First interstellar comet in our solar system?

mkrnhr said:
The object is unusual in shape. The substantial variation in its brightness suggest an unusually elongated "asteroid", which adds to its other odd features highlighted early on:

Artist depiction:

Some recent observations from the ThunderboltsProject on Oumuamua

Published on Dec 6, 2017

A huge object that flew past Earth might be an alien spacecraft, scientists have said.

Scientists had originally thought that the cigar-shaped object was a very strange passing asteroid. But a number of things have led scientists engaged in the search for alien life to wonder whether it might actually be an "artifact" from an alien civilisation.

Researchers involved in the Seti – Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence – project are now preparing to point a powerful telescope at the bizarre object and find where it came from.

Interesting headline. Soft disclosure?
Rhythmik said:

A huge object that flew past Earth might be an alien spacecraft, scientists have said.

Scientists had originally thought that the cigar-shaped object was a very strange passing asteroid. But a number of things have led scientists engaged in the search for alien life to wonder whether it might actually be an "artifact" from an alien civilization.

Researchers involved in the Seti – Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence – project are now preparing to point a powerful telescope at the bizarre object and find where it came from.

Interesting headline. Soft disclosure?

Interesting to me is the conjuncture that in recent years quite a number of "strange" observations are immediately blamed on "Aliens", while there are solid theories (backed up with actual evidence) like the theories of the electric/plasma cosmology (that are ignored by the same speculators) that can at least explain some of those "mysteries" far easier and more logically without the need of bringing Aliens into it.

Doesn't mean that this isn't a possibility, just that it might be a good idea, to first try to approach things like these with the informations that are already out there and pretty solid (but ignored by the mainstream) before approaching the Alien hypothesis.

At times it almost seems like topics that the mainstream strictly ignores, like the electric theories of the interactions in our universe, are far more dangerous then Aliens (for the status quo) and need to be kept under the lid much more tidily than the Alien stuff.

At least that is how I look at it at the moment.
It's always a good idea to do a quick search for the original source because secondary sources almost always add their little twist to attract readers.

The Breakthrough Listen program "listens" to lots of objects (mostly stars) in the eventuality that some of them broadcast "artificial" radio signals. They will point a radio telescope to ‘Oumuamua to see if they can detect something. All the rest is speculation.
Here is the announcement : _
mkrnhr said:
It's always a good idea to do a quick search for the original source because secondary sources almost always add their little twist to attract readers.

Sorry that's what I meant. The language being used by the MSM is not customary? It may just be clickbait but I've noticed an increasing amount of alien-related stories in the news that are not completely ridiculing the topic.
'Strange tumbling motion of cigar-shaped interstellar 'comet' Oumuamua suggests it’s an alien probe with BROKEN engines, says leading astronomer'

Today, scientists led by Stephen Hawking are using high-tech scanners to discover if a huge, cigar-shaped 'comet' is in fact, an alien probe.

Now, one astronomer claims that the space rock, named Oumuamua, could be an alien spacecraft with broken engines that is tumbling through our solar system.

Dr Jason Wright from Penn State University suggests that a broken alien spacecraft move in exactly the same way as the interstellar comet.
Rhythmik said:
mkrnhr said:
It's always a good idea to do a quick search for the original source because secondary sources almost always add their little twist to attract readers.

Sorry that's what I meant. The language being used by the MSM is not customary? It may just be clickbait but I've noticed an increasing amount of alien-related stories in the news that are not completely ridiculing the topic.
'Strange tumbling motion of cigar-shaped interstellar 'comet' Oumuamua suggests it’s an alien probe with BROKEN engines, says leading astronomer'

Today, scientists led by Stephen Hawking are using high-tech scanners to discover if a huge, cigar-shaped 'comet' is in fact, an alien probe.

Now, one astronomer claims that the space rock, named Oumuamua, could be an alien spacecraft with broken engines that is tumbling through our solar system.

