Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and Other Catholic Churches

Whatever good or bad catholicism was, another question is "will the 'religion' that replace Catholicism be better or worse than Catholicism?"

Despite all the claims to the contrary, secularism is indeed a religion, with its God (the individual), its Gospel (the declaration of human rights) and its temples (the schools).
You question was bouncing around in my mind all day as it is a very well posed question. I have read some articles where the author is convinced that the greatest evil on Earth is Catholicism. Well a quick check of the Past will quickly show that it is not the worst (Aztecs) and likewise it is not the best. The problem is simple in my opinion, man is involved. As we know, man comes in a spectrum of "flavors". You have the Good, the Bad and the Ugly (one of my favorite movies) and not much is going to change it for now.

black cartouche said:
"#14: Religions are, for the most part, bad but religion is not."
Whatever good or bad catholicism was, another question is "will the 'religion' that replace Catholicism be better or worse than Catholicism?"

Despite all the claims to the contrary, secularism is indeed a religion, with its God (the individual), its Gospel (the declaration of human rights) and its temples (the schools).

I was thinking about something similar, what about replacing the word "religions" with "ideologies" and the word "religion" with "faith" or "believe". You can believe in the totally wrong things/concepts (which can be ideologies), but it is still believe.
Nice job MK Scarlett. This clears-up a lot of speculation about this person. With all the personal around the building at that time it would be very hard for anyone to "sneak" in. The quality of the video is super.

From the opposite perspective in one video one could see that there were some small fires in the towers hence they needed to enter to put them out.

What strikes me as odd is that this individual has no protective breathing apparatus and is wearing a yellow vest.
At 42:04 minute's this fire was still very unpredictable. And after his appearance, he is followed by two battle ready pompiers.
If he's part of the recon team he's displays a level of incompetent, of possible department SOP's. With a disregard for his safety, and fellow FF's.

Also in this frame below the yellow vest looks like he'e draging or pulling a line, cord, wire....?
He starts from his left hand and then tants it just before he enters the opening. Sure looks like it.


5 second line drag...?


Recent declaration of the New Idea
At one Swedish media, VIDEO: Någon tänder eld ovanpå Notre Dame – bildernas äkthet bekräftas av nyhetsbyrå | Samhällsnytt they don't believe the narrative that the fire was accidental, they post some Tweets, most of which have been posted, perhaps as videos. The first one shows the "Ghost" walking across. To me he looks more like a Mekka pilgrim, than a ghost, or a munk, or was that just the intention? The whole business stinks to high heaven.
The first one shows the "Ghost" walking across. To me he looks more like a Mekka pilgrim, than a ghost, or a munk, or was that just the intention? The whole business stinks to high heaven.
Thorbiorn, if that person is a "Mekka pilgrim" than France is in deep doo doo. That building at that time was completely surrounded by the WHOLE of Paris security apparatus. So if he is not a firefighter then things realy look scary for France. No sure what to think in that case except that the last bell has rung. Time to take the gloves off because the family will be next.

At this stage in my Life I am not too surprised by any thing. But this would be really way way out there. Perhaps it is so but I am hoping it is not.
I knew a school teacher of Muslim background, well educated and teaching students of the age 8-16, for about 20 years, many with Muslim background in a city in Western Europe. During the last year, for some of these kids, the way they responded to her advice made it difficult for her to envision another future for them "than becoming members of a local shooting club." Quite a number of young people exit school with poor results compared to the huge efforts trying to facilitate their learning, including, in this case, expensive computers, free tuition, books, learning materials, mentors and counselor, special education teachers, psychologists etc. Still when the kids reach 15-16, in too many instances one may well doubt that the intention of a functional level of education is reached. If even a fairly well educated person with a good heart can be an object of intentions to mislead them, what chances do people and young people in particular stand? Apart from excusing people with being mislead, there is also the reality of choices being made, conscious and subconscious choices. In some cities in western Europe, children with Muslim background have shown to be very what they say "vulnerable", if future social order is desired. Is Paris any different?

