Freedom Trucker Convoy: From Canada to USA to all across the world

OTTAWA: The Justice Centre today warned that Ottawa police would be breaking the law if police attempt to intimidate or arrest people who bring food or other supplies to truckers who are peacefully exercising their Charter rights and freedoms in Ottawa.

A tweet from Ottawa Police from 11:52 a.m. on Sunday February 6 states “Anyone attempting to bring material supports (gas, etc.) to the demonstrators could be subject to arrest. Enforcement is underway.”

“People who bring food, water, gasoline or other supplies to peacefully protesting truckers are not breaking any law. There is no basis for this police threat, that was issued by Twitter this morning,” states lawyer Nicholas Wansbutter, retained by the Justice Centre, which is representing the Freedom Convoy.

“In a free and democratic society that is governed by the rule of law, citizens can freely associate with each other, including the giving and receiving of goods and gifts. There is no law that would allow the Ottawa Police to arrest people for giving fuel or food to another Canadian,” continues Mr. Wansbutter.

“The truckers themselves are exercising their Charter freedoms of expression, association and peaceful assembly, as they are legally entitled to do,” concludes Mr. Wansbutter.
Another update from Pat King. Explains the situation regarding the state of emergency

I did see a twitter post from Randy Hillier, not very clear, Ottawa police removing fuel and food from the truckers, with people shouting shame, shame on you

Hunger strike. Think Ghandi.
I've spent the last hour or two with my eyes on Ottawa, as the police made moves both to arrest (on charges of mischief) supporters bringing supplies to the truckers, as well as stealing all jerrycans of fuel, an unreasonable/unlawful seizure by any means. They emptied the resupply camp:

with great numbers and gear

some decent people speaking up

from various interviews, the general stance is resigned - they're there to stay, many truckers are either out of fuel, or with broken trucks or both, and they'd intend to stay until they die frozen in the trucks. .Gov's move is a deliberate attempt to freeze them out, especially since the federal government has already requisitioned free hotel beds etc - they're freezing them out and they know it

This is developing quickly, but at the same time the truckers grasp the situation very well on the whole, and don't intend to fall back. It was nice to see on the UOttawaScotty livestream, one trucker was attesting as to how most of the trucks are untowable and would require mechanics before they could even be moved, and the truck-towtrucks wouldn't want/be able to move them in time anyways. Another guy had removed the wheels and laid his pickup right down on the pavement, with a large compartment hitched behind it basically his temporary house heated by woodstove - with the fuel seizure in mind, the guy was unmoved and ready to keep heating and cooking on the woodstove as long as he'd need to:
#Freedomconvoy Getting Caught Up With The Convoy

Oh, and he had chained his no-wheel truck to the RV next to him. These guys are serious, I'm proud of them!
I've spent the last hour or two with my eyes on Ottawa, as the police made moves both to arrest (on charges of mischief) supporters bringing supplies to the truckers, as well as stealing all jerrycans of fuel, an unreasonable/unlawful seizure by any means. They emptied the resupply camp:

with great numbers and gear

some decent people speaking up

from various interviews, the general stance is resigned - they're there to stay, many truckers are either out of fuel, or with broken trucks or both, and they'd intend to stay until they die frozen in the trucks. .Gov's move is a deliberate attempt to freeze them out, especially since the federal government has already requisitioned free hotel beds etc - they're freezing them out and they know it

This is developing quickly, but at the same time the truckers grasp the situation very well on the whole, and don't intend to fall back. It was nice to see on the UOttawaScotty livestream, one trucker was attesting as to how most of the trucks are untowable and would require mechanics before they could even be moved, and the truck-towtrucks wouldn't want/be able to move them in time anyways. Another guy had removed the wheels and laid his pickup right down on the pavement, with a large compartment hitched behind it basically his temporary house heated by woodstove - with the fuel seizure in mind, the guy was unmoved and ready to keep heating and cooking on the woodstove as long as he'd need to:
#Freedomconvoy Getting Caught Up With The Convoy

