Freedom Trucker Convoy: From Canada to USA to all across the world

One reason I realized this would be a very significant protest - perhaps the most significant we have seen globally since covid - was that Justin Trudeau (one of my favourite politicians to hate these days, btw, him being such a slimy hypocrite lying manipulative critter) said they were a "fringe minority with unacceptable views". That is, precisely because he knew they were NOT a fringe minority and their views were quite valid, he had to come out and say that. If they had really been just an unrepresentative minority, he wouldn't even have bothered saying so. Why give a spotlight if they were so insignificant? But they are already in the spotlight because they are significant, so he had to attack them.

But then it got better. Trudeau said that a child of his had tested positive, so he had to self-isolate for a few days. Forgive me for being cynical, but I don't believe he's worried about his health or his child's. Rather, he is pulling a "How dare you come protesting about vaccine mandates when me and my family are suffering with covid!". And now the coward went into hiding because of "safety concerns". Clearly, that's just more theatrics, this time trying to imply that these extremists are capable of violence - they're probably terrorists those crazy anti-vaxxers, right?? Unfortunately, this is when the agents provocateurs might come into action in order to confirm Trudeau's 'fears'. It hasn't happened yet, but I think there's still a good chance it will.

As I said, such a slimy manipulative critter, that Trudeau.
One reason I realized this would be a very significant protest - perhaps the most significant we have seen globally since covid - was that Justin Trudeau (one of my favourite politicians to hate these days, btw, him being such a slimy hypocrite lying manipulative critter) said they were a "fringe minority with unacceptable views". That is, precisely because he knew they were NOT a fringe minority and their views were quite valid, he had to come out and say that. If they had really been just an unrepresentative minority, he wouldn't even have bothered saying so. Why give a spotlight if they were so insignificant? But they are already in the spotlight because they are significant, so he had to attack them.

But then it got better. Trudeau said that a child of his had tested positive, so he had to self-isolate for a few days. Forgive me for being cynical, but I don't believe he's worried about his health or his child's. Rather, he is pulling a "How dare you come protesting about vaccine mandates when me and my family are suffering with covid!". And now the coward went into hiding because of "safety concerns". Clearly, that's just more theatrics, this time trying to imply that these extremists are capable of violence - they're probably terrorists those crazy anti-vaxxers, right?? Unfortunately, this is when the agents provocateurs might come into action in order to confirm Trudeau's 'fears'. It hasn't happened yet, but I think there's still a good chance it will.