Regarding the trail of events
April 15: Notre Dame fire
News of Al-Aqsa Mosque having a fire at the same time is posted in the thread.
Question: Is simultaneity a coincidence?

Finding out from MEMRITV that preachers in Al-Aqsa mosque have plans for the future of Islam and for some countries in Europe. Not surprising in itself, as most organizations have a plan.
I find out that MEMRI was based in Washington, aligned with US and judging by the staff also Israeli interests which is not surprising either. What MEMRI published, among many many other translations on various topics, was:
March 12: Palestinian Cleric Abu Taqi Al-Din Al-Dari at Al-Aqsa Mosque: France Will Become an Islamic Country Through Jihad; Entire World Will Be Subject to Islamic Rule
March 31: Al-Aqsa Mosque Address By Ahmad Al-Khatwani: Job Of Muslims Is To Bring 'Hateful Infidels' To Islam Through Jihad; Rome Will Be Conquered
And then we came to yesterday:
April 21: Bombing of hotels and churches in Sri Lanka ( Some recall Mumbai 2008, which some say involved foreign intelligence agencies, like Mossad)
I don't know if there are more links between such recent events than meets the eye. When I go to the art museum or read a piece of fiction, maybe written long ago, then one can discuss the theme, the design, the plot, and relate it to ones own time and experience. Is it the same with some world events, were even after much research one can not establish a connection, but still the juxtaposition of seemingly unrelated events leaves one with an impression, an idea, or interpretation.

Here, just for the record, is more about MEMRI and further down additional material from various sources. It is tempting to discard their work, but radical expressions, to us, from Islamic scholars are a dozen a dime, if one listens and reads, and in total really hard to sweep under the rug.
I see. I misread you. I apologize. Thank you for being patient and going to the effort to clearing that up with me Thorbiorn.

You see, I live in a compact multi-culturally vibrant yet quite intense urban dynamic with a strong Islamic presence. I live a stones throw from the main mosque out the back (the green-lit glow of the minaret shines through my window at night) and Im really feeling their zeal these days. I have to remind myself to step back from it all to regain some sanity. Sometimes I forget.
Ya know, it was great in those final years before 9/11, everyone kinda got along, the racial tensions carried on over from the 1980's were dwindling, and fast, or at least around London and the surrounding South-East region. There was of course still plenty crime and general all-round ignorance (of a different kind today), police-response couldn't always be relied on so one was often left to fend for oneself, but there was nevertheless a sense of 'belonging' to your neighborhood and mucking in together that came first and foremost before creed colour sex etc.
To give an example of the Islamic situation back then; it was incredibly rare to see a Muslim man with a big bushy beard (the older generation liked their mustaches), the women might wear a headscarf, but never remember seeing a niqab. Religion was private, it was for the most part, kept a personal affair. To set out to give Da'wah without expressed consent by the receiver was tantamount to incitement and universally recognised as a given to be borderline-offensive to anothers belief system. Actually, back then it was the Christians who were guilty of that sin.
I remember in the 1990's the few early converts to Islam were viewed with some suspicion by the Muslim community and had to prove some semblance of sincerity ie not converting just to marry a pretty young Asian girl. Now its like "Yeh bro, we got connexions... Convert to Islam and we'll reward you with marriage to a pretty young Asian girl!" (in so many words). Its a complete 180 in less than 20 years.

