Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and Other Catholic Churches

This is even worse than the fire, there are plans to rebuild the Notre dame into a Woke temple. This was probably all planned.

To those who live in France.

How did this incident in the end resolve itself officially/unofficially ?
Was there any serious analysis done which explained how a cigarette thrown in the trash burned down this structure ?
Is anyone still looking at this in the conspiratorial internet space ?
Once Con-19 hit I dropped the ball but am still curious what came of this subject.
Hello Hi_Henry, for my part, without doing any research and just watching the news that emerges in the MSMs, I don't feel like a lot of news about the fire investigation has come out noticeably, just some info concerning the work and very little... In any case, for 2 years it's rather something else they've been talking about. 😉 But maybe some other compatriot has other info? 🤔
To those who live in France.

How did this incident in the end resolve itself officially/unofficially ?
Was there any serious analysis done which explained how a cigarette thrown in the trash burned down this structure ?
Is anyone still looking at this in the conspiratorial internet space ?
Once Con-19 hit I dropped the ball but am still curious what came of this subject.
Chantier de Notre-Dame de Paris : où en sommes-nous ? - Le Pèlerin: text=%E2%86%92%20En%20juin%202021%2C%20les,la%20reconstruction%20de%20la%20fl%C3%A8che.

Où en sommes-nous du chantier de Notre-Dame de Paris ?​

Alors que les travaux de consolidation sont terminés et que l’Établissement public chargé de la restauration lance ses appels à candidature pour les entreprises, le point sur les étapes du chantier.

Par Sophie Laurant

Mis à jour le 27 janvier 2022 à 6:23
Publié le 1 décembre 2021 à 6:33
5 commentaires
Travaux Notre-Dame de Paris

La bâche en toile a été remplacée par cette structure métallique qui protégera la cathédrale durant toute la période de restauration. © Stéphane Compoint pour Le Pèlerin

Travaux de sécurisation : terminés​

Quarante-huit heures après l’incendie du 15 avril 2019, les travaux de sécurisation commencent dans l’urgence grâce à la mobilisation exceptionnelle des entreprises, emmenées par leur syndicat, le GMH, en lien avec le ministère de la Culture. De nombreuses tâches sont menées en parallèle :
→ Les pignons nord et ouest ont été étayés et leurs statues, endommagées par la chaleur, mises à l’abri.
→ Les grandes baies vitrées supérieures du chevet et des tribunes ont été déposées. Il faut permettre aux ouvriers de passer et de poser de longues poutres et autres éléments vers l’intérieur de la cathédrale : il est urgent de stabiliser les murs poussés vers l’intérieur par l’absence de toiture.
→ Des cintres en bois viennent soutenir les arcs-boutants, à l’extérieur de la cathédrale.
→ Très vite aussi, l’évacuation des décombres de l’incendie s’impose. Tout est stocké, trié répertorié, sous de grands barnums installés sur le parvis.
>>> À lire aussi sur Lepelerin : Exclusif et spectaculaire : Notre-Dame de Paris en 360°

