Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and Other Catholic Churches

Yes, shame we don't have that.

She states the following at 4:18 min ,
"This is where fire detection systems are soon to be fitted." :shock:

I was under the impression that Mr. Mouton during his tenure of caring for the Cathedral had already done that. Not sure what to make of this. Perhaps something was installed but the whole job was finished.
She says at the end "No electricity here and we will not put electricity here." Is it in this place that the fire started?

Thanks for this video. It is really scary, in a sense, to visit a Cathedral. Every time I visit one I am always a little conscient that a big stone can fall, cathedrals are so old, so ancient and always in need of repair. Wow. Amazing.
She says at the end "No electricity here and we will not put electricity here." Is it in this place that the fire started?
I was interpreting that as meaning that whatever electricity that is in the rafters will be removed soon. Was it done in the end ??? Only they know.

Here is what Mr. Mouton said earlier,
uh ... fff. I do not see any hypothesis that I can say ...
what hypothesis could one say? it was fast;
we could have done something else so that it does not go so fast
I'm losing myself in conjectures ...
you know, we did to Notre Dame, just before I retired in the 2010s,
we completely updated the electrical installation of our Notre Dame, so there is no possibility of short circuit
the cathedral's detection and fire protection has been reworked to contemporary standards, even by going a long way, with elements ..., measurement and aspiration indicators, etc.
which made it possible to detect a fire

At the bottom of the cathedral there were two men permanently there who are there day and night, who are there to go to see as soon as there is an alarm, and call the firemen as soon as the doubt is raised.
He said the above in an interview on TV shortly after the fire.
The following pictures and remarks originate from Jim Stone's website.

Notre Dame was virtually unhurt by the fire, and any claims that it has to be "rebuilt" are hoaxes with a motive.

The hoax of Notre Dame:

This hoax involved burning a wooden facade "roof" that probably kept water off a secondary roof and prevented freezing problems with the second roof, and NOTHING MORE. Unlike what you have been told by the scamming MSM, the cathedral would never have collapsed because the actual support for the cathedral was provided by the side arches, and the arches of an interior brick and concrete roof three feet thick. This secondary interior roof prevented damage to the inside of the cathedral, except where the spire (questionably, it likely had help) "fell through" it.

Here is how the wooden roof was attached. You can clearly see the concrete dome roof under it was supporting it, and now has less weight to hold with it gone and it would actually be less likely to collapse now provided the heat of the fire did not significantly damage it:


Here is a picture of that burned wooden roof laying on top of the concrete and brick roof under it. Notre Dame was built a LOT better than anything the Romans ever did. With the Roman stuff, once the wooden roof was gone, all that remained was pillars. Clearly here, the real roof consisted of a series of concrete and brick domes.


When you consider the scale of the above picture, the concrete and brick were at least three feet thick on the interior roof. There's no way this cathedral got significantly hurt, to the tune of a billion dollars.


Clearly, from the aftermath photo of the interior, they could turn the lights back on if they wanted to. The concrete roof held up so well for so long that there's not even significant smoke damage.

For what it's worth...

And now we have church bombings (and 5-star hotel bombings) on Easter in Sri Lanka...

Notre-Dame set on fire on Monday and today on Easter, churches and hotels are bombed in Sri Lanka, i don't want to sound too paranoid but it definitely feels like these two events are related somehow. In general this week i felt unusually week and down, i'd say sometimes even depressed, even this morning i was a little bit agitated and on nerves, sorry if i'm off here but i wanted to report it.
It appear that there is a university in the US where a bonfire is a yearly tradition. Here is the wood,

Note at 0:31 min the tank attached to the truck. I'm guessing it is full of "starting fluid" (probable gasoline). Observe the evolution of the flames in this one huge pile of wood.

In this video we can see how the flames looked at EARLY STAGE of the fire in ND ,

ND looks like it is a furnace with a jet of pure fire. ?????

Here is a view showing the relative density of wood in that section. From picture in the net it appears that there is more wood than seen in this photo. These look like the big wooden beams. source

With this information one could build a simulation model to get a rough idea of "What is needed to start the wood on fire to such a degree as seen in the video above at some time t_x." This would be an iterative process which would answer the question how much starting heat energy would be needed. This then could be confronted with whether or not for instance the the elevator electrical equipment or power supply could provide this energy.

Here is a simulator that could potentially do the job (random Google search),
SMARTFIRE an Advance CFD simulator
Here you can see films of how results of such simulations looks like.
Animation of some simulations
Specking of thermite.

