Mercury went direct on the 3rd, and took a few days, (as astrologers note), to pick up full speed again. And here we are.
Citizens getting angry and losing sleep and perspective. It's not about larger issues and how to solve complicated problems, lifting mandates, concession to legitimate demands. It's about how to best express frustration on the immediate source of anger. When they start killing truckers, there will be cheers.
Fuel and food seizures. I predict the first examples of underground railroad activities. -We've seen secret gatherings of illegal un-masked, un-vaxxed people. Mostly they've just been music and information events, lighthearted and without real fear of kicked in doors and such, but if the fascists hold course, soon it will become a matter of gray market infrastructure critical for obtaining basic necessities. Supplying truckers under the cover of darkness is probably going to be the earliest examples of things getting 'real'.
Antifa understood that pressure needed to be brought to bear on specific individuals. They would have gathered outside Justin Trudeau's house.
The Freedom Movement will be characterized as "holding cities hostage." (I've not seen that wording yet in the media, but it's likely coming as the reality of the situation sets in.)
The Liberal government would perform all of these strong arm moves, punish people, rather than relax the mandates. Saying
"I was wrong" is incredibly difficult, a high level challenge for regular people. For the kinds of people attracted to government power, it's bloody impossible. In fact, if the psychopathic principle holds, they're probably trying to suppress dopamine-fueled racing hearts and clenched grins beneath their public masks as they contemplate being allowed to go off the leash and rain violence down on their charges.
And at some point..,
As Voyager pointed out, Canadians are a deceptively quiet bunch, but tough as nails when pressed. During WWII, it was understood that you didn't want to be captured by certain groups of Canadian soldiers. Woodcutters and backwoods boys thrown into war were monsters. (I know of a guy who has a huge scar across his chest from a full-sized bear which attacked him. He won that fight. A human man killed a
bear with a hunting knife. Things like that aren't supposed to happen in 'real life', but there it is. Truckers are the first cousins to those guys, and everybody knows it.
This is the primal fear motivating the student council media people, the drama teachers in power, where all the inane chatter about bullies and 'protected groups' comes from. The fears are of caricatures, eliciting responses quite out of proportion to the reality so that the very situations most feared are made manifest. However, the base stimulus comes from something quite real. Little guys are easily crushed by big guys.)
That video of the RCMP officer retiring due to his pesky conscience may seem like an admirable action, (and it is), but THAT shit is what makes my inner weakling shudder and yelp. If you want to win the steering wheel of justice and maintain control of it, you need to inject people like that
into the system, not bleed them
from it. The Nephilim left in charge are going to be the guys wielding the truncheons without remorse or the ability to be reasoned with.
It's at points like this, where a little bit of vision for the future down the road, sees me canning jars, reaching out to form networks, and praying that my Karma is in order so that I don't have any outstanding debts best paid in concrete cages or frozen mud.
Sorry for the downer post, friends, but it's best to observe this stuff straight on in order that it can be consciously recognized and dealt with so that the subconscious doesn't have to perform a live, in-person performance for the benefit of the lesson.