Freedom Trucker Convoy: From Canada to USA to all across the world

Just some thoughts on the strategic level.

People have suggested sending the military in. I'm not sure what this would accomplish. The Canadian military isn't exactly brimming in gear, and in particular I doubt they have the mass of tow trucks necessary to forcibly remove the semis. That leaves pointing guns at the truckers and ordering them out. I'd be pretty surprised if they followed that order, and even if they did the optics would be horrible for the government and likely to inflame the situation elsewhere. If they didn't follow it, the government would fall more or less immediately. No matter what happens, as soon as such an order is given, the government loses.

Politically, Trudeau can be removed by a vote of non-confidence. In principle a minority government is the most vulnerable to this. However, that would require that a majority of parliament votes this way. While it's a good bet that most or even all Conservative MPs would vote against him, it would also require Liberal and NDP MPs. Party discipline being what it is, and the NDP in particular being demented ideological fanatics, I don't see that happening any time soon.

The protests could also be removed if Trudeau ended the federal mandates. However, he's staked his political future on them; to give in would destroy him. To say nothing of the influence of the WEF.

Thus, things are at an impasse. The truckers aren't going anywhere, because of intransigence on their side and the simple logistical impossibility of removing them against their will. The globalists have no intention of backing down either. The standard political mechanisms for removing a failed government are probably inoperable.

Might get interesting.
Just some thoughts on the strategic level.

People have suggested sending the military in. I'm not sure what this would accomplish. The Canadian military isn't exactly brimming in gear, and in particular I doubt they have the mass of tow trucks necessary to forcibly remove the semis. That leaves pointing guns at the truckers and ordering them out. I'd be pretty surprised if they followed that order, and even if they did the optics would be horrible for the government and likely to inflame the situation elsewhere. If they didn't follow it, the government would fall more or less immediately. No matter what happens, as soon as such an order is given, the government loses.

Politically, Trudeau can be removed by a vote of non-confidence. In principle a minority government is the most vulnerable to this. However, that would require that a majority of parliament votes this way. While it's a good bet that most or even all Conservative MPs would vote against him, it would also require Liberal and NDP MPs. Party discipline being what it is, and the NDP in particular being demented ideological fanatics, I don't see that happening any time soon.

The protests could also be removed if Trudeau ended the federal mandates. However, he's staked his political future on them; to give in would destroy him. To say nothing of the influence of the WEF.

Thus, things are at an impasse. The truckers aren't going anywhere, because of intransigence on their side and the simple logistical impossibility of removing them against their will. The globalists have no intention of backing down either. The standard political mechanisms for removing a failed government are probably inoperable.

Might get interesting.

I think that's a pretty good assessment. I certainly can't imagine a scenario where everything goes back to how it was before the convoy and Trudeau maintains his position as leader.

The C's mentioned a little while back that the silent majority would need to find their voice. I figured that was a comment for the U.S. but it looks like Canada has found it first.

We do live in interesting times. That's for sure.
Kissinger writes: 'When the Covid-19 pandemic is over, many countries’ institutions will be perceived as having failed. Whether this judgement is objectively fair is irrelevant. The reality is the world will never be the same after the coronavirus.'

Could what is happening in Great Britain, Canada and a number of other countries at least partially be part of the script?
I think it is the script - the old has to be torn down so as to Build Back Better the New World Order.
Remember what Kissinger „predicted“ at the beginning of the Covid Madness?

Could what is happening in Great Britain, Canada and a number of other countries at least partially be part of the script?

You know Cosmos, after witnessing the manifestation last week-end I couldn’t really believe that it could be so peaceful. How can you gather ten of thousand if not hundreds of thousands of Canadian in Ottawa for a manifestation and not get one bad apple doing something stupid? We do have a reputation to be a peaceful country but there are limit. Just watch a hockey game one day and you will see that we often get trigged quit easily. Fights are part of the game, gloves will drop and punches are throw in every game. I went as far as to think that they may have use HARP to keep us peaceful or 5G , that this is just testing their technologies for crowd control, LOL.

