It's great to hear they are a comfort to you, Andrian! Actually, yesterday I checked out some video's about the mechanics of problematic feet, exercises and shoe recommendations by The Foot Collective, as per @gottathink's excellent advice (thank you so very much!!), and i think that with my genetic disposition of my feetsies PLUS wearing tapered shoes (like all of my shoes) for so long, I kind of exacerbated the problem i have now. I like how they put it on their website (and so far I haven't come across them recommending insoles):According to him the shoes are so comfortable that he doesn’t experience any foot problems. I bought a pair myself for work, since most of the time I'm on my feet. They're great, my feet don't hurt as they used to while wearing other types of shoes.
Today, I made a tour of available shoe shops in my region, but to no avail; only tapered shoes on the market here and that's no longer an option for me. But i found some suitable options from the Barebarics and Groundies brands, which have a wide toe box, neutral drop (no heel), minimal cushioning and are flexible (can fold/twist/bend). I will have to order them online, but at least it's within Europe so it should not be too difficult with shipping.
Thanks @loreta for the article, phew, i am happy that i walk barefoot around my house and garden all the time!
With what I've learned so far though, I'm optimistic that surgery can be avoided and that with discipline (doing the exercises) and sensible shoe wearing, i should be able to go on walks outside my house in the foreseeable future without problems!