Phase de consolidation : terminée​

Avec la création, fin novembre 2019, de l’Établissement public, dirigé par le général Jean-Louis Georgelin, on glisse peu à peu vers une phase de « consolidation » et on prépare déjà l’avenir : le chantier de restauration proprement dit :
→ Dès le début, des scientifiques de toutes disciplines, venus principalement du CNRS, du Laboratoire de restauration des Monuments historiques, de l’université… entrent en action sous les barnums et dans l’édifice pour étudier chaque vestige, faire des relevés, des photographies, apporter leurs études et analyses préalables à la connaissance des architectes en chef du chantier sous la houlette de Philippe Villeneuve. Il s’agit de « documenter leur diagnostic » puis de leur permettre de prendre des décisions concernant les différentes options de restauration.
→ Une base de chantier commence à être construite au chevet de la cathédrale : il faut des bureaux, des douches et des vestiaires dans les sas indispensables entre cette zone et le chantier pollué.
→ Un nettoyage progressif des surfaces recouvertes de poussière de plomb provenant de la fonte des plaques de la toiture, est lancé. Mais il est lent et difficile. Aussi tous les ouvriers doivent se protéger par des masques, gants et combinaisons, contre cette pollution permanente du site, et se nettoyer intégralement avant toute sortie de la « zone sale » du chantier.
→ Sous les voûtes, des filets sont posés pour éviter les chutes de pierre. Les piliers sont coffrés pour éviter les chocs avec les engins de chantiers. Lustres et statues sont emballés et évacués.
→ À l’automne 2020, les tuyaux de l’orgue sont démontés à leur tour pour être dépoussiérés du plomb par des facteurs d’orgue. Mais l’énorme buffet et les plus gros tuyaux restent en place.
→ Un « parapluie » est progressivement posé au-dessus des voûtes : il permet de mettre « hors d’eau et hors d’air» la majeure partie des voûtes, sauf au niveau du plus grand des trois « trou» percés par la chute de la flèche, car la présence de l’ancien échafaudage gêne.
→ Un « faux plafond » est installé sous le parapluie. Les cordistes peuvent se suspendre à ce toit provisoire pour entamer manuellement le déblayage des décombres de la charpente qui pèsent sur l’extrados (la partie extérieure) des voutes.
→ En parallèle, et grâce à l’arrivée en décembre 2019 d’une gigantesque grue, l’échafaudage de 250 tonnes qui ceinturait la flèche disparue, chauffé et tordu par l’incendie, commence à être démonté tuyau par tuyau par les cordistes à partir de juin 2020. Ce démontage s’achèvera le 24 novembre 2020.
→ Les voûtes fragilisées sont enduites d’une filasse de chaux afin que la pierre ne s’effrite plus.
→ Deux chapelles latérales sont isolées du reste de la cathédrale et entament déjà leur remise à neuf : un nettoyage fin, une restauration des petites lacunes de peinture… Il s’agit de « tester » différentes méthodes et de comparer les résultats, le temps nécessaire, afin de pouvoir par la suite, choisir comment seront restaurées toutes les autres chapelles.
→ Des cintres en bois, fabriqués sur mesure, sont posés sous toutes les voûtes fragilisées pour préparer leur restauration.
→ En mars 2021, l’abattage des premiers chênes, ceux nécessaires à la reconstitution de la flèche, ont été abattus. Ils seront prêts d’ici dix-huit mois.
>>> À lire aussi sur Lepelerin : Christian Viguerie offre des chênes à Notre-Dame de Paris
→ À l’intérieur, la cathédrale est entièrement tapissée d’échafaudages. A différents niveaux, des planchers permettent de travailler à hauteur d’homme, sans être suspendus à des harnais. Le plus haut est installé juste sous les voûtes, sur toute la longueur de l’édifice et de son transept.
→ En juin 2021, les immenses statues des apôtres, qui ornaient la flèche, rescapées de l’incendie, sont revenues restaurées à la Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine où elles seront exposées au public jusqu’à la reconstruction de la flèche.
>>> À lire aussi sur Lepelerin : La nouvelle vie des apôtres rescapés de l’incendie de Notre-Dame
→ Avec le dégagement des vestiges de la flèche retrouvés sur les voûtes, s’achève à l’été 2021 le déblaiement des gravats, stockés désormais dans des réserves.
→ Au-dessus des voûtes, le parapluie de plastique est remplacé par un toit provisoire en tôle. Une partie coulissante sur rail permet de fermer le « trou » pour éviter l’humidité mais de maintenir une ouverture ponctuelle pour passer des éléments et, plus tard pour faciliter la reconstruction de la flèche.

Phase de restauration : en cours et à venir​

Lors des journées du Patrimoine, en septembre 2021, le général Georgelin annonce officiellement l’entrée dans la phase de restauration de Notre-Dame de Paris. Celle-ci se traduit par un appel à candidature pour les entreprises qui vont :
→ consolider les voûtes ;
→ reconstruire la charpente et la toiture ;
→ participer au nettoyage ;
→ et entreprendre la restauration complète de l’intérieur de la cathédrale et de son mobilier.
Article rédigé par Sophie Laurant, en collaboration avec Stéphane Compoint
>>> À lire aussi sur Lepelerin
: Notre-Dame, le chantier de la renaissance

Where are we on the Notre-Dame de Paris project?
As the consolidation work is completed and the Public Institution in charge of the restoration launches its calls for tenders for companies, here is an update on the stages of the project.