Let say that they needed to test their comply and dummying clod shut and decided that Canada would be the perfect place. There great computer modeling written by a renowned computer analysis from the Uk, Neil Ferguson, most be tested. Canada with their great reputation of peaceful and law abiding citizen, vaccinated at 90% is perfectly suited to the test. They decide that they will start a protest with a fringe minority of blue color, in this case trucker. We will start it and prove that our modeling is good, it prediction are sound. Who will follow these lowly blue color, most don’t even see them as more than lowest class. The protest will die because of no support from the population.

Well, maybe they have miscalculated then. Let just imagine for a moment what there on the ground special team have reported after seeing the reaction to the convoy for freedom to their master.

Special team Canada to the PTB do you copy.

Yes special team we copy, go ahead.

Special team to PTB here is our observation and our message, DAVOS WE GOT A PROBLEM.

Let me remind you with these quote from Session 21 March 2020

First this one;

Pierre) I wanted to ask about, "several complex factors in play". It made me think that two factors were mentioned several times: the economic factor, and on the political level a way to increase the power of the authorities.

(L) Okay, so is one of these factors that it was seen that this was a good opportunity to reset the economy?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And they think that they're going to reset the economy and just put everything back together when they decide to?

A: Yes. Wishful thinking.

Q: (L) Is another factor to reinforce their power to be able to lock down, impose restrictions, control people... Is that another part of it?

A: Yes but that too will backfire due to exposure.

And secondly this one;

The question for the C's would be whether the promotion of the vaccination solution put forward is doomed to prevent certain signals from being able to activate certain genes? For this would risk broadening perceptions and thus raising awareness.

(L) And they were planning on doing exactly that, or something related, but we learn now that it backfired. So the question is: They are now working rapidly on a new vaccine that's supposed to counteract the screwup that they made. And they want to impose this new vaccine on everybody?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Lemme guess: That one's gonna backfire too?

A: Likely. Hubris!

You see what I mean; they think that they can computerise the reaction of a docile population, thinking that with sufficient pressure they can break the will and heart of human. Hubris. How can you predict the reaction to chaos without knowing all possibility, you will need to know what is in the heart and soul of an entire population. Impossible.

So, we may contemplate that they are controlling this collective movement for freedom but can they calculate all possible outcome.

Should we see boogey man behind every thing happening in this world?
I just got a report from a friend of mine who took his family to Ottawa last weekend. This is a guy who, being unvaxxed, has really suffered during the restrictions but has struggled on holding the line. He came back and told me that he has never in his life experienced such a joyous, happy, wonderful atmosphere of unity and friendship. He said he felt totally rejuvenated and strengthened to continue to fight the tyranny. I've read many similar reports online, and I think that no matter what happens with the Trucker Convoy, something big has shifted.

Although, like everyone else I fear what next evil the PTB have planned, and for sure they won't be giving up, and yet the basic goodness and unity going on with this movement has a kind of a force of its own, and it's growing stronger every day and now appears to be spreading worldwide.
Don't know if it was posted bur here is the latest poll.

Poll shows majority of Canadians now want COVID restrictions to end​

from the link;

A new poll is suggesting that the percentage of Canadians who believe COVID-19 restrictions should end has leapt from 40% to 54% in less than a month.

The latest poll, which was conducted by Angus Reid between Jan. 27 and 28, suggested that more than half (54%) of all Canadians strongly agree or agree that it is time to end restrictions and “let people self-isolate if they are at risk.”
You know Cosmos, after witnessing the manifestation last week-end I couldn’t really believe that it could be so peaceful. How can you gather ten of thousand if not hundreds of thousands of Canadian in Ottawa for a manifestation and not get one bad apple doing something stupid?

Excellent article explaining that : Camionneurs de la liberté à Ottawa : l'astucieuse et encourageante analyse d'une journaliste canadienne --

And in English, it is here:

Or the PTB could think he has failed and is disposable, and try to put a better puppet.

