police say goodbye to 36, quai des Orfèvres

In a historical note, Marie-Antoinette and Émile Zola were sentenced in this same Courthouse, which is no longer so today.

For the second one, it was done on April 2018:
The first hearings were held on Monday in the new court, which moved from Ile de la Cité to the northeast of the capital.

For the third one, works has begun (no doubt it was necessary, it has been missing for too many decades) and it's a new one which is coming:
Hôtel-Dieu hospital: the new medical and research project unveiled. The AP-HP has unveiled its new project for the Hôtel-Dieu, which is expected to be completed by 2020. Its implementation will represent a cost of 100 million euros, financed by site transfers.


One view of the inner courtyard at the Hôtel-Dieu hospital

From English Wikipedia:

Although the facility had been ravaged by disastrous fires on several occasions (the current architecture dates back to 1877), the two buildings of the facility were originally built in the 7th and 17th centuries. It was built as a symbol of charity and hospitality. It was the only hospital in Paris until the Renaissance.

There is no longer any charity or hospitality, everything is transformed in the interest of profitability at all costs, including at the expense of the sick people.

The space freed by the relocation of some institutions as those above elsewhere in Paris has freed up around 100,000m2 of space... which according to the architect Perrault and Philippe Bélaval will provide a property value in excess of €1 billion without radical transformation [and] without adding new buildings or building high up.

A windfall for real estate at the price of m2 in this sector of Paris: €14,344 on average with a low range of €12,923 and a high range of €15,625. There is no doubt that these prices will skyrocket once the "restructuring" of Ile de la Cité is completed...

As for the cost evaluation, the daily Le Monde stated according to this Website:

"For the time being, the two owners - of the Ile de la Cité - (the City of Paris and the State, each about 50%) are in favour. But none of them has the financial resources necessary for the project", Mr Bélaval is quoted as saying: "Hundreds of millions of euros, even billions, this has not been quantified..."

Well, I guess they have quantified it now and with all donations that have been made and still are ongoing, the project the project should be on track to become real!

Here the photo that immortalizes the moment of the report's presentation to François Hollande, then Chief of State and almost at the end of his mandature, of the "35 proposals to rediscover the desire for an island in the heart of Paris":

François Hollande, the second from the left and Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris, the second from the right. The next elections for the mayor of Paris will be held in 2020 and Anne Hidalgo is running for a second term. Dominique Perrault, the architect of this specific project shared previously is on her right. Philippe Bélaval, President of the Center of National Monuments stands between Dominique Perrault and François Hollande.

From French Wikipédia, Philippe Bélaval "holds a Master's degree in public law, graduated from the Institut d'études politiques of Toulouse (Sciences Po) (class of 1975), is a former student of the École nationale d'administration (ENA - National School of Administration) and an auditor at the 58th national session of the Institut des hautes études de défense nationale (Military college). He has been a member of the Conseil d'État (Council of State) since 1979."

He also has high distinctions:
- Legion Honour Officer Officer ribbon.svg Officer of the Legion of Honour19
- Legion of Honour Knight ribbon.svg Knight of the Legion of Honour by decree of 24 March 1998
- National Order of Merit Commander ribbon.svg Commander of the National Order of Merit20
- Ordre national du Merite Officer ribbon.svg Officer of the Ordre national du Mérite by decree of 11 March 2002
- Order of Arts and Letters Commander ribbon.svg Commander of the Order of Arts and Letters

Well, those distinctions are these days given for convenient reasons to some people who obviously do not deserve it as Saudi arabia; from French Wikipédia:

According to the democracy index of The Economist newspaper, Saudi Arabia is the seventh most authoritarian regime out of 167 countries assessed, and censorship is considered one of the most repressive in the world.

The highest French distinction was awarded to Mohammed Ben Nayef to respect "a diplomatic tradition". Le Monde March 7th 2016.

The decoration was done in discretion. On Friday, March 4th, François Hollande presented the Legion of Honour to the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed Ben Nayef, also Minister of the Interior, who was received at the Elysée. This visit, which is on the presidential agenda, was not the subject of any communication from the Elysée. It was confirmed on Sunday at Agence France-Presse (AFP).

This decoration has been widely criticized on social networks, while since the beginning of the year the Saudi regime has carried out 70 executions, the most recent of which took place on Sunday with the beheading of a Saudi man sentenced to death for murder.

