Fred Hoyle conspiracy theory

mkrnhr said:
A quick look at Hoyle's biography (a book called "Fred Hoyle's Universe" by Jane Gregory) shows that Hoyle had big problems with the academic establishment around that time. It is possible that these kind of articles were a part of a character assassination dynamic towards him, still ongoing today.

I think that's a reasonable hypothesis. Hoyle was a big promoter of panspermia. Some interesting details from his wikipedia entry (with links to the sources)

[Hoyle asserted] that evolution on Earth is influenced by a steady influx of viruses arriving via comets. His belief that comets had a significant percentage of organic compounds was well ahead of his time, as the dominant views in the 1970s and 1980s were that comets largely consisted of water-ice, and the presence of organic compounds was then highly controversial

Hoyle and Wickramasinghe advanced several instances where they say outbreaks of illnesses on Earth are of extraterrestrial origins, including the 1918 flu pandemic, and certain outbreaks of polio and mad cow disease. For the 1918 flu pandemic they hypothesized that cometary dust brought the virus to Earth simultaneously at multiple locations—a view almost universally dismissed by experts on this pandemic. In 1982 Hoyle presented Evolution from Space for the Royal Institution's Omni Lecture. After considering what he thought of as a very remote possibility of Earth-based abiogenesis he concluded:

If one proceeds directly and straightforwardly in this matter, without being deflected by a fear of incurring the wrath of scientific opinion, one arrives at the conclusion that biomaterials with their amazing measure of order must be the outcome of intelligent design. No other possibility I have been able to think of...

Hoyle also supported the theory of abiogenic petroleum, held by Hoyle and by Thomas Gold, where natural hydrocarbons (oil and natural gas) are explained as the result of deep carbon deposits, instead of fossilized organic material. This theory is dismissed by the mainstream petroleum geochemistry community.
Well, since the tale devolves onto Otto Binder, what do we know about him?

Nick Redfern writing:

Otto Binder – who died on October 13, 1974, at the age of sixty-three – is most remembered for his work in the field of superhero comic-books. He wrote for DC Comics’ “World’s Finest Comics” and “Mystery in Space,” Marvel Comics’ “Young Allies,” and Fawcett Comics’ “Bulletman,” amongst many others. As someone who finds superhero stuff to be utterly ridiculous, I’m pleased that Binder did more than just focus his time on spandex, cloaks, masks, and stupid “super-powers.” He was also the editor of Space World and had a deep interest in UFOs. In 1967, Binder’s book What We Really Know About Flying Saucers was published.

All of which brings me to the crux of this article. In May 1971, Binder penned a feature for Saga magazine. Its title was “Liquidation of the UFO Researchers.” As you might guess – and guess correctly – the article was focused upon alleged mysterious deaths within the field of Ufology. It began in eye-catching fashion:

“Over the past 10 years, no less than 137 flying saucer researchers, writers, scientists, and witnesses, have died – many under the most mysterious circumstances. Were they silenced, permanently, because they got too close to the truth? Before the 1967 Congress of Scientific Ufologists, Gray Barker, the chairman, received two letters and one phone call telling him that Frank Edwards, the noted radio newscaster and champion of flying saucers, would die during the convention. One day after the meeting was convened there was an announcement that Frank Edwards had succumbed to an ‘apparent’ heart attack. How could anybody know that Edwards was going to die, unless it was planned?”
As someone who has written a full-length book on the subject – Close Encounters of the Fatal Kind – I don’t doubt at all that there have been some very odd deaths within Ufology. Of course, we have to remember that we’re all human, and we’re all on a time-limit. So, it’s important to realize that the vast majority of people within Ufology who once looked up at the stars, but who are now six-foot-under or in an urn above the fireplace, did not die under unusual and/or suspicious circumstances. They died because they were human. But, that does not take away the fact that there have been far more than a few odd demises in the field of flying saucers.

