Freedom Trucker Convoy: From Canada to USA to all across the world

So Russian RT decided to gain some points with the Russian speaking audience, and finally they posted this moving testimony by one of the truckers (it's in English with Russian subtitles). But they still showed their agenda, because they call the truckers "anti-vaxxers". And it's good that some people noticed and commented about that.

Truckers are good guys.
Tucker trashes Trudeau, touts truckers!

I love this more politically aware and engaged Jordan Peterson.

I don't know if this is the first time this has happened since the movement began, but a politician from one of the two establishment parties in Canada has clearly and unequivocally declared support for the truckers in parliament. (This overlooks the complete, early support of Maxime Bernier's 'populist' party, which is ostracized from the political field by the regime's media.)

Armed terrorist in Ottawa in full practice gear and drilling for war. 😱:rotfl:

Yeah, this terrifying, lol.
All those RCMP paddy wagons lining the streets for the restless mob to explode, and what does Canada do?
Street Hockey!
First, always we sing “Oh, Canada”. Then, pick teams.

Game ON!
Notice the kids, the small ones are valuable, they stay on the edge and cherry pick the puck!

I love the flag cape!


The parliament building in the background. Epic!

And they also have a Cup!
A bucket, two trash can lids and lots of love and fun.
Notice the generous use of silver duct tape. Very Canadian!


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Just listened to our pathetic prime minister Legault. So he is backing down on the taxes for the un-vax, start to reopen sport and artistic activity by the 14 of February but with some restriction. He call for the unity of all Quebecer even after admitting that different mean of coercion will still be push on the population. Not a word about the manifestation in Ottawa until asked questions by the journalist. He knows what is coming on Thursday in Quebec and frankly he is afraid, look really insecure. Call for everyone to calm down, have a glass of wine and let talk calmly. He recognizes the right to manifest if it is done with respect, said that security was discussed this week and they are ready. That about it, the rest so far is about vaccination, the right that the government as to push vaccination with more coercion bla bla bla, bla bla bla.

I think that he will cave in rapidly after the convoy arrival. He won’t humiliate himself like Trudeau and run in hiding but, he is a populist and once he see and hear the reality in front of him in Quebec later this week, a popular uprising, it will be the straw that break the camel is back.

Kept on Trucking

Will put the link of the conferance once it is available.
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To paraphrase a random person on Twitter, it's amazing that Trudeau's attempt at division is creating so much country-wide (if not global) unity. It looks like vaccinated or not, people dislike the government more than they dislike the other side of the vaccine argument. The fact that some 90% of the truckers are vaccinated shows this in my opinion.

And I must say that this is the first time in a very long while that I'm actually enjoying being on Twitter! Here's a wonderful example of that unity in action - and a perfect dig at the 'truckers are racist' narrative:

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Just to clarify
Do you disagree that it is unlikely we will see a trucking protest movement in New Zealand? So you think the truckers in NZ will protest?
Why do you think that?
Sorry for the misunderstanding, i was referring to the part of NZ being one of the most compliant country in the world. What I've tried to say in my previous post i guess was that unfortunately there are still a few if not many countries worldwide including Italy where the PTB is doing basically almost whatever it wants and the people of those countries haven't reached yet the point of having had it enough thus are continuing to pretend that their respective countries aren't heading towards a sanitary dictatorship as it's happening in Italy for example despite other countries in Europe that started recently to remove at least some restrictions, here it's the other way around, the PTB keeps adding new restrictions and seems that they aren't willing to back down.

So i don't know my hope for the people that are living in such dystopic countries is to get inspired by those who had it enough of this BS and decided to stand up like our fellow Canadians.

Though, if or when that will happen in our respective countries it remains to be seen. Or who knows maybe something else will happen in the meantime and the PTB'S covid narrative won't matter anymore...

Will wait and see while keeping the hope alive.
Though, if or when that will happen in our respective countries it remains to be seen. Or who knows maybe something else will happen in the meantime and the PTB'S covid narrative won't matter anymore...

Will wait and see while keeping the hope alive.
Yeah that’s what I’m thinking also. Just hanging in there. The NZ government continues to morph unchecked into a grotesque monster. The things they are blatantly saying now is hard to believe, they appear to me to be totally possessed. The factions of our population that are vocal apprar to be in sone kind of trance. They are either radical Q-anon disinfo supporters or they fully and loudly support the government with really nasty rhetoric towards people who believe in medical freedom.
I’m tired, I’m crying, I’m scared, I’m disheartened with New Zealanders.
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