By Sophie Laurant

Updated on January 27, 2022 at 6:23 am

Published on December 1, 2021 at 6:33 am

Work on Notre-Dame de Paris
The canvas tarp has been replaced by this metal structure that will protect the cathedral during the restoration period. Stéphane Compoint for Le Pèlerin
Security work: completed
Forty-eight hours after the fire of April 15, 2019, the security work began in a hurry thanks to the exceptional mobilization of companies, led by their union, the GMH, in conjunction with the Ministry of Culture. Many tasks are being carried out in parallel:

→ The north and west gables were shored up and their statues, damaged by the heat, put under cover.

→ The large upper windows of the chevet and the tribunes have been removed. Workers must be allowed to pass through and lay long beams and other elements toward the interior of the cathedral: it is urgent to stabilize the walls pushed inward by the lack of a roof.

→ Wooden arches are used to support the buttresses on the outside of the cathedral.

→ Very quickly, too, the evacuation of the fire rubble becomes necessary. Everything was stored, sorted and catalogued, under large tarpaulins installed on the square.

>>> Also read on Lepelerin: Exclusive and spectacular: Notre-Dame de Paris in 360°.

Consolidation phase: completed
With the creation, at the end of November 2019, of the Public Establishment, headed by General Jean-Louis Georgelin, we are gradually slipping into a "consolidation" phase and are already preparing for the future: the actual restoration work:

→ From the beginning, scientists of all disciplines, mainly from the CNRS, the Laboratory of Restoration of Historic Monuments, the university ... enter into action under the barnums and in the building to study each vestige, make surveys, photographs, bring their studies and preliminary analysis to the knowledge of the architects in chief of the site under the leadership of Philippe Villeneuve. The aim is to "document their diagnosis" and then to enable them to make decisions regarding the various restoration options.

→ A worksite base is beginning to be built at the cathedral's bedside: offices, showers, and changing rooms are needed in the indispensable airlocks between this area and the polluted worksite.

→ A gradual cleaning of the surfaces covered with lead dust from the melting of the roof plates is initiated. But it is slow and difficult. Also all the workers must protect themselves with masks, gloves and overalls, against this permanent pollution of the site, and clean themselves completely before any exit from the "dirty zone" of the building site.

→ Under the vaults, nets are laid to prevent stone from falling. The pillars are cased to avoid shocks with the construction machinery. Chandeliers and statues are packed and removed.

→ In the fall of 2020, the organ pipes are dismantled in turn to be dusted of lead by organ builders. But the huge case and larger pipes remain in place.

→ An "umbrella" is progressively installed above the vaults: it allows to put "out of water and out of air" the major part of the vaults, except at the level of the biggest of the three "holes" pierced by the fall of the spire, because the presence of the old scaffolding hinders.

→ A "false ceiling" is installed under the umbrella. The rope access technicians can hang from this temporary roof to manually begin clearing the rubble from the framework that is weighing down the extrados (the outer part) of the vaults.

→ In parallel, and thanks to the arrival in December 2019 of a gigantic crane, the 250-ton scaffolding that girdled the disappeared spire, heated and twisted by the fire, begins to be dismantled pipe by pipe by the rope access technicians from June 2020. This dismantling will be completed on November 24, 2020.

→ The weakened vaults are coated with a lime filasse so that the stone no longer crumbles.

→ Two side chapels are isolated from the rest of the cathedral and are already beginning their refurbishment: a fine cleaning, a restoration of the small gaps in the paint... It is a matter of "testing" different methods and comparing the results, the time needed, so that later on, it will be possible to choose how all the other chapels will be restored.

→ Custom-made wooden hangers are placed under all the weakened vaults to prepare for their restoration.

→ In March 2021, the first oak trees, those needed for the reconstruction of the spire, were felled. They will be ready by di

In March 2021, the first oaks, those needed to rebuild the spire, were felled. They will be ready in eighteen months.