Why am I mentioning all this now? For the following reason: Otto Binder’s article is now available for a new audience, and in a new package. Two years after Binder wrote his article, Gray Barker, of Saucerian Books, published it in the form of a small book, along with a body of additional material. That book has just been republished by New Saucerian Press, who tells us the following about their new edition:

“New Saucerian is pleased to reprint an original Saucerian publication from 1973, ‘Liquidation of the UFO Investigators: The Truth Behind the Flying Saucers’ Mission to Earth.’

“In these pages, Otto Binder reports on the strange disappearances and deaths of several UFO researchers. He also zeroes in on the mysterious Virginia psychic and UFO percipient, Ted Owens, who claimed to be in direct telepathic contact with the ‘space intelligences’ and the Men in Black (MIB). Could Owens, wonders Binder, hold the key to understanding and dealing with such dangerous cosmic interlopers?

“This special edition features an Introduction by John A. Keel, a Foreword by Kurt Glemser, and both an Introduction and Afterword by the editor, Gray Barker. Also included is a chapter by Ted Owens himself, explaining how he came to be a tool of the space intelligences, or “SIs.”

“Owens clearly had demonstrable PK (psychokinetic) powers, and was able to predict and even change the courses of hurricanes, tornadoes, and sporting events. Did Owens really set off the eruption of Mount Saint Helens in 1980, and if so, why couldn’t he blow up the flying saucers, and stop the killings perpetrated by the SIs and MIB?

“Over the years, many authors have tried to duplicate the material in this book, often claiming the material for themselves. Make no mistake: this is the original source material. Upon reading, one finds that very little new material on this subject has been added to what Binder originally discovered, making it a must-have for today’s serious UFO/Fortean researcher. The topic is still as hot – and unexplored – as it was 50 years ago.”

If that has caught your attention, and you want to find more about this highly controversial aspect of Ufology, you can purchase the new edition right here. The final word goes to Otto Binder, as it should: “…something must account for the high death rate among UFOlogists. That ‘something’ may either be the secret machinations of the UFO hierarchy who decides which earth-people ‘know too much about flying saucers,’ or the planned removal of UFO crusaders who have done their job nobly. Take your choice.”

One wonders if the information attributed to Fred Hoyle actually came from Ted Owens?
Regarding Ted Owens:

How to Contact Space People

by Ted Owens

A rare book printed by Saucerian Press in 1969

Scroll down for Table of Contents

Many people who investigated Ted Owens testified that he could predict and control lightning, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and volcanoes. He claimed he was in telepathic contact with other dimensional beings he called Space Intelligences (SIs) who trained him since early childhood to be able to communicate with them and co-create tremendous large scale psychokinetic effects. Owens claims that he was not aware, at the time, that he was being trained. He was adept at predicting UFO phenomena. Parapsychologist Jeffrey Mishlove wrote a case-study book about him, The PK Man: A True Story of Mind Over Matter.

Ted Owens could be the greatest parapsychological find in history. He performed about 200 "miracles" in association with the SI's. He also had what many might describe as criminal tendencies. He could retaliate and showed little remorse for the destruction unleashed by his thunderstorms, plane crashes, power outages, hurricanes and other disasters. He considered himself to be the "Earth ambassador of UFO intelligences" and compared himself to Moses, whom he said also worked with the SIs.

Many people have considered him to be delusional, probably, in part, because his demonstrations comprise a horrifying testimony to the apocalyptic power of these Space Intelligences. Ted said, however, that the SI's required human cooperation to unleash these effects in the human world, otherwise it was considered a criminal act in their dimension. Ted supplied the necessary human consent and active participation.

He also said that it was extremely rare for the SIs to find a human brain which they could train to withstand the effects of communicating directly with them -- that this type of interaction was eventually fatal to most human nervous systems.

