Freedom Trucker Convoy: From Canada to USA to all across the world

Despite what the politicians want us to believe the great divide is not between vaccinated and unvaccinated people, but between people have to submit to the mandate and the politicians who imposed it
Very well said Pierre! Even though most of my friends in the UK are vaxed almost all of them oppose vaccines being compulsory. Some are of the belief that the unvaxed made their decision to risk their lives but they still agree that it's their own choice to make.

And it's not just my milieu, even Jordan Peterson has expressed lots of support for the truckers on Twitter, tweeting and re-tweeting content about this topic. He has also openly disagreed with continued restrictions. And he is vaccinated himself. Given how much social support the freedom convoy is getting, how much has been raised in donations to their casue (despite very high overall vaccination levels), and that other mostly vaccinated countries are following suit, it looks like blaming restrictions on the unvaccinated population hasn't worked out as well as they expected. It's good to see the 'divide and conquer' strategy fall flat on its face like that.
So yeah there are crazier authorities out there in different countries across the globe and my hope is that the citizens in our respective countries will be inspired by our fellow canadian brothers and sisters who had enough of this BS and decided to stand up against the madness of a few.

Maybe this meme could help some to wake up, if not, there is no hope anymore

More and more police force seen in Ottawa, seem that they may be preparing somethink.
Since the beginning, Trudeau said it was violent people, he needs it to call all them terrorists. It hasn't been yet. So in his last speech, he added fuel in the fire, trying to provoke and get people angry.

And on a funny note too

Since the beginning, Trudeau said it was violent people, he needs it to call all them terrorists. It hasn't been yet. So in his last speech, he added fuel in the fire, trying to provoke and get people angry.

The government may try to prove their point that the truckers are a violent mob though. During the Yellow Vests protests government funded thugs were sent to make the real protesters look bad by acting violently and making a lot of mess in the streets, just so the government and the media could claim that Yellow Vests were violent. That same tactic was widely used during Communism too. It's ridiculous that they'd try to make the victim look like a bully, and vice versa, to that extent, and yet they keep trying to push that button. I guess they're using the same old playbook again.

Here's a tweet Peterson quoted earlier today, warning truckers against that same tactic being used in Canada now:

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You may remember Dr. Julie Ponesse from a earlier post in the Coronavirus Pandemic tread.
here is the post to help you remember;

Here she is reporting from Ottawa and what a beautiful comment does in 2 min.

So Russian RT decided to gain some points with the Russian speaking audience, and finally they posted this moving testimony by one of the truckers (it's in English with Russian subtitles). But they still showed their agenda, because they call the truckers "anti-vaxxers". And it's good that some people noticed and commented about that.

First battle won in Quebec and the convoy is not event there. Our prime minister abandon the taxe for the unvaxinated. He will officially announce it later today in a press conference.

La Presse; For french speaking

The Gazette; For anglish

So Russian RT decided to gain some points with the Russian speaking audience, and finally they posted this moving testimony by one of the truckers (it's in English with Russian subtitles). But they still showed their agenda, because they call the truckers "anti-vaxxers". And it's good that some people noticed and commented about that.

What can you expect from RT?
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