As I said, such a slimy manipulative critter, that Trudeau.
Yes, it's only a matter of time before the PTB send in the dogs to break this up this protest. How that will manifest remains to be seen.
It's interesting that today in history is the anniversary of another protest that took place in Glasgow, Scotland on January 31st, 1919.
It was called "Red Clydeside". A post today from the FB page "Lost Glasgow" gives a good history of it here -
Time for our annual repost about Bloody Friday, the pivotal moment in the creation of the legend of 'Red Clydeside'.
On January 31, 1919, running battles were taking place across the city, after police baton-charged a peaceful, 60,000-strong protest in the George Square.
The men, women, and children had hit the streets, and raised the Red Flag, to call for a 40-hour working week.
The event - known as The Battle of George Square, or Bloody Friday - was no selfish fight. The men, who were working a 56-hour week, were horrified and ashamed that the soldiers returning from the First World War were being left on the scrapheap. They were also annoyed that, with peace declared, so many soldiers were still overseas, and still in uniform. They knew that if they took a cut in their hours, and their pay, some of these returning 'heroes' - their brothers, fathers, and neighbours - could get back into the city's yards and the workshops and start providing for their families.
Sadly, the bosses, many of whom had done very well out of the war, didn't see things the same way, and weren't about to spend any of their millions on what they, some city leaders, and newspaper editors, called 'Bolshevik scum' (that's your great-granny, your great-grandpa).
With the Russian Revolution only 15 months old, and the Spartacist Revolution still raging in Germany, the ruling classes came down on Glasgow like a ton of bricks... but Glasgow fought back.
While the strike leaders were in the City Chambers, awaiting a response to their demands, things kicked off in the square.
What sparked the trouble isn’t really known, but, without warning, the police baton-charged the crowd, and sent in their horses.
When the strike leaders emerged to plead for calm, they too were attacked by the police.
An attempt was made to read the Riot Act, ordering the protesters to disperse, but the paper was ripped from the city sheriff’s hand.
At first, the crowd scattered, with women and children being trampled underfoot, but they soon regrouped. The crowd uprooted iron railings and charged the police line. As the battle moved to North Frederick Street, some poor bugger drove a beer lorry into the crowd. Sadly, the lorry was full of empties but, rather than claim the cash back on the bottles, the crowd pelted the police with them and drove them back, using the beer crates to build improvised barricades.
The crowd then reformed and marched to Glasgow Green where, again, they were attacked by the police. Now, with the help of an army of East Enders, who had flooded out of their tenement homes, they again routed the police.
Across the city that night running battles took place; in Govan, Townhead, and the old Garngad.
With the Government fearing a full-scale revolution (something that was never really on the cards), the men of the HLI, at Maryhill Barracks, were put under lockdown. The authorities were feart that the Glasgow soldiers would take up arms with their fellow citizens.
That night, over 12,000 troops were rushed to Glasgow from Stirling, Aberdeen, Edinburgh, and England, with the city put under a state of martial law, with armed troops guarding railway stations, the city’s docks, and power stations.
The next morning there were sand-bagged machine gun nests overlooking George Square, on the roof of the North British Hotel (now the Millennium Hotel) and the old central Post Office. There was a Howitzer positioned outside the City Chambers, and six tanks parked in the Gallowgate cattle-market, loaded and ready to roll against the people of Glasgow. Thankfully, the tanks were never deployed.
The strike continued for the next few days, but further talks were held and a 47-hour working week was agreed. An agreement which could have been reached earlier, avoiding any bloodshed, had the Government been more willing to compromise.
Many of the strike leaders later faced trial and imprisonment.
Today, as every year, I doff my bunnet to the brave men and women of 1919 Glasgow, who stood up to fight for their fellow citizens. They didn't want a revolution, they wanted a fair deal for all.
(George Square, Glasgow, Scotland. Jan.31, 1919)
As I said, such a slimy manipulative critter, that Trudeau.
He is as creepy as Macron, made from the same plastic. They are nausebountus. I can not listen to them more than 10 seconds.

I'm a bit worried about the truckers. Yesterday I had trouble falling asleep thinking about them, I also prayed for them. They are good guys, and if you follow Telegram, there is a long list of people expressing, individually, their admiration for them, but even more so, their emotion. Finally they can express their emotion that seemed lost with all the containment measures and everything. Not only that, these truckers have turned despair into hope.

Of course, the PTB will not accept this situation. Unless the army and all security forces (police, RCMP) side with the people, I don't see a good solution. We will see.
I know this maybe off topic in some ways, it concerns the funding behind GBN networks, it's from SheepFarm Studios, 2 brothers that have made several podcasts, of UK political figures. A deep dive is taken into the funding and interest groups that created the Network, very interesting, major hedge fund managers just a few mentioned.
I watched the video with great interest. The web of interconnected associations is so complicated that one could spend years following where they lead. Trudeau is in this web. A controllable puppet whose "control file" would show many interesting links found in the Big Spiders Web.

Even a bad actor such as Trudeau apparently fools enough people to have him win elections (I put my money on DOMINION).

Some noise is being made about this man with the flag,

This could be a small start of activity such as seen here ?

MSM was accusing Trucker Convoy of defacing a statue of Terry Fox .

But this is OK

Here is what Fox had to say about MSM when he was alive.

