Freedom Trucker Convoy: From Canada to USA to all across the world

News conference this morning, with the main organizers of the Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022.
They now have their lawyer present, and he opens the briefing.
Tamara Lich reads a very enlightening statement, which is then is read in French by another woman.
Surprise speaker, Danny Beuaford, who WAS the RCMP security sniper officer, for the now fugitive p.m. Trudeau.
Danny quit his position over the forced chemical injection mandates.
The video seems glitched, fast forward to approx. 8:25 to start.
original video from CPAC
here is what our brave prime minister as to say today.

Trudeau says using military not a choice to be made lightly

OTTAWA – Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said bringing in the military to deal with protestors who have gridlocked downtown Ottawa is not a decision his government would consider lightly if a request was made

“One has to be very, very cautious before deploying the military in situations engaging Canadians. It is not something that anyone should enter into lightly,” he said at a Thursday news conference.

The streets around downtown Ottawa have been shuttered for six days since a convoy of truckers and their supporters came to the capital to protest vaccine mandates, mask requirements and lockdowns. The protestors have demanded all such restrictions be lifted and some in the group have called for Trudeau to resign.

Ottawa Police chief Peter Sloly said on Wednesday that there may not be a policing solution to the crisis, and all options were on the table including asking for military support. Before forces could be deployed, the city would have to ask the provincial government to make a request of the federal government.

Trudeau said there has been no such request, but the government would consider any help the city asked for.

“We will, of course, look at any formal requests they sent us,” Trudeau said. “Our preoccupation remains being there for the citizens of Ottawa, the neighborhoods that have been significantly disrupted by these protests,” he said.

Since the protest arrived, residents have reported incidents of harassment, many businesses including the Rideau Centre mall (closed at the request of the mayor)have been closed and truck horns have been honking at all hours of the day.

The protesters are demanding Trudeau meet with them and remove all COVID mandates and restrictions. Trudeau said his government is not going to back down on an agenda Canadians endorse in the last campaign.

“We will remain steadfast to the mandate given to parliamentarians six months ago,” he said.

“Having a group of people who disagree with the outcome of an election who want to go a different way and bring in an alternative government is a non-starter in a responsible democracy.”

Ottawa police have started a stepped up enforcement campaign, including issuing 30 traffic tickets on Wednesday. In a meeting with city councillors, Sloly said the police were considering all attempts to end the protest, but were also reluctant to confront the protesters in a way that could lead to violence.
Regarding the massive Trucker Freedom Convoy protests literally rolling out across Canada and elsewhere, along with the throngs of regular people aiding/abetting/supporting them - do you suppose the Universe can hear us now? ☎️ 1643920648203.png 📞 Hello?

BTW - concerning the claim that Putin is behind the Trucker protest, Tucker Carlson referred to Canada as Truckistan in a recent broadcast! 🤣

Canadian Trucker Protest Videos Go Viral As 'Truckistan' Meme Spreads Online

We're all Truckistanis now!

As for the Wizard of Woke Turdeau - just two weeks to flatten the curse! :bye:
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Mr. Peckford is a great public speaker he knows how to make a speech. I also watched the video where he was talking to Jordan Peterson about the Canadian Bill of Rights that was signed by Pierre Trudeau. No wonder Justin ran away. I was only a kid when this stuff was going on but I remember Trudeau implementing the War Measures Act during the FLQ crises. As far as I know the RCMP have been using the War Measures Act to this day which denies the basic right to be held without telling you your charges for as long as they want.
As far as I know there's minimal coverage in the UK. I've seen nothing on our man but I hope someone will correct me if I'm wrong.
I do feel here in the UK we'll have to wait a bit longer for something like this to happen. The UK leaders Boris and co have now relaxed Covid restrictions. I do get the impression though that normal people are sick of their hubris and actions.
I think the straw that will break the camels back here will be when the heating price increases start to affect everyone or they bring in further restrictions.
What I will say this thread and some of the posts have been emotional reading. Emotional in a happy way that people are coming together to force changes in a peaceful way. I realise that anything could happen and expect the worse but bloody unless I'm reading things incorrectly this feels positive.One day I hope this spirit will come here. Go Canada were with you :hug2:
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