Oh, and he had chained his no-wheel truck to the RV next to him. These guys are serious, I'm proud of them!
It breaks my heart to hear the guy. You should have read the comments of the have(s).... poisoned minds.
The livestream is ended and processed, so I can provide a couple timestamps to some interesting discussions:

Brian from Fredericton, New Brunswick, lost his job in a hardware store in september and now in Ottawa to support the truckers. Quite decent grasp of the situation, "we're not moving, when the fuel's gone, we're still gonna be here, they're just gonna find dead people in the bunks"

The phenomenon of signed trucks - this youngster, Ryan, an iron worker from Toronto, was touched when a mother told him the story of her daughter paralyzed by the jab. He asked her to sign his truck, and that broke the ice - now the truck is covered by signatures :lol: I've noticed a couple others as well, you wouldn't expect it as truckers usually keep their trucks pristine, this really shows how significant it is!
(not that i recommend a full watch, but I still found the conversation quite telling)

I didn't know this livestreamer and he's clearly new to it, but he mentioned he's been there daily since last friday and knows many of the truckers by first name basis, seems authentic. One last conversation I thought worth mentioning was the one with Eric, whose truck is situated further out from parliament hill in a key position, but isolated - he's struggling to sleep, as pro-mandate fanatics are prone to act as we expect they would, and seek to vandalize the vans at night when the truckers try to sleep:

There's more to it, but I think those few moments are representative of the whole. Except, maybe one more thing? A whole lot of racist mysoginistic fringe minority terrorists partying with abandon - they're alive and they know it (HUGE sound warning, I recommend 5%, seriously):

I'm looking forward to further developments and suspect it'll move quickly this week.
I am so happy, that the suppressed Canadians came to the fore, going all the to the front line.

The past Achilles heel for Canadian politicians is to underestimate people. Generally, Canadians seem meek and mild and will go along to get along - but don't p#$% them off. Of Couse, many people from the beginning were more than a little ticked, and now, thankfully, many more cannot be made silent, as politicians keep following up with bigger sticks and clubs, while using the media to paint a narrative to suit. As for the clubs, they have turned to an army of police, who at one point provided coffee to protesters and now they are ordered to what? Imagine many officers do not want any part of this (overtime is good though), because now it may seem as if a hornets nest is being kicked over, and whatever happens will be well spun up by the media, the "this is why they need us" political script writers.

Whatever happens, most people have long memories, and they will not easily forget, nor forgive what has happened to their lives, to their families and friends lives (all applicable to peoples in other countries included). The ptb know this, know what they have done and why. Thus, the ptb probably think that their new emerging system will provide all the tools and cover to help people to forget, and at that point, they rather could care less about peoples forgiveness when there are no longer pols required to elect them.

Canadian capital declares state of emergency over Freedom Convoy​

Before announcing the emergency, Watson pleaded with the federal government to “sit down and have some kind of a discussion, some kind of mediation to get this situation resolved because it’s now spreading across the country.”

The federal government, unfortunately, will not discuss nor allow things to be readably resolved. Paint people as terrorist's and then say we don't negotiate with terrorist's. Justin's father, as recalled, pulled the war measures act in the province of Quebec (October 1970), which may seem to some to have been, more or less, a counter to a type of Gladio operation (IMO) that they also might have had a hand in creating. Like his father, Justin does not care a snap, and he is up to his ears in "GlobalCap" mentorship and support (so who cares what Canadians think - see below). All his support has legs, though - economic implications for those who have invested in it and have taken the knee. Thus, there are trillions in investments, much stolen wealth, and they will not abandon those investments that will help build [t]heir new utopia vision. They will not let a bunch of truckers derail their plans. Go truckers!