But we know who is behind EVERYTHING !!!!

OMG, I just saw this on the news! The fool will be "working remotely" for the rest of the week!

He is giving an press conference in 15 minutes here (11:15 am E.D.T.). Get the popcorn on!! 🍿🍿🍿🍿
Essentially, given the Russian history and its effects on the Russian psyche, people will be very slow to protest outwardly. But the moment they go out to the streets, the authorities should know that this will be the end of their rule.
OK, thanks. That seems to be essentially what is happening in Canada. I guess if Russia had imposed the same restrictions as were imposed in Canada, then the Russian response would have been similar. Both Canadians and Russian have a long fuse, but for different reasons perhaps.
Ok, I’m back and rested. I started to write yesterday but was still on to much a high from the emotional wave that cruise trough me Saturday. It was like being carry by a gigantic storm on the ocean, wave after wave, crest after crest, pushing everyone in the same direction. All riding this wave (storm) with sentiment of joy, hope and love. As was said, the police as noting to report, nothing, niet, zero violence. This was purely an ecstatic experience, never seen before this UNITY in my country. You have to understand the great divide that existed here since the creation of this country between the Anglophone and the French minority. Always been there, pushed by nationalism sentiment in Quebec and cultural difference, fueled by politician for the detriment of everyone. Well that divide as crumble, we are for the first time forming a unify front in this battle for our freedom. Anglophone that I talked to in Ottawa were realising this as well, telling me Quebecer are here, yes they are, we are all in this together I will answer. As I said, this movement is beyond mere political or economic reasons; it is about a universal right for freedom, freedom of choice, freedom of speech, our god given right. If your are from England, imagine a crowd with this common cause that will unify you all, English, Irish and Scottish probably not seen since ww2 but not borne from anger but from love. Awareness is making a huge leap, people realised that the battle is again a fringe minority of psychopath (mister globo) running the world from there crystal tower with the help of their puppets. I do think that this is the wave starting to impact the human consciousness. That impact is now crossing the big pond, crossing all oceans for that matter but it must not be co-opted, infiltrated by mister globo. It is very important to watch the press conference posted today on the forum and share it. Kept it pure and simple, leader must be human and any infiltrator shows the door.


As explained in the conference it is not politically motivated and refused to give the permission to any politician to talk in Ottawa. Doing so will only create division and labelling. They say that they welcome any politicians who want to give support to the movement but at the same time are fully aware that no politician raises any opposition save a few, whatever party they are in, but on the contrary supported Trudeau. Even Maxime Bernier leader of the only party opposed to the mandate since the beginning was refused after he asked for that opportunity.

As for the questioning that some of you have that this is some kind of puppet master magic tricks, what would be the point I ask you. Using it to point a finger for the supply chain crumbling on the trucker .Well, they are well aware of this but really if people believe it is there problem because they don’t give a damn. For those who drank the cool-aid and are supporter of all the mandate and regime over reach, it will be a wakeup call. We will probably see many melt down from those who refuse to look at reality and with the incoming wave; I can only imagine what will be the result on them if they stubbornly keep it that way. Ouf!

Some oui dire(echoes) from the front. There are too many truck around Ottawa, many can’t enter so they are blocking many access. One reporting from Ottawa yesterday said that a American trucker who came in support may drive with a convoy to Quebec city to block the capital of the province. I will continue to post news as I receive them for the forum. I plan to go back to Ottawa this week or participate in a big rally in Montreal next week-end where I am sure the convoy will be represented. This rally was organised before the convoy started, it will only rally more people and grow in size.

Hold the line
Ottawa 2022_2.jpg

One reason I realized this would be a very significant protest - perhaps the most significant we have seen globally since covid - was that Justin Trudeau (one of my favourite politicians to hate these days, btw, him being such a slimy hypocrite lying manipulative critter) said they were a "fringe minority with unacceptable views". That is, precisely because he knew they were NOT a fringe minority and their views were quite valid, he had to come out and say that. If they had really been just an unrepresentative minority, he wouldn't even have bothered saying so. Why give a spotlight if they were so insignificant? But they are already in the spotlight because they are significant, so he had to attack them.