Because we are here with N-D in a huge symbolism in so many ways, the word "thermite" here leads me to another one which has the same pronounciation at least in French: termite, this eusocial insects.
The word eusociality means as stated by Wikipedia:

the highest level of organization of sociality, is defined by the following characteristics: cooperative brood care (including care of offspring from other individuals), overlapping generations within a colony of adults, and a division of labor into reproductive and non-reproductive groups. The division of labor creates specialized behavioral groups within an animal society which are sometimes called castes. Eusociality is distinguished from all other social systems because individuals of at least one caste usually lose the ability to perform at least one behavior characteristic of individuals in another caste.
Emphasis is mine.

From French Wiki:
A primitive behaviour certainly, but with a rich and very coherent overall result. Unlike human social models, individual behaviour focuses exclusively on the interests of the community.

Now, I took a look at the Dictionary of symbols (Dictionnaire des symboles) written by Jean Chevalier and Alain Gheerbrant that I have at home and here is what they say about "termite":
Although the life of termites is, in general, counterpart to that of their cousins the ants, various symbolic elements are particular to them. First, the purpose of their activity is considered in a different way: it is a symbol of slow and clandestine destruction, but also of merciless destruction; what it actually is in reality, at least from the point of view of down-to-earth men mentality.

In India, termite mound soil is supposed to have a protective role, probably because the underground activity of insects puts them in contact with harmful influences from the soil.

Among the mountaineers of South Vietnam, the termite mound is occasionally the residence of the superior Ndu engineer (in the meaning of senior genius), who insures and protects the crops. It is therefore a guarantee of wealth. The relationship of the termite mound to the prima materia is confirmed in India by the relationship known to it with the nâga; and this is perhaps also why rain is obtained in Cambodia by driving a stick into a termite mound.

The termite mound has an extremely complex and important symbolic and esoteric meaning in the cosmogonic thinking of the Dogons and Bambaras. In the myths of the creation of the world, it represents first of all the clitoris of the earth erected against the sky and making imperfect the first Urano-telluric union. This clitoris is the male polarity of the woman, which must, for this reason, be excised. It is also the symbol of the unique (in the meaning of The One), erected and in a way opposed to creation, entirely governed by the principle of duality, or whimpering. This understanding of the termite mound, as a symbol of solitary and mysterious power, means that the few great initiates of Bambara societies, who have reached the highest degree of spiritual perfection accessible to man, are called those behind the termite mound.
Emphasis are from the book.

I do not why this Ndu god and this nâga words ring a bell to me, but I'm pretty sure I've read something about it not so long ago.

I also wanted to share this Website named Patrimoine religieux (Religious heritage) where is listed among others subtitles (on the left):
"Statistiques" is a search box. And reading some of them as list and especially the later one and the 5th one is pretty telling and give an idea of the state of our religious heritage here in France.

About the numbers of the religious edifice in France, Wikipédia says:

100,000 religious buildings (an average of 2.5 per municipality), including 15,000 protected as historical monuments. The Catholic heritage represents 45,000 parish churches, as well as a large number of private chapels, abbeys, and other monuments that are no longer in use today. There are also 3000 Protestant places of worship (including 1200 Reformed or Lutheran temples and churches and 1800 evangelical churches), 2,200 mosques, 500 synagogues and 300 Buddhist temples.

As of 4 January 2019, the French Bishops' Conference counted 40,307 communally owned churches and chapels and 1,951 diocesan owned churches as of 12 September 2016.

I do not know if cathedrals are part of this last count but I guess there are, and from Wikipédia, there are 154 cathedrals in France, 87 of which belong to the State.

And over the world, here on French Wikipédia are the states having the most number of them:
In 2010, the Roman Catholic Church has 2,928 cathedrals or co-cathedrals, mainly in countries with a large Catholic population: Italy (356), Brazil (276), United States (207), India (152), France (154), Mexico (94), Spain (89), Philippines (87), Colombia (80), Canada (74) and Argentina (72).

Then, according to French Wikipédia India had almost the same number of cathedrals than France in 2010. I can't help myself to think about these horrible attacks against catholics in Sri Lanka today, the Resurrection Sunday:
Catholicism is one of the main religions of Sri Lanka: Christianity as a whole is the country's fourth religion, after Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam1.

