Freedom Trucker Convoy: From Canada to USA to all across the world

Maybe someone has a welder? They could chain and weld the trucks together, others could gather up all the carburetors and such. :evil:
I recall that years ago when the Polish people rose up against the Communist government, the Polish truckers created blockades and kept the authorities from towing the trucks by taking off the wheels and hiding or locking them up.
What I find remarkable is that among all professions, it is truckers who protest against tyranny. Of course, they are people who travel all the time, making them de facto lovers of freedom, and one could argue that at some level, they are the canary in the coal mine in relation to totalitarianism. The general discourse in the "tech" circles lately, has been that the fourth industrial revolution will really start with the phasing out of truckers, the real target for AI-vehicles. Also, what I've seen in the last couple of years, is a proliferation of centralized surveillance technologies specifically aimed at truckers. These are based upon real-time surveillance and behavior control. It's as if at some level, there is a battle between technocrats and truckers in particular.
Oh what I would give to be a fly on the wall when Trudeau has conversations with his handlers. I mean, just like the majority of global leaders these days he doesn't really get to make any decisions, he just follows orders. Although given the differences in approaches between countries they're probably given some flexibility to decide how they're going to achieve the results they're employed to achieve. Trudeau was probably so happy with himself being one of the top performers - and now THIS happened. I wonder what conversations are had between the poster boys (the government) and the puppet masters (the PTB) in those case?

I used to read a lot about communism and many sources said that when protests happened Moscow would inquire about the reasons behind them. The communist government in Poland would try to hide the fact that the protests had anything to do with their own actions because it would mean that their own propaganda skills were useless there was a risk that Moscow would get rid of them and install more effective "leaders" in thier place. I wonder if the power structure is similar here? Back in the day it was easy for commies to hide their mishaps from the Soviet headquarters and just lie about their causes but now it's enough to go on social media to see what's going on.

I can imagine one of the reasons he does it is the illusion of power it gives him. I guess no one told this slimeball that with great power comes great responsibility.
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First battle won in Quebec and the convoy is not event there. Our prime minister abandon the taxe for the unvaxinated. He will officially announce it later today in a press conference.

Sorry to say that but it is not a victory. If he had continued in that direction, it would have affected the Canadian realignment transfers and the federal government would have reduced these money transfers by the same amount. Moreover, the government lawyers had told him that if he went there, he would have to do something for drug addicts, alcoholics, obese people...

It was just a maneuver to scare the unvaccinated.
Sorry to say that but it is not a victory. If he had continued in that direction, it would have affected the Canadian realignment transfers and the federal government would have reduced these money transfers by the same amount. Moreover, the government lawyers had told him that if he went there, he would have to do something for drug addicts, alcoholics, obese people...

It was just a maneuver to scare the unvaccinated.
Whatever the reason and the spin that the media will put on it, it is still a retreat Gandalf. He would have pushed it whatever the price but now seeing Trudeau reaction he is quit isolated, no more federal ally that can send the army. Let just wait a few days and see how strong the man is.
What I find remarkable is that among all professions, it is truckers who protest against tyranny.
Yep the people with the most power, medical professionals, seem to be completely unable to work together to uphold their own code of practice. All they do is become the enforcers of the tyranny because they don’t want to lose their power and status.
What I find remarkable is that among all professions, it is truckers who protest against tyranny. Of course, they are people who travel all the time, making them de facto lovers of freedom, and one could argue that at some level, they are the canary in the coal mine in relation to totalitarianism. The general discourse in the "tech" circles lately, has been that the fourth industrial revolution will really start with the phasing out of truckers, the real target for AI-vehicles. Also, what I've seen in the last couple of years, is a proliferation of centralized surveillance technologies specifically aimed at truckers. These are based upon real-time surveillance and behavior control. It's as if at some level, there is a battle between technocrats and truckers in particular.

It isn't necessarily that surprising. The majority of the truckers in Ottawa are almost certainly owner-operators (otherwise they wouldn't have the freedom of action to drive their vehicles across the country etc.) As such, they own vehicles worth about $100,000, which is not an inconsiderable amount of capital; they are also independent businessmen, so they are their own bosses and not used to being bossed around by obese AWFLs in the HR department.

As to getting replaced by AI, I used to see this as around the corner but now I'm much more skeptical. AI tends to be very brittle, meaning it doesn't do well with the messy real world. Self-driving vehicles would need to deal with adverse weather conditions, unpredictable traffic, and all the rest. Then there's liability: if a human driver kills someone in an accident, it's obvious who to charge ... but who pays the price if a robot does it? Given all of that, I think self-driving cars are like biological immortality: a pleasant bedtime story for technocrats with which they reassure themselves that their utopian singularity will elevate them to godhood ... any day now ... you'll see ... It's just around the corner!
On the topic of New Zealanders, I would say that they are indeed a lost cause which is why I got sick of the place after living there for 14 years. Not that AU is any better but NZ has more authoritarian followers and liberal PC idiots. There is no expectation of any revolution out of that place. It’s the very reason why its a safe heaven for rich listers. Its not comparable to Canada by any stretch.
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