Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and Other Catholic Churches

The first episode of the finale season of Game of Thrones was aired on 14th/15th April (14th April in US, 15th April for everyone else this side of the Atlantic). The episode is titled 'Winterfell' an otherwise apt expression of a spring festival marking the death or 'felling' of winter much like the Sechseläuten does with its snowman effigy burned on the pyre during the spring festival of Zurich (which by all accounts should have been held 15th April of this year being of the 3rd Monday of April 2019).
The final season, Season 8, is the adaption of the last novel "A Dream of Spring" following on from "Winds of Winter"... (Incidentally, Maisie Williams, who plays the main heroine Arya Stark, whom audiences the world over have watched develop from girl-hood to 'blossoming' into a young woman as the series progressed, was born on the 15th April).

For those who don't know, Game of Thrones is a massively hyped series with overarching plot-themes reflecting portents and running parallels with our Dionysian age; a story ushering in great sweeping changes - after the death knell of stabler times - bringing with it widespread societal madness and political strife, rampant pathology and general all round chaos ensues threatening death and destruction for all as the throes of an impending ice age takes hold. An omen, nonetheless, marked by the arrival of a comet positioned in the skies throughout season 2. The Dionysian theme is fleshed out in all its colors none better than that portrayed in Game of Thrones.
The fictional kingdom of Westeros clearly represents Western Europe - of which France would arguably be the epicenter. To the east, there is the neighboring continent of Essos representing Asia and the Middle-East regions typically portraying an Islamic/Old Testament Abrahamic contingent, out of which a queen of dragons, herself of dragons blood (Lizzies), mobilizes an army of emasculated boy-soldiers 'freed' from the 'bigotry' of old-patriarchy to lead into war against Westeros aka Western civilization. Game of Thrones doubles up as a 'Clash of Civilizations' saga... In doing so, has set a new benchmark for gratuitously graphic sex and violence regularly intertwined with psychopathological sadism. Since its inception in 2011, It has lead the way for a new era of adult television X-Treme. Despite its content indulging in all manners of debauchery and acts of psychotic violence, it is constantly promoted in mainstream media, 'bigged-up' to the max on prime time daytime television, without any due consideration of the natural curiosities of attentive children absorbing all the fuss. It gets promoted, endlessly, as the most awesome thing, like, ever!
It is clear there is an agenda to push hard to ingrain in the mass psyche the Dionysian theme that underpins the Game of Thrones directive... Because, the most damaging thing about Game of Thrones is; Game of Thrones is its actually done rather well! This would suggest a lot of effort has gone into its delivery to that effect.

Anyway, there was a critical episode in Season 6 (2016) set in Kings Landing, the capital of Westeros, ending a climatic internal power struggle between state/monarch and religion. The evil Queen Cerce ends up destroying the Great Sept of Baelor with "wildfire" killing all the Faithful gathered within. This was symbolic of 'destroying faith' through destroying its core religious contingent "The Faith", for the Great Sept of Baelor was the religious heart of the whole Kingdom, the Holy of Holies if you will, and was where the beheading of Ned Stark (end of season 1) took place extinguishing any chance for stability and peace in the series to come.
The Great Sept is a combo of gothic-cathedral crowned with a huge classic mosque-like dome. The entrance shots were filmed from the Cathedral of St Mary of Girona in Spain (which incidentally was a mosque at one time too).

Here's a clip from the 2016 scene of Season 6

(Note 1.52mins, the bell of Macron is ejected from the blast, landing halfway across the city, intact)

Fast forward to Season 8 Episode 1 first air date: April 14th/15th 2019 (and start of Holy Week). Here's the latest episode's symbolism in written summery What does the Night King’s flaming spiral actually mean?
This brings us to “Winterfell,” the seven-armed spiral is made from human limbs staked to a wall, with little Ned Umber in the center. When Ned reanimates as a wight, Beric Dondarrion stabs him with his sword and sets the spiral afire. “It’s a message from the Night King,” Beric says.

A spiral is a representation of an energy vortex - such like those anchored at the location of the cathedrals?. To be pinned to a wall is to be a crucified, as with Christ's crucifixion this Holy Week, and the sword thrust into him like the Spear of Destiny piercing Christ's body on the cross. The cross has become the Crossing of the Nave and Transept of great cathedrals of which a top a spire often sits. "Spire" and "spiral" are the same word-root - as with "spear". The spire in GoT is 7 armed, as always a '7' in keeping with the theme of 7 Kingdoms of Westeros in turn a reflection of '7 Hells and 7 Heavens' of which the Westeros religion is centred on... As with the Great Sept, its namesake being that of "seven" in French, so too could "trans-sept" be the "crossing" of "seven" (of which Islam also believes the number of Heavens is 7) at the spiral/spire of fire at the heart of a great nation's spiritual soul??

With all that said, the chosen air date of the first episode of the 'grand finale' appears to aptly apply multi-symbolic occult references in keeping to its short 8 year tradition to reflecting current state of world affairs.
In French a tweet that implies that on LCI (France), an anchor has a subconscious blip about two ignition points.