Dr Jason Wright from Penn State University suggests that a broken alien spacecraft move in exactly the same way as the interstellar comet.

So i have a question of the alleged claim of the supposed Space craft. With the recent artist renditions of ‘Oumuamua’ having a similar (vehicle) profile as the craft that has been posted on this thread.


The original photo is from the Lunar and Planetary Institute. Not that this has any weight as this institute will do what is commended of them.

Cigar-shaped UFO Moon - Original Apollo Image Atlas link images:

Wiki calls the claims a hoax. But we know that wiki tells half truths and probably less than that.

What is even more interesting is, could this metallic rock ‘Oumuamua’ represent one of the early arrivaling (scout ships), of the fleet of trans-density Space Arks?

Session 7 October 1995,34881.msg495872.html#msg495872

Q: (L) And what did these stones represent?

A: Nephalim.

Q: (L) Is this what the Nephilim looked like?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Does that mean that the Nephilim were present in Lemuria?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Where was Lemuria located?

A: Pacific off South America.

Q: (L) So when the Easter Island natives talk about their ancestors they are talking about people who came from the direction of South America?

A: No. Right near all around. Easter Island is remnant of Lemuria.

Q: (L) What happened to Lemuria?

A: Submerged close to time you refer to as Fall of Eden, approximately.

Q: (L) Well if the Nephilim were brought here 9 to 12 thousand years ago...

A: Last visit. Have been here 5 times. Will return.

Q: (L) The Nephilim are going to return? Where do the Nephilim currently live?

A: Orion.

Q: (L) They live in the constellation Orion? Where is their planet?

A: Don't have one. In transit.

Q: (L) The whole dadgum bunch is in transit?

A: Three vehicles.

Project Apollo Archive posts thousands of Apollo space mission photos online
October 5, 2015 9:44 PM PDT by Michelle Starr
Each Apollo astronaut was equipped with a specially modified Hasselblad camera, resulting in thousands of iconic space images that are now collated in one place.
By the time NASA's Apollo program rolled around, space photography was starting to be seen as valuable. It wasn't just for mission planning (almost 100,000 photographs of the moon were taken by NASA's lunar probes to help map the Apollo landing sites), but because they help share the profound experience of being in space, and seeing Earth from far away.

Among the standard-issue equipment sent up into space along with the 27 Apollo astronauts who flew to the moon was a Swedish-made Hasselblad camera. After Hasselblads were used during the last two Mercury missions, NASA began to equip every astronaut with a Hasselblad camera.

Now many of these photographs taken by astronauts are freely available online, in a newly created Flickr account called the Project Apollo Archive. To date, it contains over 11,660 photographs.

This object doesn't really match the behavior of how I understand the alien ships to function. It seems that a real alien ship is some kind of hyperspatial conveyance which can materialize at any physical location, accomplish it's mission, and then dematerialize from physical existence more or less instantaneously. To begin with, why would aliens be using some type of clunky thing travelling at sublight velocity which seems to be thoroughly anchored in physical reality? Are they 3D aliens as opposed to 4D aliens? I doubt it. The broken engines thing gives it a veneer of believability, but the whole thing seems like a stretch. It looks like the agenda here is clickbait with a touch of creeping disclosure.

The Cassiopaeans have subsequently explained that the Nephilim were going to arrive as part of some incarnative process instead of a physical invasion, which was often accompanied by the genetic expression of a double Y chromosome. Now as to how exactly the Orion Empire transports these souls to Earth is an interesting question, 5D processes are supposed to be outside the realm that 4D STS can monkey around with, but I suspect it is done by some kind of agreement. According to some of the spirit release material, supposedly if someone has agreed to do the bidding of a demon, the demon can find you lifetime after lifetime as soon as your soul leaves the contemplation plane and is ready to reincarnate. I suspect that Dorlaqua was manipulated to accept and uphold 4D STS principles just like Earth is, via the "hyperdimensional politics" which we can see playing out in the ideologies which are being promoted. Once everyone was locked into that sort of frequency resonance, they basically ceded control of their incarnational experience to them, and in this way 4D STS can "own" the souls for many lifetimes. So once that is set up, somehow they are able to load these souls on a transport and direct them into the human bodies that have been prepared. They don't really need the physical bodies, which reduces the need for a physical ship, although I'm sure that option is open to them as well, it is just less "stealthy." The whole dynamic is kind of like Hostage to the Devil meets Star Wars. For that reason, I don't think there are any aliens in this object. The aliens seem to have much more sophisticated technology and abilities for travelling around than a slow "generation ship" that gravitationally slingshots through various star systems.