As an Ottawan, I have some insight into how disruptive the protest is, particularly for those living in the downtown core. There are many who cannot concentrate during the day in their home offices or sleep at night due to the loud truck horns blaring all hours. For those with children, and I imagine for those mental health issues (including veterans with PTSD), this would be so much worse. Considering how stressful the COVID shenanigans have been for everyone, I suspect the amount of folks with mental health issues is significant.

Hear what you are saying, it is without doubt that it is unsettling for people, especially those with mental struggle. In the same breath, and as you also indicated, it is the protesting supporters and their kin; veterans, children, and many people being wiped out across Canada who have also been unsettled.

It was mentioned somewhere that Ottawa has about 18% who are directly employed by the Federal government (there is the provincial government also that factors). If so, many will be married and have children and other family connections. This brings that number of people who might be sympathetic to mandates up to a much higher percentage. Then there is the service sector et cetera, that may also be sympathetic to the governments mandate position, although I don't know what that looks like - however, usually people react knowing which side their bread is buttered. There is also the overall old NIMBY factor - the not in my back yard clause, too. So overall, this makes for a lot of division in Ottawa against many across the country. Not a good recipe.

Here is someone from Ottawa abjectly upset, and yet she seems to also be suffering from a type of geographical/political narcissism, and has simply forgotten everyone else in the country even exists. It is as if she is saying that it is about me and my fears (and scientific knowledge), and there is no safe space now. Disintegration. None of these people are asking their own local leaders to properly solve the problems, as they can't seem to imagine that their leaders are the problem.

So, it seems that the words of 'least we forget' on some Canadian coins is selective, and many in Ottawa easily forget, forget that across the country people have received 24/7 social/psychological/health and economical damaging treatment for near two years. Indeed they are not happy.

All of this was avoidable (and still could be solved) if only sincere talk and actions were to be taken. No one across Canada wants the people in Ottawa to suffer, nor the police, fire and rescue, medial personnel to be further burdened. However, naturally and obviously, Ottawa is now the magnet for peoples frustrations, as people can see there is no sense and there are few leaders listening. The people of Ottawa opposed to the protests only need to realize that they, too, are being used.

Change the guy, it is the same:

OTTAWA: The Justice Centre today warned that Ottawa police would be breaking the law if police attempt to intimidate or arrest people who bring food or other supplies to truckers who are peacefully exercising their Charter rights and freedoms in Ottawa.

Along with Maat's link, the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms also posted a second report:

No basis for “state of emergency” declared by Ottawa Mayor​

OTTAWA: The Justice Centre today challenged Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson over his accusation that peacefully protesting truckers are “a danger of major proportions that could result in serious harm to persons or substantial damage to property.”

Mayor Watson has not divulged publicly what facts he might rely on to justify his assessment of truckers as posing “a danger of major proportions,” in light of their law-abiding behaviour since arriving in Ottawa more than one week ago.

The definition of “emergency” under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act is “a situation or an impending situation that constitutes a danger of major proportions that could result in serious harm to persons or substantial damage to property and that is caused by the forces of nature, a disease or other health risk, an accident or an act whether intentional or otherwise;”

“This is a truly disturbing overreach and misuse of emergency powers,” stated lawyer Nicholas Wansbutter.

According to affidavit evidence filed in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, the Freedom Convoy has been working closely with the Ottawa Police Service, the RCMP, and the Parliamentary Protective Service. It was one of the Freedom Convoy truckers who reported to police a property damage offence and an assault, committed by individuals not affiliated with the truckers. Convoy leaders have asked all truckers to refrain from honking their horns between 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.

One of the witnesses in the court action has stated under oath that truckers and their supporters “are feeding the homeless on Wellington Street and filling their backpacks with food.
Truckers have taken a whole trailer full of food to the homeless shelter. Truckers are maintaining the cleanliness of city streets, including picking up discarded masks on the ground, centralized garbage collection, shoveling snow at the War Memorial and the Terry Fox statue, and decorating and providing security for the War Memorial and Terry Fox statue.”