Be careful. I don't like the media silence about the Trucker Convoy. If you read between the lign Trudeau WILL send the military as soon as he gets the opportunity. He wants to stay in the PTB good graces...
I also want to say, do you guys have HAM radio ready? I bet they do. Killing the internet for a week or two (I think it would be 3 weeks) would be a strategy. Only way some of the stuff wouldn't trigger an absolute revolt.

I have a HAM radio, no licence to broadcast yet, but can listen. Quite a network out here in the Ontario hinterlands of HAM users.
Saw this posted on twitter, and it made some sense, so I thought I'd share it here.

Hilary White at @hilarityjane
25 Tweets 5 minutes, 20 seconds read
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Afew thoughts: 1) The people organising this quite clearly have experience and serious training in logistics. You don't get a result like this by just a couple of guys jumping in their cabs and taking off one night. 2) They have let it be known they intend to stay...

and the Ottawa police have indicated they're ready to let them stay. How could they have planned to have a large group of people essentially camping in their truck cabs for weeks or months at a time without preparing extensively to provide for their needs? Ans: those trucks...

we saw rolling down the Trans-Canada with trailers weren't running empty. They were packed with supplies. 3) They are incredibly disciplined on messaging, in a way and with a level of intelligence I've never seen in any demonstration organisers before. They knew...

with precision detail what to expect from provincial, federal and municipal government. They knew what to expect in detail from both media and agitators/counter-protesters, and people planted in the crowds to cause trouble and have a well-coordinated and clearly communicated...

and strictly enforced protocol for dealing with them that absolutely excludes direct personal engagement; as soon as a suspicious presence is identified, the legitimate demonstrators create a cordon around him, a space isolating him, and ONE designated caller contacts the...

member of the Ottawa police dept. assigned as liaison. We saw this work with the guy who was the only person there in a full face covering balaclava carrying the Confederate flag. 4) I'm told that the truckers came prepared with food, communications, medical and other types of...

survival supplies in a manner identical to that used by Canadian peacekeepers in war zones who brought supplies to besieged cities in the Balkans war, among others. This is, in other words, what Canadian military logistics operations looked like in Sarajevo and Mostar...

5) They have "blockaded" the centre of the city of Ottawa, but it hasn't been random. They've done it in close coordination with the Ottawa city police to ensure that there is -1- space for emergency first responder vehicles to continue to operate -2- allowing space for...

very large groups of people on foot to continue to gather and meet and talk and walk together. That is also not accidental. 6) They've made very sure to respond to complaints proactively. When opponents started howling that someone had draped the Terry Fox statue with a flag...

they made sure there was a video of clearly identifiable trucker demonstrators carefully cleaning the statue and that it went viral. 7) They're incredibly precise in their messaging, responding instantly and transparently to accusations without the least sign of apology...

Organizers have at the same time maintained strict communications discipline, not giving interviews to corporate media while remaining visible for people on the ground a personal basis, and carefully choosing their own outlets, cf: interview with @glennbeck ...

8) They got well ahead of any possible efforts to shut them down through the cops, anticipating attacks. The Ottawa city police force is ridiculously tiny, so busloads of reserves have been brought in from Toronto. Then they were standing around with nothing much to do...

So, when the truckers saw that the cops had a ridiculously long walk to use the washroom, they moved portable toilets over for them. Yesterday it came out that someone offered horse hay for the police horses. This was brought in the trucks - so they knew they'd be needing it...

9) All this tells me that -1- this has been meticulously planned by professionally trained experts in logistics, but the kind of training you pretty much can't get from the private sector - the people doing this are ex-military - and -2- they've got a bigger plan than just...

to park a bunch of trucks along Wellington street and #HonkHonk and have a street party for a weekend. They brought enough supplies to be there for weeks. They've set up canteens and services in the streets that have been blocked off. These are people who really know what...

they're doing. They're only talking to the people they choose to talk to. One of whom was @glennbeck. "EVERYbody is fed up." And they don't just mean in Canada...

