Freedom Trucker Convoy: From Canada to USA to all across the world

This is the second report of Ian Cumming from the Ontario Farmer paper on Sunday Jan. 30th (I had posted his first report earlier):
"Ontario Farmer reporter Ian Cumming continued his coverage in Ottawa this weekend as thousands of protestors gathered on Parliament Hill to protest COVID-19 vaccine mandates and other public health measures."
Massive protest continues through weekend
By Ian Cumming

The Gaudet family, with three young children, including a babe, left their self employed farrier business in Norfolk County for a few days and drove down to Ottawa through the night on Thursday.
Which is what you do, they said, when you want the children to sleep.
They were here on Parliament Hill on Saturday morning shoulder to shoulder with the most massive throng of people ever seen in the nation’s capital, for one simple reason.
“We did it for our children” said Katie, the mom, quietly.
Because, unless they and these others from around the nation, took this stand, on this day and in subsequent days, “they will not know what freedom is.”
Earlier this morning Chelsea Hillier woke in her room in the Marriott hotel down the street, to the almost deafening sound of transports parked bumper to bumper, pulling on their horn cords.
Truckers like cattle hauler Conrad Bos had slept in their rigs after jamming Wellington Street in front of Parliament on Friday afternoon. Wakening stiff and shivering to minus 30 weather, plus a raw wind and feeling kind of devilish, they startled this town awake better than any roosters could.
There were also honking pickups adorned with Canadian flags and messages about Justin, circling the hotel. “I started to sob and I couldn’t stop,” said Hillier. “All those days when we spoke to 20 to 150 people in a park about our country’s loss of freedom.”
“My dad [MPP Randy Hillier] took me for a walk and calmed me down. He said these things always have a tipping point and this was that.”
Jeremy Gould, who owns a taxi company in Amherst, Nova Scotia, “decided at the last minute” to drive up with his friend Mark Allen to be part of this.
On Thursday night, just scouting things out, they parked up at Wellington street behind a truck with a Trudeau sign, which wasn’t part of the Liberal campaign. Then another transport snuggled up behind and with a hissing sound the driver set his air brakes.
They looked for a hotel room, but all are booked in Ottawa (for this massive long term rally) and “so we slept in the car. Man it’s cold, the seats don’t go back, and we need to have a shower. We can’t get out until the trucks move and if it’s a week, than it’s a week.”
Back home his Nova Scotia Health unit had fined him $2,000 for some unmasked drivers – he gave them the choice. “I threw it in the garbage and told them to take me to court on the legality of it. I haven’t heard back.”
The men were speaking to Ontario Farmer in a McDonalds, which was jammed with non masked customers early in the morning, lined up for coffee and food.
Within minutes the Ottawa bylaw enforcement officers swooped in and shut it down, as it had already with all Tim Hortons, A and W’s and all food outlets in walking distance of Parliament Hill, even for takeout.
A professional reporter had written on the day, obviously not on site, that protestors “appeared to be unmasked.”
In fact, there were hundreds of thousands of people in the largest demonstration in Canadian history with not one wearing a mask.
Out on the street, a BBQ was thrown off a tool truck, the music playing “Highway to Hell” was cranked up and a clutch of French speaking lads started to cook hot dogs.
Like the Biblical loaves and fishes, massive amounts of homemade food, large containers of Tim’s coffee and donuts, bought further afield, started to be served off tailgates and on impromptu card tables.
People walked the streets with boxed of donuts, holding them out, until empty. No one would take money.
Three beef farming lads from Port Perry, faces red from the bitter cold, were elated to meet an Ontario Farmer reporter.
When asked why there were there it was “to take back what was taken from us,” said Gus Schickedanz.
Being there since 7:00 a.m., in the minus 30 degree cold that creeps into your bones and stays there, Ontario Farmer and his farmer friend headed for home in the early afternoon.
Driving east on 417 they met a truck and vehicle convoy coming west into Ottawa stretching from the east Hunt Club exit to 57 km east of there. Many times transports and vehicles travelling jammed side by side, slowly moving along.
A call was placed to the convoy heading into Ottawa from the west on 401. They were still miles out; it was about 70 km long. “It doesn’t matter whether we are later today, we’re not going home until this is resolved.”
There was also the truck convoy, which began all this, from western Canada, and they still hadn’t hit Ottawa, having left Arnprior in the early morning, coming in on Highway 17. When they had entered northern Ontario several days ago, the tail end of the convoy still wasn’t in Manitoba.
No one knew where the several hundred truckers from South Carolina, having crossed the border on Thursday, were at.
On Friday, Nova Scotia farmer and trucker, Jeff Fulton had been on the phone to Ontario Farmer, emotional about, “the hundreds of people on the overpass cheering us on,” through the Maritimes and Quebec.
In the 57 km convoy east on 417 every overpass and the surrounding banks had hundreds of people, waving flags and cheering the drivers on.
Being famished, “let’s eat at Herbs Truck Stop” was the close to home destination. Having been there the night before, when a sizeable portion of that convoy had been parked here for the night.
The restaurant, non masked and busting with serving food against late January Health Unit regulations, had its best 24 hours in history.
Still packed with diners on Saturday afternoon, including a Mohawk family from Quebec heading to Ottawa to provide support, and a former cattle driver for Knill’s and his wife returning home from the demonstration.
There had, staff said, been 6,000 people pass through the premises on Friday, with meals served until midnight.
“Do you think” a French lad from Laval, scrunched in the throng, asked Ontario Farmer several hours earlier, “that things have shifted?”
May be an image of one or more people, people standing, outdoors and text that says '1n. Canadi'
There are reports that the money donated to the Freedom Convoy through Go Fund Me has been frozen. It seems to me someone high up there has decided they have not yet peeved people off sufficiently and there is still scope for more.