Now its 2019, and the constant ramping up of competing ideologies and cultures year after year, the ever-increasing messengers of Allah pouring forth ever-ready to give Da'wah, and now with the Brexiteer refreshed-nationalism thrown in to the hotmix, its quite suffocating - and made worse when the weather warms up as it has done the last week... Everyone out flexin' their muscles spouting their big uninformed opinions... The underlining aggression fizzling beneath the clouds of super-grade drifting across the park.
Sometimes I feel like I'm under siege. It gets to me sometimes, and aggregates my thinking. I know its a test and I'm aware of the way it effects me, and sometimes I overcompensate 'reasoning' too far the other way to counteract any perceived bias I fear I might develop because I know how easy it is to fall into Muzzie-bashing. Coz they sure as hell don't help themselves!
However, as I have no doubt you know, there are good Muslim families out there amongst it all, like in the 90's but better because they've since learned to love their daughters as equally as their sons. They quietly get on with there lives respecting their neighbors regardless of background. Their religion is private. They don't give Da'wah. They would think it unthinkable to presume to stand up as judge and jury to determine what constitutes as divine righteous law for all mankind - in doing so condemning those others they live peacefully alongside. Such Muslim families are real gems... At Eid they will always bring round the most delicious authentic home-cooked food no Asian restaurant can rival (except maybe Taste of Pakistan in Hounslow), and will always give a large box of Ferraro Rocher to their Christian neighbors at Christmas. I spare a thought for Muslims such as they, and worry for their safety when things really do properly kick-off because in the end, I know it will be the Muslims that will lose, and they will be made to pay dearly for it, and they will pay dearly collectively as a group.
Muslim communities here and in Europe are not the military. They are not sufficiently organised no matter what they like to think or have us think of them... Whatever weapons may have been procured on the black-market is never a match for the unlimited resources of the hi-tech armories of Western governments whether at home or abroad. And i know, too, at street-level there are plenty old-time home-grown Anglo families across the UK tooled up, interconnected with the military and far better organised... Waiting in the wings... And they are not nice people at all.

In spite of all their insufferable bigotry and bridges burnt with Western civilization, it could well be the Muslims we hurt for the most because Allah is not going save them.

I suppose I see the scope of what we are facing as something to also remember and realize we all face this together. Knowing it is such a huge stage we act upon it is only logical I think that we at some point begin to realize that it will take a team effort to see significant change.

When we fail to reach even our own "gold standard" we face discouragement and may need "time" to recover. If there are more of us in the fight we might have a much better chance to make some positive changes for the world around us.
I would never be so unreasonable as to demand such standards to be actually realized of anyone. Its all about the actions of "striving". This Forum strives harder than any other group of souls I've ever known, online or in real life. THAT... is more than enough for me!
Even as I write this I wonder if I don't sound like I am preaching to the choir. You know, I think many/most of us here really do care about wanting to make a difference that will give meaning to our lives and the lives of others.
I KNOW!!! This Forum strives harder than any other group of souls I've ever known, online or in real life. THAT... is more than enough for me!
The Twitter idea you mentioned is something many of us try to do with other current event situations to at least give voice to what we see as truth vs lies. You have good ideas I just wanted you to realize some of these we are already doing in other parts of the forum so your efforts are supported already in some cases.
Thank you for that reassurance, I know you guys are absolutely tireless in your efforts!
I forget I'm still very much a newbie and there are higher realms within FOTCM :lol:

(I would say thank you for your patience too, goyacobol, but its a bit pointless because you're always a patient soul :halo: ;-))
Yellow smoke, temperatures at 800-900°F.

There was a fire here that engulfed all of this old oak in about an hour, I find that fascinating, don’t you.

I live in a land of oaks, white, black, scrub and tan oaks. It is used for firewood quite often. Even my dad knew that on a cold night to drop an oak log before bedtime. And if it was unsplit, it would still be partially there in the morning to start the morning fire. Even in a hot bed of coals it will resist burning all of the way through, after a whopping eight hours.

As been stated here, not too many items would be able to do this to old wood.

Thermite is a quick release material, but not sustained burning material. It would not produce the yellow smoke that we saw. If it had been used there would have been damage to the inner roof, it would have melted right through it. You can watch any video on YouTube on it. Once this material is ignited it will turn molten and melt right through the bucket holding it and anything that is under it, the ground if that is all that there is. That is because thermite burns at about 4000°F (2200°C).

