Freedom Trucker Convoy: From Canada to USA to all across the world

That video looks like it was shot on the outskirts of the east side of Edmonton. The poster is from Spruce Grove, a city just east there. Gina, the lady in the interview, said she came from Innisfail. That's quite a ways south. Very cool. Wish she ripped into the guy in Russian. That would have been funny to see.

Aah geez, brain! WEST! WEST side of Edmonton! I'm always getting my east and west mixed up. :-[
MSM was accusing Trucker Convoy of defacing a statue of Terry Fox .
Thus, here we maybe have a further hint on how to recognize a real popular movement in comparison with an externally piloted one, in the first case, people continue to take care about their country, their image, their common place where they want to all live peacefully.
The Legacy Media is true to form:

Thousands in Ottawa protest COVID mandates
OTTAWA, Ontario – Thousands of protesters gathered in Canada’s capital on Saturday to protest vaccine mandates, masks and lockdowns.

Some parked on the grounds of the National War Memorial and danced on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, others carried signs and flags with swastikas and some used the statue of Canadian hero Terry Fox to display an anti-vaccine statement, sparking widespread condemnation.
'I am sickened to see protesters dance on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and desecrate the National War Memorial. Generations of Canadians have fought and died for our rights, including free speech, but not this. Those involved should hang their heads in shame,' tweeted Gen. Wayne Eyre, Canada’s defense staff chief.

Protesters compared vaccine mandates to fascism. One truck carried a Confederate flag and many carried expletive-laden signs targeting Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

The statue of Fox, a national hero who lost a leg to bone cancer as a youngster, then set off in 1980 on a fundraising trek across Canada, was draped with an upside down Canadian flag with a sign that said 'mandate freedom.'
Trudeau retweeted a statement from the Terry Fox Foundation that said 'Terry believed in science and gave his life to help others.'

Eric Simmons, from Oshawa, Ontario, said all vaccine mandates should be ended.

'They’re not effective, they’re not working. It’s not changing anything. We can’t keep living like this. People are losing their jobs because they don’t want to get the vaccine,' Simmons said.
The convoy of truckers and others prompted police to prepare for the possibility of violence and warn residents to avoid downtown. A top Parliament security official advised lawmakers to lock their doors amid reports their private homes may be targeted.

Trudeau has said Canadians are not represented by this 'very troubling, small but very vocal minority of Canadians who are lashing out at science, at government, at society, at mandates and public health advice.'
Canada has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world and the premier of the province of Quebec, who is proposing to tax the unvaccinated, is popular.

Some are, in part, protesting a new rule that took effect Jan.15 requiring truckers entering Canada be fully immunized against the coronavirus. The United States has imposed the same requirement on truckers.
The Canadian Trucking Alliance said a great number of the protesters have no connection to the trucking industry,
adding they have a separate agenda to push.
The alliance notes the vast majority of drivers are vaccinated.

The organizers of the protest have called for the forceful elimination of all COVID-19 restrictions and vaccine mandates and some called for the removal of Trudeau.
The Shepherds of Good Hope, which has a soup kitchen for the homeless in Ottawa, reported staff and volunteers 'experienced harassment from convoy protesters seeking meals from our soup kitchen. The individuals were given means to defuse the conflict.'

Some opposition Canadian Conservative lawmakers served coffee to the protesters. Conservative party leader Erin O’Toole met with some truckers. The protest has also attracted support from former U.S. President Donald Trump and some Fox News personalities.
'We want those great Canadian truckers to know that we are with them all the way,' Trump said at a rally in Conroe, Texas. 'They are doing more to defend American freedom than our leaders by far.'

Former U.S. Ambassador to Canada Bruce Heyman said the threat against democracy isn’t only happening in America.
'Both the use of the swastika and the confederate flag are symbols of hate. So very sad to see these symbols anywhere, and especially in Canada,' said Heyman, who was the U.S. envoy under former President Barack Obama.

The Parliamentary Protective Service expected as many as 10,000 protesters as part of the weekend-long rally.
'I’m locked into my own country right now,' said Tom Pappin, 52, who is unvaccinated and came from just outside Ottawa. 'I can’t go on a holiday. I can’t go to a restaurant, I can’t go bowling. I can’t go to a movie. You know, these are things that it’s just gotten out of control.'

Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press via AP
The Autoctome people support this cause too.

We are here with you, the truckers

All together!

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For those who are unfamiliar, 'autochthone' is the French-Canadien word for Canada's Native or Indigenous peoples, which I believe France is referring to.

I wonder if Fidel Castro's name would have come up somewhere in those files.

Why? I know there's a meme going around that Justin Trudeau was actually fathered by Fidel Castro. Is that what you mean? I know that the meme is intended as a slight against Trudeau's political grooming, which is various labelled 'globocap' or 'Communism' or 'Illuminati' etc.

I'm not a huge Fidel fan, because I don't know enough. But I looked at Castro's track record when the meme first showed up. A few articles demonstrate to me that Trudeau and Castro are not much alike.

I don't think the meme holds any water as fact, nor as even a particularly intelligent insult.
Reading some of the commentary in the MSM makes your blood boil, doesn’t it? Its like the whole world is now standing on the pillars of mendacity. One wonders how much more we have to to put up with this!

Yes, they show great contempt toward the truckers and everyone who supports them. And this just solidifies their "presstitute" position, and that they are not there to tell the truth, but further deepen the divide.

What if I introduce a “conspiracy theory” regarding his location? 🤪
I have watched this interview twice, and there is a Replay on YouTube right now, I am watching on a 50 inch HD screen.
If he is really standing outside, in below 0 weather, why is there not a whiff of breath condensation?
His nose isn’t turning even a shade of pink, which is a common occurrence in cold air.
I wonder if the background of the cottage door, with a snowbank on the side, snow on the ledge behind him, is a green screen projection?
Is there any techie way to analyze that?

Well, I am certainly not an expert. Just will share what I heard from one Russian blogger. He is located in US and covers all kind of topics, including the Freedom Convoy. So he said that there are sites that track flights, including military ones. And that apparently on the same day when Canadians were told that Trudeau was moved to a secret location, there was this flight to Germany.


The blogger says that he doesn't know if Trudeau was on this flight, but he wonders why Canadian military suddenly flew to Germany on the same day. Maybe someone else can do the search and confirm it. Maybe Canadian armed forces fly to Germany every day, who knows.
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For those who are unfamiliar, 'autochthone' is the French-Canadien word for Canada's Native or Indigenous peoples, which I believe France is referring to.

Why? I know there's a meme going around that Justin Trudeau was actually fathered by Fidel Castro. Is that what you mean? I know that the meme is intended as a slight against Trudeau's political grooming, which is various labelled 'globocap' or 'Communism' or 'Illuminati' etc.

I'm not a huge Fidel fan, because I don't know enough. But I looked at Castro's track record when the meme first showed up. A few articles demonstrate to me that Trudeau and Castro are not much alike.

I don't think the meme holds any water as fact, nor as even a particularly intelligent insult.
The root of the meme exists in the past behavior of Justin's parents being swingers who partied a lot with Fidel during the age of Free Love.

Debunkers have little to offer other than Trudeau's mother wasn't visiting Castro during the exact months required by the pregnancy timeline, however that's according to an official government statement, the truth value of which is worth exactly what one might expect from Canadian public relations these days.

While this particular conspiracy claim does immediately smack of silly sensationalism.., when it comes to youthful lust in general, I find it best to assume that sex is always more likely than not. -And when it comes to the appetites of charismatic male cult leaders and their powers of attraction wrt admiring fan girls, I think it actually borders on foolish not to assume that the sensationalists have this one pegged exactly right.

-Not saying you're foolish, but that in this case, the meme wasn't merely the product of idle humorists.
unfortunately the likelihood of NZ getting on board is slim as we could be the most compliant nation in the world.
Correct me if I’m wrong, anyone... please...
Unfortunately i have to disagree, Italy is on that list as well, with mandatory vaccination for the 50 years old citizens and older, as well as for the Healthcare operators, police authorities and workers in educational fields. The green pass everywhere except the pharmacy and the grocery store that it seems it's here to stay forever, literally. Who is not vaccinated can't leave the country anymore since only the jabbed are allowed to use the transportation services like the bus, train, airplane ecc.

So yeah there are crazier authorities out there in different countries across the globe and my hope is that the citizens in our respective countries will be inspired by our fellow canadian brothers and sisters who had enough of this BS and decided to stand up against the madness of a few.
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