c.a. said:
What is even more interesting is, could this metallic rock ‘Oumuamua’ represent one of the early arrivaling (scout ships), of the fleet of trans-density Space Arks?
Having said all of that, I think there might be something to this idea, just not in the sense that anyone thinks. First we have this incident, the part which I find the most interesting is the remark about the 4D harbinger.
session170325 said:
(Pierre) Yeah, well, we can call it Nemesis. The sun's companion. Last question: What happened to the pin?

[Our pickup has a trailer hitch that is held in place by a large pin. It disappeared. The heavily-loaded trailer would have come disconnected from the pickup and probably caused a bad accident on the way to the dump/recycling center, but fortunately Niall and Pierre felt something was "not right" and noticed at the last minute that the pin was missing. Disaster averted, but yeah...]

A: Hot topic! Let us just say "sabotage".
Q: (Galatea) Was it one of the recent visitors here?
A: Not exactly.
Q: (L) I think it must depend on what you call a "visitor".
A: Yes
Q: (Galatea) Was it that creepy creature that I had a vision of, by chance?
A: Possible. Keep all eyes open!
Q: (Pierre) Maybe we got some help during the process. Niall's intuition helped, and even me looking at the reverse camera screen one last time when I noticed the trailer moving up and down when it shouldn't have been doing that... Was it the crystal in the pickup that helped?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) We have to be thankful. It could have been bad.
(Galatea) I had a vision of the creature but I didn't mention it because I thought it was just my imagination. I was lying in bed about to fall asleep, and all of a sudden as clear as day I saw a black creature with bright red eyes floating looking in through the window of the Lodge. It was late at night, and I was like, "Oh, that's creepy... SNORE!"
A: The veil is thinning.
Q: (Andromeda) When was that?
(Galatea) It was weeks and weeks ago. But there was also the incident where Athena was there, and that was the night I got spooked by something howling that I thought I heard. I came inside and then the dogs starting barking at something and ran in the direction that I came from. So, I don't know if that was just a creature in the field, or something else. What was it that the dogs were barking at that night?
A: 4th density harbinger.
Q: (Galatea) Good that I hightailed it out of there then!
(Scottie) A harbinger of DOOM?!
(Galatea) A harbinger of what exactly?
A: Thinning veil
Q: (Galatea) Okay, so the veil is thinning so you can see these creatures, but...
(L) I guess they're like window fallers. The veil is thinning, and things get through. They do things. They interact.
(Data) A couple of us have dreamed about bears and we've had injuries or murders in our dreams recently. Is that like reading these energies?
A: Meeting the threats!
and then
Session171014 said:
Q: (L) Yeah. So we should always be alert and aware and pay attention to these dreams. And when we have such dreams, to tighten up our awareness and be awake and alert.
A: Yes yes yes!
Q: (Artemis) Can the same be said about the dreams I've been having - and I don't want to creep anybody out - about the devil coming?
A: Yes
About two weeks after this session this mysterious asteroid appears and it just coincidentally is named "first, in advance of," which is pretty close to harbinger. I just couldn't help but think about Galatea's dream and the 4D harbinger that was related to the sabotage of the chateau earlier in the year as well as various comments that have been peppered in the sessions here and there indicating that 4D STS is getting closer and is responsible for a buildup of negative energies around the planet. For anyone with any sort of Judeo-Christian background, this Orion STS civilization would certainly seem to be Satanic, and the devil is a good symbol to represent that. I thought that the naming of this object was sort of a way of the mass consciousness signaling to itself that danger is approaching. Lastly, there is this session.
session120722 said:
Q: (L) Vewy intewesting. Any other questions on that topic? I think I asked this before... I have the feeling that the so-called "alien invasion" is really comets.
A: Pretty much.
This was a contentious session for me because I've never really subscribed to the "everything is comets" line of reasoning. I can see where it explains a lot of the third density manifestations of "wars between the gods," plagues, crazy light shows, earthquakes, and EM effects which can mutate genetics. Based on some of the detox diet questions at the sessions, I can see where 4D STS has a keen interest in viruses, because they can apparently be used to block higher density impressions. It is certainly conceivable that a virus can be the "matterized essence" of STS thoughts regarding ways to reengineer human vehicles to be subservient to them. The comets, being basically a natural process, would be a good delivery system which preserves the secrecy and subtlety of the invasion. I mean you could have Darth Vader out there shooting warheads out of his star destroyer, but why take the chance of being discovered when you aren't constrained by that type of physicality. However, based on all of the different traces and clues that have been left behind regarding the alien phenomenon, there does seem to be a sort of physical sci-fi component to it, and the comet scenario is just something which is being utilized by some kind of intelligence as part of a greater whole. I believe the aliens, in whatever form they arrive, are riding the backside of the comet cluster, as the Cassiopaeans once explicitly stated. The comets serve the role of destroying the old world, and then the battle begins over the principles upon which the new one will be built.