He said there were many other extradimensional beings in addition to the variety of SIs that he worked with. He referred to them as Other Intelligences (OIs) and said that some were overtly malevolent. He identified his SIs as being among the good guys. The disasters which they co-created often comprised some sort of punishment of the United States government for evils such as the Viet Nam war. He warned of the impending destruction of the Challenger Space Shuttle by the SIs. I'm not sure what the rationale was for destroying that particular mission.

I don't recommend that you try to contact Space Intelligences. It can be extremely dangerous, even life threatening. Andy Eastman suffered from some retardation and amnesia (sounds like some serious brain damage) as a result of his contacts.

The contents of this book are offered for purposes of researching and understanding more about the jinn. I got a copy several years ago when it was still affordable. Copies now sell for about $150 to $200.

This is also interesting: (Lot of links here)

The PK Man: A True Story of Mind Over Matter by Jeffrey Mishlove, was released by Hampton Roads Publishing Company in October 2000, with a foreword by John Mack, MD, professor of psychiatry at Harvard University. The PK Man presents a story that seems unbelievable, even preposterous. However, in the spirit of William James, we believe it deserves our careful attention.

And then:

Logic and The PK Man

In my own experience, and in that of other UFO investigators, the Ted Owens case is not an isolated case. It is only the most extraordinary modern case out of many others. This suggests that the total picture does indeed deserve serious attention, and that this most salient case should provide more insights than those derived from cases with lesser strangeness.

The extraordinary powers or abilities of Mr. Ted Owens - abilities to influence material phenomena such as willing the location and timing of lightning strikes, the ability to influence weather, and the ability to influence the outcome of athletic competitions, is far beyond the lesser powers attributed to other individuals. I am sure that particular instances of Mr. Owens' demonstrations can be successfully challenged by skeptics, but also believe that the entire story would survive such a challenge. In other words, the work in its entirety constitutes a credible set of extraordinary facts that echo a lesser set that we can find in other humans, but which have seldom made their way into public discourse.

I am very aware of the methods used by the media, and the average person as well, in evaluating such controversial matters. This conventional method uses examples to prove a point. Lost in their understanding is the logical truth that no number of examples can prove a negative, although one example can sometimes prove a positive. When described in this stark way, it should be obvious to any observer. Nevertheless the method of using a large number of examples that throw doubts on a phenomenon is routinely used by debunkers to discredit a phenomena. The prevalence of this method of arguing is so pervasive that we hardly notice its fallacy.

So evidence of a failed attempt to produce a seemingly impossible event (and I have been one of the witnesses to one such Owen attempt, described in Chapter Four) does not invalidate a mass of other data. In my own experience I have observed less spectacular parallels to Ted Owens' unusual powers, and I have friends who have both observed and carefully recorded other such unusual cases. Only the sheer magnitude of Ted Owens' abilities separates him from other individuals in other cases.

I think it would be a mistake to think that Owens himself was able to produce the events he takes credit for. To fully understand his case one must go further into other cases where humans have displayed extraordinary powers. In those cases open to careful examination, it has been my conclusion that most turn out to be powers exerted by extraterrestrial groups or individual extraterrestrial beings. This is the most likely alternative to the claim that ALL the events reported in the Ted Owens case are fraudulent (and I mean every one). Lacking fraud, any other alternative explanation would still have to involve the collaboration of some other godlike power or undefined spiritual entity. Good evidence for such interventions are found in history, notably in the history contained in the Christian Bible, although it is usually assumed by modern critics that these are the result of fantasy or error.

One of the reported characteristics of such gods or beings is that they can be capricious and even petty at times Consider the actions, of Moses' patron as described in Numbers 11,1:

And the people complained in the hearing of the Lord about their misfortunes [subsequent to the exodus out of Egypt]; and when the Lord heard it, his anger was kindled, and the fire of the Lord burned among them, and consumed some outlying parts of the camp.