Another witness, an Ottawa resident, swears that “the truckers I have interacted with have, at all times, been friendly, courteous, humble, considerate and peaceful. I have not observed any aggressive or inappropriate behaviours.” He says the truckers are diverse, including Sikhs, Blacks, Aboriginals and others. He has “observed truckers decorating the tomb of the unknown soldier with flowers and guarding it” and has “not seen any violent or threatening behaviour.” He notes that “the truckers do not honk their horns at night. My everyday life has not been disrupted by any noise related to the Freedom Convoy during the day.” He asserts: “My ability to park and to travel in downtown Ottawa, or to and from Parliament Hill has not been impeded by the presence of the truckers.”

Another Ottawa resident, who works for Statistics Canada, describes reality on the ground as follows: “The protesters were peaceful and respectful, I saw no violence or harassment. I was not impeded in any way, and could walk about freely and safely. I did not see any hateful symbols, in fact, I saw an abundance of Canada flags and Quebec flags as well as countless signs calling for freedom and the end of Covid related mandates. I did see some anti-Trudeau flags using harsh language. However, I would describe the scene as a peaceful, pro-freedom demonstration. My everyday life has not been disrupted by any noise related to the downtown demonstrations.”

“There is no factual basis to support the Mayor’s declaration of an emergency,” concludes Mr. Wansbutter.

It sounds like Mayor Watson (and the other councillors probably) is a gambling man. He's made a bet that his hand has enough power in it to strong-arm the convoy into doing something stupid or just giving up. But he has not been dealt the legal card, it seems.
Mercury went direct on the 3rd, and took a few days, (as astrologers note), to pick up full speed again. And here we are.

Citizens getting angry and losing sleep and perspective. It's not about larger issues and how to solve complicated problems, lifting mandates, concession to legitimate demands. It's about how to best express frustration on the immediate source of anger. When they start killing truckers, there will be cheers.

Fuel and food seizures. I predict the first examples of underground railroad activities. -We've seen secret gatherings of illegal un-masked, un-vaxxed people. Mostly they've just been music and information events, lighthearted and without real fear of kicked in doors and such, but if the fascists hold course, soon it will become a matter of gray market infrastructure critical for obtaining basic necessities. Supplying truckers under the cover of darkness is probably going to be the earliest examples of things getting 'real'.

Antifa understood that pressure needed to be brought to bear on specific individuals. They would have gathered outside Justin Trudeau's house.

The Freedom Movement will be characterized as "holding cities hostage." (I've not seen that wording yet in the media, but it's likely coming as the reality of the situation sets in.)

The Liberal government would perform all of these strong arm moves, punish people, rather than relax the mandates. Saying "I was wrong" is incredibly difficult, a high level challenge for regular people. For the kinds of people attracted to government power, it's bloody impossible. In fact, if the psychopathic principle holds, they're probably trying to suppress dopamine-fueled racing hearts and clenched grins beneath their public masks as they contemplate being allowed to go off the leash and rain violence down on their charges.

And at some point..,

As Voyager pointed out, Canadians are a deceptively quiet bunch, but tough as nails when pressed. During WWII, it was understood that you didn't want to be captured by certain groups of Canadian soldiers. Woodcutters and backwoods boys thrown into war were monsters. (I know of a guy who has a huge scar across his chest from a full-sized bear which attacked him. He won that fight. A human man killed a bear with a hunting knife. Things like that aren't supposed to happen in 'real life', but there it is. Truckers are the first cousins to those guys, and everybody knows it. This is the primal fear motivating the student council media people, the drama teachers in power, where all the inane chatter about bullies and 'protected groups' comes from. The fears are of caricatures, eliciting responses quite out of proportion to the reality so that the very situations most feared are made manifest. However, the base stimulus comes from something quite real. Little guys are easily crushed by big guys.)