There is now not the least doubt in my mind that it isn't a coincidence that #freedomconvoy2022 has gone global in the same week.

10) If the trucks are already rolling in Australia, there's NO WAY it was a spur of the moment idea. The Australian summer is every bit as difficult an environment for logistics as the Canadian prairies are in winter. You don't do a thing like this on a moment's notice...

11) Last point is that the memes are key. The whole thing is a kind of prank, and a damn good one. It reminds me of that old university engineer joke of leaving a running VW bug in the dean's office (or as it happened in real life, the time the UBC engineering dept...

suspended a VW Beetle from the Lionsgate bridge in Vancouver.) I think the only country in the world this could have been cooked up is Canada, knowing exactly how it would be taken by the rest of the world. The expressions of amazement that the "placid" "peaceful" Canadians...

have finally cracked and are doing this frankly hilarious response, that has filled the world with hope, like a beam of sunlight bursting through the smokes of Mordor, IS EXACTLY THE MESSAGE. "The Canadians of all people" are actually the only people in the world who ...

have it so deeply embedded in their national character to laugh at themselves, and their leaders, AND their own suffering that they could turn back the glooms of hell with laughter. The Memes are a massively important part of the demonstration - and a lot of people are ...

realising that the dark nightmare they've been in - the deep sense of despair that has been enslaving the WHOLE WORLD for two years, has suddenly started to lift. We are waking from a nightmare and remembering that the world is good. That people are strong and free...

that the grim misery of the Upside Down is not the world we have been given by God, and we don't have to live in it. We can just say no. We are already free.

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Hilary White

Followers 3.8k Following 598
Twitter : @hilarityjane
Apparently, now the famers are planning their own convoy to Ottawa this weekend (Feb. 5) to support the truckers. This is the FB page for it -

Farmer Convoy to Ottawa 2.0

I also heard it mentioned briefly on the radio yesterday. We'll see if anything comes of it. Keep the popcorn poppin'! 🍿🍿🍿
They are reporting that around 100 tractors are signed up for this at the moment -


Saw this posted on twitter, and it made some sense, so I thought I'd share it here.

Hilary White at @hilarityjane
25 Tweets 5 minutes, 20 seconds read
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Afew thoughts: 1) The people organising this quite clearly have experience and serious training in logistics. You don't get a result like this by just a couple of guys jumping in their cabs and taking off one night. 2) They have let it be known they intend to stay...

and the Ottawa police have indicated they're ready to let them stay. How could they have planned to have a large group of people essentially camping in their truck cabs for weeks or months at a time without preparing extensively to provide for their needs? Ans: those trucks...

we saw rolling down the Trans-Canada with trailers weren't running empty. They were packed with supplies. 3) They are incredibly disciplined on messaging, in a way and with a level of intelligence I've never seen in any demonstration organisers before. They knew...

with precision detail what to expect from provincial, federal and municipal government. They knew what to expect in detail from both media and agitators/counter-protesters, and people planted in the crowds to cause trouble and have a well-coordinated and clearly communicated...

and strictly enforced protocol for dealing with them that absolutely excludes direct personal engagement; as soon as a suspicious presence is identified, the legitimate demonstrators create a cordon around him, a space isolating him, and ONE designated caller contacts the...

member of the Ottawa police dept. assigned as liaison. We saw this work with the guy who was the only person there in a full face covering balaclava carrying the Confederate flag. 4) I'm told that the truckers came prepared with food, communications, medical and other types of...

survival supplies in a manner identical to that used by Canadian peacekeepers in war zones who brought supplies to besieged cities in the Balkans war, among others. This is, in other words, what Canadian military logistics operations looked like in Sarajevo and Mostar...

