Freedom Trucker Convoy: From Canada to USA to all across the world

So what is really happening, nobody knows, is seems that MSM is flooding the airwaves with a distortion of truth and blocking alternative media. I heard one guy with a streaming platform saying he had been shut down by Ytube because he did not have enough subscribers...
yes, I have noticed in YouTube, that a lot of the videos on autoplay are ONLY from legacy media outlets. Yet more reasons to go to Gab, BitChute, etc
From @anartist yes, I have noticed particularly on YTube, that a lot of the videos on autoplay are ONLY from legacy media outlets. Yet more reasons to go to Gab, BitChute, etc

I have noticed it is not just Y'tube, it appears to be all social media platforms to some extent, highlights for me anyway the encroachment of AI on what we see and are allowed to hear. The comment by Elon Musk, saying that he supports the Canadian Truckers is nothing more than click bait and pure hypocrisy
The main protest is in Ottawa but there were a lot of other protests in other cities this weekend. In Alberta there were three main ones that I am aware of.

One protest saw about 1,000 trucks blocking both north and southbound lanes at the Alberta/Montana border known as Sweetgrass/Coutts border crossing, much to the ire of our Premier Jason Kenny. Another protest was held at Calgary's Central Memorial Park on Saturday afternoon. About 5,000 people attended, but no vehicles. In Edmonton, there was a large, rather sprawling protest yesterday that pulled in people from all over the province. From the Acheson route (West) into Edmonton, saw a convoy of about 400 trucks. RCMP reported large convoys coming from the Ponoka and Didsbury (South) route, but no estimates were given. There was a North and East route but I don't have reports for those. Hundreds of vehicles drove by the Provincial Legislature as about 2000 people lined the streets to welcome the convoy.

Just these numbers equal 8,400 people, and this is a low estimate, for Alberta.

Way back, probably in the '80s, I was told (by Ipsos Reed?- a public opinion polling firm), that one person's opinion represents the opinions of 1,000 people (+/- 3% of course). Sometimes I wish that was true. If it was then 8,400,000 people (in Alberta... which only has a pop. of 4.4 million) want the mandates to end. I'd be ok with that!

Does anyone have numbers from their provinces to show how big this is?
I was just wondering if it may in part be due to a Northern mentality.? How would Russians have handled this?

Well, it's tricky, because Russians have a long history of living under an authoritative rule without an ability to express their opinion or will in an overt manner. Therefore they developed a sort of cynicism toward such outward expressions, and instead have a tactic of "passive sabotage". You can see it their handling of corona craziness. Despite all kind of attempts by the government and their presstitutes, people simply didn't vaccinate. Only when their ability to work was threatened and they had no choice. And beside some small protests that didn't go so well, people primarily expressed their opinion in polls and online.

Russian authorities are obviously aware of this approach, and did try to gaige public opinion with repeated polls that were always overwhelmingly against QR codes and mandatory vaccination. Also authorities really don't want people going to the streets, so when they saw that people are considering more overt actions, they quickly backed down and removed QR codes from the agenda. For now.

Also polls show that the last straw that may cause people to go to the street in an overt protest is the issue of mandatory vaccination of children. Now authorities try all kind of manipulative tactics, like vaccinating teenagers that are maybe brainwashed enough to go and do it by themselves. Apparently teenagers older than 14 do not need their parents concent. Or at least the authorities want it to be the case. But there is a real possibility that people will respond much strongly if the authorities will attempt to make it mandatory.

Essentially, given the Russian history and its effects on the Russian psyche, people will be very slow to protest outwardly. But the moment they go out to the streets, the authorities should know that this will be the end of their rule.
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