Freedom Trucker Convoy: From Canada to USA to all across the world

Manipulation on a professional level.
Make sure to read the details of what "Shepards of Good Hope" is all about as the name mislead.

One man comes (who knows who he was) with a single flag. Photos are taken. Then they are sent around the world. Effect is immediate, a label put on the movement as something dirty. This is an old old trick.

Here is how the puppets react when the crowd is not of their choice. This is in Australia.
Madame la Marquise c'est la révolution !
As Putin says "There is always hope". Many in New Zealand are going along to get along without truly agreeing with the government's totalitarian agenda. Especially those in the Maori/Polynesian and working class communities. As the Cs say "Slow rivers run deep" and whilst many kiwis have been slow to resist, once the push-back comes, it may come swiftly.
I sure hope so Matai, surely it’s time for our warriors to take a stand. I have always felt a sense of safety knowing we have a Polynesian and Maori community that are less fearful than what the Pakeha/European people have become. Where is everyone? Are we so divided now that we are broken?
Speaking of New Zealand. This video from yesterday.

1) New Zealand scientists have found nano particles in the Pfizer injection. 2) Try to get to parliament with the information only to be shut out. 3) Speak by phone to a parliamentary health committee, asking that they stop and investigate or face charges. (20-minute video) The phone call is on the video.


Here‘s the article:

It says:

…This has prompted many media reports to describe the protests as “peaceful.” Activists and academics on social media have taken issue with this characterization, saying it undermines the fear, damage and disruption the protests have wrought.

“They’re also seeing the images that we’re all seeing, of very right-wing extremist messages: the flags that display the swastika, confederate flags, images of a prime minister being lynched,” McKenney said. “I’m not sure that I would continue to call this peaceful.”

McKenney, who is non-binary, said they aren’t sure they would be safe venturing downtown.

“There’s no doubt that there is a large element in this convoy, that is part of a movement, that is extreme and that is xenophobic. We knew that coming into the weekend, but it’s really very difficult to see that play out in our neighbourhoods.”

Khan said the demonstrations don’t have to come to blows to jeopardize public safety. He said some protesters have refused to wear masks in indoor venues, and suggested the mass gathering could become a COVID-19 “superspreader event” that would have deadly consequences far beyond those who attended it.

Khan accused protesters of targeting marginalized groups with racist and antisemitic symbols, intimidation and harassment.

So basicaly, non-binary Convidians are afraid of patriotic men and women who party in the streets and that is now called „non-vioelnt dangers“? Or…?

My brain hurts…

Here is the first politician to be voted out.​


Erin O’Toole chassé de son poste​

Le chef conservateur Erin O’Toole s’est fait montrer la porte par les députés de son propre parti, dont 62 % ont voté pour sa destitution. Un successeur intérimaire sera nommé dès mercredi soir.


Erin O'Toole voted out as leader by Conservative MPs​

Conservative MPs must now choose someone to serve as the party’s interim leader in a vote that is set to take place later Wednesday.
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