Another step of the cancel culture :
Le rapporteur public a préconisé au tribunal administratif de Nantes, jeudi 18 novembre 2021, d’ordonner à la ville des Sables-d’Olonne (Vendée) de démonter la statue de Saint-Michel installée sur le parvis de l’église du même nom.
Translation :
A statue of Saint Michael soon to be taken down in Sables-d'Olonne?
The public rapporteur recommended to the administrative court of Nantes, Thursday, November 18, 2021, to order the city of Sables-d'Olonne (Vendée) to dismantle the statue of Saint Michael installed on the square of the church of the same name.
The statue of St. Michael slaying the dragon installed in Sables-d'Olonne in 2018 could soon be unbolted. Referred to by the Federation of the Libre-Pensée of Vendée, the public rapporteur of the 8th chamber of the administrative court of Nantes recommended, on Thursday 18 November, to order the city of Sables-d'Olonne to dismantle it. The association denounced in particular "a religious emblem on the public space".
"If we were to appeal to our only freedom of thought, we would lean quite easily to say that this implantation did not lack a certain legitimacy", had however begun by saying the public reporter as reported in Le Journal des Sables. Indeed, the statue was installed on the square of the church of Saint-Michel in the district of Saint-Michel and next to the Saint-Michel auditorium.
A "plurality of meanings
But French law forbids municipalities to install "religious emblems" in public spaces in the name of freedom of conscience, except in cemeteries and on the "outbuildings" of religious buildings. Defending the installation of this statue, the municipality put forward the "plurality of meanings" that it covers. Indeed, Saint Michael is also the patron saint of parachutists. A "detachment of paratroopers" had moreover been invited to the inauguration of the statue in October 2018, recognized on this point the public rapporteur.
Oulala! 1 statue of St Michel in front of 1 church St Michel!
The city of Les Sables d'Olonne will not be intimidated by useless lawsuits #cancelculture.
The place of this statue is on the place St Michel in front of the auditorium and the church eponymous."
But a religious "blessing" of the statue was also organized on the day of the inauguration, which shows a "persistence of religious significance". He has "no hesitation" either to say that the place Saint-Michel is indeed a "public space" and not a "dependence" of the eponymous church located just next door, the newspaper still emphasizes. The final judgment should be rendered in a month.
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