I have had the opportunity to work with Plasma as a heat source to reduce toxic and radioactive waste down to its basic elements. Plasma uses a conductive gas as an electrode and intense electrical current to create the arc (that looks quite like flame). This produces an intense heat capable of melting absolutely anything. We melted concrete, it looked like we were melting butter with a smaller unit. With a large unit we reduced six 2000 pound motors to a half of drum of slag in about an hour. By the way, Concrete melts at about 1800°F (1000°C).

Sulfur comes to mind as one the only yellow smoke generators that can generate this color smoke at this high temperature range. It would be hot enough to ignite the wood without melting the inner roof.

Boiling temperature of Sulfur is also in this range, I am attaching an MSDS.

So, what is coming to mind is some kind of igniter that had a large component of sulfur in it, mixed with metals components, to its boiling point, spread around and then ignited. I would suspect that magnesium would be a good component in this mix, get a good spark going.

Me, I would take this mix and heat it with an induction coil in a cauldron to get the mixture up to temperature. One thing that I know is that Sulfur melts quite easily and burns almost completely when brought to this temperature. There would be little residue if any, once combustion is complete. With the mixture at temperature it would be easy to spread it around, heck a bag of ice thrown in at the peak time would make the molten material burst out of its container.

Sulfur would require time to produce a fire in such old wood, I would say 15-20 minutes. In fact, you may not see the flame coming from a source like this at all, in the first stages of a fire starting. All it might produce, is a soft glow. A slow motion fire, but eventually igniting any burnable material around it, dust would be flash fired. Heat that would turn old wood like this, completely to ashes in a few hours, as we now see.

What I am missing is the smell associated with Sulfur. The rotten egg smell. I was hoping to read of such an item in the reports. The fire, it was high on ND, and the breeze may have taken the smell away.

I am speculating severely here on the cause of the fire. What I am not speculating on, is that this was deliberate action. Nothing else would have been able to generate this event. Haiku …


  • SulfurMSDS.pdf
    61.2 KB · Views: 7
I think the case has been made that this is a suspicious fire. Without a doubt.

So... I'm thinking with all these terrorist attacks, school shootings, police abuses, ect. And the manner of there being covered in the mass media - the way it is consistantly covered - is a attempt at making people fear authority.

It's like gangsters alluding to 'bad things happening' if a business doesn't pay up. But this is happening globally and it belittles and attempts to scare everyone who isn't a part of the power crowd.

And it is easy to see, but a part of their power in this regard is that they have total control of all the media perspectives they want illuminated. And as they are they manipulators, their role in this charade is that of benevolent informers, or beacons of liberty. And they stick to a perspective that always appeals to authority. It directs the problems to themselves where they provide the answers. And if people aren't fooled - still, they have no voice.

And so, people aren't fooled or moved into actions by their manipulations, and so they target the next generation. And so we get school shootings, ect.

So, I'm thinking that the digital revolution liberated people from the influence of the mass media - the mass media a state asset. And to regain control is not a matter of seizing control of the internet, but to instill terror in a gangster-like fashion, and with complete control over the news, what is focused on is always for their cover to make themselves look beneficent - while subconsciously threatening by implication.

So, why? Because in the digital realm everything is becoming virtual. This precludes TPTB from acting as gatekeepers, and charging a toll for everything we do.

They hadn't anticipated the change in advance and had a low expectation of humanity. And they still do. And so we are left to deal with this global mass media that is left with no power but to attempt to control our perspective. And you can see in the manner which everything is controlled regarding the news... they want to be the gatekeepers of our minds.

It is like a desperate attempt to prove they understood the masses all along, and that they only had to control what we heard or read. But they discounted that we think.

And that is why I think the church fire is another ruse to keep a group of people relevant in a time where they are bypassed, thanks to virtuality.