"Whoever looks alike gathers together", we commonly say in French... Because in terms of freedom of expression, France is very poorly evaluated by the indices, particularly for censorship on the Internet and for memory laws (such as the Shoah):

Freedom of expression. France behind Russia and Hungary! [LIBERTEX Index 2018]

Index LIBERTEX 2018
The analysis of these eleven factors for Denmark, Italy, France, the United States, Hungary, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States enabled us to set up the first edition of the LIBERTEX classification, below:


As for arrest warrant of Alain Soral on April 15th 2019, the very same day of the fire of Notre-Dame:

Is the arrest warrant issued by the President of the 13th Correctional Chamber of the Paris Regional Court illegal and arbitrary? Yes, it is, because it is not based on any text. A law is needed to authorize a magistrate to do so. The principle is freedom.

On the same day we also seen the arrest of Julian Assange... I do not think that all these events have no connexion in a way or another.

Back to the Ile de la Cité perimeter, fourteen million people pass through this compound every year in "unworthy" conditions, according to the architect Dominique Perrault from an interview on Le Figaro on July 30th 2018.

"Unworthy" conditions? What can be "unworthy" in this splendid place classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site? The language says it all, as their contemporary concept: no curves, lines, cubes, rigid anti-natural, cheap (but expensive for the taxpayer) materials that resist and age poorly (Les Halles). The Saint-Eustache church whose origins date back to the early 13th century is located at 146 rue Rambuteau in the 1st arrondissement in the heart of the Les Halles district.


Les Halles de Paris was the name given to the central halls, a wholesale market for fresh food products, located in the heart of Paris, in the 1st arrondissement, and which gave its name to the surrounding district. At the height of its activity and due to lack of space, the merchants' stalls were even set up in the adjacent streets.

This vast market, which was held until the early 1970s, has now been replaced by a green space (the jardin des Halles), an underground shopping centre (the Forum des Halles) and by many spaces dedicated to leisure (swimming pool, cinema) and cultural activities (conservatory, library, cultural centre). The Châtelet - Les Halles RER station, located under the complex, is the largest underground station in the world and provides access from all over the Paris region.

In 2017, Forum des Halles is the third most visited shopping centre in France with 33.9 million visitors...

I'm afraid that this is what we will see very soon on the Ile de la Cité, a cathedral surrounded by swimming pool, cafés, restaurants, concert halls, and everywhere, glass roofs, covered passages, underground galleries, atriums in the basement...

It was a bit long post and I hope it will not be too boring or too much off-topic...
The Louvre Museum where stands the pyramid with its 666 facets where Macron delivered his inaugural speech in May 2017. I am not sure that all these works of arts and relics will return to Notre-Dame...

Sorry about the wrong information regarding the number of facets of the Louvre Pyramid, I wanted to check it before publishing, and I forgot... :-/

From French Wikipédia:
It is covered with 603 rhombuses and 70 glass triangles and is the first major construction to use laminated glass.

But who knows... I've never went there to count them. :evil:

A bit more about this Pyramid:

The pyramid consists of 673 lozenges or parts of lozenges. There was a lot of emphasis at one time on the number 666, known, according to Saint John, as the "number of the Beast". Somewhat excited minds have thus turned the pyramid and the Grands Travaux into an architectural tribute to the demonic forces, to the prince of this world. Others, more mockingly, were wrong. In theory, without openings, the pyramid would comprise 684 (666 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6) diamonds, i. e. four sides of 171: 171 is the divine number of 18, i. e. the sum of all the figures from 1 to 18. 18 is of course worth in Babylonian notation 6 + 6 + 6 + 6. This is the number of the creative verb. And 684 is also worth, like 666, 18 (6 + 8 + 4).

If the pyramid of the Louvre was worth 666 diamonds (684 - 18), it would need a face with 153 diamonds, 18 less. 1 + 5 + 3 is 9, just as 1 + 7 + 1. 153 - the sum of the first 17 numbers - is a sacred number; it is the number of the miraculous fishing in the Gospel according to Saint John. This sacred number has been used to build Christian buildings: Cluny or Place Royale, renamed by the Revolution Place des Vosges (the Vosges people were the only ones to pay their taxes). The latter includes 144 arches and 153 dormer windows. Should we remember that the Gospel of Saint John is the favorite Gospel of esotericists? If we convert the diamonds (these double triangles) into triangles, we count 324 per side. Gold 324 x 4 = 1,296 triangles. We find 1296 by multiplying the 72 triangles at the base of the pyramid by 18 heavens. 1296 is an exciting number: it expresses the duration in years of the French monarchy from Clovis to Louis XVI. 1296 divided by 2,160 gives the golden number again...