It looks like yet another trick from the same playbook. Didn't tehy freeze and seize the assets of the Libyan leaders after they overthrew the government? The difference is that back then their own people had little interest because it wasn't their money and their cause.

GoFundMe has frozen access to the more than $4.7 million in funds raised by the trucker convoy now wending its way across the country toward Ottawa in a protest against vaccine mandates.

“We require that fundraisers be transparent about the flow of funds and have a clear plan for how those funds will be spent. In this case, we are in touch with the organizer to verify that information,” Rachel Hollis, a spokeswoman for the crowdfunding platform, said in an email.

“Funds will be safely held until the organizer is able to provide the documentation to our team about how funds will be properly distributed.”

GoFundMe has frozen access to the nearly $4.5 million in funds raised by the trucker convoy now wending its way across Canada toward Ottawa in a protest against vaccine mandates.

(...) As of Tuesday morning, the funds were raised from 58,300 donors, according to the GoFundMe page of the “Freedom Convoy.”

And it looks like the same has happened in to the donations in Australia. Go Fund Me will has chosen their side it seems:

GoFundMe has frozen access to more than $160,000 in funds raised by supporters of a convoy of trucks and cars converging on Canberra to protest COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

After vehicles began arriving in the national capital on Monday morning, Australian Federal Police were forced to defend the front doors of Parliament House, as hundreds of people who were part of the larger protest moved towards the public entrance.
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Yeah that’s what I’m thinking also. Just hanging in there. The NZ government continues to morph unchecked into a grotesque monster. The things they are blatantly saying now is hard to believe, they appear to me to be totally possessed. The factions of our population that are vocal apprar to be in sone kind of trance. They are either radical Q-anon disinfo supporters or they fully and loudly support the government with really nasty rhetoric towards people who believe in medical freedom.
I’m tired, I’m crying, I’m scared, I’m disheartened with New Zealanders.
As Putin says "There is always hope". Many in New Zealand are going along to get along without truly agreeing with the government's totalitarian agenda. Especially those in the Maori/Polynesian and working class communities. As the Cs say "Slow rivers run deep" and whilst many kiwis have been slow to resist, once the push-back comes, it may come swiftly.
There are reports that the money donated to the Freedom Convoy through Go Fund Me has been frozen. It seems to me someone high up there has decided they have not yet peeved people off sufficiently and there is still scope for more.