And so, if things are in a virtual arena, what is real, is equated with spiritual and mental as they have no other property, and that being the case, the mass media is about mind control. So, they will try to prove themselves useful by acting as mind controllers. And these staged events are experiments to see just how gulible people are. And it is delusive, because they start believing their own lies, and the people who were never fooled - their voices precluded - sit in silence and watch.

So, it would be very funny if there wasn't so much violence.
Sulfur comes to mind as one the only yellow smoke generators that can generate this color smoke at this high temperature range. It would be hot enough to ignite the wood without melting the inner roof.

Maybe it was similar to the Reims cathedral fire ? :

translate said:
At 3 pm, a shell hit the scaffolding made of pine wood, which since May 1913 had surrounded the north tower of the cathedral and set it on fire. Around 15:30, the roof catches fire making the fire visible from far which leads the Germans to stop shooting. But the heat of the fire boils the 400 tons of lead sheets that cover the roof. The molten lead then spreads over the vaults and flows through the gargoyles, causing a spectacular golden-yellow smoke. At 3:50 pm the scaffolding collapses on the forecourt, filling it with smoke. As for the fire of the frame, it continues until 8pm

Reims : "A 15 heures, un obus touche l’échafaudage en bois de pin qui depuis mai 1913 ceinturait la tour nord de la cathédrale et l’enflamme. Vers 15h30, la toiture prend feu rendant l’incendie visible de loin ce qui amène les Allemands à cesser leur tir. Mais la chaleur de l’incendie met en ébullition les 400 tonnes de feuilles de plomb qui recouvrent la toiture. Le plomb fondu se répand alors sur les voûtes et coule par les gargouilles, provoquant une spectaculaire fumée couleur jaune d’or. A 15h50 l’échafaudage s’effondre sur le parvis, remplissant celui-ci de fumée. Quant à l’incendie de la charpente, il se poursuit jusque vers 20 heures."
It is like a desperate attempt to prove they understood the masses all along, and that they only had to control what we heard or read. But they discounted that we think.


I think you are right. They have assumed by controlling the MSM they have it all under control (in their minds anyway). Has the "Fake News" hurt? Sure but they can't control everything or everyone's thinking.

Session 28 September 2002:
Q: (L) I would like to know if there is going to be any further manipulations of the population in terms of terrorist attacks and such things might further the negative agenda that is presently underway?

A: No doubt! You are looking at men who are so desperate that they have nothing to lose at this point.

Q: (L) Yes, sad but true. Any bunch of people who are so desperate to do something that they would crash two jet airliners into the tallest buildings in the world to and fake a crash on the Pentagon, and murder all those people - because it is nothing else but murder - are pretty desperate. They've got to be crazy. It's like Vincent Bridges. He couldn't even see his craziness. It just escalated until he shot himself in the foot. I guess, from that perspective, it's a good thing.

A: In a sense, since it will fail.

Q: (L) Yeah, but in the meantime a whole lot of awful stuff is likely to come down. (BT) Is France still vulnerable to an attack?

A: Less likely since you have exposed it.

Q: (L) Yes. That was my intention. After all, they can't be doing things that we predict... it would be "too synchronistic." (Ark) What about TS? Should we try to intervene and help?

A: Let him ask.

Q: (L) Okay, I guess that's it for tonight...

A: Open eyes of souls. It will come soon! Goodnight.

It looks like "less likely" was the correct response since this attack on Notre Dame cathedral but they did not say "No" or "Never".

It won't hurt to "Open eyes of souls" till we get through this whole mess though.
From this official French Website, named "Bourse des crédits" (, an article dated from February 15th, 2017 - 16:52 (another 15th at a time were Hollande ruled the France) about new projects of construction on the Ile de la Cité, the island where Our Lady is enthroned:
35 proposals concerning the new developments of Ile de la Cité by 2040, were presented on Tuesday 14 February by the Head of State to the Conciergerie, itself in the heart of the island.