So I can see where this comet, aliens, crazy dreams, and the state of the planet are all connected in a larger mosaic which is largely incomprehensible to the 3D mind, but I don't believe this is some kind of derelict alien submarine.
As an aside and additional note, assuming this session wasn't corrupted, it might lend some support to the generation ship idea.
session970809 said:
Q: Did Isabella and Mortimer have a child while they were in hiding in France?
A: No. Here is something for you to digest: Why is it that your scientists have overlooked the obvious when they insist that alien beings cannot travel to earth from a distant system???
Q: And what is this obvious thing?
A: Even if speed of light travel, or "faster," were not possible, and it is, of course, there is no reason why an alien race could not construct a space "ark," living for many generations on it. They could travel great distances through time and space, looking for a suitable world for conquest. Upon finding such, they could then install this ark in a distant orbit, build bases upon various solid planes in that solar system, and proceed to patiently manipulate the chosen civilizations to develop a suitable technological infrastructure. And then, after the instituting of a long, slow, and grand mind programming project, simply step in and take it over once the situation was suitable.
Q: Is this, in fact, what has happened, or is happening?
A: It could well be, and maybe now it is the time for you to learn about the details.
Q: Well, would such a race be 3rd or 4th density in orientation?
A: Why not elements of both?
Q: What is the most likely place that such a race would have originated from?
A: Oh, maybe Orion, for example?
Q: Okay. If such a race did, in fact, travel to this location in space/time, how many generations have come and gone on their space ark during this period of travel, assuming, of course, that such a thing has happened?
A: Maybe 12.
Q: Okay, that implies that they have rather extended life spans...
A: Yes...
Q: Assuming this to be the case, what are their life spans?
A: 2,000 of your years.
Q: Okay, assuming such a bunch have traveled...
A: When in space, that is...
Q: And what is the span when on terra firma?
A: 800 years.
Q: Well, has it not occurred to them that staying in space might not be better?
A: No. Planets are much more "comfortable."
Q: Okay... imagining that such a group has traveled here...
A: We told you of upcoming conflicts... Maybe we meant the same as your Bible, and other references. Speak of... The "final" battle between "good and evil..." Sounds a bit cosmic, when you think of it, does it not?
Q: Does this mean that there is more than one group that has traveled here in their space arks?
A: Could well be another approaching, as well as "reinforcements" for either/or, as well as non-involved, but interested observers of various types who appreciate history from the sidelines.
Q: Well, SWELL! There goes my peaceful life!
A: You never had one!
Q: Well, I was planning on one! Is this one of those items we should NOT put on the net, or are you addressing it because you want it on the net?
A: We will leave that until a bit later.
Q: Any other comment?
A: You chose to be incarnated now, with some foreknowledge of what was to come. Reference your dreams of space attack.
Q: Okay, what racial types are we talking about relating to these hypothetical aliens?
A: Three basic constructs. Nordic, Reptilian, and Greys. Many variations of type 3, and 3 variations of type 1 and 2.