It looks like yet another trick from the same playbook. Didn't tehy freeze and seize the assets of the Libyan leaders after they overthrew the government? The difference is that back then their own people had little interest because it wasn't their money and their cause.

And it looks like the same has happened in to the donations in Australia. Go Fund Me will has chosen their side it seems:

Schoolboy error to use such a site to raise funds. They always freeze or stop funds for causes that aren't to the liking of the ptb.. always.

It's essentially the equivalent of using YouTube as a primary source for reporting anti vax or anti lockdown material and being surprised when the videos get taken down...

As for the mayor, it seems illegal for me (in a world where there is still justice of course).
Schoolboy error to use such a site to raise funds. They always freeze or stop funds for causes that aren't to the liking of the ptb.. always.

It's essentially the equivalent of using YouTube as a primary source for reporting anti vax or anti lockdown material and being surprised when the videos get taken down...
Agreed, but most of them are a bunch of normies who are only now catching a glimpse of all the rotten junk behind the scenes. The world of alternative sites of any kind is still something crazy conspiracy theorists use. Covid itself didn't wake many of them up, but a promise of a return to normal after the jab - followed by further restrictions despite that promise seem to be doing a much better job.

When covid happened many of the criminal complied with the restrictions because they believed the government. So they didn't feel particularly restricted. That attitude always reminded me of Locke's freedom dilemma about a man who wakes up in a room locked from the outside. He chooses to stay in the room, believing he has chosen freely. In reality, he has no option because the door is locked. However, his ignorance gives him an illusion of freedom. And I think something similar happened with our covid believers: they chose to comply out of ignorance so they didn't think their freedoms were being taken away. They chose to stay in the room (well, during lockdowns quite literally so)

But now the situation has changed. They want to leave the room but they can't. They believed it was good for them to be locked up in that room for their own and everyone else's sake until a vaccine was found. But now they're vaccinated and it turns out the door remains locked.

I'd say that decades of pro-vaccine propaganda and making anti-vaxxers look like conspiracy lunatics have added to this whole mess too. People are so conditioned to believe that vaccines work that it's a tad harded to justify continued restrictions for the vaccinated.

There's some basic psychology at play too: as long as the vaccinated were making a choice to take the jab they could feel like heros for doing the right thing. But now that the choice has been taken away from them psychological reactance seems to be at play:
Reactance is an unpleasant motivational arousal (reaction) to offers, persons, rules, or regulations that threaten or eliminate specific behavioral freedoms. Reactance occurs when a person feels that someone or something is taking away their choices or limiting the range of alternatives.

Reactance can occur when someone is heavily pressured to accept a certain view or attitude.
Reactance can cause the person to adopt or strengthen a view or attitude that is contrary to what was intended, and also increases resistance to persuasion. (...)

There's a lot of psychology behind the importance of choice, I even read a study that showed that women who choose to forego motherhood don't generally end up regretting not having children when they're old. However, temporary feelings of regret do pop up around the time of menopause: this is the point when their choice isn't a choice anymore because the option to decide is gone.

So being able to decide seems to be quite crucial in population control. And this is whether the PTB have gone wrong: 70-90% vaccination levels weren't enough they wanted absolutely EVERYONE to be vaxxed. They wrongly assumed that those who have already taken the jab were going to be perfectly OK with mandatory vaccination orders. But this was never going to work for such orders would take away the option to choose from the vaccinated and antivaxxers alike. And so both sides of the vaccination argument ganged up against the real enemy - the ruling elites who have taken their choice away from them.