Here is a post without any proof whatsoever, but popular on facebook:

google translate said:
"Good evening "la France en colère" [name of the fb group], I'm not used to false and emotional news and my sources are verified, I know that what will follow will have the effect of a bomb, that's not why I publish it, but some of you will remember the Fenice fire, which was criminal!

I was a freemason, venerable and IGN (=Institut Géographique National?), arm of the grand master, in a distant time. I do not want to shut up anymore!

Mr. Jacques Attali orchestrated the fire of Notre-Dame de Paris, because the speech that Mr. Macron was going to pronounce would have unleashed again more anger.

Since the month of December, Mr. Attali has created a network to bring two workers to become similar to Ravaillac!
[note: French Catholic zealot who assassinated King Henry IV of France in 1610]

The firefighters have indeed found two fire starts, and it is thanks to the bravery of 5 of them, that the towers did not collapse !!

The laissez-faire of the Strasbourg attack was not enough, they had to regain control and find the means to put out the fire (note:the anger on the streets) with a spectacular act?

M. Jacques was in good hands, the eminence grise of Mitterrand, in the bygone era?
not at all: set up technocrats in power, supported by high, wonderful cocktail, it was without counting on the political intelligence of the French and their despair that this country does not feed half of the people who work, but with such a person arrogance , our rulers make guilty our people of all evils!

I affirm that M Jacques is the orchestra conductor of this infamy! In the speech of the Pope François, three words were pronounced in Italian which leave no doubt about the criminal aspect of this drama! (note: three words ? can't find them)

I do not know that this text will be published here, but I will send it to the whole world!

I know the risks, but at my age ...

May the younger generations make a clean sweep once and for all of this political class that reminds me of W Bush in the dark hours of America with a certain Cheney! "

Patrick Giorsetti-solay‎ à La France en colère - Carte des rassemblements

« Bonsoir La France en Colère, je ne suis pas un habitué des fake news et émotionnelles aussi mes sources sont vérifiées, je suis conscient que ce qui va suivre va faire l'effet d’une bombe, ce n’est pas pour cela que je publie, mais certains d’entre vous se souviendront de l’incendie de la Fenice, qui était criminel !

J’ai été franc maçon, vénérable et IGN bras droit du grand maître, dans une époque lointaine. Je ne veux plus me taire !

M Jacques Attali a orchestré l'incendie de Notre Dame de Paris, au regard du discours qu’allait prononcer M. Macron qui aurait déchaîné un peu plus les colères.

Depuis le mois décembre, M Attali a créé un réseau pour amener deux ouvriers à devenir des Ravaillac !

Les pompiers ont en effet trouvé deux foyers, et c’est grâce à la bravoure de 5 d’entre eux, que les tours ne se sont pas effondrées !!

Le laisser faire de l'attentat de Strasbourg n’avait pas suffi, il fallait reprendre la main et trouver de quoi éteindre l’incendie avec un acte spectaculaire ?

M. Jacques a été à bonne école, éminence grise de Mitterrand, d’une époque révolue? pas du tout : mettre des technocrates au pouvoir, appuyés par la haute, cocktail merveilleux, c’était sans compter sur l’intelligence politique des Français et leur désespoir que ce pays ne nourrisse plus de la moitié des gens qui travaillent, mais avec une telle arrogance, nos gouvernants culpabilisent notre peuple de tous les maux !

J’affirme que M Jacques est le chef d’orchestre de cette infamie ! Dans le discours du Pape François, trois mots ont été prononcés en italien qui ne laissent aucun doute sur l’aspect criminel de ce drame !

Je ne sais si ce texte sera publié ici, mais sachez que je vais l’envoyer au monde entier!

Je connais les risques, mais à mon âge...

Que les jeunes générations fassent table rase une bonne fois pour toute de cette classe politique qui me rappelle W Bush dans les heures sombres de l’Amérique avec un certain Cheney ! »
Now that is very interesting. I was raised Catholic and was taught Holy Monday (15th April this year) was when Jesus performed the 'Cleansing of the Temple'. The temple in question was the Temple of Jerusalem now presently the site of the Dome of Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

For those who don't know, Game of Thrones is a massively hyped series with overarching plot-themes reflecting portents and running parallels with our Dionysian age; a story ushering in great sweeping changes - after the death knell of stabler times - bringing with it widespread societal madness and political strife, rampant pathology and general all round chaos ensues threatening death and destruction for all as the throes of an impending ice age takes hold.

You know the Cs can get a little "Biblical" sometimes but from a slightly different point of view knowing that Jesus/Julius and much of our reality is not what we have been programmed to believe.

Session 13 September 2009:
Q: (L) And we live now in a culture of torture which is basically a soul-smashing culture.

