Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and Other Catholic Churches

Add another one to the list :-
April 21 Sri Lanka Easter Sunday, mass bombings of Christian churches and 5 star hotels.
2019 Sri Lanka Easter bombings - Wikipedia

I first thought there could be a closed area further up, but it seems to be all open as can be seen here (many more image here):


But there might be other areas that are not immediately accessible (like during the check after the first fire alarm), for example this 'attic window' here on the right side (from google maps):


looks like a closed space on the left in this picture (from here):

Well someone has shown how easy it is to get into ND.

This video shows a lot of details inside. When I saw the thickness of the lead tiles on the roof I didn't think it was right at first, 5 mm. However this video shows that they were laid on wood paneling attached to the roof skeleton.
A find through an small independent Danish news site, labled by "some experts" as junk news:

See the video here:
Another "jihadi Palestinian cleric" whipping up Muslims in foreign lands without a squeak of due consideration for the troubles in his own backyard... No mention of Israel, yet again... Pffft! This guy is even less convincing than the other guy (Sheikh Ahmad Al-Khatwani)... Im surprised he remembered to remove his kippah for the cameras.. Lol!

Notice all the way through he refers to "Muslims" in the third-person pronoun. Now, that could be argued as a formality of statement for the viewers benefit. However, assuming there are no translation errors lost in translation, he definitely slips up here (0:42secs in the vid):
People there – especially the youth – have begun to shun marriage, unlike the Muslims.

I know damn well no passionate Muslim worth his salt would say it that way. The "the" would be omitted here. He might simply say "unlike Muslims" or, more realistically, something like "unlike our Muslim brothers" or something to that effect. But definitely no "the"... He would never have said "unlike the Muslims".
An authentic Muslim is too emotionally invested in his religion to double-down on a third-person pronoun like that even if he is using third-person pronouns for 'professionalism' requirements. It would be too detaching.
Observe the delivery of his speech. Its stodgy, no panache. He "ums" and "arrs"... This is not someone who 'believes' in what he is saying.

Thorbiorn, our times are a powder keg. Its more important than ever to uncover lies for our own clarity's sake so we can better know what or who we might be dealing with to better understand the bigger picture, and to avoid falling into avoidable false knowledge. "Who" might be delivering a message is as important as - if not MORE important than - the delivered message itself.
As "truthseekers" here, its important to unveil any lies that may be found wanting to uncover what ulterior motives may be hidden beneath, because a half-truth is the most damaging and worst kind of lie in the long run.

It might be worth us Cassies starting up Jihadi Twitter campaigns with the sole aim to call out the authenticity of likely imposters out to incite violence, as and when they should arise, to force them to prove their 'credentials'. It could go some way to 'shake and wake' a few dangerously obstinate meatheads out there. Who knows, it could cause a domino effect.

Here's something to start off with: Obeying the Law of the Land in the West |


Some Muslim youth in the West do not believe it is important to avoid breaking the law in countries that are not the Khilafah.
Is there any evidence that Muslims must "obey the laws of the land" they live in - be that us living the West or those in Muslim countries (in the absence of Khilafah)?


In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,
Muslims are generally obliged to abide by the laws of the land and the country they live in, whether it is a Islamic state (al-khilafa), Muslim countries, or non-Muslim countries such as those in the west, as long as they are not ordered to practice something that is against Shariah. If they are forced by the law to commit a sin, then in such a case, it will not just be unnecessary to abide by the law, rather impermissible.

Some Muslims are under the impression that it is permissible to violate the laws of countries that are not an Islamic state (al-Khilafa), which is totally incorrect. Muslims must adhere to the laws of any country they live in, whether in the west or the east, as long as the law is not in contradiction with one’s religion.

Sayyiduna Abd Allah ibn Umar (Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: “It is necessary upon a Muslim to listen to and obey the ruler, as long as one is not ordered to carry out a sin. If he is commanded to commit a sin, then there is no adherence and obedience.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, no. 2796 & Sunan Tirmidhi)

The above Hadith is general, in that it does not distinguish between Muslim and non-Muslim lands, although the understanding of the scholars is that it generally applies to Muslim lands.