But then it got better. Trudeau said that a child of his had tested positive, so he had to self-isolate for a few days. Forgive me for being cynical, but I don't believe he's worried about his health or his child's. Rather, he is pulling a "How dare you come protesting about vaccine mandates when me and my family are suffering with covid!". And now the coward went into hiding because of "safety concerns". Clearly, that's just more theatrics, this time trying to imply that these extremists are capable of violence - they're probably terrorists those crazy anti-vaxxers, right?? Unfortunately, this is when the agents provocateurs might come into action in order to confirm Trudeau's 'fears'. It hasn't happened yet, but I think there's still a good chance it will.

As I said, such a slimy manipulative critter, that Trudeau.
An all around run-of-the-mill dirt bag. He probably, like all psychopaths, gets his jollies from causing suffering and hardship to the normal, hard-working person. In fact, I would bet if you looked up the definition of 'psychopath' in the dictionary, you would find a picture of him.
Ok, I’m back and rested. I started to write yesterday but was still on to much a high from the emotional wave that cruise trough me Saturday. It was like being carry by a gigantic storm on the ocean, wave after wave, crest after crest, pushing everyone in the same direction. All riding this wave (storm) with sentiment of joy, hope and love. As was said, the police as noting to report, nothing, niet, zero violence. This was purely an ecstatic experience, never seen before this UNITY in my country. You have to understand the great divide that existed here since the creation of this country between the Anglophone and the French minority. Always been there, pushed by nationalism sentiment in Quebec and cultural difference, fueled by politician for the detriment of everyone. Well that divide as crumble, we are for the first time forming a unify front in this battle for our freedom. Anglophone that I talked to in Ottawa were realising this as well, telling me Quebecer are here, yes they are, we are all in this together I will answer. As I said, this movement is beyond mere political or economic reasons; it is about a universal right for freedom, freedom of choice, freedom of speech, our god given right. If your are from England, imagine a crowd with this common cause that will unify you all, English, Irish and Scottish probably not seen since ww2 but not borne from anger but from love. Awareness is making a huge leap, people realised that the battle is again a fringe minority of psychopath (mister globo) running the world from there crystal tower with the help of their puppets. I do think that this is the wave starting to impact the human consciousness. That impact is now crossing the big pond, crossing all oceans for that matter but it must not be co-opted, infiltrated by mister globo. It is very important to watch the press conference posted today on the forum and share it. Kept it pure and simple, leader must be human and any infiltrator shows the door.


As explained in the conference it is not politically motivated and refused to give the permission to any politician to talk in Ottawa. Doing so will only create division and labelling. They say that they welcome any politicians who want to give support to the movement but at the same time are fully aware that no politician raises any opposition save a few, whatever party they are in, but on the contrary supported Trudeau. Even Maxime Bernier leader of the only party opposed to the mandate since the beginning was refused after he asked for that opportunity.

As for the questioning that some of you have that this is some kind of puppet master magic tricks, what would be the point I ask you. Using it to point a finger for the supply chain crumbling on the trucker .Well, they are well aware of this but really if people believe it is there problem because they don’t give a damn. For those who drank the cool-aid and are supporter of all the mandate and regime over reach, it will be a wakeup call. We will probably see many melt down from those who refuse to look at reality and with the incoming wave; I can only imagine what will be the result on them if they stubbornly keep it that way. Ouf!

Some oui dire(echoes) from the front. There are too many truck around Ottawa, many can’t enter so they are blocking many access. One reporting from Ottawa yesterday said that a American trucker who came in support may drive with a convoy to Quebec city to block the capital of the province. I will continue to post news as I receive them for the forum. I plan to go back to Ottawa this week or participate in a big rally in Montreal next week-end where I am sure the convoy will be represented. This rally was organised before the convoy started, it will only rally more people and grow in size.