A: Yes

Q: (L) So there are souls that are being twisted and deformed to the point where they will... I mean, a lot of these people think that they will be going to heaven because they're imposing their god's will on other people, and they think that whatever they have to do to bring in the rule of their distorted version of Jesus Christ on Earth or whatever - ya know, these fundies - that basically they themselves are putting themselves in the position of being soul smashed because they are completely going against not only the teachings of Christ, but also against their own natures. I think many of them really mean well, but they have been so gradually and so incrementally twisted by pathological individuals in positions of power and in high positions in churches, and pathological individuals that create doctrines and theologies that are twisted, that they are essentially agreeing to the sale of their own souls to the devil. (Joe) I wonder if it extends to people who aren't directly involved in it, but are just ordinary members of the population whose minds are so twisted that in their own minds they sanction it or they agree with it. Even when they're faced with the facts, they're not being lied to so much, but they realize the whole thing about torture and the CIA and torture camps...

A: Silence in the face of "evil" is equal to participation unless there is a good reason for the silence that serves a higher goal.

Q: (Joe) That's really interesting because it kind of explains the whole debate over torture, and how they've been trying to get people to accept torture. And more and more facts coming out about the reality of the CIA having tortured and trying to twist that around to get people to accept that as something that is conscionable.

A: Acceptance of torture is the "mark of the beast."

Q: (DD) That's why there's the popularity of television shows like "24". (Joe) Conditioning people. (DD) It's wildly popular. (Joe) I mean, you get all these people who are faced with the real life torture of another human being, and they actually cheer it on. And if that's the same as participation, then these people are all being put on that downward spiral.

A: Remember the "lake of fire" in the Book of Revelation? Remember that those who live by the sword will die by the sword?

Q: (Keit) What's "lake of fire"? (Allen) In Revelation where all those who didn't accept Christ would be thrown in... (Joe) Hell, basically.

A: Soul smashing.

translate said:
In early April, the company in charge of the scaffolding of the Paris Cathedral had already had to deplore a fire on the renovation of a site in the Meuse.

The group Le Bras, whose site is at the heart of the investigation in Paris, is a company of the region. Located in Jarny in Meurthe-et-Moselle, it employs nearly 200 people for a turnover of 25 million euros in 2017. And if the refurbishment of Notre-Dame is its flagship, the company intervenes on multiple sites in the east, where the versatility of the Le Bras brothers has rarely been refuted in recent years, to the point of being a reference in the field of heritage restoration.

But on April 1st, on the site of the renovation of the music scene of the local MJC, an incident occurred that echoes curiously the drama of Notre-Dame de Paris.

"Slow combustion"

That Monday, fifteen days apart and 250 kilometers away from the forecourt of the cathedral of Paris, a passerby observes a release of smoke escaping from the site, according to the story of the local press. The firefighters of Verdun intervene quickly; "in ten or fifteen minutes it was settled, the fire was controlled", reports to the Express a graduate in charge of the intervention that day. The damage is limited, they only extend over a few square meters, but beams have been damaged and some of the work has to be redone.

The technical control office will specify to the East Republican the following Thursday, during the weekly construction meeting, that the fire was "slow combustion", which may explain that it was detected only well after the closure of the site, the day of the incident - as at Notre-Dame, according to the first elements of the investigation gathered at this stage. The technicians will say that if the incident was discovered again later, the whole wood structure of the MJC building could have burned. Finally, as on the Ile de la Cité in Paris, "the exact causes of this departure of fire have not been established," says a spokesman for the leader Julien Le Bras.

Début avril, la société en charge des échafaudages de la cathédrale parisienne avait déjà eu à déplorer un incendie sur la rénovation d'un site dans la Meuse.

Le groupe Le Bras, dont le chantier est au coeur de l'enquête à Paris, est une entreprise du pays. Installée à Jarny en Meurthe-et-Moselle, elle emploie près de 200 personnes pour un chiffre d'affaires de 25 millions d'euros réalisé en 2017. Et si la réfection de Notre-Dame est son chantier phare, l'entreprise intervient sur de multiples sites dans le grand Est, où la polyvalence des frères Le Bras a rarement été démentie ces dernières années, au point de faire figure de référence en matière de restauration du patrimoine.

Mais le 1er avril dernier, sur le chantier de la rénovation de la scène musicale de la MJC locale, un incident s'est produit qui fait curieusement écho au drame de Notre-Dame de Paris.

"Combustion lente"

Ce lundi-là, à quinze jours d'intervalle et 250 kilomètres de distance du parvis de la cathédrale de Paris, un passant observe un dégagement de fumée s'échappant du chantier, selon le récit de la presse locale. Les pompiers de Verdun interviennent rapidement ; "en dix ou quinze minutes c'était réglé, le feu a été maîtrisé", rapporte à L'Express un gradé en charge de l'intervention ce jour-là. Les dégâts sont limités, ils ne s'étendent que sur quelques mètres carrés, mais des poutres ont été entamées et une partie des travaux est à refaire.