This is only one of a number of examples in which disasters were attributed to the jealousy and ego of the gods. Some readers will recall. parallel with the interventions attributed to the Greek gods and other powerful entities as chronicled by Homer and other early writers; or other descriptions of strange craft as recorded in the Vedic accounts of India. In the case of the Greek gods we note a number of different attributes.- -capricious interactions and favoritisms.

Thus I heartily defend Dr. Mishlove in his giving serious attention to this most remarkable case and hope that serious investigators will follow his example in looking further into such remarkable phenomena. By taking note of this case, we open up investigations that may lead in directions that are so bizarre that many investigators will be turned off. But recall that many of the major advances in our scientific understanding have been due to a dogged pursuit in unpopular directions. Where we find the maximum strangeness we also may find the maximum chance of finding new truths.
Laura said:
Well, since the tale devolves onto Otto Binder, what do we know about him?
"This special edition features an Introduction by John A. Keel, a Foreword by Kurt Glemser, and both an Introduction and Afterword by the editor, Gray Barker. Also included is a chapter by Ted Owens himself, explaining how he came to be a tool of the space intelligences, or “SIs.”
One wonders if the information attributed to Fred Hoyle actually came from Ted Owens?

This is a very fascinating connection. They were both, visionary's of Imagination.

Listen to Liquidation of the UFO Investigators Audiobook by Otto Binder, narrated by Pete Ferrand / 2:12 (Bizarro World)
Published on Jan 27, 2017
Get your free audio book: _

[PDF]What We Really Know About Flying Saucers By Otto Binder Book Cover
What We Really Know About Flying Saucers PDF By Otto Binder
Introduction (By John A. Keel)
!- Ufo Patterns: Prelude To Proof?
2 - Identified Flying Models
3 - Miraculous Maneuvers
4 - They Come In All Colors
5 - Way-Out Propulsion
6 - Electromagnetic Wizardry
7 - Stricken Sighters
8 - Unearthly Phenomena
9 - The Endless Waves
10 - The Ufonauts
11 - Intelligent Control
12 - Missions Of Mystery
13 - Hostile Or Harmless?
14 - Unidentified Origin
15 - Greatest Saucer Secret
16 - Usaf Versus Ufo's
17 - The Patterned Proof
Official USAF

Speculative Fiction Data Base
Summary Bibliography: Otto Binder
Author: Otto Binder
Used These Alternate Names:
Eando Binder, Otto O. Binder, John Coleridge, Will Garth, Gordon A. Giles, Dean D. O'Brien, Ian Francis Turek, Ione Frances Turek

Summary Bibliography: Fred Hoyle

A search for 'Ted Owens ufo' found 0 matches

Feb 1979 - James Robertson
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de WW HARMAN - ‎1979
human pecking orders, points out that Sir Fred Hoyle and Prof.Gold of Cornell ..... (Ted Owens, AT International, 1709 N Street NW, Washington DC 20036,.

A large part of the available UFO litel'ature is closely linked with mysticism and the metaphysical. It deals with subjects like mental telepathy, automatic writing, and invisible entities as well as phenomena poltergeist manifestations and "possession." One school of thought holds that flying saucers are Biblical "signs in the sky" that portend the Second Coming. Another believes that an invisible fourth-or other-dimensional world is involved. Some groups have concluded that mankind is being, and may have always been, manipulated by extraterrestrial forces --the UFO occupants. Others detail the endless battle between "good" and "evil'1 believing that the UFOs play an
nt\"!gral part in this "war." Unearthly ,,police forces" are described and explained.
Reading all this info has certainly sparked my interest again in the swarm of UFO's I saw above North Cyprus. It was towards the end of the year and there were SO MANY. As I said then, could have been 100.

I would love to hear what the C's say as to why they were there, and hovering for so long (nearly one hour),

Where were these ones from? Man made? I doubt there for good intentions as usual!
5 déc. 2014 - Owens, Ted, Flying saucer intelligences speak. .... ted UFO sightings. ...... Professor Fred Hoyle is quoted ':ls saying that quasars "must be .
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