Note that on the English Wikipédia, numbers are not the same and the count is made on 2018 and not in 2010 as for the French Wikipédia:
As of December 2018, the Catholic Church had 3,391 cathedral-level churches; Cathedral (3,037), Co-cathedral (312), and Pro-cathedral (42) status around the world, predominantly in countries with a significant Roman Catholic population: Italy (368), Brazil (287), United States (215), India (183), France (110), Mexico (100), Spain (88), Philippines (88), Colombia (86), Canada (79) and Argentina (72).

Maybe the difference is due to time between 2010 and 2018 (some somewhere have been erected, others have been desacralized. And maybe they (French Wikipédia and English Wikipedia) do not exactly count the same way. Maybe co-cathedrals is the same than cathedral-level churches, maybe it's not, I do not know. But in both ways, it is about Catholic Church... I would have lost my Latin if I ever had one!

The difference between 2010 and 2018 for France would mean we have lost 42 cathedrals and/or co-cathedrals (or cathedrals-level churches)??? Weird if true, to say the least. :shock:
The following pictures and remarks originate from Jim Stone's website.
Here is how the wooden roof was attached. You can clearly see the concrete dome roof under it was supporting it, and now has less weight to hold with it gone and it would actually be less likely to collapse now provided the heat of the fire did not significantly damage it:


Here is a picture of that burned wooden roof laying on top of the concrete and brick roof under it. Notre Dame was built a LOT better than anything the Romans ever did. With the Roman stuff, once the wooden roof was gone, all that remained was pillars. Clearly here, the real roof consisted of a series of concrete and brick domes.

The birds eye view is impressive.

What I find very impressive is how far the fire went and how thoroughly it burned the wood. From my university days studying thermodynamics and transport phenomena I am guessing that the lead roof and the clay/cement/??? material on the the bottom of the roof area created an "oven" environment. Wood encased in none burning material.
Melting Point​
Boiling Point​
328 C​
1750 C​
So, as long as the temperature inside the roof area below the tiles is below 328 C the lead roof tiles make sure the flames generated are kept inside the roof space.
The nave structure supports a lead roof that comprises 1326 tiles that are 5mm thick each and weigh in at 210,000kg.
The closed space then heats up the oak wood to a point of combustion. Oak Wood auto-ignites at 482 C (source).

When the roof tiles start to disappear we know the tiles at those points are beyond 328 C. I think this is the sort of information a modeler would use to figure out the magnitude of the fire starting source. How much wood is left is also a big clue.
A find through an small independent Danish news site, labled by "some experts" as junk news:
March 12, 2019
Clip No.
Palestinian Cleric Abu Taqi Al-Din Al-Dari at Al-Aqsa Mosque: France Will Become an Islamic Country Through Jihad; Entire World Will Be Subject to Islamic Rule
Palestinian cleric Abu Taqi Al-Din Al-Dari said in an Al-Aqsa Mosque address that was uploaded to the Internet on March 12, 2019 that young people in Germany and France do not value marriage as much as Muslims do, but that this is not the reason that France will become an Islamic country. Rather, he explained, France will become an Islamic country through Jihad, since Muslims must have a country that will bring Islam’s guidance and message to the West. He gave examples of times in history when countries in the West and Asia were ruled by the Ottoman Empire, which he described as an Islamic state, and he said that the Islamic nation is capable of “returning to its former self” and spreading Islam. Sheik Taqi Al-Din added that the entire world will be subject to the rule of Islam in one of three ways: People will either convert to Islam, be forced to pay the jizya poll tax, or be fought against for the sake of Allah.
Following are excerpts:
Abu Taqi Al-Din Al-Dari
: Germany and France have begun to grow old, in the sense that their young people do not view marriage as something desirable. People there – especially the youth – have begun to shun marriage, unlike the Muslims. For example, it is said that in 2050, Muslims in France will outnumber the French. But it is not these numbers that we are counting on to turn France into an Islamic country. What we are counting on is that Muslims must have a country that will bring Islam – its guidance, its light, its message, and its mercy – to the people [of the West] through Jihad for the sake of Allah. When people see the justness, light, guidance, and mercy of Islam, “they will enter the religion of Allah in droves,” [as it says in the Quran], at the hands of a country that will bring them Islam through Jihad for the sake of Allah.


Not so long ago, only four hundred years ago, at the time of the Ottoman state, Muslims conquered Poland and Austria. The Islamic state reached the walls of Vienna, the capital of Austria, and the call to prayer was recited there. All the countries of the [former] USSR were under the auspices of the Islamic State - the countries of the Caucasus and what is beyond them. Muslim Mongols ruled China until 1644 AD. Muslims conquered Hungary in 1526. In 1537, they conquered parts of Italy, like Otranto. In 1543, under the auspices of the Ottoman state, Muslim armies reached Toulon, in France, and they built a mosque there, in the heart of France. In 1586, India was ruled by Islam. These events portend that the Islamic nation is capable of returning to its former self and spreading Islam, Allah willing.