Le bureau de contrôle technique précisera à L'Est Républicain le jeudi suivant, à l'occasion de la réunion de chantier hebdomadaire, que le feu était "à combustion lente", ce qui peut expliquer qu'il n'ait été détecté que bien après la fermeture du site, le jour du sinistre - comme à Notre-Dame, selon les premiers éléments de l'enquête réunis à ce stade. Les techniciens préciseront que, si l'incident avait été découvert encore plus tard, c'est toute la structure bois du bâtiment de la MJC qui aurait pu s'embraser. Enfin, comme sur l'île de la Cité à Paris, "les causes exactes de ce départ de feu n'ont pas été établies", nous confie un porte-parole du dirigeant Julien Le Bras.

translate said:
The multiple fires alarms Monday night are those of the cathedral, the scaffolding being equipped only with motion detectors. But the security procedure has been respected, says Marc Eskenazi, who is in charge of AXA's communication company Europe Echafaudage. We also expect a lot from the camera which fixed the stages of the work and which was installed at the foot of the arrow (where the first flames appeared).

A first fire alarm was given at 18:20 Monday but did not detect a fire, said the prosecutor of Paris. Then there was a second at 18:43, during which a fire was found at the level of the frame. The cathedral had meanwhile been evacuated.

The first flames were seen at the foot of the spire added to this Gothic building of the Middle Ages, which does not mean that the fire started there.

The only team that worked Monday on the cathedral was the one of Europe Echafaudage

No welding tool, no torch, no "hot spot" was present on the site,
says Marc Eskenazi. The descent of the workers began at 5:20 pm and 5:50 pm, they were all gone, he said. That's 30 minutes before the first alert.

In addition, a camera pointed at the arrow had been installed to monitor the progress of the site, he said, adding that the recording "timelapse" (with an accelerated speed), potentially valuable, has been given to the investigators.

"Photos were taken every ten minutes from Monday at 2 pm and the camera was entrusted to the criminal brigade by Mr. Le Bras," he said, reporting a real "report Photo".

"They can see where the first smoke comes from, where it comes from, I think the film has some interest in the investigation," he added.

The stories of the people on the construction site overlap

From a police source, it is confirmed that the hearings of the various protagonists - workers, security guards - overlap: the fire was first sighted at the foot of the spire. That does not necessarily mean that's where the fire started, it says.

Les alertes incendies qui se sont succédé lundi soir sont celles de la cathédrale, les échafaudages n'étant équipés que de détecteurs de mouvements. Mais la procédure de sécurité a été respectée, affirme Marc Eskenazi, chargé par la compagnie d'assurances AXA de la communication de l'entreprise Europe Echafaudage. On attend aussi beaucoup de la caméra qui fixait les étapes des travaux et qui était installée au pied de la flèche (où les premières flammes sont apparues).

Une première alerte incendie a été donnée à 18h20 lundi mais n'a pas permis de détecter un départ de feu, a expliqué le procureur de Paris. Puis il y en a eu une seconde à 18h43, lors de laquelle un feu a été constaté au niveau de la charpente. La cathédrale avait entre-temps été évacuée.

Les premières flammes ont été aperçues au pied de la flèche ajoutée à cet édifice gothique du Moyen-Âge, ce qui ne signifie pas que l'incendie ait débuté à cet endroit.

La seule équipe qui travaillait lundi sur la cathédrale était celle d'Europe Échafaudage

Aucun outil de soudage, aucun chalumeau, aucun "point chaud" n'était présent sur le chantier, assure Marc Eskenazi. La descente des ouvriers a commencé à 17h20 et à 17h50, ils étaient tous partis, a-t-il précisé. Soit 30 minutes avant la première alerte.

Par ailleurs, une caméra pointée sur la flèche avait été installée pour suivre l'avancée du chantier, a-t-il révélé, ajoutant que l'enregistrement "timelapse" (avec un effet d'accéléré, Ndlr), potentiellement précieux, a été remis aux enquêteurs.

"Des photos ont été prises toutes les dix minutes à partir de lundi 14 heures et l'appareil photo a été confié à la brigade criminelle par M. Le Bras", a-t-il dit, faisant état d'un véritable "reportage photo".

"Ils peuvent bien voir d'où vient la première fumée par exemple, d'où elle sort, je pense que le film a un certain intérêt pour l'enquête", a-t-il ajouté.

Les récits des personnes présentes sur le chantier se recoupent

De source policière, on confirme que les auditions des différents protagonistes - ouvriers, gardes de sécurité - se recoupent : le feu a d'abord été aperçu au pied de la flèche. Cela ne veut pas dire nécessairement que c'est là que le feu a commencé, souligne-t-on.
Going back to what Mr. Mouton said about old oak wood.

Lets look at density versus age of wood.

On page 19 of this report we see the shift of data point toward higher densities for oak wood. Clearly one can see that the old wood has higher density than recently cut.

It would be interesting what the density would be after 800 yrs !!!

From a paper titled "Ignition and Flash-fire Studies of Cellulosic Materials" we have some test results and conclusions about ignition properties of different wood.

The sample materials are cut into specimens 76.2 mm (3in) square and wrapped with aluminium foil (dull side in contact with the specimen) such that an area 65.1 mm (2 9/16 in) square of the front surface is exposed to the heat source.