Very - very interesting information, Thanks for Posting it - MK Scarlett! :-)

Some thoughts that were running through my mind, while reading through the information ...

Macron is probably well aware of these proposals that were drafted just two years earlier, during Hollande's term and the project proposals got passed over to him? Macron has the type of personality that constantly seeks attention and admiration, while he identifies himself, as part of the elite. He poses for "cameo shots" and does "blank face pantomime performances" in front of the camera. He's all about fame and fortune and wants to go down in the History books, greater then Napoleon? He's pet project is the ‘Renaissance’.

So, how do you go about getting the proposals off the drafting table and start on the construction stage, at minimum cost to you, while also fulfilling your very own geo-political proposals? Any seasoned Banker would suggest - You combine them? You only have to look into Macron's background, education and past employment for a clue - why this suggestion might be possible? He had served as the Inspector of Finances in the French Ministry of Economy, also as an investment banker at Rothschild and Cie Banque.

In the Ile de la Cité proposals and designs, I'm unable (not qualified) to determine if the Notre Dame spire was seen as a possible pediment to their plans? News reports of the locations of the fire seem to center on the spiral, the clock, the wooden roof and fallen debris. While renovation was still in it's preliminary stages, most valuable artifacts were removed and placed in storage, including 7 of the 8 Bells and some statues. These precautionary measures reduced damage and liability issues. So, when the fire struck, these objects were already protected.

If - if you were to go with the assumption, the fire was pre-planned to only encompass a specific area (a control burn) with one of the objectives - to eliminate/remove an obstacle that's impeding the expansion of another project - and using the event itself (fire) to garner financial support (from outside investors or donors) for repairs, any excess capital could supplement the secondary project.

Again, if you go with the above assumption, the Notre Dame fire and the timing of the event was preplanned to elicit and manipulate the greatest amount of sympathy and emotional response - during one of the most Holy Christian Holidays on the calendar. Media coverage of the event would be masterfully exploited through the press, to reach a wider audience (free publicity). And as Macron had done, you "pledged to rebuild" but he went one step further, he stated " We'll rebuild Notre Dame together" - soliciting funds. The smirking smile many detected was probably subconscious? He's saying one thing but covering up a hidden agenda. A percentage of the donated funds will go for the repairs but a larger percentage will be used as collateral towards the Ile de la Cité project? A bait and switch scheme. How "Rothschild" can you get ... use other peoples money - to benefit yourself? No sweat!

French President Macron: 'We'll rebuild Notre-Dame together'
French President Emmanuel Macron speaks as Prime Minister Edouard Philippe and Archbishop of Paris, Michel Aupetit, stand near the Notre Dame Cathedral where a fire burns in Paris, France, April 15, 2019.   REUTERS/Philippe Wojazer/Pool

French President Emmanuel Macron pledged to rebuild Notre-Dame cathedral on Monday after a blaze devastated large parts of the gothic gem on Monday.

With the Ile de la Cité project in mind, these are probably some of the individuals/companies that have a vested interest in the project?
They donate heavy but get a hefty kick-back (60-90 percent) taxable deduction. Real charitable group?

Factbox: Donors pledge nearly 900 million euros to rebuild Notre-Dame cathedral
CITY OF PARIS - Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo said the city would donate 50 million euros.

LVMH - French billionaire businessman Bernard Arnault’s family and his LVMH luxury goods group said they would donate 200 million euros to help repair the cathedral.

KERING - Francois Henri Pinault, who heads the Kering luxury goods company, pledged 100 million euros through his Artemis holding. L’OREAL French luxury and cosmetics group L’Oreal, along with the Bettencourt Meyer family and the Bettencourt Schueller foundation, will donate 200 million euros in total.

TOTAL - French oil company Total said it will donate 100 million euros.

AXA - French insurer Axa pledged 10 million euros.

BNP - French bank BNP pledged 20 million euros.

FIMALAC - Marc Ladreit de Lacharriere pledged 10 million euros.