Thus, the rule of Islam will spread to the entire world, in one of three ways: Conversion to Islam, payment of the jizya poll-tax, or we will ask for Allah’s help and fight them, until the entire world is subject to the rule of Islam.
See the video here:
I don't know who Mr. Cheng is but from the Google Translation of this article I kind of agree with what he is saying. To be clearer, if I was a Frenchman that is how I would react to this arson.

L’effroi de François Cheng quand la flèche s’est transformée en torche
A 1 heure 6 de l’émission La Grande Librairie du 17 avril, intervention lumineuse de François Cheng. Transcription et intertitres H.B.

Ce monument est fait de pierres vivantes, c’est-à-dire de notre chair et de notre sang parce qu’un cœur n’a jamais cessé d’y battre
L’honneur de la Franc

Symbolically "someone" is trying to Destroy It
Notre-Dame set on fire on Monday and today on Easter, churches and hotels are bombed in Sri Lanka, i don't want to sound too paranoid but it definitely feels like these two events are related somehow. In general this week i felt unusually week and down, i'd say sometimes even depressed, even this morning i was a little bit agitated and on nerves, sorry if i'm off here but i wanted to report it.

Thank you for sharing this Andrian, because I have to say that, and even if I didn't report my personal feelings about the fire of Notre-Dame earlier in the thread (focused that I was to understand the why and how, I was deeply shocked and sad from the very beginning when I saw Our-Lady burning on last Monday at 7:30 pm (France time). I also very quickly felt angry as I thought about all this as literally from minute to minute more and more weird.

I've never liked Sundays, don't know why maybe because I'm born a Sunday but I've never had the opportunity to understand the why of this feeling on this specific day.

This morning was beyond any other Sunday for several years, a day where I usually am moody, more than any other day of the week, because I cried with tears from my heart, my guts, my own self; and if I can knowingly decipher that part of this state did not come from the tragedy of Our-Lady (this is another subject which I will talk about elsewhere at another time), it became obvious to me with after some hindsight that the accumulation of these events this week - starting with the fire in the cathedral following by a growing severe Macron-ite** had something to do with it. I abhor this pathological being whom I cannot call human at the highest level and more than anyone else. This will be the subject of my next therapy session, because frankly, I need it.

I had a lot of difficulty finding sleep, I fell asleep much more restless than usual, and my sleep did not seem have been restorative when I woke up this morning, far more rosy than in recent years (about 4/5 years). In particular, I had a dream of pregnant women from which I woke up in tears. Maybe the full moon could have play a part on this, don't know...

** I realize that I have to explain this "severe Macron-ite" at least for non-French speakers/readers: In the French symbolism of disease we understand all these illness finishing by "ite" such as otite, tendinite, arthrite (in English otitis, tendonitis, arthritis) meaning "hot" or "inflammatory" - and those finishing by "ose" such as arthrose, thrombose, sclérose (in English arthrosis, thrombosis, sclerosis) meaning "cold" or "non-inflammatory". Interestingly enough, English language does not seem making the same difference in symbolism of disease... I don't know why.

Anyway, whatever he is doing or not doing, saying or not saying, Macron gives me inflammations, period.
MK Scarlett: :hug2:
This event is traumatizing because it shows that they are able to go so far, and whe take consciousness that they can do all they want, all !.
The effect of this shoking fire is enhanced by the other unacceptable events that occur currently: how they behave with YVs, how they arrested J Assange, and now another slaughter in Sri Lanka. And we are without any power!! Unable to arrest them.

But keep faith in the Univers. The power we still have is not accepting them in our minds and have a thought for all the victims all over the world who have to endure injustice, wars, slaughters, house destructions, murders. They are so audacious that at a point, people will get their eyes opening. This will be a relief, as the fact that most people is so blind is another reason getting us angry and disgusted. I look forward to seing the awakening of humanity.
Is this a Templar knight in this screen capture from a censored video taken during the fire?

Why would someone who's walking through a building stricken by a massive fire wear a white garment?

Are we seeing an apparition of Jaques de Molay?

Gordon Duff of Veterans Today (who has an office in Paris) writes:

Only God Could have destroyed Notre-Dame...

Video published by RTV España
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