Table 1 - Time to Ignition (sec)
DensityWood Type5.8 W/cm28.1 W/cm210.5 W/cm2
Cellulose fiberboard11.35.23.1
Western red cedar26.285.6
Eastern white pine29.512.47.1
Southern yellow pine38.615.98.9
Aspen poplar41 .717.47.2
Western hemlock43.721.310.3
Douglas fir46.422.711.3
Hardboard medium density34.220.714.1
Yellow birch21.710.8
Red oak42.52113.5
The ignitability test results are presented in Table 1. Time to ignition generally decreased with increasing heat flux density. At heat flux levels from 5.8 to 10.5 W cm-2, time to ignition appeared to be primarily a function of material density, rather than of type of wood or cellulosicty.

Hence the observation by Mr. Mouton is justified, "They burned like matchsticks." (or something to that effect).

Here is one such "matchstick",
An employee works on an oak beam at Pierre Robert forestry and sawmill company in Ardentes, central France, days after a massive fire devastated the roof's wooden beam structure of the gothic Paris' Notre-Dame Cathedral, April 19, 2019. REUTERS/Regis Duvignau
It would be nice to know what was burning and what was the source of heat. Was it a trash can, stacked wood or was it the actual building ?

I assume they are talking about this place,

Interesting coincidence :-)
Here is again something maybe not relevant but I post it

It's a comment made by someone called "Keloufi Samir", the day before the fire, under this video :

google translate said:
I post a "dream-vision" that I made this morning (14.04.2019)
sorry for the off-topic, but I'll follow my intuition that tells me to post it here :)
I see myself in a place that looks like a big church .... it's like a celebration, like a religious holiday that's celebrated,
there are people everywhere in the church, believers, and passers-by who come to see the celebration, I am among the crowd, I see like Church people, women and men who make the celebration,
it happens during the day, yet watching this celebration makes me feel uncomfortable
There is something in me that tells me that these men and women of Church do not really celebrate the party and the event but something else that I can not seem to understand so I leave the place .....
So I see myself at night near the "Sacré Coeur" the great church of the Sacré Coeur in Paris, in the 18th arrondissement,
I am in the park of the church below, with other people
it is as if we are taking care of the gardens of these places, like gardeners but without being agents of the town hall, and it is not our work...
we, myself and other people I do not know, seem to take care of the gardens of the Sacré Coeur,
suddenly a huge explosion stops me in what I do,
I stand up and it is as if appeared in the sky, the place of the event,
I see a gigantic church with its summit that collapsed following the explosion,
it is not the whole church just the summit that has collapsed,
there is a lot of smoke, it looks like the images of smoke during the impact of the planes on the twin towers
at this moment I understand that it is the church where I was in the day and where there was this religious celebration, the church resembles that of Notre Dame de Paris
I see people jumping from the top of the church but these people, men and women sacrificed themselves, they jumped saying 'our master is satan! and were crushed on the grand forecourt of this church ........
these men and women seemed to be the men and women of the church I had seen during the day celebrating the religious event in question.
while seeing these scenes of horrors, it's as if I could hear the TV news at the same time, the news did not relay the event exactly as I saw it, they concealed what a lot of witnesses at my side in the gardens of the Sacré Coeur saw and heard
for example, church people who were jumping, did not do it to save their skin, but they knowingly said, "Satan is our master," and then they throw themselves into the void to die
Then I woke up.
I specify that I am not of Christian religion.

He then gives an interpretation of his dream:

I will not go into all the details.
according to me, the 2 churches mean and symbolize 2 worlds, 2 humanity and therefore 2 spiritual paths.
"Notre Dame" IN MY DREAM symbolizes the humanity that is guided by Satanists,
a humanity that only follows religious folklore, festivals, etc., but which, deep down, does not seek the essence of God or truth.
hence the fact that religious leaders easily deceive this humanity and use the cover and the religious facade
also to indulge in their true worship and worship: SATANISM
(Christianity in the case of my dream, but it can be applied to Islam and Judaism and other existing religions)
that's why in my dream I felt uncomfortable in myself when I was in this church, looking at their false religious celebration
and that I had to leave the place.
and that's why I saw people of men and women of Church killing themselves by shouting "Satan is our master".
this was symbolic, it meant that true worshipers of satan, in the church directs a part of the humanity towards a Satanist spiritual way, under religious cover.
the church of the "sacré coeur" symbolizes, according to me, the humanity which seeks God really and who thus makes of its HEART a SACRED place
which must not be corrupted or defiled.
and who for that is doing the necessary interior work, hence the fact that I see myself with other people in the gardens of the sacré coeur to garden, to plant etc ...
we are not in the church of the sacré coeur to follow a religious feast or floklore religious led by impostors but each of us is
activated to act on our soul and our heart (our inner temple = the gardens of this church)
this humanity cultivates its inner spiritual temple and this humanity sees deception despite official news seeking to confuse, to lie, to conceal things.
the fact that the "notre dame" church burns partly in its summit can it mean that the humanity in question will undergo a fire at the top of its instances? here is an interpretation that is mine :)

