Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and Other Catholic Churches

Not sure where the problem is. But let me explain what I am seeing.

A smart person took the time to show HOW HARD IT IS TO START this type of wood on fire. He did a lot of people a BIG FAVOR. Most people are not technically inclined (what is in happening in the video in physical properties of oak wood). Most are more comfortable with watching something happen. Well this video shows that IT IS NOT EASY to set oak on fire.

If I am not wrong I believe in the comment section the word thermite is being used. In case of Mr. Mouton it would be "accelerant". No "accelerant" and you can NOT START such a huge fire where everything is oak wood.

Your point is valid. I just don't see much humor in the situation. Many of our members are from France and a clapping seal gif doesn't seem quite appropriate to me but each of us reacts in their own way I suppose.

Maybe I am being over-sensitive. So, I am guessing you are happy that others are questioning how the wood could even be ignited without accelerant and the gif is an expression of that joy to know others are seeing what you are seeing.

I think most of us realize it was not a normal fire and something had to be carefully planned in order to pull it off.

And, BlackCartouche expresses it for me well.

I think the point goyacobol is getting at is: Although your input is valued because you bring a lot to the table, try not to get too carried away with littering the forum with meaningless GIFs.... Humour is a subjective thing and this isn't Snapchat.
The Millenium Report is infamous for giving platforms to outrageous theorists, but I was kinda speculating along the lines this guy proposes. Marc Delantre says he's a Belgian intelligence agent with connection to NATO. He claims that a directed energy weapon was used on Notre Dame, along with thermite. He's got a video up in the article, where he explains he was getting information from a 'friend', but he also seems off, in that he claims significant date in his life are being used to choose operation dates. He's plugging his book on Gladio, so red flags there too. The pic attached supposedly shows a beam hitting the spire. Lens flare? Photoshop? After 911, I guess it shouldn't be surprising that the idea would pop up.

I wasn't so much thinking that, as maybe there was some sort of force brought to bear that altered the composition of the wood to make it more flammable, in a similar way the steel of the WTC towers was changed, so it crumbled. Given the video posted by Geomon_, might it be as plausible as any other explanation at this point? Steel doesn't melt from burning jet fuel, and 800yo seasoned oak doesn't burn like a forest inferno from electrical shorts.


pic link: _Marc Delantre


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goyacobol - So as to not add Negative Energy into this thread the whole message has been sent via PM.

I just don't see much humor in the situation.
I think most of us realize it was not a normal fire and something had to be carefully planned in order to pull it off.

Yes, most obviously we have quite different characters.

In solving problems it takes a little more than just "I think". It is lining up facts and demonstrating the potential solution(s). Of all that I have seen to this day on this subject, what the man did in the video is the first and simply brilliant. No one had the brains cells to do the same and demonstrate it visually in Public. I have not seen it yet.

So Bravo BioticTV :-)
At 2:32 min you can see people who climbed the ND days prior to the fire. Just to be clear, they climbed there just for fun (I think).
I know this is not a Yellow Vest thread, but still, the above person had a fair amount of updates about what was happening in France today. I found an article about the 60,000 police mobilized for Act 23. While Yellow Vests have been little talked about in Danish media for some weeks, now with the event at Notre Dame, they mention not only the 60,000 police mobilized, but that many French are unhappy about the swift donations to Notre Dame, while their conditions continue and the issues discussed by tehm for so many moths are ignored; they also mention that among the police there have been 28 suicides this year alone. Last year the number was 68. It was mentioned that the forces of the police will be increased with 10,000 people. I can imagine such increases will be spread to other countries too, most likely they will be needed.
goyacobol - So as to not add Negative Energy into this thread the whole message has been sent via PM.

Yes, most obviously we have quite different characters.

In solving problems it takes a little more than just "I think". It is lining up facts and demonstrating the potential solution(s). Of all that I have seen to this day on this subject, what the man did in the video is the first and simply brilliant. No one had the brains cells to do the same and demonstrate it visually in Public. I have not seen it yet.

So Bravo BioticTV :-)


The forum rules discourage private PMs. Your message could have been shared here just as easily. Just because we have different opinions and personalities doesn't mean we hide them.

Disagreement is not suppression or an attempt at suppression of ideas. If we don't get networking feedback we have less information to make better choices.

This is the second time someone has sent me a PM to actually give me that sort of "shut up" message. The suppression can be a two-edged sword you know.
I know this is not a Yellow Vest thread, but still, the above person had a fair amount of updates about what was happening in France today. I found an article about the 60,000 police mobilized for Act 23. While Yellow Vests have been little talked about in Danish media for some weeks, now with the event at Notre Dame, they mention not only the 60,000 police mobilized, but that many French are unhappy about the swift donations to Notre Dame, while their conditions continue and the issues discussed by tehm for so many moths are ignored; they also mention that among the police there have been 28 suicides this year alone. Last year the number was 68. It was mentioned that the forces of the police will be increased with 10,000 people. I can imagine such increases will be spread to other countries too, most likely they will be needed.
Ive been seeing few vest in car window's of late.

Two Video's and tweets-Snip:
Yellow Vests protests brought clashes and tear gas back to the streets of Paris, despite politicians’ calls for “unity” in the wake of the Notre Dame fire. For protesters, the response to the fire only showed more inequality.

Saturday’s protests mark the 23rd straight weekend of anti-government demonstrations, but the first since Notre Dame de Paris went up in flames on Monday. Officials were quick to criticize the protesters for returning to the streets so soon after the disaster.

“The rioters will be back tomorrow,” Interior Minister Christophe Castaner told reporters on Friday. “The rioters have visibly not been moved by what happened at Notre-Dame.”

From Fox. A two videos / couple of pic's.
Yellow Vest protestors in Paris battled police during violent clashes Saturday -- newly enraged at the more than billion dollars that have been pledged to rebuild fire-damaged Notre Dame Cathedral, overshadowing their anti-wealth cause.

demonstrators set fire to trash cans, scooters and a car and pelted police with rocks to draw attention anew to their 23rd weekend of protest.

Many protesters are frustrated that the international effort to help Notre Dame has drawn more attention than their five-month-old Yellow Vest movement against wealth inequality, The Associated Press reported.

cnn: "Anti govement" get them. They never stop with twisting the truth.

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“The rioters will be back tomorrow,” Interior Minister Christophe Castaner told reporters on Friday. “The rioters have visibly not been moved by what happened at Notre-Dame.”

Wrong, wrong, wrong, from what I've heard. But visibly too, Castaner has not been moved by the detress and aspirations of YV !
“The rioters will be back tomorrow,” Interior Minister Christophe Castaner told reporters on Friday. The rioters have visibly not been moved by what happened at Notre-Dame.”

Wrong, wrong, wrong, from what I've heard. But visibly too, Castaner has not been moved by the detress and aspirations of YV !
Hm... This could be the start of a disinfo campaign to pin the Notre Dame fire on fanatical YVers, and the reason Macron and government lied about the fire being "an accident" is because they thought it was in the nations best interests to "keeping the peace" through this "difficult time" with emotions running at an all time high an' all that... You know, being "the bigger man".
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