Hold the line
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Diamond Hands!
JBP weighs in on the Canadian truckers. (From his book tour in sunny Florida😊)

“The government is in disarray! He calls out politicians by name and tell them to “Seize the day” and take back our government. What are you waiting for?”

Here's a map of US states' most significant trading partners:


States where Canada is the principal trading partner - the northeast and northwest may be hit harder by any supply shortages. Check out some of the other PTPs of other states - China is predominant. Southern border states rely on Mexico, and South Carolina's PTP is Germany for some reason, Alabama does a lot of trading with South Korea it seems.

Global trade is cheap because it can be scaled, as in economies of scale, thus everything is gigantic. But the system wastes the energy we run things on - petroleum. It also produces lots of trash and toxins thereby. (not worried about CO2). It just seems logical to trade with relative neighbors as much as possible. Towns with adjacent towns and states with nearby states.

I'm not knocking the truckers or this movement at all. We need truckers to make our current system work, and if they don't work the system gets borked. Seems like truckers almost have the globalists by the shorthairs.

But maybe we can create more local, nonwasteful, autonomous economies... next time. Is there a lesson here?

So let's not produce massive amounts of electric vehicles and throw out all the diesel trucks yet. At least have a few trial runs before we destroy the current system in favor of rescuing the earth from all that highly toxic CO2 - (a principal component of life on earth).

Maybe I'm naive, but I think if humans were left alone they would build logical and nonwasteful systems that work for everyone.

Instead, we have a rash of' destroying everything that at least is working first and then "build back better", with insane woke stuff that ain't gonna work, and will most likely hasten the inevitable collapse. Bolshevik Tactics in vogue.

The globalist media will blame the truckers for any future hardships, but the people will know that the real source of the trouble is the fascist mandates. Some are sloughing off the trans-marginal inhibition programming, Hopefully, future lies and false flags will begin to ripen and rot quickly. Also hopefully the 'bad guys' are losing their mojo.

Current bad guys look like these guys:

I stumbled on a telegram post about what is happening in Canada which made me want to share it here.
Here's the telegram link, there are 4 small video clip in it :

Here's the translation of the text (fr => en)
- 1st Video
⚡️After a night of protests, Canadians unite to ensure the streets stay clean.
- 2nd Video
⚡️Truckers stranded just outside Ottawa. Campers unhitched and parked. They're not going anywhere❗
- 3rd Video
👏 Convoy protesters carefully cleaning and maintaining the Terry Fox Memorial in downtown Ottawa.
- 4th Video
⚡️ 1 Canadian who grew up in Poland sends a message to Trudeau:
⚡️- 🗣️ When people are angry, and they will eventually be. When they lose their children or their loved ones, their mothers, their fathers, and they learn what really happened, I wouldn't want to be in your shoes❗

The fact is about cleaning the streets (1st and 3rd clips), it's remarkable, and i can't help to compare with similar events during color revolutions, with one of the latest one which is Ukraine. During such false/piloted/directed revolutions, the crowd litterally destroyed the main emblematic place (like maidan place, or if i well remember in Egypt they also detroyed the main place, probably in other countries ... did not follow all the color revolutions ...)
Thus, here we maybe have a further hint on how to recognize a real popular movement in comparison with an externally piloted one, in the first case, people continue to take care about their country, their image, their common place where they want to all live peacefully. In the second case, main word is "destroy" ...
I do not know if the same rule applied everywhere, but i thought this was enough interresting to post this fact here.
Bravo to Canadians ! :)
It seems that they have so many truckers in Ottawa that they don't have enough room to park the trucks so they are speaking about coming to Québec city.

Go Go Go

For those who can understand French, here's an article on about that :

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