Keloufi Samir
Keloufi Samir
il y a 5 jours
salut je post un " reve-vision" que j ai fais ce matin (14.04.2019)
desolè pour LE HS mais je vais suivre mon intuition qui me dit de le poster ici :)
je me vois dans un lieu qui a l air d etre une grande eglise y a comme une célébration , comme une fête religieuse qui est celebrè , il y a des gens partout dans l eglise ,des croyants , et des passants qui viennent voir la célébration , je suis parmi la foule , je vois comme des gens d eglises , des femmes et hommes qui font la célébration ,cela se passe en journée , pourtant en regardant cette célébration je me sent mal a
l' aise , il y a comme quelque chose en moi qui me dit que ces hommes et ces femmes d eglises ne célèbrent pas réellement la fête et
l événement mais autre chose que je n arrive pas a cerner alors je quitte les lieux .....ainsi je me vois ensuite la nuit vers le "sacree coeur " la grande eglise du sacree- coeur dans paris ,le 18eme arrondissement , je suis dans le parc de l eglise en contre bas avec d autres personnes c'est comme si nous nous occupions des jardins de ces lieux ,comme des jardinniers mais sans etre des agents de la mairie ou que ce soit notre travail ...nous semblons moi et d autres personnes que je ne connais pas , prendre soin des jardins du sacree coeur , soudain une gigantesque explosion me stoppe dans ce que je fais , je me redresse et c'est comme si apparaissait dans le ciel, le lieu de l evenement , je vois une gigantesque église avec son sommet qui s'est effondrè suite a l explosion , ce n'est pas l eglise entiere juste le sommet qui s'est effondrè , il y a beaucoup de fumée , ca ressemble aux images de fumee lors de l impact des avions sur les tours jumelles , a ce moment je comprends que c'est l eglise ou j ai ete dans la journee et ou il y avait cette célébration religieuse ,l église ressemble a celle de NOTRE DAME DE PARIS . je vois des gens qui saute du haut de l eglise mais ces gens, hommes et femmes se sacrifiaient , ils sautaient en disant ' notre maitre est satan ! 'et s ecrasaient sur le grand parvis de cette eglise ........ ces hommes et ces femmes semblaient etre , les hommes et femmes d eglise que j avais vu la journee celebrer l evenement religieux en question . tout en voyant ces scenes d horreurs , c'est comme si je pouvais entendre les infos tven meme temps , les infos ne reletaient pas l evenement exactement comme je le voyais , ils dissimulaient ce que plein de temoins a mes cotès dans les jardins du sacree coeur voyaient et entendaient , par exemple que les gens d eglises qui sautaient ne le faisaient pas pour sauver leur peau mais qu ils disaient sciemment "satan est notre maitre "et ensuite ils se jetaient dans le vide pour mourrir
ensuite je me suis reveillè .
je precise que je ne suis pas de religion chretienne .

Keloufi Samir
il y a 3 jours
interpretation de mon reve-vision un resumè concentrè je ne rentrerais pas dans tout les details .
d apres moi les 2 eglises signifient et symbolisent 2 mondes , 2 humanitès et donc 2 cheminement spirituels .
"notre dame " DANS MON REVE symbolise l humanitè qui est guidè par les satanistes ,
une humanitè qui ne suit que le folklore religieux ,les fetes etc.. mais qui au fond d'elle ne cherche pas l essence divine ,ni la veritè .
d ou le fait que les leaders religieux trompent facilement cette humanitè et utilisent la couverture et la facade religieuse
aussi pour s adonner a leur reelle culte et adoration: LE SATANISME
(le christianisme dans le cas de mon reve mais on peut appliquer cela a l islam et au judaisme et aux autres religions existantes )
voila pourquoi dans mon reve je sentais comme un malaise en moi quand j etais dans cette eglise a suivre
leur celebration religieuse fausse . et que j ai du quitter les lieux .et pourquoi je voyais des gens d eglises hommes et femmes se donner la mort en criant "satan est notre maitre" .
ceci etait symbolique , cela signifiait que de veritable adorateurs de satan, dans l eglise dirige une partie de l humanitè vers une voie spirituelle sataniste sous couverture religieuse .
l eglise du " sacree coeur " symbolise selon moi l humanitè qui cherche reellement dieu et qui fait donc de son COEUR un endroit SACREE
qui ne doit pas etre corrompu ou souiller .
et qui pour cela fait le travail interieur necessaire d ou le fait que je me vois avec d autres gens dans les jardins du sacree coeur a jardiner , a planter etc.. .
nous ne sommes pas dans l eglise du sacree coeur a suivre une fete religieuse ou un floklore religieux dirigès par des imposteurs mais chacun de nous est
activè a agir sur notre ame et notre coeur (notre temple interieur=les jardins de cette eglise )
cette humanitè cultive son temple spirituel interieur et cette humanitè voit la tromperie malgre que les infos officiels
cherchent a embrouiller , a mentir , a dissimuler les choses .
le fait que l eglise "notre dame " brule en partie en son sommet peut il vouloir signifier que l humanitè en question va subir un feu au sommet de ses instances ?
voila une interpretation qui est la mienne :)
Here we go. The newspaper of record New York Times is reporting the following.
By Katrin Bennhold and James Glanz
  • April 19, 2019

PARIS — The architect who oversaw the design of the fire safety system at Notre-Dame acknowledged that officials had misjudged how quickly a flame would ignite and spread through the cathedral, resulting in a much more devastating blaze than they had anticipated.