When they start getting into the different racial types, it seems pretty clear to me that they aren't talking about microbes riding space rocks, however to my knowledge one of these space arks has never been observed. The closest thing that I know of would be this object.
session991204 said:
Q: Is this object that is possibly in orbit around the sun, is it a natural or artificial construction?
A: Latter.
Q Who constructed it?
A: Orion STS.
Q: What is it?
A: HQ.
Q: The Orion Headquarters?
A: For your star system.
Q: Okay, you said "maybe" to this being a "new object." When did it arrive, or when was it placed there?
A: You measure "time" linearly.
Q: Can we give it a "linear" definition, or does it come and go through some sort of portal in terms of time, in a cyclical way, or a variable and selective way?
A: Yes, but it arrived at that coordinate 26730 years ago, sort of.
Q: What is its orbit, or distance from the Sun?
A: 31,230,000 miles.
Q: How large is this object?
A: 1005.6 kilometers diameter.
Q: What is the general configuration or shape of it? (A) A sphere, a ball, a disc, a cylinder?
A: Partial sphere, hexagonal.
Q: (A) Is it in a circular orbit or an elliptical orbit?
A: Circular. Rotation is altered by guidance system, gravitationally powered.
Q: What is its angle to the plane of the ecliptic?
A: 21 degrees.
Q: Okay, you said that it is "headquarters," so that answers what it does. And, it did not arrive with Hale Bopp. Just off to the side, was there REALLY a Hale Bopp companion - this rumor just won't die!?
A: No.
Q: Now, what do these Orions DO in this object? I mean, isn't it a little warm so close to the sun? I know. That's a stupid question. Space is cold.
A: Yes, and study magnetism for answers.
Q: Do Orions LIVE in this object?
A: Close.
Q: Do they use it as a transfer portal?
A: Yes.
Q: So, it is a doorway, so to speak?
A: Doorway as are many.
Q: How many of these objects are in our solar system?
A: Two.
Q: Where is the other one?
A: Outside, on the fringe of the solar system.
Q: Is the government, or some faction or department, aware of this object?
A: Yes.
Q: Anything else you can tell us about this object?
A: No need. [Break to look at photographs.]
Q: Now, in terms of the photographs of this object, it looks sort of like two cylindrical objects with a dome or energy flow arc at the top. Could you tell us what we were seeing?
A: The object.
Q: Was it two parts?
A: No.
Q: What was this arc looking part? Part of the spherical part?
A: Your visual perspective.
Q: Are the two cylindrical parts aspects of the hexagonal shape extending down from a spherical cap?
A: Close.
1000km is big enough to be a decent sized moon. If something like that really exists, everybody should be aware of it, however if it is a 4D object then that explains why we can't see it most of the time. It has the finger in Flatland effect, now you see it now you don't, because it exists across higher dimensions. As far as I'm aware, all of the alien constructions investigated by serious researchers such as Keel, have this paranormal flavor about them, even though I'm sure the phenomenon isn't purely ethereal. Other than maybe the shape of it, there is really nothing odd about what happened with Oumuamua to substantiate the suspicions of alien theorists. Based on what I've learned about the hyperdimensional nature of the phenomenon, they're basically hanging their hats on it being something that malfunctioned and got stuck drifting across 3D reality. I think it's an extremely remote possibility. I reaffirm my position that the most this object has to do with aliens is that of a symbolic marker of what might be going on in 4D.
An interesting update.

