I think the climate is a bit different than when the thread began. Rainy day savings (these days in gold probably) is a good idea, but I'd imagine any more should be used as investment in survival and betterment of others instead of collecting dust. Money is energy, it needs a purpose! Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe FOTCM already absorbed some functions of a credit union anyway. Members participate and help with projects and monetarily when possible, in turn the project benefit all, and in some cases members can even be helped monetarily.
I think over-reliance on existence of money is probably a mistake right now, and resources should be pooled (including money) towards tangible benefits for all involved. I do think it would be awesome to have a "bank" you can trust, I'm just not sure a bank is the right thing to even have at this time, but correct me if I'm wrong.
There is one "risk" with issuing loans - what if it's for something stupid and wasteful? Granted a loan issuer has no business telling anyone what they can use their money for, but what if it runs contrary to this group's aims, would it make sense for a FCM credit union to loan money for pointless things? As things stand right now, the group assesses each member's situation and gives money/help/resources, which are part of the collective effort of the group itself, when it makes sense to do so. This protects them from accidentally sponsoring bad things.
Again, my understanding is limited here, just some thoughts.
I think over-reliance on existence of money is probably a mistake right now, and resources should be pooled (including money) towards tangible benefits for all involved. I do think it would be awesome to have a "bank" you can trust, I'm just not sure a bank is the right thing to even have at this time, but correct me if I'm wrong.
There is one "risk" with issuing loans - what if it's for something stupid and wasteful? Granted a loan issuer has no business telling anyone what they can use their money for, but what if it runs contrary to this group's aims, would it make sense for a FCM credit union to loan money for pointless things? As things stand right now, the group assesses each member's situation and gives money/help/resources, which are part of the collective effort of the group itself, when it makes sense to do so. This protects them from accidentally sponsoring bad things.
Again, my understanding is limited here, just some thoughts.