The system was based on the assumption that if the cathedral ever caught fire, the ancient oak timbers in the attic would burn slowly, leaving ample time to fight the flames, said Benjamin Mouton, the architect who oversaw the fire protections.

Unlike at sensitive sites in the United States, the fire alarms in Notre-Dame did not notify fire dispatchers right away. Instead, a guard at the cathedral first had to climb a steep set of stairs to the attic — a trip Mr. Mouton said would take a “fit” person six minutes.

Those poor french people. Their fire alarm systems were made in the Middle Ages and are nothing like the ones in the US.

But fire safety experts said that Mr. Mouton and his team underestimated the risk — and that the fire response they designed was far too slow to fight a blaze in time.

“It doesn’t make any sense,” said Jonathan Barnett, a fire safety authority at Basic Expert in Australia. “Twenty minutes is a huge delay before you get people involved. Once that heavy timber starts to burn, you can’t put it out. So I have no idea why they built in this delay.”

What was the fire alarm panel for all the fire sensors in the roof showing after 6:20 PM ? That is the key question. No one "builds in" a delay time to a fire alarm system.

Notre Dame Cathedral was built by the masons of the Knights Templar to honor Mary Magdalene (Divine Feminine). Standing on the Ile de la Cité on a site that was sacred to the Celts and their Goddess Culture, and where the Romans worshipped Jupiter and Mars, the Cathedral is in the center of the land that eventually became the capital of France.

Unless I am mistaken then Notre Dame Cathedral was built to honor the Virgin mother, the mother of Jesus and not Mary Magdalene who was the companion of Jesus.
Notre-Dame de Paris
(/ˌnɒtrə ˈdɑːm, ˌnoʊtrə ˈdeɪm, ˌnoʊtrə ˈdɑːm/;[4][5][6] French: [nɔtʁə dam də paʁi] (About this soundlisten); meaning "Our Lady of Paris"), often referred to simply as Notre-Dame,[a] is a medieval Catholic cathedral on the Île de la Cité in the 4th arrondissement of Paris, France. The cathedral is consecrated to the Virgin Mary

[c] was a 1st-century BC Galilean Jewish[2] woman of Nazareth, and the mother of Jesus, according to the New Testament and the Quran.
In Christianity, Mary is commonly referred to as the Virgin Mary...

Saint Mary Magdalene
,[a] sometimes called simply the Magdalene, was a Jewish woman who, according to the four canonical gospels, traveled with Jesus as one of his followers and was a witness to his crucifixion, burial, and resurrection.[2]

Interesting how Wikipedia makes it out that both these woman were Jewish. J(ulius) C(easar)'s mother was Aurelia Cotta, and his last wife was Calpurnia.

For those interested, then in Vezelay about 250km from Paris, there is a basilica with alleged relics of Mary Magdalene.
Vézelay Abbey
(French: Abbaye Sainte-Marie-Madeleine de Vézelay) was a Benedictine and Cluniac monastery in Vézelay in the Yonne department in northern Burgundy, France. The Benedictine abbey church, now the Basilica of Sainte-Marie-Madeleine (Saint Mary Magdalene), with its complicated program of imagery in sculpted capitals and portals, is one of the outstanding masterpieces of Burgundian Romanesque art and architecture.

Vézelay also stood at the beginning of one of the four major routes through France for pilgrims going to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, in the north-western corner of Spain.

Fifteen years after its completion, Bernard of Clairvaux chose Vézelay as the place from which he would call for a Second Crusade. Vézelay was even the staging point for the Third Crusade. It is there that King Richard the Lionheart of England and King Philip Augustus of France met and joined their armies for a combined western invasion of the holy land. It is appropriate, therefore, that Vézelay's portal reflect its place in the history of the crusades.
Someone did a video demonstration trying to make a fire with the elements that could have been found on the "forest" of the cathedral.
The video is in french.
With the following description you should be able to understand what you see on the video: They used a 30 (or 40?) years old piece of oak the side of the big ones that where in the cathedral + some smaller ones attached to the big one + some straws 'representing' nests and they tested the explanations given in MSM (reproducing the sparks / heating a piece of lead / setting on fire an electric counter as the one installed in the elevator). As nothing was working they finally added some barbecue starter and white spirit + some bits of wood, papers and a piece of pine wood or the like.
Unless I am mistaken then Notre Dame Cathedral was built to honor the Virgin mother, the mother of Jesus and not Mary Magdalene who was the companion of Jesus.

Interesting how Wikipedia makes it out that both these woman were Jewish. J(ulius) C(easar)'s mother was Aurelia Cotta, and his last wife was Calpurnia.

For those interested, then in Vezelay about 250km from Paris, there is a basilica with alleged relics of Mary Magdalene.


In France there are many Notre-Dame cathedrals:
This Blog says that some of these cathedrals (Amiens - Bayeux - Chartres*3 - Coutances - Evreux - Laon - Noyon - Paris - Reims - Rouen - Senlis), are of particular interest... apart from being "Notre Dame", they represent in a stylized way the constellation of the Virgo...