‘Oumuamua Update: Red, Tumbling, and Silent

By: Kelly Beatty | December 19, 2017

Astronomers' recent observations of our first-known interstellar visitor reveal that it is very strange indeed.

Back in late October, in the days following the discovery of what proved to be an object from interstellar space, astronomers scrapped the observing plans at observatories worldwide to scrutinize this unique visitor before it zipped out of the inner solar system, never to return. Right now ‘Oumuamua (or 1I/2017 U1), as it's now known, is some 350 million km (2.3 astronomical units) from Earth, has dimmed to only 27th magnitude, and is receding at another 5½ million km (15 Earth-Moon distances) each day.

But the flurry of observations made weeks ago, when it was closer and brighter, have fueled a second flurry of activity — writing scientific papers — to detail what we've learned. Here are three highlights that have come to light since S&T's previous update.

It's Reddish

Some of the first observations of 1I/2017 U1 showed that it had a slightly reddish color, not unlike a class of red-tinged bodies (called D types) found in the outer asteroid belt. Careful spectral measurements made by Alan Fitzsimmons (Queens University Belfast) and others using the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope and the 8.2-m Very Large Telescope bear out this initial assessment.

Writing in Nature Astronomy, the observers note that they don't see any spectral evidence for outcrops of rocky minerals. This suggest that all of `Oumuamua might be covered with a veneer of icy organic compounds that have turned red after prolonged exposure to space radiation. This conversion doesn't take very long on cosmic time-scales — roughly 10 million years — and for all we know this body had been drifting through interstellar space for billions of years before showing up on the Sun's doorstep.

In fact, the Fitzsimmons team contends, the dark, reddish exterior of ‘Oumuamua might be masking an icy interior deeper down. The researchers calculate that the surface temperature soared to roughly 600 Kelvin during its brief but close encounter with the Sun (just 0.25 astronomical unit, well inside Mercury's orbit). But they also find that a topside layer of irradiated, carbon-rich goo would only need to be a half meter thick to keep the Sun's heat from reaching deeply buried water ice and even frozen carbon dioxide. They'd remain as ices, instead of sublimating and escaping in comet-like fashion.

"We recognize one obvious problem with this model," the authors admit. Comets in our own Oort Cloud should likewise have built up thick mantles due to 4½ billion years of exposure to cosmic rays, yet most are clearly give off lots of gas as they near the Sun. One possible out: Maybe ‘Oumuamua spent enough time near its host star that become completely devolatilized before heading our way.

It's Tumbling

It didn't take observers long to realize that ‘Oumuamua displayed wild swings in brightness of up to 2½ magnitudes — a factor of 10! — that defied easy explanation. Surely it must be highly elongated, with a length 5 to 10 times its width (depending on whom you ask). Some of the initial reports suggesting a spin period of 7.5 hours proved premature.

A team led by Michal Drahus (Jagiellonian University, Poland) used the Gemini North telescope to bag hundreds of images on October 27th and 28th. "While the light curve of 1I/‘Oumuamua is clearly periodic, it does not repeat exactly from one rotation cycle to another," they write in an online preprint. "Furthermore, the light curve does not appear to have a single, unique periodicity because the rotation periods reported by other studies differ from one another and are inconsistent with our data."

The object could only be spinning this erratically if it were tumbling, a characteristic that's rare among our solar system's asteroids and comets. (Comet 1P/Halley is a tumbler, for example, driven by assorted gas jets from its nucleus.) But ‘Oumuamua shows no hint of outgassing, and the chance that it struck something in our solar system en route to its discovery seems impossibly remote. Most likely, they conclude, it had a rough time while escaping from the system of its origin.

It's Not Broadcasting!