5) They have "blockaded" the centre of the city of Ottawa, but it hasn't been random. They've done it in close coordination with the Ottawa city police to ensure that there is -1- space for emergency first responder vehicles to continue to operate -2- allowing space for...

very large groups of people on foot to continue to gather and meet and talk and walk together. That is also not accidental. 6) They've made very sure to respond to complaints proactively. When opponents started howling that someone had draped the Terry Fox statue with a flag...

they made sure there was a video of clearly identifiable trucker demonstrators carefully cleaning the statue and that it went viral. 7) They're incredibly precise in their messaging, responding instantly and transparently to accusations without the least sign of apology...

Organizers have at the same time maintained strict communications discipline, not giving interviews to corporate media while remaining visible for people on the ground a personal basis, and carefully choosing their own outlets, cf: interview with @glennbeck ...

8) They got well ahead of any possible efforts to shut them down through the cops, anticipating attacks. The Ottawa city police force is ridiculously tiny, so busloads of reserves have been brought in from Toronto. Then they were standing around with nothing much to do...

So, when the truckers saw that the cops had a ridiculously long walk to use the washroom, they moved portable toilets over for them. Yesterday it came out that someone offered horse hay for the police horses. This was brought in the trucks - so they knew they'd be needing it...

9) All this tells me that -1- this has been meticulously planned by professionally trained experts in logistics, but the kind of training you pretty much can't get from the private sector - the people doing this are ex-military - and -2- they've got a bigger plan than just...

to park a bunch of trucks along Wellington street and #HonkHonk and have a street party for a weekend. They brought enough supplies to be there for weeks. They've set up canteens and services in the streets that have been blocked off. These are people who really know what...

they're doing. They're only talking to the people they choose to talk to. One of whom was @glennbeck. "EVERYbody is fed up." And they don't just mean in Canada...

There is now not the least doubt in my mind that it isn't a coincidence that #freedomconvoy2022 has gone global in the same week.

10) If the trucks are already rolling in Australia, there's NO WAY it was a spur of the moment idea. The Australian summer is every bit as difficult an environment for logistics as the Canadian prairies are in winter. You don't do a thing like this on a moment's notice...

11) Last point is that the memes are key. The whole thing is a kind of prank, and a damn good one. It reminds me of that old university engineer joke of leaving a running VW bug in the dean's office (or as it happened in real life, the time the UBC engineering dept...

suspended a VW Beetle from the Lionsgate bridge in Vancouver.) I think the only country in the world this could have been cooked up is Canada, knowing exactly how it would be taken by the rest of the world. The expressions of amazement that the "placid" "peaceful" Canadians...

have finally cracked and are doing this frankly hilarious response, that has filled the world with hope, like a beam of sunlight bursting through the smokes of Mordor, IS EXACTLY THE MESSAGE. "The Canadians of all people" are actually the only people in the world who ...

have it so deeply embedded in their national character to laugh at themselves, and their leaders, AND their own suffering that they could turn back the glooms of hell with laughter. The Memes are a massively important part of the demonstration - and a lot of people are ...

realising that the dark nightmare they've been in - the deep sense of despair that has been enslaving the WHOLE WORLD for two years, has suddenly started to lift. We are waking from a nightmare and remembering that the world is good. That people are strong and free...

that the grim misery of the Upside Down is not the world we have been given by God, and we don't have to live in it. We can just say no. We are already free.

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Hilary White

Followers 3.8k Following 598
Twitter : @hilarityjane

Fascinating thread. It looks like this operation was put together by pros, and very much not at the last minute, but with quite a bit of time and attention to detail. In addition to the logistics, the message discipline and media savvy exhibited by the convoy organizers suggests that they've got people who are trained in psychological warfare tactics too.

In fact, the primary weapon used by the protestors - the honking - is a psychological warfare tactic. Relentless exposure to loud noises is a way of breaking people down; interrogators use this, for instance.

Worth remembering that Canada has been involved in Afghanistan almost as long as the US is, and quite heavily by Canadian standards. That means there are a lot of veterans kicking around, and quite a few of those pursue working class careers, such as being a trucker, after getting out.
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