That video of the RCMP officer retiring due to his pesky conscience may seem like an admirable action, (and it is), but THAT shit is what makes my inner weakling shudder and yelp. If you want to win the steering wheel of justice and maintain control of it, you need to inject people like that into the system, not bleed them from it. The Nephilim left in charge are going to be the guys wielding the truncheons without remorse or the ability to be reasoned with.

It's at points like this, where a little bit of vision for the future down the road, sees me canning jars, reaching out to form networks, and praying that my Karma is in order so that I don't have any outstanding debts best paid in concrete cages or frozen mud.

Sorry for the downer post, friends, but it's best to observe this stuff straight on in order that it can be consciously recognized and dealt with so that the subconscious doesn't have to perform a live, in-person performance for the benefit of the lesson.
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Mercury went direct on the 3rd, and took a few days, (as astrologers note), to pick up full speed again. And here we are.

Citizens getting angry and losing sleep and perspective. It's not about larger issues and how to solve complicated problems, lifting mandates, concession to legitimate demands. It's about how to best express frustration on the immediate source of anger. When they start killing truckers, there will be cheers.

Fuel and food seizures. I predict the first examples of underground railroad activities. -We've seen secret gatherings of illegal un-masked, un-vaxxed people. Mostly they've just been music and information events, lighthearted and without real fear of kicked in doors and such, but if the fascists hold course, soon it will become a matter of gray market infrastructure critical for obtaining basic necessities. Supplying truckers under the cover of darkness is probably going to be the earliest examples of things getting 'real'.

Antifa understood that pressure needed to be brought to bear on specific individuals. They would have gathered outside Justin Trudeau's house.

The Freedom Movement will be characterized as "holding cities hostage." (I've not seen that wording yet in the media, but it's likely coming as the reality of the situation sets in.)

The Liberal government would perform all of these strong arm moves, punish people, rather than relax the mandates. Saying "I was wrong" is incredibly difficult, a high level challenge for regular people. For the kinds of people attracted to government power, it's bloody impossible. In fact, if the psychopathic principle holds, they're probably trying to suppress dopamine-fueled racing hearts and clenched grins beneath their public masks as they contemplate being allowed to go off the leash and rain violence down on their charges.

And at some point..,

As Voyager pointed out, Canadians are a deceptively quiet bunch, but tough as nails when pressed. During WWII, it was understood that you didn't want to be captured by certain groups of Canadian soldiers. Woodcutters and backwoods boys thrown into war were monsters. (I know of a guy who has a huge scar across his chest from a full-sized bear which attacked him. He won that fight. A human man killed a bear with a hunting knife. Things like that aren't supposed to happen in 'real life', but there it is. Truckers are the first cousins to those guys, and everybody knows it. This is the primal fear motivating the student council media people, the drama teachers in power, where all the inane chatter about bullies and 'protected groups' comes from. The fears are of caricatures, eliciting responses quite out of proportion to the reality so that the very situations most feared are made manifest. However, the base stimulus comes from something quite real. Little guys are easily crushed by big guys.)

That video of the RCMP officer retiring due to his pesky conscience may seem like an admirable action, (and it is), but THAT shit is what makes my inner weakling shudder and yelp. If you want to win the steering wheel of justice and maintain control of it, you need to inject people like that into the system, not bleed them from it. The Nephilim left in charge are going to be the guys wielding the truncheons without remorse or the ability to be reasoned with.

It's at points like this, where a little bit of vision for the future down the road, sees me canning jars, reaching out to form networks, and praying that my Karma is in order so that I don't have any outstanding debts best paid in concrete cages or frozen mud.

Sorry for the downer post, friends, but it's best to observe this stuff straight on in order that it can be consciously recognized and dealt with so that the subconscious doesn't have to perform a live, in-person performance for the benefit of the lesson.
Fear is not an option. 'Never give up, Never surrender!' Rather watch a disaster movie. Really, now!
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