One of the most unexpected studies occurred earlier this month when Breakthrough Listen — the initiative to find signs of intelligent life in the universe — funded an effort to eavesdrop on any radio transmissions that ‘Oumuamua might be broadcasting. On December 13th astronomers used the huge Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia to listen to billions of radio frequences in four bands spanning 1 to 12 gigahertz.

The Green Bank search didn't turn up any radio "beacons" or other transmissions in narrow frequency bands, though the analysis of three of the bands isn't complete. Honestly, the Breakthrough Listen team didn't expect to pick up alien broadcasts from this interloper — but, hey, why not try, right?

One final set of observations of 1I/2017 U1 is under way. Karen Meech and others are attempting to record images with the Hubble Space Telescope. Their aim is simply to locate its position against background stars as accurately as possible. Those measurements, in turn, will fine-tune calculations of the object's in-bound trajectory and help us identify where this strange object came from and perhaps shed some light on how it got here

Possibly another asteroid with hyperbolic orbit:

A new hyperbolic asteroid has been discovered!

A/2017 U7
Eccentricity: 1.00176
Inclination: 143 degrees
Will pass between the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn in Sep 2019.

Twitter message with its orbit animation:

And another one:

A new hyperbolic asteroid has been discovered!

A/2018 C2
Eccentricity: 1.00146
Inclination: 34 degrees

Twitter message with its orbit animation:
That makes two. I wonder if there are a lot more on the way?
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'Something Affecting Its Motion': Interstellar Object Did Not Move As Expected When It Passed Through Solar System
June 27, 2018 at 4:45 pm
HOUSTON (CBSDFW.COM) – Scientists say that ‘Oumuamua – the first known interstellar object to travel through our solar system – sped up unexpectedly while passing through our corner of the universe last year. That according to a statement released today from NASA.

“Using observations from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and ground-based observatories, an international team of scientists have confirmed ′Oumuamua … got an unexpected boost in speed and shift in trajectory as it passed through the inner solar system last year,” NASA said in a statement on their website.

“Our high-precision measurements of ′Oumuamua’s position revealed that there was something affecting its motion other than the gravitational forces of the Sun and planets,” said Marco Micheli of ESA’s (European Space Agency) Space Situational Awareness Near-Earth Object Coordination Centre in Frascati, Italy, and lead author of a paper describing the team’s findings.

Scientists say that the changes in speed and direction were consistent with the behavior of a comet.

“This additional subtle force on ′Oumuamua likely is caused by jets of gaseous material expelled from its surface,” said Farnocchia. “This same kind of outgassing affects the motion of many comets in our solar system.”

“Comets normally eject large amounts of dust and gas when warmed by the Sun,” NASA officials said. “But according to team scientist Olivier Hainaut of the European Southern Observatory, ‘there were no visible signs of outgassing from ′Oumuamua, so these forces were not expected.'”

Scientists suspect ‘Oumuamua did produce enough dust and gas to affect its motion – just not enough to be detected.

“The more we study ′Oumuamua, the more exciting it gets,” said Karen Meech, an astronomer at the University of Hawaii’s Institute of Astronomy and co-author of the study. “I’m amazed at how much we have learned from a short, intense observing campaign. I can hardly wait for the next interstellar object!”

NASA says ‘Oumuamua is less than a half-mile long, is already further away from our sun than the planet Jupiter and is traveling at about 70,000 mph towards the outskirts of the solar system.

“Because ′Oumuamua is the first interstellar object ever observed in our solar system, researchers caution that it’s difficult to draw general conclusions about this newly-discovered class of celestial bodies,” said the NASA statement. “However, observations point to the possibility that other star systems regularly eject small comet-like objects and there should be more of them drifting among the stars,” the statement continued. “Future ground- and space-based surveys could detect more of these interstellar vagabonds, providing a larger sample for scientists to analyze.”

NASA will host a Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA) about the ′Oumuamua observations from 3 to 5 p.m. Central Time Thursday, June 28.

HubbleESA Published on Jun 27, 2018
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