And to those who would retort that there is no notion of esotericism among the Knights Templar, neither in their history nor in the archival texts, I cannot recommend too much to them to dare to ask themselves the right questions, and to finally open their eyes.
To want to deal only with the purely military and historical context of the militia, we reduce the Templars to soldier monks (which is already extraordinary in itself), and we can only miss their spiritual dimension, and the grandiose heritage they have left us...



Constellation of the Virgo

However, Paris has its own Maria-Magdalena church, just near Place de la Concorde.
(link to English Wikipedia)

Under the pediment, the Latin inscription "D.O.M. SVB. INVOC. S. M. MAGDALENAE" meaning: "Domino Optimo Maximo sub invocatione Sanctae Mariae Magdalenae": meaning: "To the very good and great God, under the invocation of Saint Mary Magdalene"
(link to French Wikipedia)

I put the two links because datas are not exactly the same from one to another, and despite the fact it might be a bit off-topic, I thought I should share it.


La Madeleine in the 1890s


The inside of La Madeleine


The altar with the statue of Mary Magdalene


The Pediment showing the Last Judgment

From French Wiki shortly resumed:
A chapel, whose existence has been documented since 1238, was replaced by a new chapel dedicated to Saint Mary Magdalene, Saint Martha and Saint Lazarus, whose foundation stone was laid by King Charles VIII in 1492...
This chapel became a parish church in 1639 and was rebuilt and enlarged in 1659 and 1698.
Then, the old church was disused in 1765, sold in 1767 and demolished in 1801.

Then, a new one (the actual one) was built; The building is 108 metres long, 43 metres wide, 30 metres high and surrounded by 52 Corinthian columns.
The church of the Madeleine is located on the Place de la Madeleine in the 8th arrondissement of Paris. It is a perfect illustration of the neoclassical architectural style with its octostyle portico.

It was built over 85 years due to political unrest in France at the end of the eighteenth century and the beginning of the nineteenth century. The political changes of the time led to several changes in its destination and plans. Designed by Napoleon I as a Greek temple dedicated to the glory of his Great Army in 1806, the building was almost transformed in 1837 into a railway station, the first in Paris, before becoming a church in 1845.
On December 2, 1806, at the Poznań camp in Poland, Emperor Napoleon I signed a decree for the construction of a temple to the glory of the French armies. According to the explanatory statement: "The Monument whose design the Emperor is calling on you to draw today will be the most august, the most imposing of all those that his vast imagination has designed and that his prodigious activity can have executed. This is the reward that the victor of Kings and Peoples, the founder of empires, bestows on his victorious army under his command and by his genius. Posterity will say: he made heroes and knew how to reward heroism. Inside the monument, the names of all the fighters of Ulm, Austerlitz and Jena will be written on marble tables, the names of the dead on solid gold tables, the names of the departments with the number of their contingent on silver tables. »

A competition was launched in which eighty artists participated. The project of the architect Pierre-Alexandre Vignon was retained by the Emperor himself, against the advice of the Imperial Academy: a peripatetic temple, back to antiquity, inspired by Greco-Roman architecture. The Madeleine is almost, in terms of its exterior appearance, a restitution of the Olympiaion in Athens, the columns of the Madeleine being slightly higher (20 m against 17.25 m, compared to a very close building, the Supreme Court of the United States).

However, Napoleon was stopped in his dreams of greatness and seemed to find a little spiritual meaning of it:

Shortly afterwards, everything that had been built on the Couture plans was demolished and the work progressed rapidly until 1811, when they had to be stopped for lack of money. After the Russian campaign of 1812, Napoleon renounced the Temple of Glory, and returned to the primitive project of a church: "What shall we do with the Temple of Glory?" he told Montalivet. Our great ideas on all this are well changed... It is to the priests that we must give our temples to keep: they get along better than we do to perform ceremonies and maintain a cult. Let the Temple of Glory be a Church from now on: it is the way to complete and preserve this monument. »

From English Wiki:
The Madeleine Church was designed in its present form as a temple to the glory of Napoleon's army. To its south lies the Place de la Concorde, to the east is the Place Vendôme, and to the west Saint-Augustin, Paris.
After the execution of Louis XVI his body was immediately transported to the old Church of the Madeleine (demolished in 1799), since the legislation in force forbade burial of his remains beside those of his father, the Dauphin Louis de France, at Sens.

Edit: Added the picture of the constellation of the Virgo
I am just not feeling it Hi_Henry. Doesn't seem too humorous to me even if wood aged 800 years is difficult to burn.:-(
Not sure where the problem is. But let me explain what I am seeing.

A smart person took the time to show HOW HARD IT IS TO START this type of wood on fire. He did a lot of people a BIG FAVOR. Most people are not technically inclined (what is in happening in the video in physical properties of oak wood). Most are more comfortable with watching something happen. Well this video shows that IT IS NOT EASY to set oak on fire.

If I am not wrong I believe in the comment section the word thermite is being used. In case of Mr. Mouton it would be "accelerant". No "accelerant" and you can NOT START such a huge fire where everything is oak wood.
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