BOUYGUES - Martin Bouygues and his brother Olivier, who oversee a telecoms to construction conglomerate, pledged to donate 10 million euros. Bouygues group separately said it was ready to join the “skills sponsorship” drive.

JCDECAUX - French outdoor advertising group pledged 20 million euros.

SOCIETE GENERALE - Societe Generate bank pledged 10 million euros.

APPLE - CEO Tim Cook said on Twitter Apple would donate an unspecified sum to rebuilding efforts.

WALT DISNEY COMPANY - Robert Iger, the chairman and chief executive of Disney, said the entertainment company was
donating $5 million.

CAP GEMINI - IT services group said it would donate 1 million euros.

EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK - The central bank said it would make a donation but did not specify the amount.

Greed has a funny way of exposing the truth?

Apr 18, 2019 - As rich lavish cash on Notre-Dame, many ask: What about the needy?
As rich lavish cash on Notre-Dame, many ask: What about the needy?

The firestorm began when Mr Jean-Jacques Aillagon, a former culture minister and now adviser to Mr Pinault's father, went on Twitter after Mr Francois-Henri Pinault announced his gift on Tuesday to suggest that corporate contributions to Notre-Dame's restoration be given a 90 per cent tax deduction, rather than the 60 per cent that corporations normally get for charitable contributions.

Mr Francois-Henri Pinault, France's second-richest man, put up an eye-popping €100 million (S$152 million) to rebuild Notre-Dame, just as firefighters were dousing the last flames at the cathedral on Tuesday morning (April 16). Not to be outdone, Mr Bernard Arnault, France's wealthiest scion and a fierce rival to Mr Pinault and to his father Francois Pinault, upped the ante with a €200 million gift a few hours later. By Wednesday, the government had welcomed some €850 million - more than US$960 million (S$1.3 billion).

France's Pinault family: will not seek tax breaks on Notre Dame donation
The family of French billionaire businessman Francois-Henri Pinault said it would not be seeking any tax breaks regarding its 100 million euros ($113 million) donation for repair work to the city's damaged Notre-Dame Cathedral.

I would imagine, any contracting firms working on the Cathedral would be required to have adequate Insurance coverage for damage and liabilities, along with health/medical Insurance?

French insurance firm AXA said on Tuesday it provided insurance coverage for two of the contracting firms that were working on Notre-Dame's restoration prior to the blaze that devastated the cathedral.

France's AXA provided insurance cover for two Notre-Dame contractors

The French insurer also said it provided insurance coverage for some of the relics and religious artworks displayed in the cathedral.

An AXA spokesman declined to estimate the company’s potential liabilities associated with the damage caused.

The French state’s policy is to bear the cost of reconstruction of historical monuments such as Notre-Dame cathedral in the event of disasters.

President Emmanuel Macron has said France will launch a fundraising campaign to rebuild Notre-Dame. Several of France’s business elite have already pledged several hundred millions euros to help.

Evacuation plan saved most of Notre-Dame's treasures: insurance adjuster
Some 90 percent of the priceless relics and art works housed within the Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral were saved from Monday's devastating fire as contingency plans to evacuate the treasures worked, a leading insurance adjuster said on Wednesday.

Debate over future Notre-Dame spire fuels French divisions
President Emmanuel Macron might have hoped he was striking a note for modernity and openness in announcing an international competition to design a new spire for Notre-Dame cathedral, but he may have opened a can of worms instead.

“Since the spire wasn’t part of the original cathedral,” the Elysee Palace said in a statement late on Wednesday, “the President of the Republic hopes there will be some reflection and a contemporary architectural gesture might be envisaged."
Yellow smoke, temperatures at 800-900°F.

There was a fire here that engulfed all of this old oak in about an hour, I find that fascinating, don’t you.