And as Turdeau (misspelling intentional) is learning the hardway, reactance can take rather drastic forms. Not to mention that at some level we may be conditioned to reactance: it ties in with the law of free will nicely. This is why when the fall happened humans were tricked into going for the pot of gold. They weren't pushed into it.
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As to getting replaced by AI, I used to see this as around the corner but now I'm much more skeptical. AI tends to be very brittle, meaning it doesn't do well with the messy real world. Self-driving vehicles would need to deal with adverse weather conditions, unpredictable traffic, and all the rest. Then there's liability: if a human driver kills someone in an accident, it's obvious who to charge ... but who pays the price if a robot does it? Given all of that, I think self-driving cars are like biological immortality: a pleasant bedtime story for technocrats with which they reassure themselves that their utopian singularity will elevate them to godhood ... any day now ... you'll see ... It's just around the corner!

I saw your comment and just found this article from a post on twitter. I don't know if it was already published here, since the article is from November 2021.

Driver shortages​

A survey by the International Road Transport Union (IRU) of 800 road transport companies, across 20 countries found that Eurasia is most affected by driver shortages. According to the data, 20% of driver positions were not filled in Eurasia in 2020. The survey discovered that China was the least affected country last year, with only 4% of driver roles open.

Here I just want to add in association with something I read in another thread, but I can't find the comment, and that is that the truckers' protest can be used as an excuse to justly initiate the great economic reset due to the crisis in the supply chain.
Manipulation on a professional level.
Make sure to read the details of what "Shepards of Good Hope" is all about as the name mislead.

Swastikas and other symbols of hate were on display amid a sea of Canadian flags as part of the Canadian “Freedom Convoy” protests against vaccination mandates in Ottawa over the weekend.

The protests, which were organized by Canadian truckers in response to a vaccination mandate placed on truckers returning to Canada from the United States, took place Saturday and attracted thousands to Canada’s capital city. The protests featured a range of groups comparing vaccine mandates to fascism and displaying Canadian flags, and sometimes American flags, upside down. Many protesters held signs with profanity-filled messages for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
One man comes (who knows who he was) with a single flag. Photos are taken. Then they are sent around the world. Effect is immediate, a label put on the movement as something dirty. This is an old old trick.

Here is how the puppets react when the crowd is not of their choice. This is in Australia.
It seems that Legault started to distanciate himself from his mentor :

Legault ready to talk with convoy against health measures

Premier François Legault says he is open to discussions with members of a potential anti-sanitation convoy heading to Quebec City. Some individuals plan to "jam" the capital next weekend.

"I am always available to meet with people who are in good faith to try to see how we can help them answer their questions, their concerns," said the elected official during a press briefing on the health situation in Quebec.

François Legault said he hopes the protesters will act "respectfully" and reiterated that the right to protest "is important. His cabinet has already had discussions about additional security that could be added around the National Assembly.

Like Ottawa?

Kevin Bilodeau, one of the organizers of the Festival des Gaulois en Beauce, whose objective was to demonstrate against the health measures, wants to replicate the truckers' movement seen in Ottawa in Quebec City. A convoy of cars against the health measures would leave from the Beauce towards Quebec City on Thursday.

It is to put pressure everywhere, not to divide the people," he explains in a video. There are people who can't go to Ottawa."

On the same day, a convoy is expected to leave the North Shore and head for the capital. It would go from Port-Cartier to Baie-Comeau before heading to Quebec City. One of the leaders of the troops is Bernard "Rambo" Gauthier, a unionist known throughout Quebec for his involvement with the Charbonneau Commission.

Mr. Gauthier sought to collect donations in a video released Monday night. He even asked the FTQ-Construction to finance the convoy. The union's president, Eric Boisjoly, rejected this possibility in an interview with The Canadian Press.

In respect

The mayor of Quebec City, Bruno Marchand, agrees with François Legault. He asked the demonstrators to act with respect. His concern about the arrival of the demonstrators, however, is high.

"It worries me a lot. We are in a period where we are trying to create hope to give to the people of Quebec," he said. If there were impediments to access to businesses, it would be a disaster."

The Quebec Winter Carnival is scheduled to begin over the weekend.

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