>>> Also read on Lepelerin: Christian Viguerie offers oaks to Notre-Dame de Paris

→ Inside, the cathedral is entirely lined with scaffolding. At different levels, floors allow work to be done at man's height, without being suspended from harnesses. The highest is installed just under the vaults, along the entire length of the building and its transept.

→ In June 2021, the huge statues of the apostles, which adorned the spire, rescued from the fire, returned restored to the Cité de l'architecture et du patrimoine where they will be on public display until the spire is rebuilt.

>>> Also read on Lepelerin: The new life of the apostles who survived the Notre-Dame fire

→ With the clearing of the remains of the spire found on the vaults, the clearing of the rubble, now stored in storerooms, will be completed in summer 2021.

→ Above the vaults, the plastic umbrella is being replaced by a temporary sheet metal roof. A sliding part on a rail makes it possible to close the "hole" to avoid humidity but to maintain a punctual opening to pass elements and, later to facilitate the reconstruction of the spire.

Restoration phase: in progress and to come
During the Heritage Days, in September 2021, General Georgelin officially announced the entry into the restoration phase of Notre-Dame de Paris. This is reflected in a call for applications for companies that will:

→ consolidate the vaults ;

→ rebuild the framework and the roof; → participate in the cleaning

→ participate in the cleaning ;

→ and undertake the complete restoration of the interior of the cathedral and its furniture.

Article written by Sophie Laurant, in collaboration with Stéphane Compoint

>>> Also read on Lepelerin: Notre-Dame, the site of the rebirth

Notre-Dame de Paris

Notre-Dame de Paris: the fire was not criminal, according to the conclusions of two years of investigations

Some expert assessments are still awaited, but the police have not found a criminal origin to the fire that ravaged the cathedral on April 15, 2019.

The criminal brigade of the PJ of Paris has completed its investigation. According to our information, its two years of investigation have concluded that the fire of Notre Dame de Paris was not a voluntary act. A few expert reports are still awaited, but the police have not found a criminal origin to the fire that ravaged the cathedral on April 15, 2019.

Short circuit? Megot badly extinguished? The film by Jean-Jacques Annaud, which comes out this Wednesday, obviously does not choose in the current state of the investigation, which has not yet been able to determine the exact origin of the disaster. Only technical deficiencies have been put forward for the moment.

In "Notre-Dame brûle", the filmmaker recounts the hours, minutes and decisive seconds of the cathedral fire, without any known actors - as in "La Guerre du Feu" - and by playing on several registers: fiction and documentary. The images shot by Annaud and those recovered from countless amateur and professional films. The special effects and the real images, very impressive, of fires realized in several cathedrals, from Bourges to Sens.

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Quand Pie XI proclama Notre-Dame de l’Assomption patronne principale de la France​

When Pius XI proclaimed Our Lady of the Assumption the principal patroness of France
La fête de l’Assomption 2022 marque un très bel anniversaire, dont on a malheureusement trop peu parlé, même parmi les catholiques français. Voilà cent ans, au début du mois de mars 1922, le pape Pie XI, par la lettre apostolique Galliam, Ecclesiae filiam primogenitam, proclama Notre-Dame de l’Assomption patronne principale de la France et lui associa sainte Jeanne d’Arc comme patronne secondaire.

« Il est certain, selon un ancien adage, que le "le royaume de France" a été appelé "royaume de Marie", et cela à juste titre… », écrivait le Souverain Pontife, en évoquant la piété mariale des Français, depuis les plus saints et docteurs nés sur notre sol jusqu’aux rois et au peuple dans son ensemble, depuis le Moyen Âge. En 813, Charlemagne avait érigé la fête de l’Assomption en fête d’obligation pour l’ensemble de son empire, avant qu’en 1638, Louis XIII, par son « vœu », ne consacre à la reine du Ciel sa personne, son État, sa couronne et ses sujets. Bien avant le 14 juillet, la fête de l’Assomption était donc célébrée à travers tout le royaume comme une fête « nationale » avant la lettre. Elle le reste aujourd’hui encore en Corse et l’hymne de l’île de Beauté, le très beau Dio vi salvi Regina, est une version corse du Salve Regina.