Furthermore, many scholars have divided non-Muslim lands (dar al-Harb/kufr) into two categories, Dar al-Khawf & Dar al-Aman. The former (dar al-khawf) refers to a land where Muslims are under a constant threat and fear with regards to their religion, life and wealth, whilst the latter (dar al-Aman) refers to a land where Muslims are relatively secure and safe. In Dar al-Aman (such as many non-Muslim countries in the west), many of the injunctions and rulings are very similar to Muslim lands (dar al-Islam), thus the command of following the laws of the land would also apply in these non-Muslim lands. (See: Radd al-Muhtar)

Those who are of the view that it is not necessary to obey the laws of the land unless it is ruled by a proper Islamic governance system, usually say that these laws are non-Islamic and man made, and one is only obliged to abide by the laws of Allah!

In reality, this is a very immature understanding of Islam, for even an Islamic Khilafa government would implement laws that are the creation of their own minds and Ijtihad. If an Islamic government sees the need to implement a certain law, then it has the full jurisdiction to do so, even if it is not found in the Qur’an and Sunnah.

All the scholars unanimously agree that, if an Islamic government decides to implement a law for the benefit of the country and its citizens, then there is nothing wrong in doing so, as long as it does not contradict Shariah, and this law will be binding upon every citizen of that country, even if it was not made obligatory by Shariah initially. Therefore, the laws which an Islamic Khilafa government will set down will also be “man made”, and binding upon all the citizens.

Then the case here is not between “Allah’s laws” and “man made laws” rather one must understand and deal with the issue more rationally and deeply.

When one lives in a particular country, one agrees verbally, in writing or effectively to adhere to the rules and regulations of that country. This, according to Shariah, is considered to be a covenant, agreement and trust. One is obliged to fulfil the trust regardless of whether it is contracted with a friend, enemy, Muslim, non-Muslim or a government. The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) and his Companions (Allah be pleased with them all) always stood by their word and did not breach any trust or agreement, as it is clear from the books of Sunnah and history. Thus, to break a promise or breach a trust of even a non-Muslim is absolutely unlawful and considered a sign of being a hypocrite (munafiq).
Thorbiorn, our times are a powder keg.

I think our times are like that too. With all the confusion and especially the religious programming it will take all the effort we can muster to either help de-program years of lies or at least try to be away from the blast if a power keg goes off. While Islam seems to be one of the most threatening at the moment they all have their share of faults I think. I try to remind myself that there something even worse than "organized" religion and that is something mentioned last year in the following session.

Session 9 June 2018:
Q: (Pierre) Yeah, they're right but they didn't let me finish the sentence. In Darkness Over Tibet, the wise man said there's not much that is a sin against the soul - except playing god. And this ideology when you embrace, you are playing god. You deny reality.

(L) We have our problems with organized religion, but it's better than thinking that you yourself are god! To understand that the cosmos out there is a bit bigger and smarter than you are...

(Andromeda) That there's something higher.

(Joe) Is it true that people who gravitate toward that idea of relativism and that there's no truth, and then they effectively put themselves in the place of god, is it because they have no real inner connection or appreciation of anything higher than themselves?

A: Yes

Almost all of these religions need to change in my estimation but will they? It almost seems like it would take a miracle doesn't it? If we had a 1000 years...maybe. :-/
J'ai entendu ce matin sur RMC qu'au Musée de l'Homme à Paris, des ateliers sur la Peau était présentés au public en leurs apprenant qu'au début de l'humanité nous avions tous la peau noire et que les blancs ne sont que décolorés...
Tous ses mensonges à tous points de vue... Comment faire éclater la vérité... Les bras m'en tombent et je reste sans force...

I heard this morning on RMC radio that at the Musée de l'Homme in Paris, workshops on skin were presented to the public by teaching them that at the beginning of humanity we all had black skin and that whites are only discoloured...
All his lies in every respect.... How to get the truth out.... My arms fall off and I remain without strength....
Is this a Templar knight in this screen capture from a censored video taken during the fire?

Why would someone who's walking through a building stricken by a massive fire wear a white garment?

Are we seeing an apparition of Jaques de Molay?

Gordon Duff of Veterans Today (who has an office in Paris) writes:

Only God Could have destroyed Notre-Dame...

Video published by RTV España

From this video below and precisely at 42:04, we can see that someone is walking indeed and someone said in comments below the video you shared that he is firefighter...

We can see that the man wears a yellow vest, and we could assume that he is not a firefighter as they are allegedly wear red uniforms as explained earlier in the thread.