And that's not all
: the pyramid is surrounded by seven triangular granite basins that allow the "sky" to be reflected. These seven basins are to be linked to the seven heavens and seven planets of traditional astrology. In front of the pyramid are seven parallelepipeds, each with the same characteristics: on the top of the perfectly polished block is engraved a circle. At a third of the height, on all four sides, a square opening is made. A cube surmounted by a pyramid is exactly the description of the pointed cubic stone that is supposed to represent the Masonic ideal.
In the place of the Sphinx of Giza, there is the lead equestrian statue of Louis XIV. Here we have an alchemical symbol: that of gold, the Sun King Apollo personification of Light, prisoner of lead (darkness) waiting for its transmutation into luminous gold in the pyramid.

The pyramid's journey

The pillar that supports the platform is by analogy the axis mundi, the Tree of Life, which connects the Infernos to Heaven. The symbolism of the staircase leading to the underground museum then takes on its full meaning. Like an Orpheus, Aeneas or Dionysus descending into the Underworld, the initiate (the simple visitor) descends into the interior of the earth through a spiral staircase that wraps around a huge column. Thus during its spiral descent (such as the ziggurat, the Mesopotamian towers), the visitor makes a constant return on himself while walking around the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. This involutive process of descent into the heart of the earth (magnificently illustrated by Brother Julius Verne in the Journey to the Center of the Earth) can be interpreted in the light of the famous Masonic formula VITRIOL: visita interiora term, rectificandoque invenies occultum lapidem, "Descend into the interior of the earth, by rectifying, you will find the occult stone", philosophical stone of the alchemists, elixir of immortality, symbol of transfigured knowledge.

Between the pyramid of the Louvre and the triumphal arch of the Carrousel is built an inverted pyramid that completes Pei's work. Between the two monuments, at ground level, the hurried pedestrian will only see a circular square, with a square of glass in the centre. This is the basis of this strange construction. The initiate will see in it the mystical union of the earth, represented by the square, and the sky, represented by the circle. In the basement, we will see an inverted glass pyramid, whose tip will be in the axis of a small pyramid built just below. There will then be six pyramids. Six, number of the creative verb.

The mountain and the cave. By the way, I thought we were in a secular public RE finally while they fight religions they sneakily impose and expose theirs and with the state's money...
Now they say that maybe some 7 butches of cigarettes are the reason of the fire! Smokers are guilty maybe! And while this they are insinuating that the workers that were working at the Notre Dame were irresponsible smokers! :shock:

Notre-Dame: workers smoked on the scaffolding despite the ban, their employer "excludes" any link with the fire

INVESTIGATION - The company Le Bras Frères, which worked on the spire construction site of the Paris Cathedral, acknowledged and "regretted" on Wednesday that some of its companions had "freed" themselves from the smoking ban, considering however that it is "out of the question" that this negligence was the cause of the fire that destroyed part of the building on Monday 15 April.

"We regret it." Le Bras Frères, which was erecting the scaffolding around the Notre-Dame spire, acknowledged on Wednesday that some of its workers violated the smoking ban on the site. "Indeed, there are companions who from time to time have freed themselves from this ban," said company spokesman Marc Eskenazi, reacting to a chained Duck article published Wednesday, claiming that investigators had found seven cigarette butts on the site.

The workers "admitted to the police that they did smoke sometimes," he added that if "this ban was more or less respected," it was because it was "a little complicated to get off because it takes time.

Source : Notre-Dame : des ouvriers ont fumé sur l'échafaudage malgré l'interdit, leur employeur "exclut" tout lien avec l'incendie

Translated with
Now they say that maybe some 7 butches of cigarettes are the reason of the fire! Smokers are guilty maybe! And while this they are insinuating that the workers that were working at the Notre Dame were irresponsible smokers! :shock:

Well, as ridiculous at it is to even bring it up as a possibility, as far as I can tell they are not going as far as to say that it was caused by cigarettes. For now!
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