Pie XI rappelait dans sa lettre apostolique les nombreux saints et docteurs nés sur le sol français qui, « depuis les premiers siècles de l’Église jusqu’à notre temps […] ont contribué à promouvoir et à amplifier à travers la France le culte de la Vierge Mère de Dieu » et soulignait que « la Vierge Mère en personne, trésorière auprès de Dieu de toutes les grâces, a semblé, par des apparitions répétées, approuver et confirmer la dévotion du peuple français ».

The feast of the Assumption in 2022 marks a very beautiful anniversary, about which unfortunately too little has been said, even among French Catholics. One hundred years ago, at the beginning of March 1922, Pope Pius XI, in his apostolic letter Galliam, Ecclesiae filiam primogenitam, proclaimed Our Lady of the Assumption the principal patroness of France and associated with her Saint Joan of Arc as secondary patroness.

"It is certain, according to an ancient adage, that the 'kingdom of France' has been called the 'kingdom of Mary', and rightly so...", wrote the Pontiff, referring to the Marian piety of the French, from the most holy and learned people born on our soil to the kings and the people as a whole, since the Middle Ages. In 813, Charlemagne made the feast of the Assumption an obligatory feast for the whole of his empire, before in 1638, Louis XIII, by his "vow", consecrated to the Queen of Heaven his person, his State, his crown and his subjects. Long before July 14th, the feast of the Assumption was celebrated throughout the kingdom as a "national" feast before the letter. It remains so today in Corsica and the hymn of the island of Beauty, the very beautiful Dio vi salvi Regina, is a Corsican version of the Salve Regina.

In his apostolic letter, Pius XI recalled the numerous saints and doctors born on French soil who, "from the first centuries of the Church until our time [...] have contributed to promote and amplify throughout France the cult of the Virgin Mother of God" and emphasized that "the Virgin Mother in person, treasurer with God of all graces, seemed, by repeated apparitions, to approve and confirm the devotion of the French people".

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Cynthia Cassandre Colibri


Alors les documents de l'incendie de Ntre Dame de Paris ont été classés "secret défense" ??!! C'est tt de même bizarre pour l'incendie accidentel d'une église NON ? Alors quelle est le cheminement pour demander le déclassement de cs documents ?? Ça se fait bien aux US pour Pfizer

So the documents of the fire of Notre Dame de Paris were classified "secret defense"?! It is all the same strange for the accidental fire of a church NOT? So what is the procedure to ask for the declassification of these documents ? It's done in the US for Pfizer
Notre-Dame keeps beign attacked.

The Notre-Dame reconstruction project presented by Brigitte Macron included an "erect sex" surrounded by "golden balls"
We learn from a tweet by RTL journalist William Galibert that Roselyne Bachelot - Minister of Culture under President Emmanuel Macron, from 2020 to 2022 - was present at a meeting of the National Commission for Architecture and Heritage on the reconstruction of the spire of Notre Dame de Paris. The spire, as well as the entire roof covering the nave, choir and transept had been destroyed in a fire on April 15, 2019.

At this meeting - as Roselyne Bachelot writes in her book 682 days, the ball of hypocrites - it was decided that the spire should be rebuilt identically, in accordance with the Venice Convention, which provides that historic buildings must be restored in such a way as to preserve their architectural integrity. However, the Élysée wanted the reconstruction to include an "architectural gesture", i.e. an original or innovative element. Roselyne Bachelot has been accused of not following this directive, but says she does not regret this "insubordination".

More surprisingly, not to say shocking, during a lunch with Brigitte Macron, the latter presented a reconstruction project with a kind of "erect sex" surrounded by "golden balls" at its base. To put it bluntly, the first lady of France wanted a teube in place of the spire of Notre-Dame-de-Paris.

The fire of Notre-Dame-de-Paris attracted the covetousness of all kinds of architectural firms with more twisted ideas than the others (see article). Not one of these projects corresponds to the one that, according to Roselyne Bachelot, would have been preferred by Brigitte Macron. What a pity not to have given the name of the architect! More details would have been welcome. As for the intellectual weakness of the presidential couple - who think at the level of the phallus - and our future which is going to hell, the signs do not lie... With the presidential touch, at the Élysée Palace, we are far from the refinement of the former owner, the Pompadour. The new decoration is a testimony to the cultural collapse at the highest level of the State

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