But, after searching on that subject, here are the real ones:



The Order of 8 April 2015 (amended by the Order of 4 April 2017) repeals the amended Order of 6 May 2000 fixing the clothing, badges and attributes of firefighters. By renovating it, it regulates the wearing of uniforms, badges and attributes of firefighters. It consists of general provisions, supplemented by two annexes, the first concerning the specifications of the conditions for wearing firefighters' uniforms and the second concerning the descriptions and technical characteristics of the uniforms.

lt consists of general provisions, supplemented by two annexes and technical reference documents:

Annex I concerns the specifications for the conditions under which firefighters' uniforms are worn
Annex II deals with the descriptions and characteristics of the outfits

So the man in the video is more than probably a firefighter. Learning remains fun despite the Macron-ite... ;-)

Edit: Spelling
I wonder why camera change perspective of filming in the exact moment "firefighter" is passing?

For me, that looks, like shooting the scene.
From this video below and precisely at 42:04, we can see that someone is walking indeed and someone said in comments below the video you shared that he is firefighter...

We can see that the man wears a yellow vest, and we could assume that he is not a firefighter as they are allegedly wear red uniforms as explained earlier in the thread.

Nice job MK Scarlett. This clears-up a lot of speculation about this person. With all the personal around the building at that time it would be very hard for anyone to "sneak" in. The quality of the video is super.

From the opposite perspective in one video one could see that there were some small fires in the towers hence they needed to enter to put them out.
Is this a Templar knight in this screen capture from a censored video taken during the fire?

Why would someone who's walking through a building stricken by a massive fire wear a white garment?

Are we seeing an apparition of Jaques de Molay?

Gordon Duff of Veterans Today (who has an office in Paris) writes:

Only God Could have destroyed Notre-Dame...

Video published by RTV España
I was comparing it with the one from Cairo, showing a rider on a horse
Is the video showing from RTV, an edit, a person going out at the last moment or an imprint of some kind, like in Cairo.
I copied-passed the below message from 2019 Sri Lanka bombings thread as I think it could be of interest here too.

Just FWIW and to add a symbolic thought about these 5-star hotels attacks: Hotels use 5-pointed stars as well as EU. I mean, there must be a reason why only 5-star hotels have been attacked and no 4-star hotels or any else...
This looks like weird to me, as these attacks are disgusting as many others, too many. Our world seems to have entered a global "satanic space" since the fire of N-D on Palm Monday April 14th...
This very Palm day will stand the two next years on April 5th 2020 and March 28th 2021.

A 5-pointed star is also named pentagram or pentagon as stated by English Wikipedia:

A pentagram (sometimes known as a pentalpha, pentangle or star pentagon) is the shape of a five-pointed star.

Pentagrams were used symbolically in ancient Greece and Babylonia, and are used today as a symbol of faith by many Wiccans, akin to the use of the cross by Christians and the Star of David by the Jews. The pentagram has magical associations. Many people who practice Neopagan faiths wear jewelry incorporating the symbol. Christians once commonly used the pentagram to represent the five wounds of Jesus.[1][2] The pentagram has associations with Freemasonry and is also used as a symbol by other belief systems.

The 5-pointed stars from French Wikipédia:

The five-pointed star is associated with fame (music hall stars, movie stars). It also has a strong association with Islam and other religions, as well as with communism. Finally, it is found as a military symbol.

Hereafter the 5-pointed stars from the EU flag:


On the following French Website named Vie publique (public life) which is a French government website, the 5-pointed stars flag made for European elections next month are not in the right way... Why? :shock:

Almost all of these religions need to change in my estimation but will they? It almost seems like it would take a miracle doesn't it? If we had a 1000 years...maybe. :-/
Goyacobal, I already agree with all you say (though not all have the luxury to be away from the blast due to family commitments etc, but that's neither here nor there) so its not that. I'm down with the Statement of Principles -

#14: Religions are, for the most part, bad but religion is not.

But, that's not the point. The point I was trying to make, is we ourselves should always strive to maintain a gold standard no matter what.
To purport something as authentic after already determining the unlikeliness of authenticity without adding a disclaimer to that effect, is to perpetuate a lie - even if after the fact.
By doing so is to become part of the lie and to become part of the very problem we are attempting to mitigate. Things can and always can be mitigated no matter how bad things get, and that's what we should aim for, otherwise what are we doing here? That is my point, but I wasn't clear or direct enough before.

(I've Liked your post anyway, though mainly because of the session excerpt)
I've made a mistake above:
Our world seems to have entered a global "satanic space" since the fire of N-D on Palm Monday April 14th...

It should be Palm Monday April 15th. Sorry for the noise.

And by the way for this year 2019, Sunday April 14th is the first day of Easter time and my elder sister's birthday.
Today, Monday April 22nd is the last day of Easter time and my elder daughter's birthday...

Edit: Spelling (I'm going too fast in my answers!)
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