I live in a land of oaks, white, black, scrub and tan oaks. It is used for firewood quite often. Even my dad knew that on a cold night to drop an oak log before bedtime. And if it was unsplit, it would still be partially there in the morning to start the morning fire. Even in a hot bed of coals it will resist burning all of the way through, after a whopping eight hours.
That was one of big clues for me that something was not right. I did a literature search on papers where old growth wood was ignition tested and convinced myself that this wood would not ignite like pile of paper.

My experience with the fire place is just like yours. If you don't want to keep putting wood in the fire place on a cold wintry night in the country then put in oak and you can sleep longer. Oak burns slooooowwwwwlllly.

Thermite is a quick release material, but not sustained burning material. It would not produce the yellow smoke that we saw. If it had been used there would have been damage to the inner roof, it would have melted right through it. You can watch any video on YouTube on it. Once this material is ignited it will turn molten and melt right through the bucket holding it and anything that is under it, the ground if that is all that there is. That is because thermite burns at about 4000°F (2200°C).
From my looking around the net I have learned that "thermite" is a sort of general term for various chemicals combinations. The formulation varies to get different performance of the mixture. Thermite has a another variation called thermate (see Wiki) which apparently is purposed in part for starting fires.

Thermate composition is a thermite one enriched with a salt-based oxidizer

Note here that in some formulations they do use SULFUR.

Military uses
Thermite hand grenades and charges are typically used by armed forces in both an anti-materiel role and in the partial destruction of equipment; the latter being common when time is not available for safer or more thorough methods.[43][44] For example, thermite can be used for the emergency destruction of cryptographic equipment when there is a danger that it might be captured by enemy troops. Because standard iron-thermite is difficult to ignite, burns with practically no flame and has a small radius of action, standard thermite is rarely used on its own as an incendiary composition. In general, an increase in the volume of gaseous reaction products of a thermite blend increases the heat transfer rate (and therefore damage) of that particular thermite blend.[45] It is usually used with other ingredients that increase its incendiary effects. Thermate-TH3 is a mixture of thermite and pyrotechnic additives that have been found superior to standard thermite for incendiary purposes.[46] Its composition by weight is generally about 68.7% thermite, 29.0% barium nitrate, 2.0% sulfur, and 0.3% of a binder (such as PBAN).[46] The addition of barium nitrate to thermite increases its thermal effect, produces a larger flame, and significantly reduces the ignition temperature.[46] Although the primary purpose of Thermate-TH3 by the armed forces is as an incendiary anti-materiel weapon, it also has uses in welding together metal components.

Who did this we can only speculate about. But I am convinced that it was people with access to much more than just matches or a lighter. These were Pros.

Seeing in one video the French climber get on top of Notre Dame without anyone noticing him leads me to think that this arson could have been prepared slowly over time to get it right the first time. Access was relatively easy thus ensuring that stealth would maintained. These people could have hidden "things-???" on top of wood beams in the roof area where it would never be noticed by someone walking around below. That part would be child's play for a Pro as the roof area is truly a Forest.


Thermite technology is way beyond my professional knowledge but some basic chemistry makes understanding of it not too difficult. A quick look on the Net shows that the ability to "paint" with thermite is a method used to apply it. Here are two links where this is discussed,
The Pros would know exactly where to put this and how much to use. No more no less, just the optimal amount to have a 99% chance of success.

It will be interesting to see the report on this if we get to see anything ;-)
One thing that I haven't seen much talk about concerning the fire, to perhaps explain it's cause...

It was a construction site. And there was scaffolding all over, and there must have been a lot of bldg. materials. So maybe the source of the fire began with building materials.

Of course it couldn't have started as it is implied. So, what about generators, tools, materials relating to the construction? And they had to be crating up some artwork and all the things associated with that.

So even if it was deliberately set, the site probley had plenty of on-site material to set it with. If it was without all the construction, then it would be really suspect. But since everyone focuses on narrow aspects, it is like seeing what you want to see.

And since it happened in France, these considerations might be covered in France, but the articles that reach English readers is void of it because it is less sensational.
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